Whitby Free Press, 8 May 1985, p. 7

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8,1985, PAGE 7 Evans says he'9s poised to win next time Wble obviously disappointed thaf be failed f0 win Durham West's seat ln tbe On- tario Legisiature, Brian Evans was talking like a winner last Tbursday nighf. Tbe Liberal parfy candidate bas mucb to be proud of for be not oYly cut incumbent Quick tbinking on tbe part of two 18 Division (Witby) officers bas led to tbe arrest of 17- year old Witby youtb in connection wifb five residenfial break and enters in the Otter Creek area. According fo a spokesman for the Durbam Regional Police Force, Con- stables Dave Flynn and Steve Powell were in- vestigating the break- ins, ail of wbicb bad oc- cured in the lest few MPP George Ashe's 1981 plurality in balf but managed to double Liberal support in tbe riding. Wben tbe ballots were finally counted Evans bad placed a strong second earning 14,348 votes t0 Asbe's 18,684, cutting tbe Progressive Conservative cabinet weeks, and came f0 suspect a local youth was responsible. Tbey arrested the youth in a scbool yard and charged him witb five counts of break, en- ter and tbeft, one count of possession of housebreaking tools and one count of possession of a narcotie. Tbe name of the Gutbrie Cres. boy can- not be revealed publically under the recenfly proclainied Youthful Offenders Acf. * - sRTE MENS WEA ANNLINE: WE' E C m*NGOU TH MN' WARBUIESS * ITCKDATIAL 4 EUE V2. . .. E, ON LLSPRTSSHR e minister's pluralify froM 9,583 in 1981 to 4,336 tbis ime. Finisbing third was NDP candidate Don Stewart wbo earned 8,495 votes. Last was Libertarian Eugene Gmifrowicz witb 911. Under candidate Norman Wei, tbe Liberals only won 7,446 votes compared f0 Asbe's 17.029. 've run to win since day one," Evans said after learning the results in bis Commer- cial Ave., Ajax cam- paign office. He also believes thaf the election recuits, I ýarnpa7/nJ localy and across the province bave sent a clear message to the Tories. People, be says, aren't ail tbat pleased with their promises and their per- formance and are beginning to see David Peterson and tbe Liberal parfy as an alternative. "And I'm proud to bave been a part of that effort," Evans said. "I tbink my littie red machine didn't do too badat ail." The 35-year old Whit- by lawyer said that "while tbe only plitical victory ls winning" the party bas made im- pres sivestnides locally. 44Obviously l'm disappointed witb the results," Evans said. "But we did everytbing that we could do. " He also expressed a little surprise at wbat he bas perceived as a poor showing on tbe part of the Ashe campaign. Evans noted that tbey 64overspent us two-and- a-half to one" and stili lost their plurality. And he's hoping to capitalize on if during the nexf election. "lGiven the advan- given bis previôus plurality, bis finances and organization I would say that this is a case of a one-two knockout," Evans said, "4and I'm looking for- ward to tbe second round, whenever that might be. " During a brief scrum witb local reporters, Evans said that he plans to continue f0 be active not only in tbe parfy but in the community as well - building for the next election. He also believes -that he performed well when such as GO-ALRT, Durham Centre and the environment. i have no regrets," Evans added, "If they cail another election tomorrow, il I be there." ýANNOUNCEMENT- CoW Foodis lc. ArnolPark Norman Williams, Chairman and Chief Executive Officer of Cobi Foods Ine. is pleased to announce the appointment of Arnold Park Io thc newly created position of Executive Vice-Prcsident and Chief Op- erating Officer. Effective im- mediatcly, Mr. Park will assume full responsibility for the continued des'elopmcnt of Cobi Foods with ail senior executives of thc company re- porting 10 hini. Cobi Foods lnc. is one of Atlantic Canada's largest in- tegraied food processing companies operating in the areas of formulaird prod- unts, canard and frozen foods, drinks and beverages. Plants are located in Nova Scotia, Prince Edward Island and Ontario,. with the head office in Berwick, Nova Scotia. Cobi Foods is a newiy created corporate name briagiag together M.W. Graves, Stokely Van-Camp, Campbell and Burns, and Avon Foods. The company markets ils products across Canada and intemationally under al varicty of well kaown labels. Chi F ti .Almenis0hn&rw Foster parents wanted: hardwork, grat rewards. Being a foster parent is a tough job.its ful tîme. Twenty-four hours a day Oten frustrating, and always demanding of your patience, energy and love. Yet despife its demands, or maybe because of them, thousands of people fake foster children into their homes each year Some are children, some are teenagers. Some have special physicai or emotional needs. But ail have one thing in common. They need a sense of place and security to help themn through a diff icult period in their lives, and to prepare them for reuniting with their families. There's a very basic îoy in sharing wit h a child or young person some offthe richness f hat lite has given you. As part of a team of social workers and other protessionals, 1' you'Il be helpîng foster children and their parents when they need help mosi. And helpîng yourselt at the same time, f0 mature and grow as an individual. If you'd lîke f0 learn more about becomîng a foster parent, contact your local Children's Aid, Society or Famîly and Chldren's Services. Its not an easy task. Few jobs Mînistry of Community demand more of a person. and Socil Serviczes But tewer still gîve more n return. (5Ontario Brian Evans1 Yo uth arre sted *~*** ~-> ~THE CORPORATION 0F THETOWNOFWHITBY TOWNO0F WHITBY SPRING CLEAN-UP WEEK MAY 13 to MAY 17,1985 IMPORTANT NOTICE 1. Brush, hedglng, tree branches, and other similar type materlal wlll be plcked Up durlng Clean-Up Week provldlng that lt le flot any longer than 21/2 feet ln length and securely bundied. ALL LOOSE AND UNBUNDLED BRUSH WILL NOT BE PICKED UP. 2. Household furniture, appliances, clothlng, rubblsh resultlng trom the cleanlng up of the grounds or f rom MINOR household repairs, domestlc waste materlals such as paper, rags, cartons, packing cases and botties will be plcked up. Materlal must be n receptacles and not placed loose on the ground. 3. Collection wlll be limited to a comblned total of NOT MORE THAN 12 RECEPTACLES OR BUNDLES per dwelllng unit. This includes your normal garbage material. 4. Each bundle or receptacle to have a gross weight of NOT MORE THAN 50 POUNDS. 5. The special collections apply only to dwelllng units and DO NOT INCLUDE COMMERCIAL AND INDUSTRIAL PRFMISES. If you have any questions about the material you are putting out, please contact the Operations Centre at 668-3437. Vour co-operation is requested in havlng ail garbage out EARLY on your regular collection day. R.A. KUWAHARA, P. Eng., Dîrector of Public Works.

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