Whitby Free Press, 15 May 1985, p. 18

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PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, MAY 15, 1985, WHITBY FREE PR! SS Lt-1~~Patio liens gts nod THE CORPORATION 0F THE TOWN OF WH ITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980,c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENTTO0 DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Councîl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to desîgnate the property, lncîudlng lands and buildings, at the foîîowîng municipal address as property of hîstorlo or architectural value or lnterest under Part IV of the Ontario Hertage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337. Horace Bascom House 600 Kng Street Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 600 KING STREET Hletorîcal This house was built In 1913 by Dr. Horace Bascom who held many positions between 1912 and hîs death ln 1956 lncludlng thoso of Clerk and Rogistrar to the County and Supreme Courts, Chaîrman of the Whtby Board of Education and Sherif f of Ontario County. Between 1959 and 1969 the houso was owned by Duncan Moîntyre. Posts heid by hlm inciuded Reeve and Deputy Reeve of Whtby, Warden of Ontaro County and Solicîtor for Ontarlo County. Architectural The house is a fine, well presorved example of Neo-coionlal house design, a style popular ln the eariy 20th Century. The gambrel roof, the prominent chimney and bay window and the abundant use of ieaded and stained glass and cedar shingles dorive f rom llth Century New England houses. The symnetricai front facade with Its columned porch, triple windows and single- hung wood sash and the use of brick to face the frst storey derive from houses bulit ln colonial Amnerica ln the l8th Century. Any person may, before May 31, 1985, send by registored mail or deliver to the Clerk of the Town of Whitby notice of his or ber objection to the proposed dosignation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant facts. If such notice of objection ls received, the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shahl roter the matter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED t the Town of Whtby this lat day of May, 1985. Donald G. McKay Town Clerk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario Li N 2M8 Phono: (416)668-5803 Witby Town Council bas given its conditional approvai to the Earl of Durbam's appliication for a patio liquor licen- se. According to planning director Bob Short, tbe owner is seeking to build a patio in botb tbe front and rear of bis Brook St. S. restaurant. However, be is recommending that only the front patio be approved. The resr of tbe restaurant is currently used as a parking and garbage storage ares. «"Thre patio in thre rear yard ares is not recommendeci for ap- provai as it wiil inter- fere with the 10 foot rigbt-of-way, the ena- ployee parking spaces and tbe storage are for tbe garbage bin,' Short said in is report, "It is also noted that tbe patrons of tbe patio wili not bave clear access to the wasbrooms on tbe main fioor. " And for tbese reasons, Short is not recommen- ding that the rear patio be approved. The planning director also noted tbat the front patio will be simiiiar to that at Kristina Lee's whicb is just a littie fur- ther soutb on Brook St. "The planning depar- tment bas no difficulty witb the proposed patio ares at the front of the bulding," Short said. "If the patio at the rear is denied the front patio Corridor could be expanded to tbe aicoholie beverages af- nortb patio line." ter 10 p.m. and tbat it be boni as also cleared of patrons after C p e - recommended to tbe i1 p.m. a p r Liquor Licensing Board Tbe L.L.B.O. wili boid of Ontario (L..B.O.) its bearing into tbe patio that tbe patio not be icense application this £:~U BMR ailowed to serve Friday in Osbawa. Cal MARY6 wlh For apartment buildings,.... uu ý Oshawa firm gets garbage contract An Oshawa firna bas "The reason foi been awarded tbe 1985 iigh percentage contract for tbe colec- crease is due to tire tion, batftage and associated disposa! of garbage disposai," be safi from apartrnent ding tbat tbe pre buildings and bulk lift contract did not ir carriers by Witby the costs of disposa Town Counil. Phil Groeneveid and Sons Ltd. of Osbawa will l w n be paid $50,494,68 to provide the service for mîatch tbe 1985 contract year wbicb begins June 3. In bis