PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCI-1 13, 1985, WIITBY FREE PRESS March is Red'Cross Month throughout Canada By MARION IRWIN The month of March is traditionally known as Red Cross Month. In communities whcre no United Way appeal exista, Red Cross volun- teers carry out a finan- cial campaign to provide somne of the fun- ds for the organizatlon's work. The Whitby Red Cross, however, is part of the Oshawa-Whitby- Newcastle United Way appeal each year and consequently does not undertake a separate campaign. Instead, volunteers from the Red Cross help with the United Way canvassing. Important Red Cross programs in Whitby are the blood donor clinics, the homemaker program which now operates in conjunction with ,Ajax-Pickering and Oshawa to form a regional service, water safety lessons, the boan cupboard where wheelchairs, walkers, etc. are loaned free of charge and A.I.D. (Assistance Inter- national and Domestic). The A.I.D. program provides knitted, sewn and craft itemi for sale. A group of ladies under the direction of Gladys McKenzie and Bà rbara Wilson meet each week to work on their projec- ta. A sale is held two or threc times a year but articles may be -pur- chased from a display cupboard year around from the Red Cross of- fice at the Centennial Building during office hours of 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Money realized from the sale of A.I.D. Items gocs toward inter- national aid. Just recen- tly an aphgan raffle was held at our annual Eunice Stocks of Brooklin. To date, contributions to African drought relief have totalled over $5 million. In Whitby, thus far $3,235 has been brought in by the citiz- ens of the town, $500 of this amount was raised by students at Anderson CoRegiate., resident contributed $10 ($40 per family of four), a small gift by our stan- dards, how many more African drought victims could be helped 1 However, every bit, no matter how large or small, counts. People wishing to help are asked to send or drop in their donation to the relief effort. As well, the Red Cross maintains complete control over the money donated, and the supplies that are purchased and shlpped are under the super- vision of the Red Cross delegate on site. In this way, Red Cross ensures that every dollar con- tributed goes to the ENJOY THE ROYAL TREATMENT I $1.59EAcH PEANUT BUSTER PARFAIT BANANA DOUBLE SPLIT DELIGHT SALE RUNS NOW THRU MARCH 31 We treat you right! .REGISTERED TRADE MARK. TRADE MARKS OFFICE;OTTAWA, CANADA), AMERICAN DARY QUEEN CORPORATION. DAIRY QUEEN CANADA INC REGISTERIED USER Offer Available At: 1003 Dundas Street East, Whltby 1050 Slmcoe Street North, Oshawa 235 Slmcoe Street South, Oshawa Barbara Wilson and incoming president Marion Irwin of the Whitby branch of the Canadian Red Cross Socety are seen here presenting an aphgan to Eumice Stocks of Brooklin who won the blanket after the branch held a raffle at its recent annual meeting. The raffle raised $315 for the Red Cross Society's AID. (Assistance International and Domestic) program. Free Press Staff Photo meeting Feb. 25 from which $315 was raised. The aphgan, knitted in beige and brown, was donated by Lorraine Fudge and won by AEILITY FUNO WVORKING W1TH PHYSICALLY DISABLED AD4LTS It is interesting to note that $10 per person is required to keep an African dièought victim alive for one month. This means that Whitby residenta have kept alive 320 Africans for one month. This does not secm vcry much when one considers the population of our town, the millions who are starving, and the com- parative wcalth we Canadians have. If every Whitby Bcd Cross office in the Centennial Building, 416 Centre St. S., Whitby, Lin 4W2. Money will be needed for several years to corne not only to provide immediate food aid but to help un- dertake, as wcll, long tcrmcontrol of the probleni with irrigation plans, ' improvcd agriculture methods, etc. one hundrcd cents of every dollar given to Bcd Cross goes to the March is Bcd Cross Month. Why not act today? Your gift of time or money can make Uic différence to sonicone who may not survive without it. Information is always available from the Bcd Cross of- fice at 668-2741. EDITOR'S NOTE: Marlon Irwln ls the newly elected president of the Whltby branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. WE'RE TALKING DISCOUNT! SENSATIONAL "NO FRILLS" DINNERISHOW FROM $24.115 A COUPLE FULL MENU 3 COURSE DINNERISHOW INCLU DES TEN MAIN COURSE CHOICES - FROM ONLY I 7.'5 PER PERSON MVARIÇ OLD PHONE FOR EAL Dinner V 4I 419 B ROCK ST. N. PlayouseWHITBY, ONT. P1ay~ç~ ~668-9000 WHERE PRO FESSIONAL ENTERTAIN MENT IS "ON SALE"'