WiIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1, 1985, PAGE 25 Evans says Ashe should can cei his camp aign ads of be O-LRT in IlAf ter unse CONT'D FROM PC. 8 somelhing of an em- barrassment to Ashe., "In al is campaign literature, George Ashe says GO-ALRT is a tangible benefit to Durbam West," ise said adding, "More recently, at an al-candidates meeting, after bis inter- view witb the Star Mr. Ashe again re-iterated bis position tbaî GO- ALRT is a benefit tbat Speaking to You By SCOIl FENNELL, MP >., .(PC - Ontario) Here 's some good news, about Canada Post Corp. It seems that people either feel that Canada Post Corporation, (somne of us stlll cail it the Post Office), la doing an okay job or they are thoroughly dissatisfied with it. Unfortunately, a number of On- tario Riding reidenta have reason to belong to the latter group. 1 know this because each week, at least five contituents write or cali to teil me so. 1 spend a great deal of timne writing, calling and meeting with (Canada Post president Michael) Warren, trying to find out thse reasons for thse mal problems in the area, and to wrangle commitments for improved service for him. Every now and then, however, he brings up a couple of important points wich I would like to share with you. Firat, since Canada Post gave up its statua as a goverrnment department in 1971, it has been struggling to reduce ita multi-million dollar annual deficita which by that point had nearly reached $1 billion. By 1984 , the deficit was down to $350 million, and by 1986-87, the Corporation shouid have a zero deficit and require no more subsidies from thse Government. Canada Post must cut ita basses wbile attempting at thse same time to improve and expand service. It la also limited by 'no-layoff" clauses in collective agreements, which means that CPC must use at- trition, re-deploymnent, early retirements and inter- nai -coat savinga to accomplisis these reductions. However, CPC does plan to eliminate 3,000 managerial, admninistrative and supervisory positions over thse next two years, thus trimming away a costly and unnevessary level of management. Finally, and dloser to home for rnany of you, the delay on the installation of green boxes is due to thse fact that Canada Post would rather instaîl "com- munity mail boxes", which would ha of a mucis higiser quality than the green, group boxes. The new boxes should ha on thse way as soon as negotiations are completed as to who will service them. Hopefully, this will h ironed out soon. I am sure it would go a long way toward improving the opinion held by many Ontario Riding residents of Canada Post Corporation. PRO DODGE Your Locà l Chrysler- Dodge Sales and Service co JDealer Parts & Service - Thursdaya tili 9 p.m. WH ITBY 209 Dundas St. W. 6663000 ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES STUNE-UP SHOCKS COOLING SYSTEM Oshawa 571-3400 be bas brought. to Durisam West." But, clearly, Evans says tisat is no longer tbe case. "'Clearly, Mr. Asise now agrees with me," Evans said, "I arn far from uneducated and bis statements and ad- vertising can only ha called irreaponsible and misleading." "Furtisermore, Mr. Ashe sisould now be telling bis constituents tbe truth,", he adds, "lthat GO-ALRT bas been canceiled." Thse candidate aiso wanta Ashe to admit Ihat be was wrong on Iis issue and that "he bas misiead, in an outrageous and profounding manner, his own constituents. " But he doesn't forsee that ever happening. "For be knows that to make sucis an admission would lose him tbis elec- tion," Evans said. The politîcal novice also said that this in- cident only goes te prove tisat the progressive Conser- vative government has lost its credibility. IlAfter this, ail I can say is can anything Mr. Ashe now says ha halieved," Evans said adding that "Mr. Ashe has said be is against freedom of information legislation because bis government bas notbing tobhide. "lClearly, tbe arrogant Tory gaver- nment bas mucb to bide," he continued, "4and we'll only know how mucb until after they bave been thrown out." Evans also maintains that the postponement stallation will oniy mean its canceilatiori IlaI a more precipitous time for tbe gover- nment " disasterous incident it will ha up to thse people of Durham West to decide who is telling the trutis and who can be 1 SUPPLIER 1 SALES REP 1 CAtI DELIVERY WHEN YOU WANT IIIOUOIATIONS MIEN YOU NEES TOEM/PBOMI PHONE 68-16 adding, "Tear up your brochures and cancel your ads Mr. Ashe, you have no credibility left." 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