- WIITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCIT 13, 1985. P>AGE 21 WHITBY'S MOST WIDELY IREAD AD$ J s ~ I #'~-"-*-*-**-*1 , ARTICLES , ARTICLES ~ 1 ~"'1 q3~cES ~~CES ~ SALE FOR SALE ~ONS ~DN~ FOR SALE bird cage, complais REBUf LT washers, dryera, "Speciauzlng an Rouge Cleoning For Pariculur People" 666-2144 êMAINTENANCE LIMITED Personaîized affordable housecleani ng service. Full refund If flot satisfied. Inquire about early week reduced rates. 683-7515 UNEMPLOYMENT I4ELP CEN- TRE.~ Neod heip Worhers'Com- pensafion, 600f fre, OHf P assIstonco, unempioymoat la- suronce, or criis rferrois ta otherogencios, cai: 579-1621. WOMAN wonid Iliet do mon- ding. Pioueoo 0015712212. DELîVERIES form 1 to100 PIOC9s Inciuding parcof , roosonable rote. Colt Reloble Deloery Ser. lcea, 433-1466. CONGRATULATIONS on pour f"~ED CATINALI forhcomng ma:rllge. Please SERVICES w:dding Inviations 0f pour lisure la aur Aax Plaza store. "ORAMMER for people who hte Dichoan Printing & Office Sup- grommar'sl f ho idol packet piles, 6n3'19658. reforenice book for business ______________ people. $3.95 per copy and avouiable et Dicksan PrIntlng & office Suppliles lafhe Alan Plaza. A TC E Deaer enquirles invlfod 6n'1968. ~ O R .d~ N FOR SALE Shety female, 5 mon- the id, ta breed, $30. Phone 1- 996&5164. BROKE AT A DFFERENT LEVEL? A good lob" mthout adequte compensation or ad- ancemont? if pan are wiilng fa do soaelng foword financiot rowards phono 762-7701 fToron- to for pour free, n-obligation 45 miaule finoncill 9mInar. TYPEWRITER renfol, many mahes and modela, by the woekend, week or monf h. Discounts anoloablo. Dichaon Prinfing & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Colt us for business machine repaire 683-1968. USED 305 ENCiNE for sle. $200 or bosi offor. Contacf Bob Lent 0f 655-430W. DONT LISTEN fa anpono oaise, we pop fop dollar for ocrop cors and trucks. 668-9712. 1983 OLOSMOBILE cuffosa erougham, 4 doar, iooded, 25,000 kmo., $11,900. Oel 668-8W7. 1979 GRAND PRIX 60,000 miles, VII. 2 door, buchef assis, bine, $4.500. Phono 5710757between S and 9 p.m. and moofendo anylîme. 1975 DUSTER SPORT, f lnfed giases, rear dofrosfer, leoiher la- terior, pos., p.b., chrome rooIng mirrors wif h madfied 727 Torquefilfe auto, 318 engins wlf h 9.0 la 1 Fargod psfans, apood pro-beoringo and Moy rings, power trahos 14,000 miles. now rsd, bof ,taitmfoeicroi goitIan, body rough, cor eofd os la, osking S1,000. 655-4590 aler 5 p.m. OFFIPC I FOR RENT1T WHITBY OFFICE SPACE for ront on professioliol flbar. Wouid 5< suitabie for iawyor, accounf nt, etc. Renf Includes ail ufilities and la nogofiablo for an appropriafe fonaft. For furihor Information cali 668-6372 befwoen 9:30 a.m. and S p.m. Monday ta Friday. APARMMNTS/ C~0O0RNT S FR RENT BACI4ELOR APARTMENT. Aan- WhItby roglon. Phono 244-3471. SUBLEInfdustriel unit 3,000 sq. fIL la Pckerng, 1,500 sq. I ft.f superbiy fInished office opoco. This le on excellent apportunnfy for fhe rIght compony to s000 subsfontiliy on bease hoid Im- provemoof . Coli Mr. fIzord 6W6- 0226. wF hAL chroofd Cande, ed ct- cher, ashing $10. Cali66a-e3a7. MATTRESSES and bon apring aia haif price. Mcieen Furifure, 524 Simcoo Sftreef Soufth. Oshawa. 7255181. HAY FOR SALE nery gnod qnaliiy, 500 farge balla, excellenf for hr805. Srookiin, 655-4477. "1HEROES of fhoe Bie" colouring book avalabie af ickson Prin- f ing & office Supplies, Aan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer inquiries Iniiod. DO YOU WORRY abouf fhe safety of our Lake Onfaro waer? Pnrify If fhe naturel woy fhrough distillatfion. Phone 66"-706 for free consulfation. ABOUT 400 ROLLS walpaper, aoanrfod paffoma, $100 singlo rail. 12 waipaper siaohing bakeft, $400 oach. Assorfed Sundry Items, choop. Abouft500 Hlen Stionor Rice cords. essor- ted dosigno, 'h reg. priceo f 45t- $1.25. Adhesioo bock' contact ninyl, 50e yard. 666-4665, dealers welcome. GEOTYPE press-on ioifering now n stocku et Dickoon Prinfing & Of- fice Supplies la the Aax Shop- ping Plaza. Large saeciion of -styles and izes. Why pop more for a amoloer sheet folietoring? 683-1968. 10 suited ChaYlie ta toke off for Dicksan Printing &à Office Supplies et th!s particular point in time, somnething lie will nover regret! il.USTDA 16 ~3EE ~ENcEMENTS ~EMENTS FREE: Drap Ilo thf60 ckson Printing & Office SupplY store la the Aax Plaza and pick up a free capp of their 1985 Moti rc Calon- dol. Pried la two colours. if mahes for handy rferenco. 683- 1968. fEUL rlgn n sandshe anhdrers. Sriags mohaand oaa poahrsar ti ons and oenne seai 1h18a tee. Gond 0%fopnng pcail nlc Mee & y M 2ApincOf17 n astok Si W., Whpiby.666944 r723-da 5444. FRIOGE AND STOVE, homvest gold, $500 pair. Phonoe66-1070. PAINTINGS, original ails, water- colore, art classes and com- missions by R. Ernest Jukes, 601110w Run GaiierY, 585 King Sftreet Easf, Oshawa, 570-1101. CH4ESTERFIELD suifes, f aseafs, seciionof s, teaesf han Vu price. Largo sofecf Ian. McKeen Furnifuro, 524 SImcoe sf. S., Oshawa. 