<WIIITBY FRF PR PSS, WICnNESDAY, M ARCH 6. 1985, PAGE 15 YOUR DINING PLEASURE Lancelot's combines good food witli a lot. of class By MICHAEL KNELL Free Press Staff PICKERING Somnehow eating in a place that just oozes of class, elegance and aid fashioned atmosphere does something for the palate. I thinlc its grand ta be served almoat hand -and foot by atten- tive, professianal waiters wearing tuxedos wha respond in- stantly ta your dearest whim. If you like eating in such a place, I've found one ta add ta your list - Lancelot's at 1527 Bayley St., Pickering. Ownen- and manager Terry Panopalis has created a restaurant that few can compete wlth. The dining room has a high ceiling with soft Iights. Real linen adorna the tables and the chairs are comnfortable enough ta make yau want ta stay for an entire evening. I had the pleasure of eating lunch at Lan- celat's last Thursday and 1 found bath the food and service terrifie. There luncheon menu is quite extensive and offers everything from King Arthur's Salad (a combination of shrimp, crab meat, romaine let- tuce and croutons top- ped wth their house dressing, boiled egg, tomnatoes and olives) ta veal cordon blue and broiled filet of sole. Other lunch items in- clude nib eye steak, roaat prime nib of beef, petite filet mignon, seafoad omelette and deep f ied scailops. AUl luncheon items in- lude the soup of the day (when I was there, a truly delightful beef barley), choice of potatoes, vegetables and freah rails and but- ter. I want ta stress this right off the bat, Lan- celot's la not a burger joint. So, it doesn't charge joint prices. When eating there either at lunch or at din- ner it is best ta remem- ber that aid maxim "dyou get what you pay for" COMING AT YOU LIVEI <COVER CHARGE) THURS.. MAR. 7TH, FRI. 8TH, SAT. 9TH THE WHOLIGANS -Music of Tho. Who" THURS., MAR. 14TH, FR1. 15TH, SAT. 16frHI OEEJOE'S IS SECOND TO NONE GOLDEN GATE, platter. 107 Brock Street South, Eat ln the dellghtfully Whtby 668-8321. decarated * Bamboa Thls popular ChInese Roam at ane of their cir- restaurant has bden ln cular booths. Whtby for 30 years. The Open Manday ta Thur- speclalty of the hause is sday from il arn. ta 2 bar-bequed spare-rlbs. A a.m.; Frlday and Satur- new dlsh Is belng ln- day tramla.m.ta3a.m. traduced. Vs a special and Sunday tili il p.m. camblnatlan of lght hor FuIIy Ilcensed and home d'aevres called Ba Ba dellvery. RESTAURANT AND DININO LOUNGE 1009 DUNODAS ST. EAST WHITBY 680-2811 WE'VE GONE ½ 2CRAZY BUY 1 JR. FILET MIGNON DINNER AND GET 2ND AT 1/2 PRICE! INCLUDF.S 50111'OR S4LA0 1DA4X.POTATOE-S. VEG.. GARLIC BIREAD OR ROLL FFB. 27-MARCH 12, 1985 LICEN5ED UNDEA LLDO DININO LOUNGE BREAKFAST SPECIAL$9M SAT.SUN. 8A.M. 1 PM. AU3FJ Lunch a t Lancelot's ranges from $695 ta $8.95 but la, weil worth every cent. The food and the service are worth the price you pay. And, the price doesn't seem ta turn people away. When I lunched there, the room was full of hungry dîners ail enjoying not only the food but the atmosphere which is truly excellent if you want ta have goocl con- versation as well as lun- ch. Dinner at Lancelot's la also' a costly en- treprise. The prices range from $10.95 for filet of sole broiled in butter and lemon ta $43.95 for seafood plat- ter for two which is a combination of lobter tail, crab legs, shrimps, scallops and filet of sole. They also serve Chateaubriand for two ($40.95) which la filet mignon either flambe or wth bernaise sauce prepared tableside with a varlety of fresh vegetables including mushrooms and asparaguis. The dinner menu at Lancelot's la fairly con- ventional and should please ail tastes. Included in their seafooci fare are dover sole, lobster tails, broiled shrimps, stuffed trout, salmon steak, King Crab legs and stuf- fed filet of sole. Lancelot's also offers three sizes of New York strip steak and two sizes of filet mignon for steak loyers as well as their own Veal Lancelot (provimi veal, sliced virginia ham, parmesan cheese, topped with bernaise sauce and ser- ved with mushroom caps). They alsa offer steak neptune (a butterflied filet topped with crab meat, asparagus and a dash of bernaise sauce. ABILITY FUND WORKING WTH PHYSIrALLY DISABLED ADULTS This is alan one of the few restaurants I know that has lamb chops as a permanent feature of their menu. If you have room lef t after lunch or dinner I suggest that you try Lancelot's own dessert - Apple Buignet. This is an absolutely delightful and fattening item made with apples and cinnimmon coated donut topped with ice cream. The description doesn't do it justice, but your tastebuds will. Panapalis says he hopes to expand his restaurant later this year. The addition will came in the form of a cocktail lounge that will either serve before din- ner drinks or be a place ta retire ta after the meal for conversation and dancing ta quiet, in- timate music. However, his plana aren't firm yet and I'm awaiting the official an- nouncement. If the lounge la as good as the 90 HPKINS ST. WHITBY j (msi S. ofDundas) restaurant, it should hé a hit. Lancelot's is open from 12 noon ta il p.m. Monday ta Fridays and a littie later on Satinr- ta go for dinner on Thur- sdays, Fridays or Saturday it la advisable ta phone ahead, for reservations, 839-2954. Ë-& TAVERN I "SPECIAL NiGffTS" mon. - New York Stri plain lots *Tuesa. - Filet Mignon 1 p$ Wed. - Bar-B-Q Spareribs lis~ *Included in above: Hot & Cold Hor d'Oeuvres, Garlic bread, Salad- & Baked Pot ato. LURCH ION SPECIALS Mon. -Fi. Y1Y:30 a.m. - 3:00 pm "THE BEST LITTLESTEAKHOUSE" IN TOWN For Ri*ri ou: DaIy frm 11:30 .m. - 10 p... 668-2751 Fri. b I1 P.W. 939 Dudousst. W. Sut. 4:30 p.m..- 11 p... f Hwy. 2, WNtby Su. & «Hou 4:30 -9 P.M. FORi RESERVATIONS CALL 668-0316 (Major Credit Cards) 1 EXPLORER Restaurant & Taverni SPECIALIZING IN SEAFOOD SPARE RIBS STEAKS CHILDRENS MENU BUSINESS LUNCH EON SPECIALS SALAD BAR (inc. Fresh Baked Bread & Cheeses) e -. It's aur 3rd annlversary- heîp us celebrate by tryîng oneO of aur speclaîs... 5 oz. Steak on a Kaiser - $2.95 Halîbut FIsh & Chips - '2.90 We pool our own potatoos Open 7 days a week 308 THICKSON RD. S. WHITBY_ STEAKHOUSE