Whitby Free Press, 3 Apr 1985, p. 20

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p AGE 20, WEDNESDAY. APRIL 3, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS r- I GUITAR LESSONS Mite ai 655- 3791. MER-MAIDS (564361 Onf. Lt d.) Speciaiizing ln comploe home and office cfoaning. fssuned, res estimaf o.Att sort gaaranfeed. Af sa grass cuting, tnimmlng and genorai mainfainanco. 666-2237. WILL DO typing, booitieeping, dralling, etc. ln my home. Cai 683-718. CONGRATULATIONS on yaar lontcoming marriage. Please vof o ur sampios of sngraved weddlng inmitations afpon fians nlnaur Aax Plaza store, Olcison Printing & 0ffice Sup- pf les,68831968. WOMEN Rewardlsg appor- tuniftesln fochnoiagy. Anderson Caleogiate, Whltfby, la oferitlg a new, edal techoologicai studios pragrars, speciaiiy designed for cames, ieading tao mpioYmenf n higit paying, skititid tradtes. ros courses for Durhtam osidents. Regstor Aprit 10-11,7- 9 pm. bolS days and 1-3 p.m. Aprit 10Daf Anderson CVI, 400 An- dorson S. or cai Mary Shea, 689- 5M09for cdtals. Tho Durham Board aI Edacafion: Ecelence titroagit growfS. "«GRAMMER for people cita haie grammar" la te Ideat pocitf relorenco boak for business peoaple. $3.95 per copy and WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY REA> CLASIIFI L DELIVERIES frars1lia 100 Paces Inciuding parcels. reasanabie rates. Cati Relahîs eiollery Set. oices, 433-1460. UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN- TRE: Need heip? Woriters' Com- pensation, Wsfare, OHIP assistance, UnempioymetIin- sarance, or Cisis relerrais ta other agendaes cati: 579-1821. UNLIMITED INCOME Workitig rom home as a commission maifer. Fros Detals Write: Randaf Company P2.. Bon 287 Wood- bridge, Ont aria L4L 1 B1 gLORIOr1 W ACATION VWR NTA LS Candla atPar Cloarwater - Tirea edro moiehomos. Haied pools, tniclose ta b>eaches and major atractions., chiidreO weidotte. listitan motet ra)683-550 WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professIonal fluor. Wauid be suitabia for iawyer, accauntantt etc. RentIincludes ail tifities and la negotlable for an appropriafe tenant. For buriler Information caît M6-372 beiceen 9:30 ar. and 5 psm. Manday fa Friday. DONT LISTEN tlansyone 0130, as pay top dollar for -scrap cars and tracta. 6689712. jhne6688943 AN INVITATION lu innestigaf e te Bahut lait. Uniting tse carid...ans heart ai a ime. For literalure phone 868-8665 or 668- 7653. FORSAE poltabereglaio wilh itadboard. One set ol gold lined drapes, complete sit track, 79x108". Two 36" Wood table lampe. One malchiitg wag amp. Sent allers. Cali aller 5:30 p.m., 6687804. VISIT our used lurniture wareirouse by appolninent. 81g savings on desirs, chairs, iling cabinets, etc. Cali Dcison Prin- ting & Office Supplies fa arrange an appolulmefli 10 iew. 683-- 1968. DO YOU WORRY about the salty oI our Laite Ontario saler? Purify If the naturel way through distilialion. Pitons 668-708 for free consuftat ion. MAÎTRESSES and bax sprlngs ai hall prîce. McKeen Furnif uts, 524 Simcos Street South, Oshuwa. 725-5181. APPLEWOOD for sale, $45 u lace cond or cut pour own, $15 atose. Phons an, 655-4271. 1'MERDES oiftae Bie"coloutîttg bookt avaitable ai Dicitsan rin- ting & office Supplies, Ajax Plaza, 683-1968. Dsaler Inquiries Invilsd. PAINTINOS, original ails, ester- calots, art classes and comn- missions by R. Ernest Juies. Willow Run Galery, 585 King Street at, Oshawa, 579-1101. availeoto etousss n rit,,ang &____ office SuppliesaInte Aax Plaza. Dealer enquirios invilod 8831968. ic HRD9 CCOMMODATION FR WO ATTIC ROOMS avaiale lu Village home, 10 mitas nortit oI Wlilby, close f0 skitlng and golf, FREE: Drap inia the Dicison non-amotors please. 855-4035. Printiog & office suppiy store lu ______________ fte Aiax Plaza and pîcir up a ras Sick Room. copy of hit 1985 MeirlO Calen- dar. Pinted In tîwo cubonrs. Il AUTOMOBILESI Eauipiieft maitos for handy ralrence. 683-.FO SALE 1968. - .VC0 Loan Service __________________ 1984 CHARGER lgirl blue, 2 dr TO hatcihacit 22 lire, radiais ~~BIY/RI1ENT 30000 kilontetOB auiomatic, DUMP SITE avalahia for deOan flii. Dandas and Hopiins ares, Whitiby. Phono 418-388-7048. WANTED TO RENT double car garage or corner olarger shap for amnaiti cotitsp and siorage. Please cati68-0263 aller 6 p.m. £-ARqiLES1 TYPEWRITER reofat, many mates and modela, by te weoitond, ceet Or moolt. iscourUs aatiabia. Dicisan Prnting & Office Supplies llte Aia Plaza. Cai us for business machine rpaire83-1968. ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, RE~AL -FISTATE 1972 NOVA. uncertif lad, $195. 1972 Clica parts, $65, no bady parts or angine. 1976 Kawasai KE100, noeangine, $50. 649-2021. Charlie has gene the right way, The Dickson Printing and Office Supply route tisat leads te business success 1 PHOTOCOPYING High quallty photocopyiflq while you wait. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, Whltby SIMPLE!1 IThe simple solutionl f0 cieaning storage problems n the ttic and garage is a Classified Ad. corc 1ceQQ ....... 668-11 size, accessarles Included, $75. Aiso chesterfild and chair. Phane 668-7396. FOR ALL yaur insultfian & air sealing needs plus air leaitage Inspection and UPP.FI. remnediai moasures. Cati MoCleave Ltd., Uxbridgs, 652-5051 or toit Ires 1. 800-263-3204. CHESTERFIELD salles, loveseata, sectIanais, lIsstitan Vu prIce. Large selectIon. Mcfeen Purniture, 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. TWO 3-SIPEED bicycles. 1 boys, i girls, reasanabie. Cati 571-0843. GEOTYPE presson eteing n0w n stoci t a Dicitson Prlnting & Of- ice Supplies lnte AjaxSshop- ping Plaza. Large seiectiott af styles and ies. Why pay more lot a smaiter sheet of ltfering? 683-1968. T VTAMIN PLACE weaea Canadian campany maeC.E. Jamieson prodoO- ta ailow mailoder prices Cati, isif us, 7284694 Ior price liai OGuaranedSso discount. WATKI NS praduc- la avalabie. THE VITAMI N PLACE MICROFURNACE A new type of heater. Saves you money!1!! One unit heats up to350Osq. ft. $149.95 with 5 year guarantee 66-40 ALI THE WHITBY FREE PRESS WOULDLIKETOWISH AVER YHAPPY &SAFE EASTER HOLIDAY. AUCTION BARN Due to thîs Friday belng Good Friday aur sale will be held- SAT., APRIL6 11:00 A.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles West of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle Britain Rd. Marbie top washstand, matchlng green Ken- more, 2 door ref rldgerator and 30' stove, walnut dressers, pressback hi-chairs, 6 piece dînette suite, gas barbeque, horsedrawll cutter (good cond.), iron bed wlth brass trim, 3 pleCe maple bedroom suite, single set of driving harness, 30-6 Midland rifle, 9 f t. aluminum f iat-bottom boat, AMF reai type lawnmower, 1984 YZ-50 Zinger Yamaha, 1968 350 Vumaha, GeneraC Y.P. alternator (new, suitabie for mobile homes), quan- tlty of power and hand tools. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 G000 FRIDAY APRIL 5 111:00 A.M. At Stouffville Sales Barn. Household furnîture, an- tiques, glassware, dishes, tools and numerous other articles. Terms cash. EARL GAUSLIN AUCTIONEER 640-3079 AUCTION SALE SAT., APRIL 6 10:00 A.M. Brooklin Community Hall, Casseis Rd. E., Brooklin. For the estate of the late ARCHIE CAMPBELL plus another local estate. Antique and modem furnlshings, glassware, china, CIocks, guns, appliafiCes, tools and COllectabies. Another great Holiday Auction. EARL DAVIS AUCTIONEER 728-4455 AUCTIOVS' FUN FOR THE WHOLE FAMI LY ATTEND ONE THIS WEEKENti CALL CIRCULATION 668n6l11 (ROUTE CARRIERS EARN $$$10 AND MORE... s : W IUrMl . . . . IVpAhr7taflf1q Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour ta forward replies to box numbers, iday of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loas or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographiec BRHDAH 70 o h is 0 od;1tec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond tse cost of the space occupied BRHDAH-$0 o h is 0 od;1<ec such replies. We will flot be responsible for box number rjby the error Up ta a maxim um co t of the first isertion. d iî lwr. replies nat called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f ir- reject al advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12e each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert one day before they cati be changed or cancelied. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $400 for 20 words; 12< each ad- AUCTION SALES -40e<per life. (No word ads allowedi. t isr rcie molmAs ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classifîed BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL aAd to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 lu Pl

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