Whitby Free Press, 13 Mar 1985, p. 36

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FOR SALE wtadow glass 3116 Temperd fsiiding windows> - 36*n32"x3i16, 16 peces and sarans, 30x20O'*3l16, 4 peces and screans, 19½h"xl6x3I16, 8 places and screens, $60 for ai. Pair oi manaas, iza 11, naw, $15. ire acren, anfique bi'ack, Ilke aew, 36" wide x 26" h19h, $25. Caf i 668-0960. 300 WAtT.ý car Integraied amp, brand new, neyer unad, $190 fana year anranty. AMIFM digital dispiay cassette radio, new, $75. 300 Watt 6l'x9' Polypropylane wif h Ferra fiuid, Incredibia sausd. worth $250, sali $100, sitl aasied wt h ana year worroniy. Cati 668-4838, anytime, Kyle. ANTIQUE Spoat Designa3/4bed, sotid headboard, complote wiih woaden rails. $450. Phono 666- 2243. PANASONfO 6" B&W TV, ACIDC lnvevry good condition, $75. Hot wafer heaier mimle type 220 vot, $55. Hand winch 3200 LB capacity, turdy steel gears, reversIbie Wibrafra. $150. Phone 282-8760. GI RLS CLOTi-INO size 5 ta 6X. tndietduaiiy pricod, adding up ta $60 or ail for $50. Brooklit 655- 8764. tIEAUTIFUL vhand carved pariar chairs f romt Scaiiand, set oi four, mini condition, $125 each. AISO antique heavy silverpiata sitoar- wara and case "Vicorian Rose" 15Wm. Rogers & Son, 52 paces, $225 or boat ofier. Cati 726-970 befora faon or ailer 4 p.m. FOR SALE 7 I. Myers Piough wth hydraulto pump, $1.200. Phone 8683471. WEîOHT BENO, Sears Free Spirit, plus wetghtn, $120. Cati 668-8178. FOR SALE pipe ibreading kil, heavy duty, for 'la ta 1" pipes. $35. Cai 433-4669. CAR $TEREO IAMIFM cuss.t and 1 (pair 6x9" speakers (200 wattt cor nirea iAMtFM cassette) plus a pair of 6"x4" 200 waot speakers, $75. Band new with one yeur guarantea. 200 watt. 7 bond aquatizor booster. 4 speaker hook-up. $50. Kyle, 66-4838. anytime. FOR SALE Pepsi-Cota botte POP machine, A1 condition, askIng $400 or bet offar. Contact Mike, 5792660. FURS.- Very legani Minis Jacket, naturel brown, mini condition. 12. 14, $350. MInk dyed Maskrat Coat, brown, large, <peciatiY siyied for oversized hipsi won- deriuiiy wrm, oniy $95. Young ladies biaached Muskrai Carcoal, 12-14, $50. Young ladies Par Jacket, back and whie, 12-14, $75. Furtrimmod brown Suedo coat, fuit iength, 1214, $45. Mns MacGregor Carcoat, genuiae Scottiih ool, size 38, eocellent condition, $30. Cati 668- 7404 ater 6 p.mn. KITCHEN SET 58n"x'6oaalable with chromed steeltframe and oak look amtnsted top, ike aew and four chrome chairs wth dark brown soit uphoistery. $150. Bel antique pump organ, CIrca 1850, excellent condition, $750. Cetebrity eioctric typewriier. en- celent condition, $150. Wooden roîking chair, $50. Phone 655 3545. FOR A COMMADOR computer wiih diSC drive, 1 pinhoit con- struction et game utilitY, $50. Cai aller 5 p.m., M-81 153 ask for Dan. FOR SALE mink stota, $250. Fait iength plate glass door mirror, 5 fi. x0211i..$20. Bath accennories, 3 pace, white porcetain and chroma, $20. IV Continental bed, $50. Phone 666-3518 or 668-9029. FOR SALE dintng roomn table and chairs, moodan top, chrome legs, eoecuttne stylo chairs, cont $790, seai $225. Back and white. 12' ACîDC TV., home or car, $85. 666.30w6. