PAGE 24, WEDNESDAY, AI>RI L 17, 1985, WIITBY FREE PRESS WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY READ CLA$IF[JDI LAWN SERVICE cuting, edgtng, trimmtng and cutivattng. Caif 655-3791. MER-MAtOS (564361 Ont, Ltd.l Speciatizisg ls complete home and otfice cteanfing. tnsured, f ree estimate. Al cnrk guaratoed. Aisa grass ddtting, trtmmtng and geserat maitainanco, 666-2237. ATTENTION ELECTROLUX OWNERS. GaI the, lump on Sprtng cieanisg by ksawlng yaur vacuum ls carhing eticiestty. Catt sac for you fre0 perorman- co checir. Wo do sot have service charges. As coul as check your vacuum ce ciii shampoo a 9x12 carpet cilS so obligation ram yos la buy asything. Cuit today, Eiectroiuo Sales and Service, 365 Wilson Rd. S., Oshaca, 723-4163. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Need heip Warirers' Com- pensation, Wefare, OHtP assistance, Unempiayment sn- surance, or Crisa reterrais ta atheragescias, calt: 576-1821. CONGRATULATIONS on yaur forthcamIng mrrage. Peuse vlec aur sampien ai engraved weddlng Initatians t yaur toesure ln aur Aan Plaza stare. DIcksas Printing & Office Sup- plies, 6631966. WOMEN Recarding oppar- fusilles Iechnoiagy. Anderson Cottaglate, Whtby, sa ottering a sec, adut tohnotagicat studies program, speciaiiy desigsed for cames, eading la employmant n high payisg, skttted tradtes. Free courses for Durham residents. Regiter t Il1011, 7- 9 pcm. bth days and 1-3 p.m. Aprit 1001i Anderson CVI, 400 As- derson S. or cal Mary Mhea, 668- 5809 for detals. The Durham Board of Educatios: Ecelence thraugh groclh. "*GRAMMEA for peaple cho hate grammer" se the Ideul pockot reference bockr far business people. $395 par copy and avaluablo aI Dcisos Plting I& Otice Supplias le the Aax Plaza, Ouater enquiries invted 663-1966. ARTICLS FOR RENT TYPEWRITER rentai, many moars and modes, by the ceeiresd, ceek or month. Discounts avaiabie. Dicksan PrtIsg & Office Supplies ln the Aas Plaza. Cati us tor business machine repaires66319U. WORI<SNOP: Aprît 27 - Intro ta co-counselIing. April 27 and 28 - Acairosing f0 your lites purpase and aIsa Alchemy at Persanal change. Yoga every Monday, Tuesday and Thursday, $6. Pinse Rdge Centre, 8u38364, Pickrering. Cali tor our free brochure. AN INVITATION ta inestigule the Bahai faith. Usltlng the heurt t a ime. For literture phono 666-665 or 668- 7653. FLORIDA VACATION V.WR NTALS ICanadian at Par clearcater' nhree bedroomn mobil homs. HatedPools, Itennis, close f0 beaches and mjrattractions, chlldren welcomê. lese 1985 motel '0om). 683-5824 SEASON SITES avallable In a quiet famlly camp ground on Trent Systers. Oood t lshlrng, recreat ton hall, rlendty campers Approximately 1 Saur ram Oshawa. Located 3 mles north ai Lndsay off Hlghway 35. $525 per season. Alpine Camp Grounds, 1- 705-3246447. WHITBY OFFICE SPACE tor rent on prafasslonal floor. Would be sulfuble tor lacyer, accountafll, etc. RantIinctudes at utlttes and sa negollable tor an appropriafie tenant. For further intormation catI 66M-672 balween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday la Frtday. SKIDOO STORAGE, $25 per machine, $15 par traiter. CatI 655 3729 ater 7 p.m. GARDEN PLOTS for rent, 30x5', Garrard aI Rsslasd, $15. Caît 668-1116. HOUSE FOR RENT 4 bedroom os Brock Si. S., $550 par month, trt and tasf monthfs ranI and referances raqulred. Pthone 6W6- 3121 alter 4:30 p.m. or 668-8196, days. itptMETMNU1 ~0DS FOR RENT ONE BEDROOM APARTMENT In amaI Whtby building. Adulte osty. Iscludes frldga, tone, hydro and parking. Cable TV and laundry tacîtîttes analiable. Phase 668-6372 baîcees 9:30 &.and5pm. SMALL HOUSE or aparment ln area for gaod tenant by May 1. Witt do geseral maintenance, paint, tacns, etc. 655-8627. ROOM FOR RENT Newmnan Cre., Whltby, $55 par week. Phono 66&-9059. FREE: Drap nIa tha Dicksos Prlnting & Otice Supply toreais the Aia Plaza and pick up a tree copy of their 1985 Metric Calen- dar. Printed ln twa colours. Il maies for hasdy relrence. 683- 1968. GARAGE SALE April 20, 1985, 00.OF. Hait, 211 Brocir St. S., 10- 3. Home baire tabla, sandwiches, tes, cottes. Something tor eeryose DONIr LISTEN ta anyonaetse, ce pay top dollar tor scrap Cars and trucirs. 665-9712. 1983 PONTIAC J2000, 4 door, autamatic, radio, certif ed, mint, $5,800. Phase 725-1356. 1978 DATSUN B210, must sait, red, sunroof, mag wheels, ex- cllent buy. Cuit 66.2567, evenings. 