Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1985, p. 21

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1985, PAGE 21 DO'C holding golf tourney Whitby's Most Widely Read CLASSIFIFD ADS 1 ladies soccer team met Pickering High School. The entire team played well with outstandirtg 0111 0111]Ande rson home EXCELLENT EARNINGS workiug f rom home. Easy worli. At aras. Delalla: Siampeti envelope to Myfatr, 452MG1755 Ifobson Si., Vancouver V6G 1 C9. E.E. TEACHER, assistant teachera anti supplies requIred for new day care. 668-200. MOLLY MAID ls accepling Sp.' plical lors for lighl housework ln Wfitiby. Cuti 668-9673. WORD PROCESSING Program- mIng, Lotus, dbase, Il anti lit anti more, wilh cerificats andi lob placement, $148 anti up, auner. niment upprooed courses aalabie, tan teduclible, O.S.A. P. noana. 683-2226. RELIABLE BABYSITTER required n Bluegrussa Matiowa ares f0 cure for 3 chittiren on weekends or eveninga. Requesi referencea. 5794164. ELECTROPLATINO techniciea- plastics. Teclinical deuree und 3 yearn esperience In eieciro- chemisiry aud eleciromiaOiletic physics or 7 years esperience ln eleciruplaiing on plastics. Muni be able to trouble shroot, pre- plaiing and plating procennes. Senti resume f0: PH. Lt., PO. Bon 3010, Bowmanviiis. Ont. LiC 3Z7. CAREERS IN TRUCKING. Driver lob training and placement heip la avulabie. Cati Rodgern chool ai (416) 769-3546, TWO ai udents wanledt l cul 4 acre awn. Phone 655-4384. UNEMPLOYED? Looking for a careur change? cati 683-2226 for Irese counseiiing on job oppor- fuslles. MAINTENANCE MANCOURIER for Whtby Public Library, Jane 30 fa December 31. Muei be abe f0 do some carpentry, S7.7Sibour. Apply to Chief Librarian, 668- 6531. GET IN ON SOMETHING BIG! Full or part-time, business la goodi We need honest, sîncere sales people tb join us now and stay a long lime. Dont worry about experience. We will show you how to be succesaful and receive rapid promotion. You willi earn whiie you learn and receive Training Aiowance plus com- mission weekiy, plus cash bonuses for extra par- ticipation. This la pleasant dignitiled work. Contact Mr. Coughlrey ln porson ai the Holiday Inn, Oshawa on Tuesday, May 21st ai 2 p.m. or 7 p.m. sharp. EXPERIENCED LANDSCAPE LABOURERS REQUIRED Severai positions availabie. Hours: 6 a.m. 10 6 p.m., 6 days a week. Wages negotiabie. Appiy in person oniy - John Brouwer Nursery Ltd., Baseline Rd. (same as VIclorla St. ln Whllby) and Durham Rd. 23 (same as WhlbyPlckering Townline). Off ice hours 6 ar.. to5:30 p.m. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE *SALES OPPORTUNITY9 Canada's I argest carpet retai er requires ambitiouS career oriented in- dividuals interested in sales and management. -We offer: scomplete training *excelleflt commission income *bi-weekly cash bonuses *family medical and dental plan sopportunities for advancement For personal interview write or caîl: Sheldon Vogel 1655 Fint Road Downsview, Ont. M3J 2W8 (416) 663-2165 Out of town caîl toli f ree 1-800-387- 3700, or apply in person to the manager of the Factory Carpet store nearest you. FactOry Carpet PHOTOCOPYINO .ai low, lowv rates.. ..while you waiî - - We're open 10 serve you when you need us. to budding Young poets "When to the sessions of sweet sulent thought 1 summon up remembrance of things past, I sigh the lack of many a thing I sought, and with old woes new wail my dear time's waste: " An excerpt from Son- net XXX, by William Shakespeare. Poetry, the language of loyers and philosophers, dates back to tlhe beginning of time and still flows unchecked today. Poetry is alive and well and living at Anderson! This is attested by Anderson's annual poetry contest. All participants are to be congratulatd for their fine poetry. The runner-up in the senior division of this poetry contest was Krista Harbinson, who was inspired to write the poem by another poem entitled "Credo" by Edwin Arlington Robinson. Krista, who likes working with children and reading, believes that poetry contest gives one the opportunity to express oneseif, and to display one s work. Krista was in- fluenced by her English teachers to enter the con- test. She is a "natural" wben it comes to writing poetry as she uses no set style and bas no