Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1985, p. 6

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PAGE 6. WEDNESDAY, MARZCII1 27, 1985, WIIITBY FREE PRESS Whitby bridge resuits The following ara the results of lasi week's play at the Witby Duplicata Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jimn Wbarrie. North a nd South: Mrs. Jack Frost and Donald Wilson, 67½; Bill Nelson and Frank Macaeili, 67 ; and, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wharrie, a tie with Bert VanNoord and Henk Hellandoorn, 64½,,. East and West: Dr. and Mrs. Richard Kat- chaîl, 76; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Winter, 691'2, Mrs. Bruce McColl and Mrs. Douglas Maun- draîl, 68; and, Georgia Bovay and Mrs. George Steffler, 62. The results of each week's play at the club will ha raportad in the following issue of the Whitby Free Press. Review debate CONT'D FROM PC,. i His party would also provide direct subsidies to the tenant, as opposed to the landiord. Ha also maintains that rani controls are good for the economy. Since many people pay as much as 40, 50 and aven 60 par cent of thair disposable incoma on rent, Evans said, "lthai means there is not enough consumer dollars availabla b get the economy going." Rent control, ha halievas, are "balping the overaîl economy by helping tenants to have more consumer dollars availabla." Lika Stewart, Evans viaws the govrnment's announcamant as an alection 'goodia' "Ta thara any othar way to view it?" DISTINCVIVE WEDDING INVITATIONS select Vour 4 id ll nvitation% C nI ur COMPICte catalogue i-nivou a Keep.%ake copy ot wour Iln% ,tatu'fl n luxuriuý i-nd £7-.., iii liii *c~ BOnS Brýk1 in Cal6By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH You may recall that a few weeks ago 1 told a story about my grandmother trying futily to make bier toast and jam corne out even; and how 1 likened it to my own life at times. This is one of those times, Ive just run out of jam! SPRING CARD NIGHT Brooklin and District Progressive Conservatives are once again holding one of their popular progressive euchre parties. It takes place this Friday night (Maréh 29) in the Oddfellows Hall on Bagot St. and begins at 8 p.m. Euchre cards are provided. Anyone wishing to bring their own foursome for bridge or any other game are welcomne. There will be door prizes as well as euchre prizes and refresh- ments. Tickets may be bought at the door or ordered in advance by calling one of the following: 655-4951, 655-4211 or 655-3860. Admission is $3 per parson. SPRING FASHION SHOWS Ashburn Kirk Guild is holding a show at Thunder- bird Gold Club on April 9 at 8 p.m. There will ba ex- citing new styles by Lizelle Fashions Inc., Calypso Fashion and Swimwear and Julia Shoes with bair and makeup by Jan of Hair Fair. Tickets are available at Ashburn General Store, Irwin Smith in Port Perry and Warmn Woolies and Whatnots in Brooklin, at $5 each. On April 25, Brooklin UCW is sponsoring another show called 'Springtime in Paris". This one will be beld in the CE Building of the United Churcb on Cassels St. in Brooklin beginning at 8 p.m. Ail the fashions will be from the new spring collection that bas just arrived at the Village Shop- pe in lrooklin. This one also offers door prizes and refresbments for an admission fea of $3. To reserve your tickets for this show drop into the Brooklin Village Shoppa or cal ither Ruth Cameron at 655-4928 or Ethel Miller at 655-4423. WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The recent Tweedsmulr History meeting held in Lynde Bouse in Witby was well attended with only one regular mamber baing absent and the addition of four visitors from Witby. After a delicious lunch, everyone was treated to a tour of the bouse. The next meeting will ha held on April 17 at 1: 30 in Brooklin Community Centre. The motto will ha "The 3 R's in home training are Respect, Reverence and Responsibility". The hostessas will ha Nora Walker and Mrs. Royce Irwin. Carrie Arksey will present the current avents and the year end reports will ha given. A damonstration of meats - pork, beaf and lamb, will ha held on April 10 ai 7:30 p.m. in Uxbridge Arena. AlI mernbers are urged to attend this clasa. The district annual meeting will ha held on May 23 at the Presbytarian Church in Whitby. Carrier of the mo nth Ian Miller, 10, (aboya) of Hyland St. is the Whitby Free Prass carrier of the month for Fabruary. Ian is a grade 5 student at St. Theresa's Saparate School and bas bean delivering the Free Press in bis naighbourhood since lasi Saptambar. The Witby Free Press would lika to thank Ian for the outstanding job ha is doing and encourage ail of our other carriers to do as wall as ha. Free Press Staff Photo LESS 10% THIS WEEK ONLY MITCHELL BROTHERS BROOKLIN Ca5ai-4991ç S FURNITURE STRIPPING Refinishing & Customu Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT &SOLO Open 7Days aW\Veek 413 Dundee St. E. Whltby Ont. 668-5481 wTHE REGIONAL MUNICIPALITY 7DD) 0F DURHAM DUJRHAM NOTICE 0F PUBLIC MEETING Take notice that the Reglonal Planning Committea wilI consîder at a meeting ta be beld on; APRIL 2, 1985 AT 10:00 A.M. PLANNING DEPARTMENT BOARDROOM 105 CONSUMERS DRIVE, WHITBY AN APPLICATION TO AMEND THE DURHAM REGIONAL OFFICIAL PLAN The purpose of the amandmeflt s ta revise the Durham Reglonal Officiai Plan ln order ta reflect the existing aîignmailt of Ragional Road No. 52 (Thorntorl Road> as l intarsects with Champlain Avenue in the City of Oshawa and ta delate any future raalignmnit as identifiad in tha Durham Regional Off iciai Plan. Subsequerltly, the Regional Council will considar the recommandation of the Planning Committee at a meeting to be hald on: APRIL 10, 1985 AT 10:00 A.M. COUNCIL CHAMBERS, REGIONAL HEADOUARTERS BUILDING 605 ROSSLAND ROAD EAST, WHITBY The report reated ta the amendment application la avalable for inspection in the offices of the Planning Department, 105 Consumera Drive, Whitby, or by caIling Mr. L. Kotseft, M.C..P. Plan- ning Dapartment, (416) 668-7731. Requests ta appear bafora tha Planning Commit- tee as a deputation concarning the amendniant application must ha forwardad ta Dr. M. Michael, M.C.I.P. Commissiofler af Planning, 105 Con- sumera Drive, Whitby, Ontario 1L1N 6A3, and shouîd ha racaivad by the Friday praceding the meeting. Requesta ta appear befora Ragional Council as a daputation concarning the amendmant ap- plication must be forwardad ta, the Ragional Clark, Regional Haadquarters Building, 605 Rassland Road East, Whitby, Ontario LiN 6A3, and shouid ba recaivad 48 hours prior ta the Regionai Council meeting. Gary Herrema C.W. Lundy, A.M.C.T. Ragional Chairman Regional Clark 1

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