Whitby Free Press, 10 Apr 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAYr APRIL 10, 1985, PAGE 19 300 WATT car Inlagrated amp, Stand naw, cner anad, $195 (ana yaar warranty). AMFM dgiat dlnpiay cassette radio, aew, $75. 300 Watt 6,,9,,Poyprapylana wtlth Fanao ibid. Incradîbta nouer), matIS $250, naît $100. ntil)) asseta)mlS aona ear warraniy. CaI 668-4838, anytime, Kyla. PANASONIC 6" e&w TV, AC)DC ta narp goor) coadition, $75. Hot watar hastar Intîna type 220 volt, $55 Hand wnch 320 LS capacity, trdystiea) gaar, revrsîbta Wibraka, $150. Phoae 28287W0. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS. 4 doar, 429 C. ln., AC. AMIFM 8 tracS starea, 5 goor) tiras, as la, $400. AIa 160Cu.fi. freezer, $15. Ercîse aqelymant. $95. 683- 1094. GIRLS CLOTHINO ize 5 tao6X. ledinideatty priced, adding ep la $60 or attlot $50. Broaklit 655- 8764. ANTIQUE PEDESTAIL int, unique and vary beautlitet. large version oui ai the otd King 04- ward Hatl, camas wiih unique antique Stase itues. Mot be sean, $280. Cati 571-3636. BEAUTIFUL bond carved pattai chairs tram Scoiland. sel of tout, min) condition, $125 each. AISO antique heavy sileerpiate silver- ata and cana ,Victorien Rose' )Wm. Rogets & Son), 52 pinces. $225 or Set oter. Cai 7286970 betore naon or aller 4 p.m. FOR SALE 7 ti. Myers loueS mitb bydtaulic pemp. $1.200 Phone 668-3471. FOR SALE skis. 195 cm, Look indings, $45. Circuler saw, Blacki and Octier, $35. Phone 4334689ý DISHWASHER, S$aat5Deixea portable, chopping Stock top, goad working condition. $185. Etacirlo race car sel. oner 10i. ai track, 6 cars. 2 transformern, ap counter, many axtras, AFX & TyCO, $95. Heat clrcutatiisg iraptaca grae, $15. CatI 576. 7697. FOR SALE PepsîCota bonte POP machina, A-i coedition, asking $400 or esi aller. Contact Mike, 5792660. KITCHEN SET 5"x36 aval table wtS chromad aieal trame and oak look tamIaled top. like naw and tour chrome chairs with dark Srown soit uphasety, $150. Belt antique pemp organ, Crca 1850. excellent condition, $750. Catabriy aectrîn typawritar, ex- caltant condition, $150. Wooden rockiag chair, $50. Phone 655. 3545. FOR SALE mInk stota. $250. Fuit langiS pte glass door mirror,5 ht. e 2 il., $30. Bath accesnories. 3 place, white potoalain and chroma. $20.3/4 Continental bad. $50. Phonea6M.3516 or 6689029. FOR SALE dIning room leSta and chairs. mooden top, chrome legs, axcctiva ntyle chaits, cant $7900, sai $225. Back and whie. 12" ACIDC TV., home or car, $85 666-3006. ACORN ELECTRIC irepiace. $40 Pratessional hait dryer. $50 Sears ideo arcade pies Il Atari gamas. înicuding Pacman, Tapewotm and Detender, $175 oi Seat aller 576-6592. CAR STEREO IAMIFM Icaes) and 1 (pain) 6"9" speakers (200 wait), car slteo iAMIFM Icassette) pion a pair ofl6"x4 200 watt speakers. $75, Brand new wth one pear guaranlee. 200 watt. 7 bandl ellualizat booster, 4 speakol hon-k-up. $50. Kyle, 668,4838. anyime. CHROME TABLES, emotivd glass, 1 colles table, 2 end tables, 2 brunch tables, set $250 Kitchen table, 2 chairs, blacki wroughl Ion. $150. AttItems va- caltent condition. 427-7069. FOR SALE 9 dtaer wood dresser ilS mirror, $100 or Svst aller. CaI aller 7 p.mn. or ween- de. 655-3729. FOR SALE Imo heaay duty wark banches, odan, one - 6x3x3 test, and onea 7½:3x3 apprne. dimension, $25 each or Sast et- fer. Cati 6553729 allai 7 p.m. FOR SALE tlephone answating machina Sanyo TAS 3000. $100. Saarn sterao yslem. $100. Bayes 16', bicycle, $50. ronfing Sourd. $10. Cati 4346474. Whea lise adnertised item is sold, dieposed ef. or unavailable fer whoiener reason, the item wit ttc deemer) te have been eoid and a cemmssion wiii tt chcarged based an TIHE AIVEIOTISEIS PIICE an illustraler) beîaw. regordlenri if price ih taled mitîs 'best aller* If the item ns NOT SOLD, or disposer) af, the ad wtt) ttc rue fer : MONTHS aed a MINIMUM CHARGE of $7.50 witt apply payable in advance af publication et the iraI ad. The abene minimum charge will ttc appîmer) te the final commission due. Maximum commiesiail $100.w0 Att