725-5161. VI SIT aur usod furnifuro warehouse by oppoinimoni. Bg savingo on dsks, chairs, filing cabinet s, eftc. cou DIcksan Pria- ting & office Supplies fa arrange an oppolnfmenfta iew 663- HOUSEBOAT RENTALS The moSt sought- atter vacation In Canada today. Rent your own 30 foot fioating cottage to relax and enjoy the piece and tranquiiiity of the Trent Canai System. Alil boats are fuiiy equipped with shower, furnace, fridge, stove, gas barbecue and much, much more. For more Information cali: R&R HOUSEBOAT RENTALS 686-1795 WORD PROCESSING Program- ming, Loins. dbase, I and 111 and more, wil h cerfificofe and job placement, $149 and np, goner- amont approned courses analabie, ion deducfilio O.S.A.P. lbans, 683-2226. ATTENTION softbail players. Oshawa Distrcf Ladies Softhall Loagua requires Playors. pifohera urgeaI y noedod. Two gomoes a woek, no travelling, no weekonds. cali 728-1891. Ernploy nient L ETS Wauoi tedd DO IT... OUrLW«!BLOSS MiNi TRUCKING, SEEjIpuiung dlivrles and smoii mooing obs, reasonabie raies. Phono 666- 0131. HeIp your Heart. ___________ HoIp your ~ E . B WORK WONDERS HeartFund WN T AI CALL668-111 AUCTION SALES EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 7:00 P.M. 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING Items to be sold: antiques, geanerai householdi contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good clean sales. Absolutely no reserves or bld-Ina. JOHN ANNIS AUCTIONEER 831-3234 AUCTION BARN FR1., MARCH 22 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britain or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the Lin- dsaylLittle BrItain Rd. The estate of the Late MR. KEITH- STINSON of Ponty Pool. Good ap- pliances, modemn fur- niture, soq~e antiques, china and glass. More details next week. For pick-up, consignment or sale Information, con- tact: DON CORNEIL AUCTION EER R.R.1 LITTLE BRITAIN 705-7868-2183 AUCTION WEDNESDAYS 7:00 P.M. 1410 Bayiy St., PIckering,, next to Go Station). An- tiques, household goods, jeweiiery and misc. ROBERT GOSSE AUCTIONEER 831-0300 SAT., MARCH 16 6:00 P.M. At Pearch Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles, south of Port Perry. With radiai armsaw, il bags concrete mix, 1"x4" cedar, antique dressers, washstand, etc., wicker armchairs, chrome table and 4 chairs, wagon- wheei ight, doors, bicycles, chicken crates, pig troughs and more f0 corneIn yet. PEARCE AIJCTION SERVICES 985-7492 CERTI FIED denala assisent and dental receplionist, esperiencod onf y wlfh pfeosonf mannor for bnsp Oshawa dental office. Cali 433-2120. CREATIVE RESUMES $19.00, af udtfs and unemplayod $15.00, fino frea copies, coner lera $4.00, satisfaction gnoronioed. 576-0833. Aso business Incor- porations, fast, 10w casi. _____________________UNEMPLOYED? Looklng for a coreer change? Coul 6832261 for ~H ELPI fre0 counseifing on lob oppar. ~~iAAIIlD~ANED unif ion CLIP THIS OUT!i We have 10 immediate lob openînga fo)r our1 telephone marketing department. No experience 1 necessary we wlll train. Work 4 hours dally, Mon-l day to Friday. Everyone qualifies. Office iocated ln 1 Harwood Piaze ln Ajax. So cail today and start 1 tomorrow at 686-30521 L------------------------ -J LOKIGFOR A A DVERTISI NG? Downtowfl business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skiils; eH-as ambition and self confidence; -vls eager to learn; ais capable of earning an above average income; -And is not afraid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Fuli-time. Car necessary. Start im- mediately. Come ln to our office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. w G.A. SHEWAN & ASSOCIATES Have relocated the Law Offices to 1650 Dundas Street East, Suite 201, Whîtby, LI N 2K8 723-3401, Im;hénv C'hornoou's) PHOTOCGPYUNO .ati ow,iow rates.. ..while you wait.. We're open te serve you when you need us. M.B.M. PubîishinglWhltby Free Press 131 Brock Street North, Whtby (ul forth of the four camnersi ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisemeilt for errors on the first Visa card ready when calling. If bilied - $600 for 20 words; every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI flot be 14e each additional word. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage selable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographie alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errors in publication beyond the cost of the space ocpe BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00> for the f irst 100 words; 12t each such replies. We will not be responsible for box number 1by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion. dionlwr.epesotcldfrwth 3da. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the lir- eject al advertisemeits. Ads must appear in the paper st 50words. 12 each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert yone day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ads. Friday noon prior to publication CLASSIFIED RATES: $4.00 for 20 words; 12e each ad- AUCTION SALES - 40t per lne. t(No word ads allowed i to insert or cancel Emporium Ads. itional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at ah~ ad- CALL Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-611il