PAGE 2.WLýDNISDAY. MAY 8,1()8.î. WIIITBY FREE PRESS Recycling program off to a good start, Drumm says.... WRA.P. pick-up yiels5tn M ,ese tha onycn-eeyne rm The first pick-up in the Town of Whitby's six month pilot recycling projet yielded 4.74 tons of recyclable material. In a statement released Monday night by East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm, chairman of the public works depar- tment, 4.05 tons (8,100 Ibs.) of newspaper, .38 tons (750 lbs.) of glass and .31 tons (625 Ibs.) of metal cans were picked up last Tuesday mor- ning. The public works department said that 230 homes in the Michael Blvd. area par- ticipated in the program on its collection day, giving a participation rate of about 19 per cent. "This is an excellent participation for the fir- st time on a pilot program," Drumm said in a written statement, "These people have redirected just under five tons away from the landfill site." Whle expressing their gratitude to those residents who are already participating, the department also tinued co-operation will make the program, en- titled the Whitby Recycling Action Program (or W.R.A.P., for short), a success. "We would also urge those residents who are not actively involved to please get involved as the resultant succes will be to the benefit of said. The councillor added that while the tonnage collected may not be al that high that la probably due to the fact that the program has only just started. " 'The significant and gratlfying thing," Drumm said, ls the number of households that are participating. "With this kind of co- operation, we bolieve the program will be a success," he added. Any West Lynde resident needing more information about W.R.A.P. or how to par- ticipate should cail the public works depar- tment at 668-5803, exten- sion 252. I 7m i 1017 DUNDAS ST. E., WHITBY 666-3324 Dave Turck - operations 1289 Matheson Boulevard, Mississauga (416) 629-1018 FMfPLpE LERF~ IS OUR BUSINESS 555 BURNHANTHORPE ROAD 32 KEN NEDY ROAD SOUTH SIE20 OOT BRAMPTON (416) 622-9855 (416) 453-6260 Drumm