P>AGE' 10, WDNLSI)AYMAY 1.l11)85, WVITlBY iFREEPRI 'SS YMCA accepting registrations for September ptayschools Registration for the YMCA Playschools for September, 1985 will begin next Monday (May 6). These pre-school programs are for children ageS 21/2 to 5 and are held in many locations in the Whitby, Oshawa and Port Perry ares. These pre-scbool programs give the pre- schooier the opportunity to express imself or berself crestively througb painting and pastingactivities. As wel, ail ages are involved in age- appropriate cognitive activities. Playschools also aliow cildren the A MINI-METRICS 4.5 L is about a gallon. L1 1 opportunity to socialize witb others their own age, while piaying with puzzles, table toys, playdougb, blocks, or dress-up in the bousekeeping corner. Each day the chiidren enjoy a circle time of stories, songs, finger- plays, and appropriate gaines. The 'Y' has an After- noon 4's program especiaily planned for the 4-year old, to prepare him or ber for kindergarten. Tbe Whitby Afternoon 4 prograins are beld at the Centennial Building, and at Westminster United Church on Man- ning Rd. For those parents who plan to enroil their child in French Immersion, the 'Y' bas French Im- mersion Piayscbool at White Oaks in Whitby and Northminster United Churcb in Oshawa. Children enrolling in French immersion Playachool must be 3 by September 1, and are required to attend three days weekly. Attendance at the other 'Y' playschools may be two, tbree or four days, depending upon the days on which the playachool is open. Parents o! cbildren who are enrolled in the YMCA Playachools assist in the prograin on a regular montbly basis. However, sbould this be a probiem for some familles, they may pay an additional fee and the 'Y' wili hire someone in their place. For furtber infor- mation, cali Eleanor Holman at 668-6868. Registration will be taken starting May 6 at the following 'Y' office at 416 Centre St. S., Whitby. FOR ADVICE OR ASSISTANCE CALL THESE PC COMMITTEE ROOMS Ajax 427-0631'-' 2- 3 Pickering 831-0481 - 2 - 3 Whitby 666-4841 - 2 - 3 POLLS OPEN AT 9 A.M. AND CLOSE AT 8 P.M. Corridor Capers By MARY MCEACHERN WCail 72549M7 wItb Items for tbis column DR. ROBERT THORNTON PUBLIC SCHOOL Thornton School Primary Choir, under the direc- tion of Marian Bryant, again piaced 'first' in the Kiwanas Musical Festival - primary division. The primary choir consisted of 56 children ranging in grades from 1 to 3. Eight choirs coin- peted with Dr. Robert Thornton emerging number one. Mrs. Bryants Grade 1 choir received an A-plus for their high level of ability in the individual classroom division. Congratulations. WELCOME WAGON Welcome Wagon for the Witby Area requires an assistant to beip within the Whitby vicinity. Welcome Wagon visita new residents witbin the community, furnishing them with valuable infor- mation concerning the Town of Whitby, and ser- vices of local merchants. This is an important community service to ail new residents. Anyone interested in the position, please cal THE PEOPLE 0F-DURHAM WEST HAVE A S TRONG VOICE IH GO VERNMEN T George Ashe works for Durham West ropresenting ail the residents of the' region. Ho is responsive to the needs of his constituents and has a proven record - a record of commitment. George Ashe Supports the new Entorprise Ontario Program designed to help small business-that means more jobs. To put new technology to work- that wili proteci jobs and croate new ones. To devolop the right skilis and work experionce equaily for men and women -that wii11 dovelop ou r iful1 potontial. George Ache responds 10 the noods of Durham West. is efforts have produced tangible rosuits. The new ALRT rail systom undor construction, improved highway intorchanges, the new LOBO Warehouse, expanded court facilitios, grants and funding for many regional and municipal programs including a spring and summe ryouth works program. George Ashe asks for your support For the past eight years ho has worked Ãhard for Durham-West and Ontario. He has served as parliamentary assistant to four different cabinet ministers. In addition ho has heid the, positions of Minister of Revenue, Minister of Gomerment Services and has been recently appoinied Minister of Enorgy. Now. ho asks for your continued support. DU R H A MIIIP--- WESTIEI V I Published by the Durham West PC Association j N. Hannah at 668-8943. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The annual meeting o! the Whitby Women's In- stitute was held at the home of Mrs. G. Carr, 309 Dunlop St. E. last Wednesday. The president, Mrs. K. Hepburn welcomed 13 members. Roll cali was answered by payment of dues for the coming year. It was decided to make a donation to the Durham Region Y.M.C.A. to assist in their summer camp program. Plans were finalized for the Ontario soutb district annual meeting to be held in St. Andrews Presbyterian Church in Wbitby on May 23. The secretary, Mrs. Acton, gave an interesting report on the activities of the year and the treasurer Mrs. Carr presented the financial statement. The convenors of the various committees gave their an- nual reports. The election of officers for the 1985-86 year was conducted by Josephine Smith and resulted in the following slate of officers: Past presîdent - Dorotby Gregor; President -Kay Hepburn; First Vice-preident -Emmy Ryian; Second Vice-president -Aleta Campbell; Secretary -Bessie Acton; Assistant secretar3i -Laura MacCarl; Treasurer - Grace Carr; Curator - Eleen Polley; Public relations - Josephine Smith. Convenors: resolutions - Mrs. Acton; education and culture - Mrs. Agustus; agriculture and Canadian industries - Mrs. MacCarl; family and consumera affaira - Mra. Gregor;. and, district director - Mrs. Campbell. The hostesses were Mra. Carr, Mrs. Pringle and Mrs. Smith. The May meeting of the Wbitby Women's In- stitute will be held at the home of Mrs. Hepburn on Wednesday, May 22 at 1:30 p.m. Visitora welcome. HEART AND STROKE FOUNDATION Whitby Chapter of the Heart and Stroke Foun- dation will bold their annuai meeting and ap- preciation night on Tbursday, May 20 at 7:15 p. m. in the auditorium of the Whitby Public Library, Dun- das St. W. in Whitby. Volunteer canvassera for the Heart and Stroke and anyone interested in helping to fight Canada's number one killer are most welcome to attend. To the organizera and volunteera of the Heart and StrokeFoundation, thanks for ail your help, not only in February, but ail year long. Whitby again went over the top in voluntary contributions. Do attend the appreciation night. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The annual meeting of the Corridor Area Ratepayers Association will be held at Dr. Robert Thornton Public School on Thursday, May 9 at 8 p. m. Ail residents are welcome to attend. Type writer RENTALSI also SALES & SERVIE FINANCIAL SURVI VAL IN THE 801& By BRIAN COSTELLO (AUTHOR, RADIO & TV PERSONALITY TOPIOS INCLU DE: eHOW TO BEATTHE UPCOMING BUDGET *USING THE BANK'S MONEY TO INCREASE VOUR RATE 0F RETURN *HOWTO EARN $43,OOOTAX FREE @HOW TO MAKE VOUR MORTGAGE INTEREST TAX DEDUCTIBLE *HOW TO BENEFIT FROM INCOME SPLITTING eHOW TO REMOVETHE DOLLARS FROM VOUR RRSPTAX FREE *GETTING THE TAX MAN TO PAY FOR YOUR CHILDS EDUCATION WED., MAY 1ST, 7:30 P.M. GEORGE ASHE RESPONDS TO THE NEEDS 0F PEOPLE On May 2nd REELCG EO RGE ASH E