Whitby Free Press, 1 May 1985, p. 11

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. MAY I. 1985, PAGE 11 Ashe says the extention of sepa rate school funding has its roots in Canadas constitutionl CONT'D FROM PG. 5 the separate achoal in Ontario la the public achool system in Quebec. Ashe aiso rejects the nation put forward by same quartera that thia government intative tsaa new idea, that the government lias, ail of a sud- den, decided ta fund a "Churchl-ed syatem. " "If you look at the realittes, wliat yau're reaily taiking about la an extention af appraximTateiy 16 per cent of wliat already exista," lie said addtng that the equai recognition of the twa achool systema was a major factor tn the agreements that made Canada an independant nation. "Ail you're really looking at ta a two-year ex- tension on what lias previously been an 1-year program." Wlile lie notes that people are bringing this issue up when lie knocks on their door, lie refutes the clatm that it's a poltttcal issue. "It's an issue, yes, but t's not a polittcai issue wlien ail polittcal parties have the same viewpotnt in that tliey support the extentian of the fundtng. " Ashe also notes that any Cathlitc chool board that refuses ta litre non-Cathloic teachers and admit non-Catholic students atmpiy won't get government fundtng for grades il and 12. "«If tliey do go wttl that positton, they will not geL it approved and they won't get the funding, it's as simple as that. " "It ta mandatory," lie adds, "as part of the ap- provai -procesa,- they must aay how tliey are going ta accammodate any surplus teachers that may lie made avatlable because of the extenston of thiefundtng. " However, the mintter doesn't belteve that thia part of the issue wtll receive mucli attention in Durham Region because it ta atil a growtli area wliere bath boarda are facing greater demanda every year for increased facilities and services. The prtmary issues of this electton have beén economnic ones. As far as Ashe is concerned, the governiment lias mucli ta le proud of consîdering its record of thielaat few years. The deficit ta betng brougl under contrat and into line after peaktng a couple of years ago, lie maintains. He aiso attacked the opposition par- ties by claiming the promises they have made during this campaign wouid do nothing less than increase the deficit, despite the fact tliey have spent the iaat few yeara attacking the gaver- nment for having one at ail. As far as unemployment, or ta put IL mare positveiy, employment Ashe adda, 1"we have a record that no other administration in Canada can compete witli. Sa we can't be dotng everything att that badly in Ontario. IlWe have more people at work rtglit now in Ontario than ever before in aur history. Since the start of the turnaround of the economy in late 1982, we created more jabs in Ontario than ail the other provinces in Canada combined. " And oniy two other provinces have lower unempioyment rates than does Ontario, who's rate continues ta stay- below the national average. "Sa, we've been doing some thinga riglit. Even if you loak at very cuitent numbers, the statistica for the montli of Mardi, 1985, which are the moat current availabie, we created more jobs in Ontario than were bast in the reat of Canada," Ashe continued, "Sa the polices that we have had are working. " It ta also imperitive that the next government do everything possible ta create a climate fIat will aliow business ta grow and tliereby create jobs, lie says. "You have ta set up a climate fIat invites tndustry info your province and invites industry ta graw because they feel comfortabie liere. Tliat'a how you create jobs. "Not by coming up wifh ridiculous policies fliat anly scare away growtli, acares away new businesses, scares away expansions ta aLlier jurtadictions that are apparently more friendly," lie adda, "Tliat's what we've been doing and tliat's what we'ii continue ta do and we've been succesaful, we've got the resuits ta prove it. " The Tory fronfliencher also notes that sometime over the next decade, the "Baby Boom" generatton wili retire from the work for- ce whtcliwiil probably creafe labarashortages. "If we can keep a bauyant econamy, we will continue ta work away at aur unemployment rails." But lie doesn't believe fliat make-work prajec- fa are the answer. "But I do not tlitnk the answer ta to tlrow a wliole lot of money in creafing a whole bundli of new governmenf jobs - tliat'a juaf kidding your- selves," lie aaid. "Yau can create any kind of statistic you want in the short term if you want ta spend enouglimoney." There should aiso lie greater tie-ins between industry and educafion. Ifta t mportant that the work force needed by expandtng induatry ta adequately trained ta assume these new em- ploymenf opportunities. Ashe la proud of lits record. He maintains that he has warked liard an behaif of lis canstituents. III think it la safe ta say that this riding lias been weil served by its hard working member aver the last eight years," he saya, "The resuits are ail around us." But he doesn't want ta rest an lis laurels pain- ting out that there are some pressing needa that have stili ta lie met. Bath the local educatian systems and the local liospitals are in need of additianal funda to meet increased demanda for classraam space and health care facilities. I'The community la growing and 1 will ensure that the Ministry of Heaili las kept aware of that ta make ,sure that aur needs are praperly Ashe notes that during lis tenure as MPP for Durham West the Liquar Contrai Board of On- tario constructed its new warehause in.Whitby; the GO Transit took the firat steps towards the extension of its commuter rail service from Pickering througli Ajax and Whitby ta Oshiawa; and, the Ministry of Revenue was moved ta Oshiawa ta the benefit of the entire Durham Regian. Spinners granted $29090 A ministry programn grant of $2,090 has been awarded ta Ontario Handweavers and Spin- ners, Susan Fiali, Mfintter of Cifizenship and Culture, and Durham West MF<P George Ashe, announ- ced last week. The grant wili enable the organization to pur- cliase a microcomputer ta maintain office recorda. "I am deltglited that my ministry lias been able ta support the On- tario Handweavera & Spinners," Fish said. "We are commttted ta supporfing artistic development in aur province. A computer wtll improve the organizatioii'a inter- national operations and tncrease their efficiency substantially." It's the fuel to use because it's clean, efficient and economical. Now, during our Appliance Sale, discover its value for cooking, clothes dryîng and water heating. Savings are terrific so hurry, while quantities last. SAVE $6O off Superior Propane's regular price. Caloric 30" 'Herlage SerieS' Range *Blacki glass door wilh Obsevador wndow -Clocli Separate boler *Glamorous glass backguard *Whte Almonci $10 exlia) Model 0 RLD 335 SAVE $40 off Superior Propanes regular price. Inglis Propane Dryer -2 lmed cycles .3 temperalare seleclions - Pashto-start safely button .5 gca 5t ramcapacity Model e5300 SUPERIOR PROPANE LTD. 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