PAGE 20,WEDNI3ýSDAY APRIL 24.1198.5,WIIITBY FRI3E PRESS, HOME IMPROVEMENT SECTION ~#N4~24 VEARS EXPERIENCE SERVING HOME0WNERS REPLA BMn P'/ /t '7-SELECTED AUTHORIZED DEALER1 ENERGY SAVING PROGRAM eSIDING *@WINDOWS e AWNINGS 2PluISZ PATIO DOORS WHITBY AJAX 668-2252 686-1853 900 HOPKINS ST. UNIT 3 e WHITBY A new phase, a fresh CIANchoice of 50' lots, and two brand new modcls. See them today at Fallingbrook, Whitby's finest community of single family homes. e 12 designs (2 new ones) from 1646 to 2800 square feet e Affordably priced luxury from the low $100's MODEL &SALES CENTRE NO\V OPEN ionday - Thursday 12 noon - 8 pi. îridas. 12 noon - 6 pirn. Sat.. Sun. & os 10)a11. -b6p.i 'I'kplm()fe 42 7-0070 rr~ FALLINGBI 00K IN THE COSTAIN TRADITION Today's suspencled ceilings team beauty and function Suspended ceilings uscd to be priz- cd tOr their functîonality -- and not mucb cIse. Tbey were practical, aIl rigbt. Afier aIl. tbey dîd cover up exposed joisis. heaîing ducts. cectrical wiring and the like. And tbcy did soak up noise. ai leaisi many of ibeta mnot aI I) wcrc acoustical. But tbeydidn«i add inucb to a room in ternis of aestbciic appeal. Beautiful thes weren-t. AIl îtil's changed. in tbe pasi Icw vears. manufacturer,, have iluade e- nornîous strides in styling ceilitng panmels. A suspetmdcd celing consisis oh twso cictuents: a octal grid and the ceil- ing paniels ilieniselves. Firsi you ai- tacb the grid w ithe ceiling joisis - you -suspenmd- t [rota ihie joisis and then rest the panels in the grid. 'l'le panels arc easy w put n and take oui if vou w ant bo gel ai the space above theni. Now there are panel,, witb printced- on wom>d graining so rcaistic Ynai'*d bave e look twice to sec thev' ne iot necal oak. Othens resenuble claborate- lv ornainental Colonial Anmerican plaster ceilings. StilI others look like stieco or nubby cloîb or even capture ibe spirit oh 'higb tece.Tbe latter aire residential adapatiotîs oh coutiler- cial ceilings instalcd ut sonie ol ibe most distingushed examples of mod- ern Anerican architecture. Suspended ceilings are versatile. too. They corne in a choice of tasteful patterns. and they fit in just about anywhere: flot only kitchens and base- mients but also such heretofore off- lirit places -as living and dining roonis. One of the rnost interesting pew developrnients - two new develop- inents. actually - has to do flot witb the cciling panels but with the mietal grid. Itvou like a contenporary look, sou can get a black grid and teai ib up wiîb svhite panels. The effect is sophisticated and drarnatic. Or. if you*d raber tuake the grid disappear. s ou can buon 1e ibat blends in witb the panels so wcll that vou bave to look bard to knoxvt*s there. The cf- l'ce is a sweep of patterro [roni wall to %vall uninterrupted by the grid. So. il* vou haven't looked ai sus- pienild*dceilingýs lately. rnaybe ibis is the inme. They re a wbole lot more attractive thian îey used tw be. And nthîere's an added incen- tive. Otne large mlaker of grids and panels. Arnstrong. bas.jusi cone oui with a l-year _guarantce. Tbat*s long,-tenui insitrance on your ncw ceil- iflg investiiteni wbicb will belp you wo enjoy it al ibe more.t BRING IN THIS AD AN D TAUNTON POOLS WILL PAY ALL SALES TAX ON ANY POOL PURCHASED ON OR BEFORE JUNE 15185 ýOLS 571-0189 TawuntRd. COLLEOT