Wl ITBY FEE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MAY 1. 1985, PAGE -9 That's why he can't support them.... Libertarian says major parties are encouraging governmnent to gro w &menc.wc-ýdi fn Eugene Gmitrowicz is running as the Liber- tarian candidate in Durham West because he cannot support any of cluding those on in- came, sales, Iliquor and tabacca and praperty. "IWe pay s0 many taxes in 50 many ways ta competition and growth, the General Motors employee says. "And the consumer pays bath for the regulations and the lack of competition." Gmitrowicz also at- tacked the leaders of the three major parties. "The political leaders are making a lot of gaad political statements but nat much econarnic sen- se.") Liberal Leader David Petersan's pledge ta make $100 million available for the con- struction af 14,000 new rental units in Ontario is nathing less than "a bribe of $7,142 ta developers per unit." Gmitrawicz also said that because these units would be subject ta rent cantrol, there wauld be no return on invest- "'Sa he would have no takers," he added. "At best with our $100 million he would receive 2,000 units - that is 58,000 rentai units short of what a recent study said are needed im- mediately." Gmitrowicz also noted that NDP leader Bob Rae was carnpaigning on the upcoming hikes in the price of gasoline. "1Which will most cer- tainly harm aour teurist industry," he said, "The feds need this money ta pass along ta the provinces for such things as $1.7 billion ta stimulate rental housing as free entreprise Ian- Miords wili not build un- der cantrols. " While he said that Premier Frank Miler's Entreprise Ontario had some good points, major flaw. "He is gambling with maney he has to borrow and you have to pay the interest," he says, "It would have been a solution had the money corne from savings that could be made by scrutiny of waste and mismanagemnent in government." Gmitrowicz main- tains that ail three leaders lack credibiiity. 1"Our only solution is a balanced budget which can be achieved with fiscal responsîbility of government spending and accountability of Ontario Crown cor- porations." Gmitrowicz says that he stands for debt reduction and fiscal responsibility. "I arn the only candidate for tax sanity, " he adds. TAKE NOTICE THAT a Public Meeting of the Liquor Lic- ence Board of Ontario wilI be held at the MICHAEL STARR BUILDING, 33 KING STREET WEST ROOMS M.N.O., OSHAWA,ONTAR0oOn FRIDAY, MAY llth, 1gBSaCthehour of110:00 oclocl, in the forenoon, at which time the Board wiIl hear applications in accordance wifh the Liquor Licence At. and Regulations hereunder. The folowing establishments have appîied for a licence of the class indicated. and the applications wilI be enter- tained at the aforementioned location and ime: Applications For Additîonal Licences Eari oi Durham Restaurant 227 rock Street South, Whltby Patio (infing Lounge> Licence Licencee: Blue Thîstie Holdings Llmted Keseys Restaurant 180i Dundas Street East, Whitby Patio (i Oning Lounigel Licence Appicant: Kesey's Road House (Oshawa) Limited AND FURTHER TAKE NOTICE hat any person who is resident in the municipality and who wishes 10 make rep- resenfalion'relative Io he application, shaîl make tfeir submission fa the Board in writing prior oCthe date af the hearing, or in person at the ime and place of he hearing. (Copies of wrtten submissions will be forwarded to the applicant). Lquor Licence Board of Ontario 55 Lakeshore Boulevard East TORONTO, Ontario, M5E 1A4 MINI STRY 0F CONSUMER AND COMMERCIAL RELATIONS THE LIQUOR LICENCE ACT EUGENE GMITROWICZ the three major parties. Al three, the 55-year aid Whitby resident maintains, are commit- ted ta making gaver- nment bigger and mare important ta, the lives of the individual. "lGovernment, nat free entreprise, is aur biggest grawth in- dustry," he says. "lGoverment pays nat taxes, does not have ta show a profit. They just tax you mare." The Progressive Con- servatives, the Liberais and the New Demacrats, he says, "are ail cammitted ta, government grawth, higher deficits, higher debts and excessive government regula- tions.", And this commit- tment has praduced a variety of taxes in- PaRTcPaLTIUIJ' that there is nat an honest price tag or pay cheque lef t," Gmitrowicz says. "Taxes are destraying individual initiative, retarding investment and casting us jabs. " He alsa dlaims that taxes are unfair and are "1passed dawnward 50 citizens with subsistan- ce level incarnes are the mostheavily taxed." Excessive gaver- nment regulations and contrais are roadblocks Cherlie has gone the right way, Thse Dickson Printing and Office Supply route that eads to business succes! OTEBIE ALLSTCKDRSeCLL REDU.ED LEF-OERWA eHO . eSOC WATERBED -GAmLERY SAYVT " NO DO WN FA YMENTS " NO INTEREST FOR 90 DAVYS " NO pA yMENTS FOR 90 DA YS* j 'R5 L You'II feel comfortable with o ur prices PILWOWS COMFORTER QUEEN KING PACKS Waterbeds - Bedroom Furniture- Bedding Accessories STORES WE MA KEITEAS YTOSA Y >fl5acrosa Canada 244 Brook St. S., Whitby 683-3278 420 King St W., Oshawa 686-1063 MON-FR 239 Station St, Ajax 686-1276 SA' tl 1OAM-9PM Tf 1 OAM-6 PM 1 id a