Over the course of the next faur years, somne $520,000 will be pumped inta the hamiet of Braoklin ta improve drainage and effect badly needed road repairs. According ta North Ward Caun. Rass Bat- ten, the provincial government has given the town a $26,000 grant under the Ontario Neighbourlioad I- provemlent Pragram (0.N.I.P.) whicli must be matched by an equal amount af maney from the local treasury. Batten says that most of the money will be spent in the aider part af Brooklin as part of a faur.year pragrani whicli will begin eariy in 1986. >This will be part of a p0-year ta bringthie liamlet's road Up ta an acceptable standard, lie addedsaying that many of Braoklin's roads have been neglected for far toa long. wl lob There wl lab same maney spent ta imprave the wasliroam facilities at the Broakiin Community Centre. The anly item that wasn't appraved by the gaver- iBoSeF. beer tent is alpproved The Braoklin Spring Fair will receive a speciai accassian per- mit so that it may erect a beer tent during the annual event which will be held fram May 30 ta Junel. At its meeting last week, Whitby Town Council gave its ap- praval for the license. The beer tent, a big fund rýaiser, will be operated jaintly by the Braoklin Spring Fair Association and the Oshawa Old Timers' Hockey League. nment were planned renavations ta the Luther Vipond Memorial Arena. However, Batten hapes that the town will be able ta find the funds ta do this wark as partof its master recreatian plan which will be con- sideredilater this year. Batten said that the washroom facilities at the community centre are "just horrendous.- It's a littie tacked an building right out af the dark ages. 1"We're going ta tear it down and add a nice, new washroomn." The nrth Ward caun- cillor also stressed that the work ta be dane in such areas as Cassels Rd., Charles St., Bagat and Princess Sts. will not include service work. It's strictly drainage and raad reconstruc- tion. " Batten stili hopes that there might be pravin- cial gaverument grants' available ta extend the sanitary sewer and piped water facilities fram their present ter- minous an Rassland Rd. "There might be some possibility that there will be sewers in Braoklin, " he said, "But there is no gavernment committment." The town, he added, may have ta canduct anather study ta, prave the need for piped ser- vices sometime in the next few months befare the provincial gaver- nment will act. However, the O.N.I.P. projects will StUR pravide greatly needed impravements. , "ThMe people in Braoklin are gaing ta see sanie great im- pravements over the next few years,"1 Batten said. "'Cauncil is taking a good, positive view ta the problems in the ares." But he still thinks that the area has been ignored tao long. "'The narth end has been ignored," he said. qIs about time we recognxzed that the people up there have same problems." ~- 8.95 D-' 6.95 WE ALSO CAR RY FOR KS, SHOVELS, PICKS, BROOMSI SPONGE MOPS ETC. ALL QUALITY MADE MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Ctiurch St 7'-e BROOKLIN 655-4991 mu no Ae Inviles you Io see ourgift idea's for MO THERS DA Y fWOODEN TOYSODUCK DECOYSOBABY GIFTS FOLKART.WEAVING.PLACEMATSOODDS'N' ENDS HANDMADE ORIGINAL GIFTS J NEW IN STOCK: QUILT BATTS & FIBREFILL 71 BALD)WIN STREET HOURS: BROOKI.IN, ONT. WED. TO SAT. 655-8731 10Oa.m. to5 p.m. Over the next four years.... Batten s ays ONIP grant wili mean $520,OOO ini Brooktin road repairs On the a* Whitby Bicycele safey By Const. PETER BRAMMA Community Services Bureau Durham Regonal Police Force Spring is here at last and haw good it feels ta be back cycling. The warrn weather is bringing the cyclists out in droves, but unfortunately the bicycle safety problems are backwith us too. Athoughiyour chiidren have learned the basics of bicycle driving, it is your responsibility to make sure your children learn the important elements of bicycle safety. They must understand traffic laws, learn and remember safety rules, and follaw the rules of the road. Caver each aspect of bicycle safety contained in this article with your chilcren sa they clearly un- derstand their respansibiiity as bicycle drivers. If yau are* considering buying a bicycle for your child, make sure the bike is not to big for hlm or lier. A common mistake made by parents is ta, buy a larger bike than the child can handie safeiy - sa it will last longer (studies of bicycle collisions indicate a major problem area was the lack of ability ta han- de the particular type and size of bicycle). When a chld can stand up above the horizontal crossbar with bath feet fiat an the ground, the bike is the proper size. If the bike does nat have a crossbar, the seat shouid be at hip level when the 1ATTENTION Girls 17 to 22 years Miss Brooklln Sprlng Fair Pageant le May 30,1985 At Luther Vlpond Memorlal Arena Wnchester Road, Brooklln, Ont. Cail1728-3470 Bel ors May 2Oth for mors Information Cash owurds, trophies and gifts REE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1985, PAGE 7 chuld is standing beside the bicycle. Naw the safety rules: 1. Obey ahl traffic rules and signs. Remember. yaur bicycle is a vehicle under the Highway Traffie Act. 2. Use correct hand signais for turns, slawing and stopping. 3. Drive your bicycle an the right-hand side af the raad, in single file, with the'flaw af traffic. Wlien riding on sidewalks remember ta yield ta pedestrians at alI times and ta ride slawly araund them. 4. If yau ride after dark or wlien the light is poor, your bicycle must have: a white or amber light an the front; a red reflectar ar red liglit an the rear; white reflective tape on front farks; and red reflec- tive tape an the rear farks or fender (lack af the proper equipment shown above was anather major problemn area in accident studies). 5. Make sure the bike has a bell or a horn in gaod warking order. 6. Don't ride twa an a bicycle. 7. Dan'trick ride" on streets or higliways. B. Dan't carry parcels in yaur liands, use yaur carrier or backpack. 9. Make sure yaur bike is in good mechanical con- dition, and, 10. Walk yaur bike across busy intersections and alsa wlien using crosswalks and scliaol crossings. A comman complaint frani cyclists is the lack of respect shown them by matarists. Weil, that won't change until cyclists earn that respect by cycling safely. Bicycle safety is everyane's concern. By warking tagether, we can get ail cliildren off ta a gaod safe start this spring. And by the way, dan't farget ta buy a gaod strang lack for the bike and make sure your child uses it (there were 177 bicycles stolen in Whitby last year). QUALITY PRODUCTS A-' 8.95 B - Il 1.95 1