1975 CHRYSLER CORDOBA $900 certitied. Phase 666.0166 atter 4 p.m. 1981 MAZDA GLO hatchback, 4 speed, AMIFM Cassette, Car- titied, mint, $4.300. Phone 725- 1358. CALU OAY 16 The ciasslf ied pages gives you ail this and more. Sa'ing and making money ls what we're ail aboutl WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 STOVIE, 30. mesinghouse, green, excellent condition, $166. Phono666-3065. VISIT our used turnIture werehouse by appintmnest. Big savings os desirs, chairs, Miing cabinets, etc. Culit Dcisos Pris. ting & Otfice Supplies ta arrange an uppointmestt la dec. 683- 1966. CARPENTINO SURPLUS, save to 80%. Bulders end decorator qualitios aiea 'ftoaring. WIde solectIos. Ose room fa cwhoie house. At your convenience, prompt, tuiiy carranted pratesianal Installation If desired. Free shop ai home estimaie. Cati 579-666. SAILBOAT, 18 t. o 6 fil, cooden huil complete cilS salis, neads some work,, $300 or make alto,. Ses Il anyImne Is drinoway at 13U Hickory St. N., Whtby. laps. Beaver Lumberi PAf NTING5, Original 0ils, water- calors, art classes and Com- missions by R. Ernest Jukes, Wilow Rus Gallery, 585 Kng Street East, Oshaca, 579-1101. GARAG ARTCLESARTICLES SAESFO SLEFOR "S A LE ctealng avn, 5 years aid, aimond wtth back gifsas door, $350. Phone 668-1492 alter 6 p.m. BMX'UMER CAMP style and racing, Juiy and Auguat, one week sessions, inquire Sandaraska BMX Box 1393, Station B Oshawa, L1IJ 6P8 FOR ALL your insolation & air seatng naeds plus air leakage inspection and U.F.F.t. romodiai measures. Cati McCleano Ltd., Usbridge, 652-5051 or tati frea 1- 800-263-3204. CHESTERFIELD suites, tooeseats, sectionais, teas thani 'h price. Large setectias. McKeen Furniture, 524 Simcoa Si. S., Oshawa. 725.5181. TEVAMNPLACE Weare a Canadian comttany seling quailly Canadian *made C.E. Jamiesan praduc * Uts t lac mailtorder prIces * Cai visil us, 728-4694 for pr ce liai. Ouaranteed Steno discount. WA TI<NS produc- [tsuvalabie, THE VITAMIN PLACE GEOTYPE pressasn letterisg soc n stock ut Dicisos Pristing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large setectios ai styles and sizes. Why pay more for a smailer sheet ot ietterisg? 683.1%86. AND SAVE in the long run0 with Rebuilt Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Dîshwashers 6 month and 1 year guarantees available IN-HOME SERVICE CALL - $16.00 PARTS Whltby Oshawa Scarborough 107 Dundas St. W.1 23 King St. W.1 2484 Kingston Rd CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., APRIL 19 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittie Britain Rd. 8 CU. fi. Westinghouse freezer (iess than year old), Victrolia, 4 oak of- fice chairs, pressback chairs, modemn chest-of- drawers, shuffieboard, fiat-top farm scaies, cedar chest, 40 ft. aiuminum Iadder, oak rocking chairs, mantie ciocits, 3 speed bicycles, Sportapal canoe, 10 hp. Canadians rlding iawn- mower, Forney eîectrlc welder, quantity of depression glass and tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER ~T~pî~rne1 ~fjVanted UHTWPLL aper-ra:n~sr 5055.5 R.R.1 work. Also tantured and suspen- LITTLE BRITAIN ded ceitings. 15 years experlen- 705-786-2183 ce. Jim Tomiinson, 7239266. EXCELLENT POSITIONS I ln our pleasant order taklng department. Ful training provided and easy to do. Easy to get to. Guaranteed hourly wages. To arrange your Inter-I view just cali: 6634 SAESPESOS sstaio6o8 ECE-3 NA7MNAEMN energy producl reialed, ex- perience preterred. 1-800-263- 3204, UNEMPLOYED? Loaking for a cureer change? Cuti 683-2261 tor tree caunseillg as lob oppar- tunities. RELIABLE PERSON canted ta bubysit 8 month aId chiid, relerencea required. Phane 433- 0027. ECE. TEACHER required for sec Day Cure, 666-200 ADULT BABYSITTER requlred la come InIa my homo ta cure for Ico chIidres age 7 manths end 2W9 years aid, Muest have ocs trunsporatian, references requIred, nos-smokor proerred, Rossland and Gardes, Whtby. 668-8503 atter 5 p.m. Become a uarrier today. Lers ta be a business persan cilS respansibiiity cwhite earning money. Become the aulstand- Isg casrier af the mosth and become a cInnert Taik tla Our Circulation Manager. Cali 668-6111 Tordayl WHITBY FREE PRESS 1 66-451 ' OPPORTUNITY. tf you quaitfy, yau dîtl receive $2.000 per mosth for tca months chle In schotl... $W000 per year aller graduation. Sales end management esperiesce heiptut, Cati l723-3412, WORD PROCESSING Pragram- ming, Lotus, dbase, Il and 111 and more, cilh certificale and lob placement, $149 and up, gaver- nmesl appraved caurses avaitable, tax daductIbie, O.S.A.P. loans, 683-2226. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! Pos 668-8943 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be 14t each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographice ITSDAH - $700 for the first 100 words: 12e each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space occupîed.. such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. adtn r. replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f ir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they can be changed or cancelied. or cancel Ciassified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12t each ad- AUCTION SALES -40e per ite. (No word ads aliowedi. tisrocneEpruAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBEIIS: Box numbers are availabie at an ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whtby Free Press will make 668-6111