Whitby Free Press, 20 Mar 1985, p. 19

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WIIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCII120, 1985, PAGE 1I() ARTICLESARTICLES FOR SALEFOR SALE 300 WATT car Iniegrated amp, brnd ne, neyer used, $195 love peur arranty). AMIFM digital dispiay cassette radio, rem, $75. 300 Watt 6,sO' Poypropylene milh Ferra tiuid, lcredibie soand, morlh $250, seit $100, stli sealed mith ose peor arraniy, Cal 668-4838, anytime, Kyle. ANTIQUE Speol Desigr 3/4 bed, sotid headboard, compiete muSh ooden rails, $450. Phone 666- 2243. PANASONIC 6" 9&W TV, ACIOC in very good condition, $75. Hot mater heater ime type 220 vot, $55, Hand incs 3200 LB capacity, sturdy steel gears. reveesbie Wibrake, $150. Phase 282-8760. 1973 MERCURY MARQUIS, 4 door, 429 Cu. lr., AC, AMIFM 8 tracis stereo, 5 good tires, as l. $400. AIse 16 ce. il. freezer, $150. Eercise equipment, $95. 683- 1094, GIRLS CLOTH-ING size 5 to 6X. lrdividuaiiy priced, addirg up to $60 or ail for $50. Brookiîr 655- 8764. BEAUTIFUL ard carved parier chairs rom Scotiand. set ai leur. mini condition, $125 each. Aso antique heaoy nleerpiate sleer- mare ard case "Victorien Rose' Wm. Rogers & Sari, 52 pieces, $225 or bet aller, Cati 728-6970 belare noon or aller 4 p m FOR SALE 7 Il Myers Pieugh mith iydraulic pumP, $1.2M0 Phare 668-3471. WEIGHT 9ENCH, Sers Free Spirit, plus eighîx, $120. Cal 668-8178. FOR SALE pipe thieuding ki. heaoy duty, for /a te 1" Pipes, $35. Cai 433-4689. CAR STEREO IAMIFM casn.i ard 1 (pair> 6x9" speakers 1200 matt car siereo (AMIFM cassette) Plus a pair aI 6ox4 200 ail speakers. $75. Brand nom ith ose eur guarantee. 200 at, 7 5usd equalizet booster, 4 speaker hooi-up, $50. Kyle, 668-4838, FOR SALE Fepsi-Cola botte POP machine, A-i conditior, asklrg $400 or bent otter. Contact Mike, 579-2660. FURS - Very elegant Mlrk Jacket, raturaI brome, minI condition, 12- 14, $350 Mnk dyed Muskrul Crt, brOwn, large.,ixteciaiiy atyied for oeerized hipsi mon- dertuily arm, only $95 Yourg ladies bleached Munkial Carcoat, 12-14, $50. Young ladies Fur Jacket. black ard white, 12-id. $75. Furrirmmed browr Suede coul, fulitengih. 1214, $45 Mer's Macregor Carcoat. genuine Scottins wool. sze 38. excellent cordition. $30. Cati 668. 7404 aller 6 p.m. IITCH EN SET 5"x36" oeui table wth chromed steel trame and ruk Irak laminated top, like nem and tour chrome chairs mlh dark bromo suit uphoterY. $150. Bell antique pump orges, Crca 1850, excelent conditior, $750. Ceiebriiy eleciric typemîter. ex- celent condition. $150. Wooden rockirg chair, $50. Phone 655- 3545. FOR A COMMADOR comnputer milS dine drive, 1 pîrbuli con- struction set game utiity. $50. Cuti aller 5 p.m.. 668-1153 as lfoi Dur. FOR SALE minis stole. $250, Full ength plate glass doon mirrar, 5 IL, x 2 Il.. $30. Bais accessorinh, 3 pece, white porcelals and chrome. $20. Vi Continental bed. $50 Phone 666-3516 or 668-9029ý FOR SALE diiro roem table and chairs. oodeon .pchrome legs. eecutive style chairs, cet $790. si $225, Bach and white, 12" ACIOC TVM, home or car. $85. 666-3006. FOR SALE skis. 195 cm., Lork indings, $45. Circular su. Black and Deciser, $35 Phon 433-4889. FOR SALE oIice desis and credesza, goat and soild, $120. Phase 668-5985. ACORN ELECTRIC irepiace. $40ý Prolessirrat hait dryer, $50. Sears video arcade plus il Atari games. irciadlng Pacman. Tapemom and Delender. $175 or best oller. 576-6592. FREE PRESS E M PORI1UMý Emporium Ads will only be accepted subjeet to the foliowing conditions. 