WHIITBY ERBEE PRESS, VEDNIESDAY, MARCI 20, 1985, PAGE 17 RAL STATENEWS Home includes dishwasher and above ground pool This iovely north- Creek subdivision and la t will, no doubt, be the The broadloom ia of ded to the wails and inspeet this home, cail elther 686-1821 or 655- ..or hêithv home is ....n .4...diztn - itherinue nl,,pû for the upgraded quality and ceilings to improve the Theresa Lessard at 3539. located in the Otter of the public schooi and extra insulation was ad- costs. in the summertime, during the warm days and evenings, you will be able to cool off in the backyard swimming pool. (Ail of the pool equipment will be left for the new owners.) Also, for indoor sum- mer comfort, the house is equipped with central air conditioning. Inciuded in the pur- chase price, in addition to the pool equipment and the centrai air con- ditioning unit, is the dishwasher, furnace, humidifier and kitchen biinds. This property is isted with W. Frank Real Estate Limited, Whitby. The asking price is $114,900. For an appointment to 1 HlOUSE 0F THE WEEK CAT SHOW The Motor City CaL Club wili hold their 12th annual championship show April 28 at the Ajax Community Centre from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. Featured wiil be many examples of both rare and household pet breed cats. a convenience plaza. The home features four bedrooms, with an ensuite washroomn off of the master bedroom. The bright eat-in kit- chen should please the cook of the household. There is a main floor family roomn with gorgeous fireplace and, A new phase, a fresh choice of 50' lots, and two branci new models. Sec thenm today at Fatingbrook, Whitby's finest cornmunihy of single farily lhom-es. e 12 designs (2 new ones) from 1646 to 2800 square feet a Affordably priced Iuxury fromr the low $100's MOI E1 ýt' SALE1S ('E--NTRE1 NOW OPEN Mondas' - Thursday f2 nioon- 8 pi il iîiday 12 lnoon b- 6 1.. Sar., Stn. Ili. Félepiioni.427-6676 h i FALLJNGB 00K IN THlI COSTAIN TRAIION(O [1.1mp w whole family. STEAKHOUSE & TAVERN Mon. - Neto York St n ploin lot Tues. - Filet Mignon I1 W.d. - Bar-B-Q Spareribs 1~ Included in above: Hot & (Jold Hor d'Oeu vres. Garlic. bread, Saladl 4dBaked Potato. LUNCH ION SPECIALS Mon.-Fri. 11:30a.me. - 3:00 p... '711E BEST LITTLE STEA KHO!(ISE" IN TO)WN For Rservatioas Daily front 11:30 a.m..- 10 p... 668-2751 FM. tg I p.m. 939 DuIndas St. W. Sot. 4:30 p.m..- Il p.,,. Hwy. 2, Witby Sun. & tioidays 4:30 - 9 p.M.. '~THE CORPORATION OF THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, RSO.1980, c.337 AND IN-THE MATTER OF THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whiîby has passed Bylaw No. 1813-85 to designate the following property as being of architectural andior hislorical value or in- teresl under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage At, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337: Old Whitby Public Library 132 Dundas Street West Whifby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 132 DUNDAS STREET WEST Hîstorical The Old Whitby Library Building was built by the Whitby Library Board in 1913. The building was f inanced by a grant f rom the Carnegie Foundation and the land was donated by the Ontario County Old Girls' Association. The building was off icialîy opened on May 1, 1914 and served as the Town's library until 1973. Architectural The OId Whitby Library Building is a good example of the Beaux Arts Classical design commonly used for Carnegie libraries across North America. The design of the building la notable for achieving the monument of scale expected of Beaux Arts Classicaf buildings in what is essentially a smail building constructed without the use of expensive materials. DATED aI the Town of Whitby this 201h day of March, 1985. Donald G. McKay Clerk The Corporation of The Town of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whitby,Ont ario Li N 2MB Phone: (416) 668-5803 Whitby Iroquois Soccer Club REGISTRATION frsummer 1985 SAT., MARCH 2nd or SAT., MARCH 23rd 9:00 a.m. until 2 p.m. Iroquois Park Arena Lobby WHITBY A GE: Any boy or girl between 5 and 18 years of age born between Jan. 1, 1967 and DeC. 31, 1980. FEE: $25 per plyer rormoe Laie registrations afier March 31, 1985 are subjecita a $20 laie fee. NO REGISTRATIONS accepted aller May 31,1985. It lis mandatory that proof of age, and OHIP number be presented ai lime et registration. GIRLS REQU IRE PHOTOGRAPHS. For further information cal 668u3512 Ken Marsh - Soccer Registrar 1 t