Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1985, p. 25

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WIIIT13Y FRIA 'IISS. Wl'I)NI--SSIA Y, NARCII 27. 1985 PAGE 25ý Whitby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIF IE]D D S ISap will flow at A )S PurpieWod ~~IO~] ~3~~] ~RS ~ RSthis weekend AUIf you haven't visited minutes. ________________________________ - Purple Woods Conser- Community v Auv -Od lui OiiidtJ i qhniV ANTIQUE AUCTION FRI., MARCH 29 :30 P.M. Brooklln Communlty Centre, Cassais Rd. E. Hwy. 7 and 12. Included in 1his large sale we have Cupboards: corner, fiat- two-wail, lam, hanging, chimnay, Tables: dinling, dropteaf, parlour, pine tilt top, checkerboard, fern, Chairs: set of four pressbacks, balloon buck, aero back, wing back, dtnlng, rockers, hi- chair, Beda: on and brasa, spool, Acadian, ropa, plus a selection of dressera, bianket boxes, benches, aoils, deaka, plus a Victorian pine badroom suite, teft top commode, buffet, tes- wagon, cedar cheat, rose back sofa, oak tounge, aiso a setection of cradies, granite wear, cobbters bools, train sets, teddy bears, games boards, douas, baskets, commode sets, decoys, carvinga, guns, adver- tlsing pleces, quitta, crocks, lampa, plus a glngerbraad dlock, igar store Indian, spinnlng whael, Heckel, butter bowl, tractor* seat, lce saw, large rolling pin, etc. Partial listing only. Termm cash, Visa or ap- provad chaque. Previaw 4:30 p.m. AUCTIONEER EARL MACKINNON 655-3526 WANTED Maure, reiiabf e poison io cire for,2 ohildien in my home. very flexible hours daf i 668-3036. MOLLY MAIO is accePfing al) picîf ions for ighi housework in Whifby. dail 668-9613. cREATIVE RESUMES $1900. cash or viSA. cover leitfes $400, satisfactiioinguaanieed, 400f lob hun wihoui one. 576-0633 anyfime. Aso busines icor- poraions, fast. HeIp your Heari... Help yoîîr Heart Fund CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FRI., MARCH 29 6:00 P.M. Three mîtes east of Ltte Brtain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsay/Lttle Brtain Road. The estate of the lte IR- VINE CONNELL of Om- memne. Nine place oak dlning room suite, 3 and 4 pece wlnut bedroom suites, drop front wrtlng desk, Lakewood artlght stove, bed chesterfietd, Imperilt ref rldgerator, Viking 24" electrlc stove, Hoover spin washer, odd pressback chairs, washatands, self propelted Viking lawn- mower, Crattman radial arm saw, table saw, wheeibarrow. 5 h.p. Sears test mutcher, Troy 8111 roto tiller, il hp. Turf Tral riding tawn- mower (1 year old), quant- tty of power and hand toots, china and glass. DON CORNEIL AuCTIONEER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 SALES PERSONS Installationl or energy produci reiaied. ex- perience preferred. 1-800263- 3204. WORD PROdESSING Pîogram- misa, Lousdbase. Il and 111 and more. wiih cerificate and job pacemeflt, $149 and up. gover- nmeni approved courses avalabie, fao deductibie, ..A. P. i10005.683-2226. A RESPONSIBLE lovins nanop bo cari la, fhree year oid boy in my home. 8 fa 430, Moday to Fiiday. musitfhave own car, refereflceS. Bradley/Gardenl ariaý Phonealler 5p m .6661670, UNEMPLOYEIS? Looking fo, a caree, change? Cali 6832261 for free counsiiiiflg on job oppor unifies 4)4ý -JAtED SLOOKING FORA CAREER IN ADVERTISI NG? Downtowfl business requires that person who: oPossess good communication skills; -Has ambition and self confidence; - 1s eager to 1earn; ois capable of earning an above average i ncome; *And is not af raid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuil-time. Car necessary. Start im- mediately. Come in to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whîtby. IBecome a carrier for the Whitby Free Press today. Become the oulstanding carrier of the month and become a winner! Learn Io be a businpss person wiiiî responsibiliiy while earnînq ronety CALL CIRCULATIION 668-6 11 (RO UTE CA RRIERS EA RN SS$!') At LT Uq[IERS Tht- people of Whtby and area love atiending suc- lion sales. Let tht-m know about your nexi sale by advetrising in tht- mosl widely rt-ad pages in Whii- by - the Whitby Fret- Press Classiliedal Caîl 66<8-6111I EN VIRON MENTAL EOUIPMENT MAINTENANCE CONTRACTORS Provide pianned Maintenance & Ser- vice for Heating and Envronmentat Equip- ment at the O.P.P. Detachment. Registry Office and Jail in WHITBY. Ont. (for a 3 year period> Tender No. ORI-85-008 Seated Tenders witi be received until 2:00 p.m. local time on - THURSDAY, APRIL Tender Documents may be obtalned f rom the Ontario Ministry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office. 