PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 20, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS wi p YOUR DINING PLEASURE w The Explorer boasts good service and excellent fare refridgerator for at "the best available" vation at 668-0316 or you rnany tirnes I've driven past the Explorer at 900 Hlopkins St. over the ami~ It's our 3rd anniversary- help us celebrate by trylng one of aur specials... 5 oz. Steak on a Kaiser.- $295 Halibut FIsh & Chips.- S2.90 We pool aur own pctatoes t 'Open 7 days a week 3018 THICKSON RD. S. WHITBY julce & coffee $ 3,50 LUNCH - Hot Beef Sandwich Inci. - Potatoeslvegetable Gravy & Dessert $3.95 D)INNER - Veal Cutiet Dinner nci. - Homnemade soup Potatoes/vegetabie$45 & Dessert WE HAVE A BOTTOMLESS CUP 0F COFFEE OPEN 7 DAVS 6 A.M. -.8:30 P.M. 500 CHAM PLAIN AVE. OSHAWA 723-4693 GOLDEN GATE, 107 Brock Street South, Whltby 668-8321. This popular Chinese restaurant has been ln Whitby for 30 yeara. The speclalty of the house ia bar-be-qued apare-ribs. A new dlsh is belng In- troduced. (t's a special combination of lght hor d'oevres called Bo Bo platter. Eat ln the dellghtfully decorated Bamboo Room at one of their cir- cular booths. Open Monday to Thur- sday from il arn. to 2 a.m.; Frlday and Satur- day f rom il arn. to 3 ar. and Sunday tili i1 p.m. FuIly lcensed and home déllvery. 360 King St. West, Oshawa By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff I don't know how day. Nothing, be says vehemnently, cornes out of a can. And everything on the salad was excellent, from the freshly cut cheese to the potato salad, macaroni salad, to the newly cut tomatoes and other vegetables. The slce- your-own bread was also a deligbtful in- novation. For the main course at lunch, I sampled their steak and shrimp plate. The steak came exactly as ordered (medium rare) and Minos assures me that they butcher thein own meat and let it age in thein own years but last week I finally went in and en- joyed a truly excellent meal. Manager Andy Minos bas good reason to be proud of bis eigbt-year old establishment, it's a fine restaurant that boasts good service and fine food. Dring lunch last Thursday, I partook from their salad bar wbich Minos says is The Explorer's latest ad- dition. "We pick the best items possible," be says adding that (bey are prepared rigbt in the premises fresh every Oshawa's Best Kept Secret Dscover the intîmate atmosphere of our lounge and bar. The perfect meeting place anid conversation nook with warming ireplace. More Than Just Fine Dining *DININGJO(NGE 44 STEVENSON RD. S. (OpWosite Oshawa Centre> Tel. 4334000 least a week before they serve it. The shrimp were also delightful to the palate. There's one thing you'll neyer find at The Explorer - the con- trolled portion. Minos simply hates them. Every cut of meat ser- ved in his restaurant is butchered and aged by his father and brother who man the kitchen. Minos says that the con- trol portion are often dry and tasteless because they've been in the freezer too long. Be also imports bis lobster tails from Cuba because be says they're (COVER CHARGEI RED LETTER - Thurs., Mar. 21 st, Fr1. 22nd THE RIVER STREET BAND O. al)turing the spark #ut Spring.een - Sat., Mar. 23rd FELONY - Thurs., Mar. 28th, Fri. 29th CqLO RED EDGES - Sat, Mar. 3th COKEE JOE'S IS SECOND TO NONE T HE P RINC E f RESTAURANT AND DINING LOUNGE 1009 DUNDAS ST. EAST WHITBY 666-2811 STEAK SPECIAL T.BONE STEAK S1250 NEWYORK STEAK ~9.50 TERIVAKI STEAK S9.95 JR. FILET MIGNON S8.99 I VCIA 1/S U>P! 1R £41,41>BAR. I'</iTT/ES. I G.G.IIII<: BI);4Olt R/OLL Of fer good.Morch 20185 - Mach 2685 LICENSED UNDER LLBO DININO LOIJNGE BREAKFAST SPECIAL $' f SAT.SUN. 8A.M. -1 P.M. L *u6 D GUITARISAND KIDRO WPiRby Public LibLar for th sprigFsesion o 5CompueraGanT.idE. OSHACaseWAl bgn h OF week ofORpril 9Vand Nn - .£ * unt576-6999My25 COMING AT VOU LIVEI' COPPERFIELDS FUN PUB Thejoleat spot in town. We serve goodfood and riproaring fun times. Atjolly good prices too. Light meals and lncredibly ediblefingerfoods, mostly.under $7.00. Lively DJ sounds every night and the larges t dancefloor jin Oshawa. Parking off Bond St. COPPIERFIELDS FUN PUB 725-3575 725-3576 and while the dîner will pay more for them, it's worth it. The Explorer's menu is a simple one but should please every tasté. Included witb ail dinners are the salad bar, fresh baked bread, hornemade soup and choice of potato. Dinners include such items as the previously mentioned lobster tails (the rnost expensive choice on the menu at $20.95), a Fisherman's Platter (of filet of soie, scallops and shrimp), halibut steak, rainbow trout, and filet of sole. Also included are roast prime nib, three kinds of steak includingý t-bone, New York and filet mignon as well as a surf and turf, as well as veal parmigina and breaded veal cutiet. But the speciality of the house at The Ex- plorer is their ribs which are barbequed to perfection and served with their own sauce. Minos says that people corne time and time again just for the ribs. The Explorer also of- fers their spareribs as the dînner special on Mondays, Tuesdays and Wednesdays for $9.95 - ffhat's $3 off the menu price. On Thursdays, Fridays and Saturdays, the dinner special is their prime nib for $10.95. 1 The restaurant also bas a big lunch time following. lncluded on their luncb menu are sucb items as cbicken fingers, tbree decker sandwiches, burgers, bot sandwiches, tbree egg omelettes as well as roast beef dip and steak on a kaiser. Luncheon specials are also on the menu every day. If you plan a trip to Tbe Explorer on Friday or Saturday for dinner, Minos advises you to call ahead for a reser- could have a long wait for a table. Small groups of bet- ween 20 and 60 people can also be accorn- modated for almost any occassion. The Explorer is open from Il arn. to 10 p.m. Monday to Tbursday, from il a.m. to il p.m. on Fridays and from 4 to il p.rn. on Saturdays. Tbey are closed Sun- days. After rny first visit, I can say that Tbe Ex- plorer is a truly ex- cellent restaurant that in addition to its good service and terrific food it offers one otber tbing - a quiet, pleasant at- mosphere that allows conversation over din- ner. Now that is a great bonus. Ajax bridge The following are thse resuits of last week's play at tbe Ajax Bridge Club as reported by Dwigbt Oland. In the open section: Nortb and South: Bea Phil lips and Elaine Malcolmn, 113; Mike and Joanne Grabowski, 107; E.L. and Vera Creelman, 104/; and, Greg Whittaker and Frank VandenBruggen, 101/. East and West: Grant Andrews and Jack Finley, 141; John MacLean and Don Titherington, 114/; Mike Norman and Mark Martinek, 108'/>; and, Jim Colvin and Walter Michael, 107. In the novice section: North and South: Les and Jean Johnson, 96; Erica Jarcbow and Bet- ty Kroetscb, 90/; and, John Starn and Leo Cassidy, 87. East and West: Jim and Brenda Reid, 97; Vi and Bob Severn, 94; and, Marg Wilson and Sue Cbeetbam, 929>ý. The results of each week's play at the club will be reported in the following issue of the Witby Free Press.