11 El A I _à__ ___ When the adveriised item is sold. disposent uf. or usavailabit for whatever reaser. the item wiii be deemed to have been seid and a commissionx wit be chargeit based os TIIE AIVERTItiED PIRI(IE as itiustraied bleow. regardiess if price is siaitent wth tient <rer- If the item is NOT SOLO, or dispesedoft rthe ad mii bc rus fer 3 MiINTIIS and a MINIMUM CHtAtRGE et 7 511 iii apply payable in udvance of publication of the frsi adt Thc abeve minimum charge iii be applied tot the final commission due Maximum commission $10000 Ail adver- tisements must lie piacent en an exclusive basis with the WIITBtV FREE PRE&S and rus ai teast rire menth if rut saint RATES (if article is sotdi: of siadverienprieap te 9400 2% oi balance oser 400 EXAMPLE: seId item advertised fer$S15e.00. (cmmission due $751iimumm charge Ixs 87e50 Private advertising oniy! Pieuse niiy the Whtby Free Pre.s immediateiy mhen item is soid 50 that me may delete il irum the foitoing issue. Ait ado set ittîng the Emporium guitouines iii Se treatent end chargent per meeis e regutar ciassifient adsoen a pre-pait Sasis such as: services. heip mantent. clothing. ceaI estate. and persunai message type ado, or ados ot quotîng price or qeantîty. Private ciassilient ado may appear in tbe Emporium section under apprupriate headîngs ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AIS TO: FREE PRtESS EMPOSRIUM P.O. Box 20 Wtittby. LIN 551 Iflt touhi caI 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whtty, fOt. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM AI)S IS TIIE FR1DAY PREV10US TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. HOUSEHOOMUSICAl.tYC E Q INSTRUMENTS 1981 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 LIVIG ROM ACKAE cn IIMBALL ORGAN wilh berch. isms..nom eohaust, tires. tuse-up. ssigof sofa. chair, rocker, par- excellent cosditior. ul ergine gua dx, backrest, cet- ssigkeyboardt bass pedalS. autornaI ciC ted,$2300. Phoee686-1795. end tables, excellent conditiori. 6 moths aid. $825, Phare 576 3893 OAS STOVE 30" Haîdmîcis gas slave eecellent condition. $275. Phone 668-2014. VINYL MESHEO pluopen. $35 Adiasiabin maiker wmuS plastic casiers. $22 imo oînyi covernd crib matresses. $35 nuch Ove set of matchîrs bumttOr pads. $10. Al items iv very goed cor dtian Phone 6558026 CRIB SET green and white, in- cludes. top and bttemn sheels. piiiom, reverible bamper pads and comtoret imelephant motifh Brand nem, neeer uned. $60. Cati Km 668-3260, $750 668-3203 FOR SALE Prestige ciarint, made in Czechosleeakia. on- celenl condition. ued loi oniy 2 ynars. comns mth deluor case, askinig 5200 Cali 666-258e SIX CH-ANNEL F.A System. base speakers, 150 malt combo amp, accesseries îvciuded, $750 683- 0531 ORQAN, amaha medel A-505, double keyboard, pedais, mv- cludes berch and books, oniy a year o14 and Ir eucellent con- dition, $950. Tlephone 623-4124. MUST SELL 1974 Girson rioper buos 4 may tare smîtch, martle meed. graeer keyS. rery goed condition, bard sheli case, $360 Aiso 1981 F-l Maya imitation strato caster metal pick guard, cherry ood flange bar mîth bard sheil case, $275ý Cail Karen 723- 2579 1 1968 450 HONDA 5 speed custom. vvm tires. sprîvger. lots et chrome. $600 et besi elter. 