report to coun- Tbe Durbam R cil, treasurer AI Public Ciaringboid noted that Association will b( tbis will be about $1,600 second a more than was allowed snowplougb comp< for in tire 1985 budget. at tbe Regionai The firm wili receive Dept. on Confins $1.79 per unit per montb Whitby on Ma, for tbe collection and beginning at 9:20 a disposaI 0f garbage Some 20 teams from local apartment tire eigbt rnunicip buildings. in tbe region areE Public works director ted to participate Dick Kuwabara said competition whicl this represents a 19.3 begin witb a writtE per cent increase over on tbe rules of tb< the price paid to a on the Friday ey Toronto firmn for a prior to tbe event. simiiar service last The participant year. be required to )r tbis ein- ecosts .witb d ad- rvious nclude al. Region Works ioid its annual >etition Works sRd., y25 .m. sfrona jaiities expec- in tbe !h will .en test ie road mening it will check defects and then drive tbrougb a course of pilons, mail boxes and parked cars. At 1 p.m., a ceiebrity event will be beld witb local, elected officiais squaring off in a battle of truck rodeo skiils. Thre depot is locateci on Conlins Rd. east of Tbickson Rd. N. 'MCEACHERN Items for this columu WELCOME HOME SANDY Sandy Lyons bas returned to Whitby. Sponsored by tbe Rotary Club, Sandy bas spent tbe last year in Indita. She found the experience very educational and pleasant. Altbougb she ls pleased to be borne among famlly and friends, she would like to return to India in tbe near future. Sandy is a student at An- derson Colegiate. Welcome borne. ANDERSON COLLEGIATE The grade 13 clasa at Anderson bave just returned frorn a field ttip to Ottawa. Wile in Ottawa tbey toureci the Parliarnent buildings and met witb On- tario M.P. Scott Fenneil and the Leader of tbe N.D.P. party, Ed Broadbent. Tbey sat in tbe House of Commons and spoke with members of tbe press, toureci tbe Suprerne Court, museunis, tbe various consolates and took a bus trip past tbe bornes of tbe ambasitors. A few items were lost and a few items were found, but ail enjoyed tbe trip. ANDERSON RUGBY TEAM Canterberry Higb School in Ottawa inviteci tbe Anderson Senior rugby team to tbeir invitationai tournament. Not oniy did tbey accept tbe invitation, but as an added measure won ail tbe games played. WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH Members of tbe tb Whitby Cubs. and tbe 38tb Oshawa Brownies receiveci tbeir Religion and Life Badges on May 12 at Westminster Unitedi Cburch. Those qualifying for the badge were: Marc Colemen, Eric Martin, David Morrison, Craig Nof- tle and Adam Webb from tbe tb Wbitby Cubs and Mira Bucbanan and Amnanda Webb frorn the 38tb Oshawa Brownies. Saturday, May 25, fies market, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. in tbe cburch parking lot. A U.C.W. project. Home baking or anytbing suitable you may have to con- tribute to tbe sale would be rnost weicome. Ciidren baptised at Westminster United Cburcb last Sunday were: Alyson Katbryn Bessie, daugbter of Ronald and Laurie Bessie; Diana Katberine Beevor, daugbter of Paul and Margaret Beevor; Wilfred Justin Prescott, son of Wilired andi Debra Prescott; Kristen Melinda Stevenson, daugbter of Keitb and^ Mary Ellen Stevenson; and, Josbua William Waiton, son of Ronald and Linda Walton. FUTURE DATES TO REMEMBER May 26 - communion andi reception of new mem- bers. June 2 -U.C.W. Sunday. June 9 - Annuai cburcb picnic (to be held in Greenwood Conservation Ares. COFFEE POT The Corridor Ares Ratepayers Coffee Pot is mucb in demand. We, on tbe association, are pleased to be able to lend tbe pot to Witby residents. Please cal 725-8967 if you wisb to borrow thre 100 cup coffee perk. NEXT WEEK'S COLUMN For thre next couple of weeks, Marlon Buchanan wili be writing tbe Corridor Capers Column. If you bave any news articles of interest to tbe com- rnunity, please cal! Marion at 579-0878 and sire will include it witb ber regular colurnn. l'il be back in June. Type writer RENTALSI a/sa SALES & SERVICE PRO DODGE Your Local Chrysler-Dodge Sales and Service on Doalor Parts & Service - Thursdays tilt 9 p.m. WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 666-3000 D~LJiU SlKKENSisnowavaiiabioat: PAINT AND WALLPAPER 295 RITSON RD. S., OSHIAWA 728-6809 " Cotai 1 and Cotai 23 " Suporlor Quallty Wood Coatings * "UNPARALLELEO PERFORMANCE!"

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