adver- isements musittce placer) an an eclrusive basin wîth the WHITBY FR6EE PRESS and runata least one month if nt noir) RATES t If article lasald t: or aiadvertlned price ap te $400.00 of alacince etier $400 EXAMPLE: Sold Item edverlIner) fer 918.06. (om mission dur $7.50 t minimum charge la $7.50) Private adnertising vnly! Please ntif y tise Whitby Fre Press immediately wben item is sold so tisaI we may delete il framntishe fellîig iseue. All ado% not fitiing the Emporium guidelines wiii ttc treater) and charger) per week as regular cianifier) adsonoaa pre.paid bas sucS as: servicen, help monter). clol.hing. real ette, and pemsonal mesage typa ade. or odent quoting p-ce or quontity Prinate clasaifiel ads mey appear in theEmporîum section under appropriale eadings ALL AUS WILL GO IN CLASSIIIED SECTON UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED MAIL ADSSlTO: FREE PRE&S EMPORIUIM P.O. Bex 20 Wlrtby. LIN 51 If ln deubt cai: 668-6111 t31 Brock St. N. WhiIby. fini. THE I)EADINE FOR EMPORIUM AI)S IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. M~TOCKMUSICAL LIVING ROOM PACKAGE, con- PONY Reg. V Arab. VI Weish. KIMBALI. ORGAN wtb bench, sisting of nota, chair, rocker, par- white wth gray manie and tait, 13 excellent condition. fati ty Ottoman cottae table) and ima pears. exceletitri tmper. great keyboard. bans pedats, atomnatic end tables, excellent condition, 6 pnny club prospect, needs $000 chording and rhythms Asking monthe 01, $700. Phone 576- home or wili board. Akîng $600 $750 668-3203 3893. Cati evenîngs649-5000 FOR SALE Prestige ctarinnt, GAS STOVE 30" Hardwick gas made in Czechostooakîa. stoyn exicellent condition, $275. -, TRAILERSM cettent conditioan, used tor onty 2 Phone 668-20t14Iz z FOR SALE years cam-es wth detuencse aeking $200 Cai 662588 Chinia cabinet. $75. Two emati lubies, $25 and $35. Maple hali table, reieinhed. $250. ropeal goieteg table. teinistied, $225. Tmo chatte, $15 each. Two kit. chen tables, woodan. $25 ued $60 TelephonO 68136638, APARTMEI4T SIZE wasb0r and dryor, Saurs Kesmore. heaoy dety, excaeltcondition. asking $750 or ent cIter. 725.6255ý DISHWASHER. like new, Sears Keemore, harvant gotd, $280, Clt 571-3638. 12 BUOGIE breedîng cages lot sale Comples îlO nec) boxas and equipment. $10 auch, Phone f>684521 BOX TRAILER for sain. 4x8fil AkingS$295 Phone 5794212 ALKOT Inient car seat. amoni niem. eoed lot 4 monthe. aekîng $35 CatI 669-7800ý CRIB SET greva and white.in- ciues. top and botiom sheels. yîttam. teversible umpai puds and comlariet lmvIlephoni mot Brand new. nieear oser), $60 Cal Km 886-3280 CONFUSED? Please cati os anpy ime il tht Emporium geidetini.s confuse1 pou, WeIllbv 0100 oean- emer ony questions pou hava. Phone 668-61 il anylimAe SIX CHANNEL PRA Systee. Saie speakers. 150 watt comnbo amp,, acceasories included. $750 683- 0531, ORGAN, Vumoha madel A-SOS. double kepboard. pedls. in- ciedes bench and books. ontp a pvur aid and in excellent con. dition. $950 Tatephone 823-4124. MUST SELL 1974 Gîbson ipper basa 4 wmontenrre wîch. manie 6000 grover XkaySvOerY 9000 condition. hord aheti case. $360 Aiea 1981 El Muyo imitation errata castar metai pick guard. cherry ood tiange bar ilS bord eheit case, $275. CoiltKren 723- 2579 FOR SALE Hammaed elaciric orgon. compete iih Sanch. ex- cellant condition. osking $306 Phone 668-7472. U~EARPA1SR/PARTSý FIVE BF. Gaodrich Att Terrain R.W.L. tiras 076015, 1 eaw. 4 mIlS 1,000 mitas, $450. FautrSBason Manier AttSason R.W.L titan P225J70R15 radiais wih 2,000 mies, $400. Oneanaw Edtabfock SP2P atumlnum Inlaka manifold wllh Installation kit lot emati Stock Chev, $225. Onea Ce Guadrajat 4 55) ceebarator, $25. Fiveetnainactory silicone ptug wres lot smatt Stock Chryntat. $20 aach. One naw Chryntar producîs (aia modal) AMIFM MPLX starea radio, $75. Oaa Motorola AMîFM MPL2< casaetta (le daebanitI) panShballon iueieg, auto tavarna, univarsat ft. $150. Phana 655.3266. FOUR CALCHROME 14 Inch magl rima. ilS cantran, milS 4 brand naw ridgasiana staal bltlad radiais 160e). atraady mountad an rimo. Mini condition and look as il they have nanar been uned. Ait lot aniy $650 which ls what Il con co) 70ot o anty 2 a) a custom car store. Phone Chris at 655"902. 