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm.. Look bindings, $45. CIrcutar nom, Backs and Docker, $35. Phono 433-4689. FOR SALE office desk and cradeaza, good and naidi, $120. Phono 668-5985. ACORN ELECTRI C ireptace, $40. Prolessionai hair dryer. $50ý Sora video arcade plus 11t Atari games. inciudlng Paîman, Tapeworm anrd Daender, $175 or besi olier, 576-6592. When the advertised item La sotd. disposed of, or unavalable for whaiever reason, thse item witi be deemed tu have been sold and a commission wiit be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below. regardiess if price ls stated witts "best offer. If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of. the ad witl be rua for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $750 wilt appty payable ia advance of publication of the first ad. The above minimum charge will be applied to thse final commission due. Maximum commissioa: $100.00. Att adver- tisemeats must be ptaced on an exclusive basis with lthe WHITBY FREE PRESS and rua at teant one month if aot sold. RATES (ifiarticle ls saidi: 5% ef advrtlsed price up to 40.00 o% f balance ever 8400.00 EXAMPLE: Said Item advertîsed fer 15o.66. (emmlnnioii due 97,500t minimum charge las$7.50) Private advertising onty! Please notify thse Wiitby Free Press immediately mhen item ta sold s0 that me may delete il from tise follawing issue. Ait adsnsot fitting tise Emporium giidelines wilI be treated and charged par week as regutar ctassified adsoan a pre-paid basin suci s a: services, hetp wasted, ctothiag, rosi estate, and personal message type ads, or ads not qutina price or quantity. Private ciassiiied ads moy oppear in the Emporium section under appropriate keadings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNL.ESS OTHERW ISE $PECIFIED. MAIL AOSTO: FREE PRESS ;EMrPO5RIUiM P.O. Bon 206 Whitby, LIN 551 If in deabt catI: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. <Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~EPAIRFORTSSALE S R.W.L tires G76515, 1 new, 4 wiih 1000 miles, $450. Four Season Master AilGenon R.W.L tires P2357OR15 radiais mii h 2,000 miles, $400. Ove new Ediebrock SP2P aiamiaam lantake manifold wlih Installation kit for amati block Chen, $225. Ove Chev Quadralai 4 bbi carburai or, $25. Fine sets factory silicone Piug mires for smaii biock Chrysier, $20 each. Ona aew Chrysier products (fala modal> AMIFM MPLX terea radio, $75. Oaa Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette (in dash unit) push buttas iunIag. auto reverse, universel fit, $150. Phone 6553266. 1974 610 DATSUN Wagon, auiomatil, rebilit molor, 10000 miles, $500 or basf aller. 655- 3729 aller 7 p.m. FOR SALE four FR78115 Good Ysear radiailires, $50 eauci or $190 for ail four. Phono 655-3427 aller 6:30 p.m. ...W OUHOLD1 MUSICAL MOTRCY CLES1 GO NSTRUMENTS W~ SA.EVSNTALS 1961 HONDA 900 Custom, 18,000 ~ J - LiVNO OOMPACAGEcon KMBALL ORGAN w h bench, kmn. new auhausi, tires, tune up,,, LIVIG ROM ACKAE cn. axialleant condition, fili angine ouardsbackrant, cer- sisting of sofa, chair, rocker, par- koyboaad, bans pedois, automalic iiftd,$2300FPhone 686.1795. ~- ty Otoa alatattadio hord ng and rhythms. Askivg ______________ end tabes, eocellent condition, 6 $5ý6830 months o1, $825. Phone 576 $5 630 1968 450 HONDA 5 speod ;B6hIZ~i 89.custom,. nom tires, springer, loin i411 FORSAE Panigedoner fichrome. $600 or basi aller. OAS STOVE 30" Hardmick gos sione excellent condition, $275. Phono 668-2014. VINYL ME$HED piaypen. $35. Adlnstabta maikermih plastic casiers, $22. Tmo inyt îovered crb matresses, $35 eaîh One set ai matching bumper pads. $10. Ail iems inv ery good con- dition. Phone 655-8026ý CRIB SET green and white, in- cluden: top and bottam sheels, piitom, rovrsibte bumper pads and comlorier imiaephant motif)i Brand nem, noyer used. $60. Cati Kim 666-3260. mode ta Cchosiavakia, ax- caltent condition, ased for oniy 2 anking $290. Cati 666. SIX CHANNEL P.A. SI speakers, 150 watt ci accessorien ncludar 0531. - 1983 SUZUKI 0S450 Cuslom. -25M8. Prlait nize for onyane, aven ___ begInnars, mini condition, oniy ystem, base used ona year for education pur- :ombo amp., poses. Muni sait. $1.200. Phone t, $750. 