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia. Ont. Noie: For furîher in- formation regarding the tenders. please cati the- Tenders Of- fice aI ithe above ad- dress. Tetephone (705) 325-7403. The iowesi or any Tender not necessariiy accepted. Mnisiry of SGoverne ni Services Ontario -Buying or t *kté. .e.. 14 .1. .... - p ... h 77 668-6111 WHITBY FREE PRESS miasing out on one of the jobs of the season. But don't despair, because there la still time. on the weekend of March 30 and 31 the Central Lake Ontario Conservation Authority will hold its eighth an- nual pancake weekend. The Durham A.M. Kiwanis Club will be selling pancakes at the picnic shelter. Each or- der will include a ser- ving of freah maple syrup. Authority staff will lead tours of the sugar- bush from 9:20 a.m. to 3 p.m. Viitors will have an opportunity to discover Indian, pioneer and modern methoda of producing maple syrup. Tours will start at the conservation area parking lot every 20 groupa viit they required to contact the authority office to make reservations. Maple syrup will be available at $9 per litrQ% and $550 per haîf litre. Also available are, maple sugar and maple butter. The ever- popular pony-drawn rides will be running againat acost of 50tPer person. Admission, parking and tours of the sugar- bush are al provided free-. Purple Woods Con- servation Area la located north of Oshawa at the south-east corner of Simcoe Street at the loth Concession Road. For more information contact the Central Lake Ontario Conser- vation Authority at 579- 0411. INVITATION for DEVELOPMENT PROPOSALS BY BUILDERS AND DEVELOPERS FOR THE CONSTRUCTION 0F 50 TOWNHOUSE FAMILY RENTAL UNITS ln the CITY 0F OSHAWA OR IMMEDIATE VICINITY for the DURHAM REGION NON-PROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION Tiiese unts are to be developed un Iand currentIy owned or optioned by the ButiderlDevetoper. Proposai Cati documenta can be obtainied with a $100 refundabte deposit from: Dr. M. R. Michael Durham Region Non-Profit Housing Corporation dlo 105 Consumera Drive Whitby, Ontario Li N 6A3 Tetephone 416668-7731 l should be noted that proposais wilt be received until 3:00 p.m. Aprit 29, 1985 in Whitby. Ontario, ai which lime they witl be publicly opened. m AUCTION SALES EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be sotd: antiques, general household contents, Jeweitery - modern and antique. Good dlean sales. Absotutety no reserves or bld-ina. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 Corridor Capers ç~ By MARY MCEACHERN Cai 725-8967 wlth items for this cotumn NIGHT 0F CARDS Whitby Order of the Eastern Star will hold their annual night of carda on Wednesday, April 10 at 8: 30 p.m. at the Masonic Temple, Cochrane St. in Whit- by. There will be euchre, bridge or any card game you wish to play. Make Up a table and have an evening out. Lunch will be aerved, and there will be a hoat of door prizea. Tickets are $225 and may be purchased at the door or by calling 725-5008. Proceeds to charity. SPRING CARD PARTY Holy Family Pariah, 91 Ribblesdale Dr. in Whitby will hold their Spring Card Party at the Parish Hall, on April 16 at 8 p.m. There will be a variety of card games including bridge and progressive euchre. Prizes and lunch. For tickets caîl Ann Gallas at 728-1118. POWELL ROAD BONFIRES Our area la blessed (?) with backyard bonfires. Nearly every Saturday or Sunday some household on Powell Road decides to rid their premises of un- wanted papers, tires, old wood, you name it, its bur- ned in their backya rd. Seems if you ask the Town of Whitby for a permit to burn rubbish, your request will be denied, however, if you just go ahead without a permit, thats okay, I, for one, am getting a littie tired of the black soot and smoke nearly every weekend. Something should be done. WHITBY WOMEN'S INSTITUTE The next meeting of the Whitby Women's Institute wiil be held on March 27. 1:30 p.m. at the home of Amelia Pringle. 307 Dunlop St. E. in Whitby. Visitors weicome. ANDERSON COLLEGIATE Open flouse at the sehool - April 24. Parents Night - Thursday. April lit RATEPAYERS MEETING The next executive meeting of the CARA. wil be heid un Thursday. April il,- 7:3t0 p.m. at the home of Colin Duddridge. t39 Canadian Oaks Dr.,- Whithy. ANNUAL MEETING The- annual meeting of the- Corridor Area Itatepayers Association wiii be held at Dr. Robert Thornton School on Tlhursdlay - May 9 at 7:30 p.m. Our thanks to the- Cuhs and leader Charles Webb for aliowing us the use of tht- achool on that par- ticular evening. This is a regular cub night. but they have assured us that they wili conduct outdoor ac- tivities that evening. We appreciate the do- ripera t ion. 15 POSITIONS AVAILABLE NOW! We are hiring homemakers f0 work ln our pubishing depariment. Work 10 ar..10 2 p.m. Monday 10 Frlday. Herels What We Off er: *a comfortabie office almosphere *a convenient location *a compelitive salary @an opportunity to work with us throughoul the year. Your position wiil be reserved il you jusI cali Mrs. Aprit aI 686-3052 unau

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