Whitby Free Press, 27 Mar 1985, p. 24

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 AGE 24, WEDNESDAY, MARCI I 27,19i5, WlI-llBY FI' t' PRES f I la WHITBY'S MOST WU)ELY IILAL C I S~Fif[II 4LX$ ~"~ICï~1 e ARTICLES ~ ~UA,1,IDEJNCEr~ENTS~UNCEMENTS F OR SALE ~ ~ ~PERSt~P~Ai-S~0NALS q3~c~~J __ GUINN . We huon been Siessed MATTRESOSO 800 sou 51> i fraif price. McKeen Furnilure, 524 colors. an classes and com THE BAHA'IS 0F WHITBY DELIVERIES fom 1Ictei 00Places toctudtOg pacels, reasoable rates. Cati Rellable Oaierl Set- vtces, 4331480. GIITAR LESSONS KMike ai 855- 3791. CONGRATULATIONS O' pOur forthcomisg mariage. Peuse viem Our samples Ot engraved weddlng invitationsS aI pour fIsane ls our Aan Plaza store. Olckson Pritis8 & Office Sup- plies, 8831968 BROKE AT A OfFFERENT LEVEL? A "good job" ilhoul adequate compensation or ad- sancement? If psu are milling t0 do somethinig tomard tîsancial romands phone 782-7701 (Toron- fol for pour Ire, oo.oSligation 45 minute fisancial seminar. UNLIMfTED INCOME Worling from home as a commission malIen. Free Delaîts Write: Randal Company PO. Box 287 Wood- bridge, Ontario L4L 1BI. FR EE FREE: Drop i510 the ickson Pnilg & Ofice SupPlp sIor> nIr the Ajau Plaza usd pick up n res copp t Iheir 1985 MetrcCelei dur, Prinled sim to clours il maken for asdy referesc,-.683- 19M8 BUYEREN UNEMPLOYMENT HELI' CEN- TRE: Need Selp)? Wokers' Com- pensatton. Wefare, OHiP assistance, unemptuymentin. savance, or Crîis eterrals to niher agencles, catit: 579-1821. EVENTS & GIFT SALE sat., March 3th & Sufl.rMarch 31sf 10 arn. ta 4 p.m. Col. JE. Farewell SchooI 810 MCQuay BIvd., 081er Creek, Whitby Far more înfo. cal 666-3917 THANKS TOIShe Sacred Heart for answering MY prayers. This souena han neyer failed: May the Sacred Hear ot Jesus Se praised. udored & giorif lad throagheul the whole world fbraver & eser Amen. Six limes a day for eles day Pn F60 É10ýTICAINAL SERVICES "OGRAMMER on peuple mhO hale grummun nis theiieai poclnel referencebSouk tor business people. $3.95 par coPY and availaSîs ai Dicsoon Pintulng & office Supplins in f58 Ajax Plaza. Deaer enquiries inuilnd 6831968ý 1 AT GUîtS the ial e nl ead &t thafrcleoGulnve.eicehein son, Richard ilnlmeosel on san, iard W19llia18D.oRald' s f5 mot ry gdhild foý r.WGeorgte& izeth ancktun, titIGeon Eliamethnri Gon,saatShfo forlimBe ons Cird Hart an tiraI ea.ephem Clfor Hrtond ctirtgeoneaIl aIfSrcuDonewd Yuo.Sncerth auser ONw YrStimand erthntlcDrstafid Ajax Pickerng Generel Hospifal. CUTýBLE "'5peduUzing in oci. leaning For P.rtcular Peope" 666-2144 wHtTeY OFFICE SPACE for solt ou professionfl 1001Wouid Se nuilahie Ion amyer, accous tant. etc. Reul iscludus ai uililies and s segotiabin Ior as appropriaIS tenant. For IonISer information cuti 668-6372 blmoen 9:30 a m and S p.m.Monday lu Friday FOR SALE CONDOMINIUM FOR SALE sn n hu3lbdrom. 2 fullats, Simcoe Street South. Oshama. 7255181. SHUFFLEBOARD 18 fi. Fleel, wood, regulallonsize, $1.800. 868-661 1. VISIT Our used furnnt are mrehouse Sp eppoinîment. 11 suings on desks, chairs, filing cabinets, etc. Cail Ockson Prim. tlng & Office Supples 10 arrange an appointmenl lu iem 8683- 1968. Do yOU WORRY about the safety of our Lake Ontario walen? PurifY Jif the naturel may through tdistillation. Phone 668,86708 for ret) consultation. FOR SALE uprlgftt piano, ex» caltent condition, Gerhard Hein- fimas. Phone 8554741. COMPACT masher and dryer for sale. Cal 668-4562. "HEROES ofthtfeBilie" colourinO Souk aalabe aut Okson Pln. ting & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 883-1968. Dealer inquiries invited. missions Sp R. Ernest Jukes, Willom Run Gallery, 585 King Street East. Oshawa, 5791101, FOR ALI pour installationl & air sealing seeds plus air leakage inspection and U.F.F.l. remedial measures. Cati McCleave Ud., Uxbrdge, 852-5051 or foitfIree 1- 800263-3204. CHESTERFIELD salles, loveseats, sectionals, less Ihan' v price. Large selecîlon. McKeen Furnture, 524 SIMCOe Sf.. Oshawa. 725-5181, TWO 3-SPEED bicycles. 1 boys, 1 girls, reasonabie. Celi 571-08431 GEOTYPE press-on ietterisg nom ln stock ai ickson Prining & 0f- ice Supplies in the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large seleclios 0f styles and suzes. Why puy more for a smalier sheet of letering? 683196& TEAK FURNITURE for sale, Caît before 9 p.m.. 868-4453. 668452 WANTED TO RENT double car laundry r0cmn orage, 5 nem ap' LRD garage or corner ut arger shop a~5<plancen nea b uadioom, drapes , 2~FOfD for small mokshop and sîscage. f~'p and stnaden86839573, eveningsn VACATION RRN Mtase cal68.0263 aller 6 p.m. CP1 *'W. RENTA .