PAGE 18, WEDNESDAY, MARCII1 20, 198 5, WIIITBY F REE PRESS SCOMIN G EVENTS CALENDAR GAMES NIGHT The Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital Auxiliary will hold a "Welcome to Spring" card and games night at St. Mark's United Chur- ch, on March -28 begin- ning at 7:30 p.m. There wilI be refresiments and door prizes. Tickets are $3 each and available at Mid- dleton's in downtown Whitby or by calling 668- 1703 or 668-006. WORKSHOP The Whitby Public Library will be presen. ting "The Time of Our Lives: A Menopause Workshop", sponsored by the Durham Regional Department of Health Services in the auditorium on Mar. 19 beginningat7:30p.m. Tirougi lecture, film, discussion and question- and-answer, the program lias been designed to make the exparience of aging for women more positive. Menopause will be defined and women will be shown what they can do through diet, exer- cise and attitude to make the middle years challenging and rewar- ding. There will be no ad- mission charge or registration. AIl are welcome. *BUJY NEW &USED *SELL ,RENT OFFICE FURNITURE e*LEASE SH EL VING LOCKERS GRANT SIDE FILES &office__Supplies__-x FILING CABINETS HO0NEY BEAR SDAY CARE CENTRE (Government Lcensed Government Approved) 4 NURSERY SCHOOL QFor chldren 2to 5years old OPEN FROM 6:30A-Me - 6P.M. ~> MON.-FRI. 52 Weeks a Year Except Canadian Statutory Holidays ~ FULL DAY, HALF DAY & HOURLY ) * Minutes f rom downtown Whitby, c 4 just behind Stokley VanlCamp £ŽTHE NEW OWNERS HAVE PROVIL)EI> *A brand new, total ly renovated QGovern ment Approved Day Gare Centre Z1 S*An abundance of new toys 3and equipmentQ *Government approved staff 3iand Iearning programs * *3 meals a day prepared by a 4nutritionally aware cook 31 *Learning themes and outings 0 FEW SPACES AVAILABLE * in* FOR ENROLMENT ANI) INFORMATION CALL 3 668-6200 VOLUNTEERS NEEDED The Dr. J.O. Ruddy General Hospital Auxiliary is in need of volunteers to escort schoolchildren on tours of the hospital. Anyone interested in becoming a volunteer is asked to cail 668-2840 af- ter 6p. m. MONTE CARLO The Whitby Lions Club will hold a "Monte Carlo Night" on April 19 from 7 p.m. to 1 arn. at the Heydenshore Pavillon. Featured during the evening will be a cold buffet, and a $1,000 elimination draw. Tickets are $10 per person and available by calling John Wiggers at 668-5376 or Gerry Smythe at 683-6603. EUCIIRE The Ladies' Auxiliary of branch 112 of the Royal Canadian Legion will hold their monthly progressive euchre on March 21 ato8p.m. in the Legion Hall, 117 Byron St. S., Whitby. Prizes will be awar- ded and lunch will be served. Tickets are $2 each and available at the door. BAHA'I The Bah?'i comn- munity of Whitby will hold a public meeting entitled "Life After Deati" on March 30 at 8 p.m. at the 10OF. Hall, 211 Brock St. S., Whitby. The guest speaker will be Terry Spratt of Scar- borougli. Everyone is welcome. FIELD NATURALISTS The next meeting of the Durham Region Fîeld Naturalists wilI be held March 25 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium of the R.S. McLaughlin Publie Library, 35 Bagot St., Oshawa. The guest speaker will be Pamela Fulton who will give a presentation on the plants and animais of Australia. Ail are welcome. For more information cal Linda Evans at 666-1680. OUTINGS The Durham Region Field Naturalists will hold three outings in the near future. On March 31, their will be an outing to discover 'Skunk Cab- bages". Meet at the Five Points MaIl, Oshawa at 1: 30 p.m. For more information cal Ernest Vanderzyl at 723- 0852. The club will sponsor an outing to vîew the waterfowl migration at Presqu'île Park, Brighton, Ont. on April 7. Participants are asked to be at the Oshawa Public Library, 65 Bagot St., at 8 ar. For more information cail Mike McEvoy at 725-2196. The hawk migration will be the subject of in- terest on April 13 when the club sponsors an outing to Grimsby. In- terested persons are asked to meet at the Oshawa GO Station at 8 a.m. For more infor- at 723-0852. LENT The Whitby Ministerial Association will continue its "Wed- nesday Noons in Lent" series until April 3 at Ail Saints' Anglican Chur- ch, 300 Dundas St. W. beginning at 12 noon. Next Wednesday (Mardi 27), the Rev. Stanley Isherwood of St. John's Anglican Church will speak on "Purity" . Lunch, costing $2, will beservedatl2:30p.m. FARMERS' BANQUET' The Bowmanville Jaycees will host the third annual "Provin- cial Outstanding Young Farmers Banquet" on March 30 at the General W. Sikorski Polish Hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa beginning with cocktails at 6 p. m. The guest speaker will be Canada's own Charlie Farquharson. Tickets are $20 per person and avaîlable by calling Wayne Aasen at 1-623-4768._ LAC9OSSE SIGN-UP The Whitby-Garrard Rd. Minor Lacrosse Association will hold the first of two registration sessions on *March 23 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Iroquois Park Arena. The second will be held April 13 from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at both Iroquois Park and the Brooklin Arena. Children aged 6 years and under can be registered free. For more information caîl Keith Wagar at 668- 1612. CABARET The Whitby Little Theatre will present "Broadway Cornes Nor- th" at the St. George's Ukranian Hall, 42 Jackson St., Oshawa on Mardi 29 and 30. The doors will open at 7 p.m., the show will begin at 8 p.m. and a dance will be held at 11 p.m. Tickets are $1250 par parson and available by calling 728-6233. CONCERT V The Oshawa Sym- phony Association will present "Concert V" on April 2 at 8 pan. in the auditorium of Eastdale Colegiate, Harmony Rd. N., Oshawa. Featured wilI be the Oshawa Symphony Or- chestra under the direc- tion of Winston Webbes. Tickets are available at Middleton's in down- town Whitby, at the box office on the nigit of the performance or by calling 579-6711. CONCERT The Whitby Arts Station Gallery will present classical guitarist Alan Torok in concert on April 12 at 8 p.m. at the gallery which is Iocated at the corner of Henry and Victoria Sts. Tickets are $6 each and available by calling the gallery at 668-4185. ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE P,4SSENGEIW & LI(;HT TRUCKS COOLING ïr SYSTEM 103 Dundas E. 162 Kng St. E. Whitby Oshawa 668-3356 571-3400