PAGE 10, WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS WHYBU REA . *DSV Library offering computer courses for kids the Whitby Public Library wiii be holding another series of coin- SUN-GOLD FRUIT MARKET lclfrhNOW AVAl LABLE ASPARAGUS $1.49 lb. puter use lessons for children this sommer. The ibrary will be of- fering courses chiidren in al brackets under 14. snow white CAU LIFLOWER Also: For Mothers Day Potted Mums & Fresh Cut Flowers 124 BROCK ST. N. 668-4177 (1/2 block N. of Dundas) WHITBY KptickyfriedChce Pick up Kentucky Friedci Chicken at ariy Scott's Chicken VlFa and, this Mother's Day only, we'11 give you a silkyastel-coloured scarf for Mom, with an y purchase of8.00 or more. You'd better corne early, fhough, because there are more Moms than scarves. The pre-schooi session is for chiidren aged 4 and 5 and wili help themn gain concentration skills and self- confidence. They wili become familiar with the micro-computer and use it to strengthen reading and math skilis using a varîety of creative software. The library will offer eight haîf-hour classes with only two children per class. The classes will be held: July 2 to 12, from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m.; July 16 to 26, froin 9:45 to 10: 15 a.m.; July 30 to Aug. 9, froin 3:45 to 4:15 p.m.; and, Aug. 13 to 23 from 4:15 to 4:45 p.m. The fee for this course is $35. Also offered is a "Delta Drawing" for children aged 6 and 7. Using a simplified ver- sion of "turtie" graphics, they are taught computer problein soiving techniques and basic programming skills which they wiil use to produce drawings on the computer screens. There wili be eight one hour classes in each session which wili be held froin 10: 15 to 11: 15 a.m. Juiy 2to 12; July 16 to 26; JuIy 30 to Aug. 9; and, Aug. 13 to 23. For children aged 8 to 10 there is the "Logo" programn in which chiidren learn to use the "turtle" to solve probleins related to size, shape and space. These classes wili be held fromn 11:30 ain. to 12:30 p.m. on the same dates as the "Delta Drawing" program. The library is aiso of- ferîng an advanced "Logo" ciass from 2:30 to 3:30 p.m. on Juiy 2 to 12 and Juiy 30 to Aug. 9. Froin 1: 30 to 2:30 p.m. on the above mentioned dates, chiidren aged 10 to 14 can participated in the "graphics" program where they wiii be introduced to the BASIC computer language and explore the techniques of low- resolution graphics prograniming and animation. "Graphics" course wiii be held July 16 to 26 and Aug. 13 to23 froif2:30 to 3: 30 p.m.- The fee for al programs other than pre-schooi course is $45. Pre-regitration is required and can be made at the chiidren's desk. For more infor- mation cali the ibrary at 668-6531. Whitby growth rate upm April Whitby's growth as of April 30 was sightly ahead of that experien- ced during the saine period iast year, figures reieased Monday by Mayor Bob Attersley show. As of the end of April, the town had issued $15.99 million in building permits compared to $15.13 million during the saine period in 1984. This year, some 269 residential building permits have been issued valued at $13.05 million. Last year, 230 permits worth $12.45 million were issued. Showing a decline over 1984 was commer- cial growth. To date, 21 permits. valued at $481,8w0 have been issued. Last year, 19 permits worth $1.24 million were given. Stili showing soiid growth over last year is industrial developinent. Eight permits worth $2.32 million have been issued compared to nine worth $740,000 in 1984. During the month of April itself, the town issued $5.37 million in building permits, $5.15 million for residentiai development alone. - ANNOUNCEMENT Ward Mallette Chartered Accountants se proud Io announce that partiter Herbent Watson bas boas giOc. teit a Feitnw ot tho Insttuta oi Chartered Accountants of Ontario. This s ttie htghest hanour tiat the Instituts cas bestow on Its members. The FCA designation recognizes outstanding contributions ta community, business, professionat and charitable organizations. Mr Watson ha been active ln aat thase areas, serning the Angtican Olocese. the Rotary Club, the Chambar ai Comnerce, the Associationaot Canadien Symphony Orchestras and others. Mr. Watson has atsa made spaciat contributions ta Word Mattet. te, Ha opened his awn practice ln Lindsayi in 1949 and jotned Ward Matlette linn yeaîs lter. Ove ofitha irms tounding partners. ha mas instrumentai in apenivg addltianat affices in Barrie, Oshawa, Whitboy, Cobourg and Peterborough, settting in the latter in 1969. His pratassioal thavais hune laites hlm autside Canada as watt. n 1980 and 1992, Mr Watson spent several mvnths in Kenya as a notunteer consultant ta an indîgenaus accaunting tîrmn adising an uccounting and auditing practîces tar Ward Mallettes Inratonal caunterpuit Bitnder iker Otto & Ca. Mr Watson bas aisoaucted as managing pannrer ai the ofice, bas participated in numeraus ttrm cammitteas and continuas ta mark with ctients in a braad range oi industry nectars. Word Mallette Chartered Accaustants otiers a tait range of ser. vices vn accauiitisg, aaditing, taxation and management cas. suittng tfrm offices throughuut Canada and tnterrnationatty thraugh Binder Dijiter Otte & Ca. »0""