683-0531 1983 SUZUItI GS450 CUStOM Pnriect szn toi anyore. eoeo begîvrers. mint condition, orîiy used ove ynar loi educatian pur. poses Must seil. $1.200 Phoe Chris at 6558902 aller 69p m BOX TRAILER loi sale, 4x8 Il Askîvg $295 Phone 579-4212 12 BUOGIE breedîrs cages no sale Compleemilh vest boees and equipmeot. $10 each Phono 6684521 -guAogPARIT S FIVE B.F. Goodrich Ail Terrain R.W.L. ires G78s15, 1 nem. 4 wllh i,000 mites, $450. Four Season Master Ail Seasus R.W.L. tires P23517OR15 radiais wlth 2000 miles, $400. Ose sew Edlebrock SP2P aiuminum Intalie manitold wilS Installation kil for smali block Chev, $225. Ose Chev Ouadrajet 4 bbl carbarator, $25. Fiee sets tactory silicone piug mres tor amall block Chryster, $20 each. One nom Chrysier praducts (Ile model) AMIFM MPLX niereo radio, $75. Ors Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette (ils dasti unit) push buttas turing, auto reverse, universel fli, $150. Phase 6553266. 1974 610 DATSUN Wagon, auiamatlC. rebuillimotor. 10000 miles, $500 or best otter, 655. 3729 aller 7 P.mn FOR SALE tour FR78115 Good Year radial ires. $50 eaclr or $190 tor al tour Phoine 6553427 aller 6:30 p.m 1976 HONDA for parIs. veariy rowmomtor. nom tires. ibregiass. $500, Phone 576-6592 FOR SALE 1979 MINI AUSTIN low mleage, good condition, $1,300 as la. MueI seit. Phone 688-3064. 1979 OMC VAN V8, 305, weii malstalned, Inieriar - carpet, bed, slnk and cabinets, cerltied. Asking $4000. Phone 668-0263 aller 6 p.m. 1977 FORD Ecenolîse Van, 351 automatli2, 4 captais chairs. new battery, tires and exheust, $2.500 or bent atter. 683-0531. 1976 RABBIT 2 door, standard. $900 or besi aller. 655-3729 aller 7 p.m. 1978 DODOGE VAN 6 cyl., stan- dard transmission, standard brelies, good condition, $700. Calil668-2589. FOR SALE 1974 Oidxmobîle Delta 8 Asking $750. Fhone 579. 4212, 1974 FORD CourierlMazde Pick. up truck reedn bed, gas tank, 1 ront tender and mIrdshleld, Sas nom brakes, new exhaust ront tu rear and imo rew rocher parel irstailed, aiso 4 white spoke mheeis ard tep bumper. Mont ai body mark compieted, $575 or al- fer. Phase 262-6766. 1973 MUSTANG tull ioaded, asklrg $1.000 or besi aller. Phare 666-2734 atler 6 p.m., weekends anytime. PONY Reg. 112 Arab, 112Wlsh, white with gray mene and tlu. 13 peurs, excellent jumper. great pory club prospect, needs good home or wiii board. Asking $600. Cati eoenings 649-5000. kL PicRnTCP(IIJ CON FUSED?. Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have s Ç~ questîons. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do caîl 668-6111 and weliI be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. If you: *are a private advertiser; *have an article to sel:; and. *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details>. Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months I A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $750 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but where else could you gel three months advertîsing for înly $7.50'. When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price, Com- mission is: 5% Up to $400, 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and5 wîsh fît have the ifollowing advertisement placed under this section ts)f the Whihy Free IPress. i diot tîrgî.t tir inctade virur Phoine îîumle'r I encloîse $7 SOt> etver t he min imUmn chatrge. Charge $7,W)0 b my Visa accîsurit tard %c Niaime l rpiuspiiil MAIL. TO: Esp Mite 'WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1.11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Belttw are stîme examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. 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