~LS SuPP dIan at Par weekend. meek or month laurmater Three A]d om Discounts avaîlatnie Dcksou mobile homes. Heafed pols. Pri5h55 & Office Supplies In the FRE 6 ont nd ktte, hn ad OR ENT lun ned um tannissclose fo eaches and Ajas Plaza. Cull us Ior business aIl shots andbSean neufered suitube e mu ok sg or studes ao aItc ri htje ahnerpîs1816 frendy and good il chi drn tm ban hk c5smecm 0 nshnmt Ca Vicki Basable at 5762283.jun us rs Poound em 6310 Phone 6884866 jyj1 e I Chare hat decded nDE Io make FURNISHED EOROOM . e a t rathe r rder t fro nD ick s n ot single perses su its m e k ng ~ K L L 5 J Hj ar Pinin &Ofie uplis heegentleman, absI a ner,$6DFECRSSC Fund 0h0rcstpn Oree., Mol.Cutaf3pm88 131 BroCk Street North 'a . . _____ Whitby -668-6 111 00 PaRTIIPC Ir present... ifI/ A/tr .a view of man's progress beyond his life on earth. DATE: Saturday, March 30, 1985 TIME: 8:OOp.m. PLACE: I.O.F. Hall 211 Brock St. S., Whitby, Ont. Free admission and refreshments For information, cali 668-7653 or 668-8665 the Bahai faitS. Unilisg the mnrld ose Seafl aI a ime. For literaI une phone 6688885 or 668. 7653. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! gELOMEWO ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... MOTHER 0F TWO mishes to Sahynif a clid aged 2 te 5 peurs, ptansed menu, gnod routines. Cali Vlckl Bastabte aI 576-2283. DRYWALL Taper-Painler seeko mur. Also leotured ad suspen- ded celing. 15 peurs aupeien. ce Jim Tomilsos. 7239266. BECOME A CARRIER! Hoen' an oppotunity lui earn m ene y fr thos lhisgs pouuve aimaYs munI edý A nom bie, cloIhs, sports equipmesl. steneo sel, or te lhounfds ot olser seedn pou may de- sire. Just a phase cait miii Sing pou al the informa- ion Chek ituat! CALL CIRCULATION 668-6111 WHITBY FREPRESS Give UNICEF I gifts and cards and help a child Contact takcer Canada ,4 443 MI Pleasunt Rd Tnnonto. Ont MaS 2L8 iý cl NK553L Ssii iz1.n1M1- 4 ATTENTION DISPLAY& CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS owr ele obxnmes Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If billed - $6.00 for 20 words; every endeavour ta foarrpletabxum rs b day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will flot be 14t each additional word. however, we accept na liability regarding loss or damage Phable for failure ta publish an ad, or for typographiec ITS ETS-$.0frth is 0 od;1tec alleged ta arise through failure or delay in forwarding errorsinpbiainbynth cost of the space occBiRdadTHS, A TH 70fr h is 0 words; 2<e ch replies. We will flot be responsible for box number inpulicatinbyn h diinlwr.s by the error Up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right ta cîassify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the fir- reject ail advertisements. Ads must appear in the paper st 50 words: 12t each additionaî word. I>EAILNES: Monday noon prior to publication ta insert one day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classilied Ads. Friday noon priar ta publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES -40e per lifle. (No word ads allowedi to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NIJMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL Ad ta your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 m J 1984 CHARGER ight balus, 2 dr hatchback, 2.2 itre, radiais 30,000 kilumeters, automatic. rustprof, certiled, $7.500. MusI saIt. Cail 578-1914. 1980 TURBO Mustang, uncen. tlfied. $3.500 as. 88.661 1. 1988 MUSTANG 6 cpI., aufomatic, situer. blue InteriOn, sunreol, munItsai, asking $3,550 or besl offer. Phone 5761862 ScOre 6 p.m. or aller 6 p m. and meekends 6553655. ask Ion Toddý 1978 HONDA CIVIC excellent condition. red. AMIFM cassette. $1.500 or est offer, 668-3053. 1878 HORNET slationwagoll, Sent ofler. Phone 668-1431. SET 0F TRES (4). goott con- ditlon, Good Ysear, suze P20575R15. Phose 68-82791. OONIT LtSTEN to anyone ois, me pay top dollar for scnap cars and trucks. 68-89712. -7Y REBtTILT AND SAVE in the long run with - AFFLIANCES Rebuiît Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Stoves, Dishwashers 6 month and 1 year guarantees available IN-HOME SERVICE CALL - $1600 PARTS Whitby Oshawa Scarborough 107 Dundas St. . 23 King St. W. 2484 Kingston Rd. 668-9444 723-9777 1 267-3889 Umm - - - - . - . 1 1 1 1 1 -- r'n im: D13 P2

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