1977 PINTO Wagon lot parte. etit) n runing condition, new steel beited titan, $200. Phene 579- 421Z. FOR SALE tout FR78115 Oood Yeat radiai tires. $50 each or $t190 toi ait tout Phone 655-3027 atter 630 p mý FOR SALE 2 tires an rime. Stan piy oatety, 99 nylon, F78-14, like eew, aniy 7,000 km., $50. Rloot loy carrier, 46nx43atl2, ftls Anyne Carrier. $40. Dense toamr roSSer. qanen siza. $40. Cai 668. 1963 VAMAHA OT 125, iquid cooled. two troke. $900 or Sent citletPhone 664093, 1981 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 kms., naw eohaunl. titan. tuna-up, angine guarde, backranl, cor- litied, $2.300. Phone 6861795. 1968 450 HONDA 5sepeed custom. new tires. epringer. loIn aI chtome, $600 ot Sent aAer. 683-0531. FREE PRESS E M PORIU wmM Emporium Âds wiil only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. V MI A Q _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-y% FUOROSALE 1966 TR7 convertible, excellant original conditian, AMIFM starea, lag temps. Briilshgreen, 2.0 titra angine. 5 spear). onty 29,000 km.. cartîller), anklng $5.875. Cati 576- 7697. 1979 OMO VAN V8. 305,.vwatt mainiainad, interlor - cerpet. bad. sink and cabinets, certillad. Anklng $4.000. Phone 86U-0263 aller 6p.m. 1977 FORD Econolne Van, 351 automaio, 4 caplain chairs, new battary, tiras and anbaunt, $2.500 or Sent ollar. 663-0531. 1975 FORD hall-Ion, 6 cylindar. ao la $600. Fhone 434-6406 or 579. 0669, ank lot Tlm. FOR SALE 1974 Oidnmobile Delta 8. Anking $750. Phone 579- 4212ý 1974 FORD CouriarlMazda Pick. up truck naedn bed. gos tank, t ftonltender and windnhild. Sos new braSas. new anSausi Iront la motr and imo aaw racket paneln Installad, alsa 4 white spoka whaats and stop Semper. Mont aI body woiti complted, $575 or al- ler. Phone 282-9760. 1973 MUSTANG, lully laaded. Asking $900 or Sent aller. Phone 666-2734 aller 6 p.m., moakende anylima. 1967 CHEVELLE Convertible, 283-V8 angine, good tbel econamy. cary good condition, vary litila ruai, exheesi oyeiem in grol shape and neadn new shocks, muni naît. $2.100. Phone Chris aller 6 p.m., ai 655-8902. Sick Room Equipment Loan Service 4!ârCON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have questions. I-opefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if flot, do cail 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section toyvou personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to Sel; and, -have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details I Vour ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months)i A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance hefîwe the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper cao guarantee your article will selI, but where else could you gel three months advertising for only $7.50? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. C'om- mission is: 5% up to $40; 2% of the balance over $40; LESS the minimum charge described above. x n-* - - - - - - -- -- -- --Z 1 have read the Emporium guidelines abtve and wish t have thet rfollowing advertisemenl placed under thisu sectitbn of the Whilby, Free Press.I t rit6tgrii ni- hdi vor phSoneruniew-r I enclose $7.5Olo ct)ver the minimum charge Charge $7-511)1inmv \Visa accOot lard %o. .,,a ne phase Pr int, Addre-sai MAIL. TO: I-sp liai, WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1:31 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Postal Code Below are some examples of what you would be charged if vour article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE Adveurt irnî' I'riceî tp lii $ i161 fi $ 6() $ 7W $1.000 Payable $ 7.50 $ 10.00 S15.00 S20.00 S22.00 $24.00 S26.00 s 28.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 S72.00 S92.00 $100.00 I e à City 1 . t*itv -1

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