PAGE 6, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 13. 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Asthma info seres By ERICA NEMIS There is stili time ta register for Durham Region Lung Association's "Asthma information Series" at the Whitby Public Library. This four session program will begin at 7 p.m. on Tuesday, March 26 and will continue on Thur- sday, March 28, Tuesday, April 2, con- cluding Thursday, April Speakers will include a family physician, pharmacist, public health nurse and physiotherapist, who will caver topics in- the physical causes of asthma, use of medfications (inclucling inhalers), allergens in the environment and variaus coping techniques. Registration is $10 for either on an individual or a family. For more details, or ta apply for registration, please caîl Durham Region Lung Association (the Christmas Seal People) at 723-3151. EDITOR'S NOTE: Erica Nemis is the program co-ordînator of the Durham Reglon Lung Association. I PRESENT THIS AD AND RECEIVE I100% OFF ON A $10 PURCHASE OR MORE AT.. iscrv %mot m 71 BALDWIN STREET BROOKLIN, ONT. 655-8731 NEW HOURS: WED. TO SAT. 10 a.m. to 5p.m. I_ ~ (OFFER EXPIRES APRIL 27185) - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - If you're ready taotake off f rom the crowd. d o it quickly.tln a n'85 Nissan 300ZX. But ge r eadyf for a surprise. F ying in aZ s tarfs atfNissan's incredibly affordlable suggested retail prico f $17 ,695.T This 300ZX's head-turning looksa ore surpassed only b yifs power.A Awesome power! 3 l itres ofV V6 five-speed, fisfc- clenchingp power.F FLY AT A DOWNmTOmEA H "' CE * e e 11.111,11.1 -, It's "Spring Break" time as all you parents are aware. 1 often thought of it as Spring Headache Time. After the first couple of days the kids got bored and I was already for a padded cell until 1 decided the only way to handle the situation was to take the week off too and do things with them. Of course, what I really would have liked to done was go down south but finances never allowed that. Instead, depending on the weather, we went skiing, skating, to a sugar bush to see thern making maple syrup, to the automotive museum, the science cen- tre, in short anyývhere that the cost was minimal and the entertainment value was high. As often as possible, I coerced one or two other mothers into joining in on these expeditions. Not only did it help with the cost of the gas but 1 had someone to referee while 1 was driving, and some one to help find the inevitable lost child when it was time to go home. Not only did we get to see a lot of points of local in- terest that we might not have gone to on our own AIRTOOLSREPAIRED LARGE SELECTION, AUTOMOTIVE &WOODWORKING TOOLS, DRILL PRESS & MACHINERY 'OSHAWA TOOL BOX UNIT 19-133 TAUNTON RD. W.! atSUMMERVILLE, OSHAWA 723-8171 DID YOU KNOW? MCARELTD HOME HELP We can help you stay et home by providing MEALS and LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To f 1 nd out how we 571-3501 Canhelpyoucail 1 Z Sol"rinfing PHONE 683-1968 &Office S.upplies Br«Dk, lin R lines By BETTY-JEAN BLYTH CaIl 655-3679 with Items for this column won't lasi long... $69a, MITCHELL BROTHERS Cassels & Church St BROOKLIN 655-4991_Moi but we learned a lot about our own children in the process. Hopefully the kids learned a little as well. LIBRARY NEWS You are invited to drop into the library and see the lovely painted window In the juvenile department. The art work was done by members of Mr. Hannas class frorn St. Leo's school. The young artists are Chris Randy, Catherine Campbell, Paul Greco and Erica Haase. All this month the Saturday Story Hour is featuring fun films for the kids frorn Io: 30 to il: 30 a.m. Those who have trouble getting out to the library can call 655-3191 to make use of lis shut-in service. Remember that there are talking books and a tape recorder available as well. The librarians will gladly éxplain how to use these materials. WOMEN'SINSTITUTE The Tweedsmuir History meeting will be held in historical Lynde House on March 20 at 1: 30 p.m. The convenor for this meeting is Hilda Stanley, hostesses will be Margaret Watson and Marion Hall. The motto * is "Be so busy counting your blessings that the thoughts of gloom and despair are blotted out". Roll call is to be answered with an item for the Tweedsmuir History. MYRTLE NEWS A library sponsored story hour for pre-schoolers will be held in Myrtle United Church every other Wednesday at 1 p.m. The next one is scheduled for March 27. A sunrise service is planned for Good Friday at 7:30 a.m. in the park on the site of the old Myrtle School on Ashburn Road. It îs being sponsored by the Sunday School and everyone is invited to the church for coffee afterwards. I have been informed that the re-union held on Sunday was a great success. Unfortunately other commitments prevented my attending however, another one is being planned for next year so if you too missed out on this one, we'Il all have another chance to renew old acquaintances next year. lIl have more info on this at a later date. On March 24, the Whitby Jubilee Choir will sing in Myrtle Church at 10:30 a.m . the Choir has always expressed delight at being asked to perform since the acoustics in this little church are excellent. Everyone who hears this senior choir is impressed by the sound and the enthusiasm they express so be sure to get out to hear thern SPRING FASHION SHOWS There are two shows coming up in Ashburn, both sponsored by the Burns Kirk Guild. The first on March 23 is being held in the church hall and is geared to young people with a show of spring fashions for youngsters up to 14 and a line of 1 maternity wear for ladies-in-waiting. Tickets are $2.50 each, the 1ime is 2 p'.m. Babykitting is available in the Community Centre. The second one is on April 9 at Thunderbird Golf Club and is entitled "The Ritz". It starts at 8 p.m. and features Lizelle Fashions Inc., Calypso Fashion and Swimwear, Julia Shoes, Haïr and Makeup by Jan of HaW Fair. Tickets for this event are $5. Tickets for either may be picked up at Ashburn General Store, Warm Woolies and Whatnots in Brooklin, Irwin Smith in Port Perry or The Childrens Marketplace in Whitby at its new location 119 Brock St. S. Pr7ftTICIPr7Cjion QUALITY PRODUCTS G.S.w. Su p Pu ps Nam MAJW MON 300ZX lczrki7ýj To celebrate the winning of the *NISSAN Award of Merit 1984 We are offering 1984-85 300ZX at, up to 11,000 to é % $35000 OFF (untimstmarch'85) M _ _--roir NISSAN r-