Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1985, p. 30

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PAGE 30, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1985, WIIITRY FR ET PRESS FREE PREeSS Emporium Ade wili only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. I 13, ~~- l P Aq 1'llr R A r L .I )s __ _ _ __ _ _ 300 WATT car lntegrated amp,- brand nec, neyer useti, $195 (one pear marreolpi. AMIFM digital dlspiey cassette radia, sec, $75. 300 Watt 6's0", Poipproppiese cith Ferrno 11014 Iscredibla sound, morlh $250, sai $100, alili sesied i mih ans yean marranlp Celi 668.4M3, anytime, Kyle. PANASONIC 6" 9&W TV, ACIDC ln very gaod condition, $75. Ho water heater busie type 220 voit, $55. Haod cinch 3200 LB capacitp, sturdy steel geers, revearsibe Wibrake, $150. Phone 2828760. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 ou. In., AC, AMIFM 8 treck staeao 5 gaad lires, as Is, $400. Aiso 1600u.fil. freezer, $150. EoercIse aqulpmesl, $95. 683. 1094. ANTIQUE PEDESTAL slnk, unique and very beaulîlul, large version ouI oI the aid King Bd- ward Hatla, cames mith anque antique brasa filtures. MueI be sean, $280. Cail 571-3636. LEATHER rocking chair, $25. Uoned of mhite drapes cllh heavy duty draper? track, $50. Ail gaod condition. 6685254. LARGE CHEST type freezer, 22 ou. fil., can ha deiivenad. $250. Aiea mhte gos atove, $50. Phase 668-0505. DISHWASNER, Sears Daluxe porable, chapplng hlock top, g004 corklng condition, $165. Electriz race car set, over 100 Il. of Irack, 6 cars, 2 transformera, top caunter, meny extras, AFX & TYCO, $95. Hat circulallng tIrepiace gret, $15, Cail 576. 7697. VCR SONY SL 5000 Beal, may raquire head, os la, $100. Girls skates, aize 11, $10. Hockey heimet, Cooper CSA, 614-71A. $15. Tco hackey sticks, Hockepa (1L5) and Victorlavilie (1-6), $5 each. Foidng stop alool, $5. Seat cavera for làtan, sem, black, $15. Sonnp torle scîmmlsg Pool, $5. F111 and Splash smimming pool clth caver, 12" deep a 5' diamnelar, $25. Lastern RayO'Vac sporesman, 920. Camping tolaIt aseat, $2. PC. board hobby kit, $10. t3ratling tea square, $5. Phase 68ff816. THREE WHEEL, 3 speed ladies bike, asklog $195. Cail 668-1507 or afler 6 p.m., 6680825. COMPLETE EQUIPMENT ta gel you sarled ln an asphaîl drleeway sealng busIness, used for Imo sommera, nem $1.600, mili soil for $1,200 or bost aller. Cai Watt, 666.1337. FOR SALE mlnk stols, $250. Fou lenglh plaIe glass door mîrror, 5 fi. x 211., $30. Bah accessorles, 3 place. whte porcelals and chrome, $20. ;(4 Coninental beri, $50. Phone 6663516 or 668-9029. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Look bîndîngs, $45. Circuler saW, Black and Dcker. $35. Phone 433-4689. ACORN ELECTRIC lîreplace. $40. Prolessioflal har dryer, $50 Searo video arcade plus il Alafi games, including Pecman, Tapeworm and Delender, $175 or besI oller. 5766592. CAR STEREO IAMIFM case.) and I (pairlx6" 9speakers (200 watt) car slereo iAMIFM cassette) plus a pair ol 6x4 200 watt speakers, $75. Brand new wllh one year guaraolee. 200 walt, 7 band equalizer booster, 4 speaker hookuP, $50. Kyle, 6684838. anytime. CHROME TABLES, smoked glass, 1 cotes table, 2 end tables. 2 brandI tables, sel $250. KlcIren table, 2 chairs, black wroughl Iran, $150. AIl Items ex- cellenrt condition. 4277069. FOR SALE 9 dramer wood dresser wlth mîrrar, $100 or boat aller. Cal aller?7 p.m. or meekes- de, 655-3729. FOR SALE Ima lreavy duty wark benches, moaden, ane -6x3x3 leet, and ose 7½ox3x3 appro. dimension, $25 each or best of- fer. Cal 6553729 aller 7 p.m. FOR SALE lelephone answerlsg machina Sanya TAS 30M0 $100. Sears sleres system, $100. Boys 16" bicycle, $50. lranlng board, $1 0. Cati 4346474. SEWING MACHINE for sale, par. table, gaod morklsg condition, $45. GIrls and boy's bîkes, $35 and $50. Caîl 6836638. Whes thre advertised item ia 1014, dispoaed of, or unavailable for chalever reason. file item wilI be deamed ta have beynsosld and a commission wilt be charged based on THIE ADVERTISED PRICE as illuslrated below. regardless if prîce la staleti willr 