particular poet she favours. The over-ail winner of the poetry contest in the senior division was Kathie Rison. Kathies topic was the plight of Ethiopia, wbich she wrote in order to appeal to the people and for her own satsifaction. Kathie has rather strong feelings about tbe crisis in Ethiopia as reflected in ber poem. Not a writer of poetry in ber spare time, Katbie practices music, sports and works in tbe summer as a day camp leader. What's in tbe future for Katbie? Well, sbe plans to attend the University of Toronto and study French and German and wbo knows... maybe she'Il end up becoming a world famous poet someday! The following are the two winning poems: MV SUNBEAM I once dreamt a dreamn that bewildered me, Creation was sad. Had they forgotten That everlasting promise? They couldn't see. I sat and watcbed thern wbere my sunbeamn passed tbrougb the window, covering me. I knew and they didnt, SO I cried out: Open your eyes! See tbe sunbeam, see! A few saw and smiled, but tbe rest looked, blindly. Be would be bere soon and they'd be free. The triumpbant trumpets would sound, And they'd remember. He would be here soon and they'd be free! by Krista Ilarbinson ETHIOPIA Drying, dying, dusty, bot, The ramn will neyer fal. The clouds look down upon tbe land, And quickly pass it ahl. The priceless crops, once taîl and fresh, The water, cool and clear, Have vanished from tbis helpless land Tbe ramn clouds neyer rear. People sit witb hands on faces, Lines of pain engraved. The lines grow deeper as tbey hear, "No ramn again today." The food arrives from foreign lands, Tbe life begins again. Tbe stomacbs f illed a day or two, And then tbe pain again. Drying, dying, it, neyer ends, The living are better dead. A cbild witb outstretcbed arms cries out, The clouds ignore instead. by Kathie Rison Wrters:- Donna Fletcher and Laurie Mellick. Editor: Graham MacDonald. CEKOUR 10W LOW SPRING PRICES Du@ te sl urfw .verked we puis tlhe naviega 0515 VOl M.,B.M. PublishinglWhitby Free Press OBRAKE RELINE TO AMES 131 Brock Street North, Whltby I (Most cars>)* TUNE 'S, oust sortit of te leur corners) FRONT OR REAR 95RO $44.99 1 FO$9 SIMPLE 1630 KENT ST. AT BEECH ST. The simple solution l ocleaniiig sforage problemS WITy PROPRIETOR: n ftheattc and garage ta a Ciassîlîied Ad. 6-30 -OGHMLO WHITBY FREE PRESS 668.6.11.666.450....G6HAM61T1 By ANNETTE DONOVAN Denis O'Connor H.S. On May 2, the senior DISTINCTIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS Select your wedding invitations frmounr comptete catalogue. For you. a Keepsake copy of your Invitation n luxutous gold. OF T5ATONA ORINTaarroeNa performances by Kelly Sowden, Josie Pesehisolido and Cyn- thia Filo. Unfor- tunately, the team was defeated 7-0. However, on May 8, the teamn made an ex- cellent comeback with a 9-0 victory over Dunbar- ton. Margot Jelliman, Jilie Gi and Teresa Meulensteen each scored two goals. Natasha Pierre, Catherine Barber, and Rachel VandenBoom each tallied one. Whitby ambulance service calis During the week that ended at midnight last Thursday, the Whitby Ambulance Service responded to 89 calîs for service. The service respon- ded to 22 calîs of a routine nature and to 41 standby calîs for other ambulance services in Oshawa and Ajax. They also responded to 26 emergency calîs, including two motor vehicle accidents. The number ta caîl for ambulance service in the Town of Whitby is 723-5232. CHILLS GEORGE CARDEN IROQUOIS PARK ARENA WHITBY SUN DAY, MAY 26TH SHOWS AT 2 P.M. & 6 P.M. TICKETS ON SALE SHOW DAY AT ARENA BOX OFFICE ... ADULTS 1700 - CHILD 15.00 vu Bd Forty-eight students, accompanied by two teachers and two paren- ts, travelled to the Elgin Theatre in Toronto to view the famed "Cats". The performance was delightful and certainlY enjoyed by all. A special thank you to Miss Clarke for organizing the trip. Students from com- puter science, data processing and accoun- ting attended a com- puter fair on May 9. Al found it an enjoyable educational experience. DO'C's annual golf tournament is under- way. This year there are over 3o participants playing at the Win- chester Golf Club. Result.s of the tour- nament will be available next week.

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