663- Chri t655-8902after 6p.nl. ORGAN, Vomaha modal A-505, doubte keyboard, pacdale,ln- cludas hasch end books, oniy o year ol4 and ln axceltent con- dition, $950 Telephane 623-4124, 12 BUDIE breeding cages for suie. Comptste ith nesi bases and ertuipmant, $10 aach Phono 668-4521 BOX TRAILER for sala, 4x8 fi. Asking $295. Phono 579-4212. SMALL HOUSE TRAILER quenn suze bed, aikin ciosat, excellent condition, $1.000 or beni aller. 1978 Honda for parts. naariy nom motar. nem ires, ibrgaos ion- dams, $500. Phone 576-6592. NEW IN TOWN? LT US PUT OUT TE MAT FOR YOU! O~OME Wo Phoane 6688943 ~LES ~CLES ~~FGRS.AI.E~SALE ~ FOR SAI. SALE HELP FIGHT KUDNEY DISEASE. 4!FCO N FU Don't put off advertising in, the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: eare a private advertiser; @have an article to seIl and, *have a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details > Your ad wiIl run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $7.50 payable in advance before the first in- sertion of your ad. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but where else could you get three months advertising for only $7,50? When your article seils, a commission ts charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described aove.~ ISED? % questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. ', - - - - - - - - - - 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish tîs have the rfollowing advertisement placed under thîs section of the Whitby Free IPress. 1 enclose $7.50Wlis cover the minimur Charge $7.501 to my Visa acersunt. fard No, ,Name ipteuse prnu Addres 1 -idont Iurgel toinctude yiur phoîne number. imcharge.- TO: Fs fae WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 1.11 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5SI Postal (eode Below are somne examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Price Up to $120 $ 150) $ 200> $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $ BW0 $ 900 $1.000 $2,000 $3.000) $4.000 $5.000 and up Payable $6.00 7.50 Il 10.00 $15.00 I20.00 $22.00 $24.00 S26.00 S28.00 $30.00 S32.00 Il 52.00 S72.00 S92.00 $100.00 PA 197d cniAUTIN 1300 as s, Muetosali. Phone 668-3064. 1979 OMC VAN Vl, 305, watt mainiaisad, isierior - carpai, bad, sink and cabinets, certif ted. Asking $4000. Phono 668-0263 alter 6 p.m. 1977 FORD Econolina Van, 351 automaiic, 4 captoin chairs, naw batary, tiras and eohaasi, $2,500 or besi offer. 683-0531. FOR SALE 1976 Comel, 2 door, standard, neadn rad repair, as 18 - where sa, $500 or basf offer. 66&- 3123, aller 5 p.m. 1976 RABIT 2 door, standard, $900 or boni olter. 655-3729 aller 7 pm. 1976 DOOGE VAN 6 cyl., stan- dard transmission, standard brakes, good condition, $700. Cati 6682589. FOR SALE 1974 Oldamobili Dlla 88. Asking $750. Phono 579. 4212. 1974 FORD Coureriazda Pick. up truck needo bed, gas tank, 1 front leader and windshteid. bas new brakes, new exhausi front 10 rear and iwo new rocker panels inetetied, aiso 4 white spoke wheis and siep bamper. Mont of body work compited, $575 or ol- fer. Phone 282-8760. PONY Reg. wh Arab, 1h Walsb, white wth gray mane and tait, 13 yearn, excellent jumper, greai pony club prospect, needo good home or wiii board. Anking $600. Cati eveninga 649-5000. M iluuvlc. "Ity ,A 20, WED>NSDAT YItU¶C . lI .. tIlvi ii - tKL Kau ' aF P RS S- FREE PRESS AUOMBIES - ý ýi" %f% NA A D(Ili 1 1 1 ORr, WMITRY PP PF PRESS 1 i Mi

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