'hast offer". If thie item ru NOT $OLD. or disposed af, the ad cull be rus for 3 MO)NTES and a MINIMUM CHARGE of197,50 wiît appty payable in advance of publication tof the first ad, The ahove minimum charge cul ha applied to the final commission due, Maximum commission: $10.006 AIl adver- tisements must be ploced on an exclusive basin wilh the WHITBY FREE PRESS and rus ut leosl ose month if sot sold, RATES (it article is seldi: 5% of advenllsed prîce UP tu,$49000 2%fetbalance aner 9400.60 EXAMPI.E: Seld Item advertlsed for $150.0o. commission due 17.500(imnimum charge la $7.50) Privaite advertising onlYl Please notify tire Wbitby Free Press lmmedlately mIres item la aold se thatal e may delete Ilt ram thre follocisg issue. Al ados ot fitting thre Emporium guidelines willI ha treated and clrarged per weeil as regular classified adsoan a pre-paiti basis such as: servrices, ilelp canted. clotlting, real estate, and personal message type ada, or ada not quoting prîce or quastity. Private classilied ads may oppear in thre Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRESS EMPO5RIUM P.O. Boa 206 Whitby. LIN 581 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. WhiLby, Ont. THE DEADLIN E FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. A R T I C L E S ~ H OSE iC5 ï FOR ALE NSTRUMENTS DURO LAUNDRY tub pomp, as LIVING ROOM PACKAGE. cas- FOR SALE Prestige larnsaI, sec. $65. Reese load equalizîlSo slsllsg aI sole, chair, rocker, par. made in Czechoslovakia. eo- htrîcr, 1" bars and extra Parts. ly ottoman Icolfea labIl and Ico cellent condition, used for only 2 $110. Hoover uprighl vcuuma, end tables, excellent condition, 6 years. comas mllh deluee case, $3o. lone eleclrlc brush, as nec. months o14, $700. Phase 576. asklng $200. Caîl 6662588. $50. Vking elecîrlo blOolo, $10. 3893. Lacs roller, 16024, mater flllled, ORGAN Ysmaha C405, nem con- $30. Rouler 518 hp. and case. $50. OAS STOVE 30" Handclck gas 411100, 1 'h peors aId, nec $4.500. beamo, 134 dILh, as lsem, 3$175 stove excellent condition. $275. asklng $2.900. Phase 686-4713. Phase13 6 eph5.s4003. $ 75. Phone 668-2014. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ Phone____655-4003. ____ MUST SELL 1974 Gibsos ripper TWO COUCH SET plned.based, FOR SALE buffet and hulch, $.85. basa 4 cay 100e scllch, mnaple secîlanal. Over-sluîled, brama China cabinet, $75. T ma amal mood, graver kepa, very gaod corduroy pllloms, good con. tables, $25 asnd $35. Maple hall cosdition, hard aheil case, $360. 411100, $375. Phase 6554059. table, relînishei, S;150. Onopteal Also 1981 Et Maya Imlallor galeleg table, reflnisheti $175. aIraIn casIer moeal pick guerd, T ma chairs, $15 each. T mo kil- cherry moadfliange han mllh harc ~P E S & I chas tables, mooden, $25 and shell case, $275. Caîl Karen 723. ~~SI JPP ..I .S ~ IES $W . Telepho se 683e638. 25 79 12 BUDGIE breeding cages ton sale. Comptera ith nesi boxes and oquipmeni, $10 aach. Phase 668-4521. WBE!N NEES CRIB SET green and chitle. in cludea: Iop aod bollamn sheets, pliia, reversibia bumper pads and comlartenlvdiaiephanl motif). Brand sec, nanan used, $50. Cali Kim 6663260. dryor. Sears Kenomar.heavp duly. excellant condition, asklsg $750 or beat of for. 72".255. DISHWASHER,ilika sec. Sears Keomore. harveat gnid, $280. Cuit 571-3836. DINING ROOM SUITE, pins, Paul Bunyan colection, tabla 44'M", 2 Captain chairs, 4 regular chairs, buffet and hutch. minI condition, $4000. Phono 668-3430. REPA1R/ PARTS FIVE B.F. Gaodrich Ail Terrain R.W.L. tires 076015, 1 nem, 4 wlth 1,000 mîtes, $450. Four Seasas Master Ait Seasoo R.W.L. tires P23517OR15 radiais mIth 2,000 mlles, $400. ose sec Edlebrack SP2P aiumlsum lotake maroflod milh instalilion kit for amnali block Cheo, $225. Ose Chev Qoadrajet 4 bbi carburalor, $25. Flue sets faclory. silioone plug mires for amail bock Chrysier, $20 each. one nem Chrysier pradacla lste model AMIFM MPLX sterea radio, $75. Ose Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette (ilsclash unit) push buttas tunisg, auto reverse, universeilfit, $150. Phone 6553266. FOUR CALCHROME 14 loch mag rima, milh centres, cith 4 brand sem Bridgestone steel beited radiais 15031, aiready mounted on rima. Miot condition and loak as Il lhey have sever been useti. Ailtfor oniy $650 mhlch la chat il cen 0051 yau for ooip 2 aI e customo car store. Phone Chris ai 6558902. FORD 289 reboult motor, $300. Tco Cragar maga clth gaod tires. $200. Phase 668-7546. FOR SALE Imo lires an rima, blas piy saslty. 