PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY, MARCUI 6, 1985, WH-IT13YF ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS 103 Dundas E. Whitby 668-3356 BRAKES TUNE-UP SMOCKS COOLING SYSTEM 162 Klng St. E. -Oshawa 571-3400 MWO Cash Remainlng Next Ear ly Bird Draw AtBBWtbyMalil 7:00 P.M. For Information Calil: 668-3433 Tickets S1100.00 Each OnIy 2,500 Tickets - - --Issued SENO CHEQUE OR MON EY ORDER PAYABL O ROTARY CLUB 0F WHITBY P..BOX 181, WHITBY, ONTARIO INAME *ADDRESS POSTAL CODE O 3VISA[3_____________ *EXP. DATE - - - - - - - - -- FREE PRESS Severe wmter weather cônki cause budget The severity of winter bas left is mark on tbe Town of Whitby's 1985 budget allocation for snow plowing and removal. In a report tabied before Whitby Town Council last week, public works director Dick Kuwahara noted that as of Feb. 16, 65.7 par cent of tise 1985 snow plowlng and removal budget has been spant. As of Feb. 16, the town spant a total of $333,836 on snow plowing and remnoval; on snow shortf ail for town and removal in Brooklin; sandlng and salting; erecting snow fences; maintaining connecting link roads (Hwy. 2, for example); and, winter sidewalk maintenance. The budget provîdes for $507,900 to be spant on tbese functions for all of 1985. "From the above, the Town of Whitby bas spant 65.7 par cent of its winter control budget by Feb. 16, 1985," Kuwabara said in bis report. "In a normal winter season we would ~HOME HELP We con houp you stmy ut home by .provldlng MEALS and LIGHT HOUSEKEEPING SERVICES To ftInd out how we 571-3501 Can hel p you cal t i results of last week's play at the Witby Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jima Wbarrie. North and Soutis: Florence Pugb and Robert Pugb, 59; Mr. and Mrs. George Magvas, 57; Mrs. Hugh Baker and Mrs. Jack Frost, 541/2; and, Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Win- ter, 521/. East and West: Mrs. Douglas Maundrell and Mrs. Bruce McColl, 58/; Germaine Thom- paon and Margaret Donay, a tie with, Mr. and Mrs. Paul deSouza, 48½/; and, Mr. and Mrs. jim Wiarre, 47. The results of eacb week's play at the club, will be reported in tise following issue of tbe Whitby FreePress. spant about two-thirds of our budget by the end of Marc." if the weatber con- tinues to be severe, the town could be facing budget problems later in the year, he added. "If we continue to bave the amount of snowfall tbat we have bad through the montbs of January and February, we can be in danger of being overex- panded by the end of -Ambulance ser-vice calis During tbe week tbat ended at midaigbt iast Tisursday, tbe WitbY Ambulance Service responded to in1 calîs for service. Tbey responded to 32 calîs of a routine nature and to 45 standby caîls for other ambulance services in Oshawa and Ajax. Tbey also responded to 34 emergency calîs including tbree motor vebicle accidents. The number to caîl for ambulance service in tise Town of Wiitby is 723-5232. Whitby bridge April and we still have the months of Novem- ber/December to con- tent with,"' tbe director said. It isn't just tbe Town of Whitby tisat's ex- pariencing trouble witb its winter' control budget. In bis report to Durbam Regional Council, public works commissioner Bill Twelvetrees said that tbe region bad spant 63 par cent of its snow clearing and rexrioval budget by Feb. 16. To tbat date, the region bad spant $1,792,270 to dlean its roads of snow. During tbe same time last year, the region spant only 43 par cent or $1,695,092 of its budget. The weatiser bas also produced other problems for the regional works depar- tment. In January, the department bad to con- tend with 48 watermain breaks and 20 frozen water meters. However, Twelve- Corridor Capers By MARY Caîl 725-8967 wltli MCEACHERN hitems for thîs columfl PAPER DRIVE The cubs and scouts will hold their monthly pape drive this Sat., March 9. Ail of Whitby will b covered. North and south of Hwy. 2 in the Corridor please have your papers bundled and tied and by th, road no later than 8:30 a.m. for pick up. Manninl Road will be covered this week, so don't despair The group try to cover ail the streets, but if you ar missed, please caîl Judy Neiman at 728-3125. ANDERSON COLLEGIATE Open ouse at the school will be April 24. Parents Nigbt - Thurs., April 18. Parent Teacher meeting - May 14 in the library. Regional Scbool Advisary Committee meeting Tues., May 7. WEST LYNDE PUBLIC SCHOOL The pupils in Mrs. Stevenson's grade tbree cla- at West Lynde Public School went ail out ar collected money for the Heart and Stroke Fotu dation. Ail on their own, the young students colle ted something like $18 and made the donation to Jii Spiers from the Heart and Stroke executive. 01 congratulations to these young people for thinkir of others less fortunate. CORRIDOR AREA RATEPAYERS ASSOCIATION The next executive meeting of C.A.R.A. will 1 held on Thurs., March 7, 7:30 p.m. at the Whitl Municipal Building. *THE CARDIAC REHABILITATION ORGANIZATION Durham Region's Cardiac Rebabilitati Organization will hold their l5th anniversary dina and dance on Sat., Marcb 23, at the Polish Vetera Hall, 1551 Stevenson Rd. N., Oshawa. Live rmL will be supplied by the 'Canadian Brass Conng tion'. Cocktails - 6 p.m., dinner 7 p.m., dan follows. There will be a cash bar and many prizes be won. $15 a person. For tickets cali Sylvia at 576-6975 or Ann at 7 9732. COFFEE POT Our 100 cup coffee perk is home to roost again, if you are in need of a large coffee urn, caîl 725-89 The coffee pot is the property of the Corridor AI Ratepayers Association, and we will gladly boai to any individual or organization in need. This is small way to be of service to our community. VALMED1 E$~Z1HEALTH SERVICES INO. 3U KING STREET WEST I OSHAWA. ONTARIO f Homamaker -Companions providing Individual. care In the areas af: MEAL PREPARATION LIGMI HOUSEKÉEPING 'Iwo HeIp You Care"y 24 Hours a dayb 7 Days a week Ceau 433-1494 YARD SALE A WIDE VARIETY 0F USED EQUIPMENT & MISC. MERCHAN DISE PRICED TO SELI. SALE BEGINS SAT., MAR. 9, 1985 10OA.M. TO 4P.M. STEAM RUG CLEANERS-EXERCISE EQUIPMENT WET VACUUMS-.CONCRETE BREAKERS & DRILLS jIL~~iL wMARY ST. MR. RENT-ALL (WHITBY) LTD.0X 400 MARY ST. E.jW I WHITBY, ONT.DUNDAS ST. E. HWiiiY. NO.2 WHITY, OT. ir-ir regioi trees said that this is about average for January "and there ap- pears to be no major problem in these areas as a result of the cold weatber." But he did admit that witb 63 per cent of the budget spentl the region could be facing problems later ths year. "With this level of ex- penditure, we are facing a budgetary problem," he said, adding that while the extent of the problem won t be known until Mid-April "it ap- pears at this point tisal budget adjustments wiE be required. " Twelvetrees said thal regional coundil may x forced to reduce thE level of service in an ef fort to reduce future ex penditures in tbe snov clearing budget. Reg. Coun. Gerri Emm, chairman of thq regionai works commit tee, toid Wbitby Towl Council last week tha -the region is 20 par cen over budget for snoN clearing and removal si far this year.