99 nplon, F78-14, Ilke sec, only 7,000 km., $50. ROol top carrier, 46"43'e12", fils Aspen Carrier, $40. Coli 6689113. 1968 VOLKSWAGON susrool, gaod motor. iras, fandor, osali far parla, $200. Cali 668-8528. 1977 PINTO Wagon for para, mli n runnlng condition, nem steel baled tirea, $150 Or hast aller. Phone 579.4212. 1lm TR7 converible, excellent original condition, AMIFM atenea, tog lampa, British green, 2.0 litre angine, 5 spead, oniy 29,000 km., cerliflld, asklng $5,875. Caol 576- 7697. 107a GMC VAN V8, 305, mal maloloined, Inlenior - carpel, bed, slnk anti cabinets, cortIfieti. AskIng S4.000(. Phone 668-0263 aller 6 p.m. 1979 LADA ana' omner, asking $50. Cait 576-096 aller 5:30 p.m. 1979 VOLKSWAGON Rebbit, 2 door, 4 spaad, A-1 condition, $2,500. Phone668-8271. 1975 FORD hall-Ian, 6 cylinder, as las$800. Phone 434-6406 or 579- 0669, ask for Tim. FOR SALE 1974 Oldomobile Dalla 88. Asking $750. Phono 579- 4212. 1974 FORD CourieriMazda Pick. Up truck saeds bed, ges tank, 1 front fonder and mlIndshiled. hes sec brakes. nec aohaost Iront 10 mer andti Imanem rocker panaIs Insialelid, aiso 4 mhite spolie cheeae and stop bamper. Most aI body mark campieted, $575 or al- Ian. Phono 282-8780. 1973 MUSTANG, floup loaded. Asklsg $800 or basf oller, Phase 666-2734 aller e p.m., caakends anytime. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 263-V8a oangine, gnad « tuai aconaony, very gaod condition. Chrisa llfer 6 p.m.,aIt655-902. ceilani co ndit tio askng $300 mwhite cith gray mena and lait, 13 cohanta c ndtio , 72 g 300 pao 0 exceltest lamper "" greela C C L Ph n 6 -47.ponp club prospect, n.eadagood We MS ESR E TALE S I __ _ __ _ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ homeor ciii board. Asking M $LE/600AL B A IS & Cati avenings 649-5fOOO SUPPLIES1963 VAMAHA OT 125, liquid coated, Iwo sîroke, $900 on hasl p ' ? ' ~ 'I T R I L E R I caler. P ho ne 6 684 0 2. SAILBO AT, 18 Il. o 6 fil. moadan F R S L hu ll com ploet cth ailis, nosad n ' fl oe p. ,.. 1 5 5 soma10ork, $300 or make aller. Hickory St. H., Whithy. lopp. Beaver Lumbeni AskIng $250 on hast olfen. Phone 5794212. tilieti $2.300. Phone 686-1795. ~1 4!rCON FL Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emuporium sini- ply because you (mnd the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have ISEDB questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-611I1 and we'1I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to seli; and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelities above for more details i. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months i. A minimum charge applies (o each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance hefore the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seil within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but Where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7,50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of the Whitby Free IPress. Advertised Price Up to $ 150 $ 2W $ 3m $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ BW $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up n. m 1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Total Amount Payable 7.50 10.00 Il 15.00 Il 20.00 22.00 24.00 26.00 28.00 s 30.00 32.00 52.00 72.00 92.00 $100.00 i don'l fý)rgtj tt) incitide your pnone "unll)tlt 1 1 enclose $7.50 tocover the minimum charge. Charge $7,50 to mv Visa account. Namr tplear print) Address City Postal Cod MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. B x 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI 'ode

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