Whitby Free Press, 6 Mar 1985, p. 9

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course lill aid The Church Speaks Young pnsrdyth WHiTiBY MINISTERIAL asthm a ASSOCIATION victims For the past six mon- ths, Durham Region Lung Association bas been pioting an in- novative new program designed to help pre- schoolers witb asthxna. This program is now available to the general public and the first course -will begin on Monday, April 22. Located at the Whitby Public Library, the three week, six session course wil be beld from 10 to il a.m. on Monday and Wednesday mor- ,nings. A $20 registration fee is payable in advan- ýce. Based on a bigbly successful program developed by the Utah Lung Association, the course teaches various simple sef-care techniques wbscb help tbree to five year olds keep their asthma in check. These techniques are basically the breathing and body relaxation metbods taught by the lung association to older children and adult asthma sufferers. Wbat is new, however, is the translation of these jmethods into a format that can be understood by young cbjîdren. Through gaming, modeling and imaging, the -children are taugbt to use their stomacb muscles and diapbragm to breathe more easily during an asthxna episode. Parents and cildren also learn bow to reduce the anxiety and tension that often contribute to the severity of an attack. Prgam co-ordinator Erica Nemis, stresses that these methods are not intended to replace correct medication, wbicb is- vital for the continuing maintenance of a severe asthmaýic. What can be achieved is ia reduction in the num- ber and severity of at- tacks. During the program, cildren and moms meet such friends as "IClippy Dol" (a car- tdboard and paperclip doîl used to teach floppy relaxation movements) and "Hot Botta" (a bot jwater bottle inside a soft clotb coverlng). Jumpy BaIl, Step Up - Step Down and the Rag Doîl Game are other important components in this new service for Durbam's young asth- matics. For more information cail Durham Region Lung Association at 723- LET'S SEEYOU DO IT... OIDOORS! By THE REV. DR. RONALD E. BAXTER Falth Baptist Church Can a person really know for sure that he is bound for heaven? Is it really possible for a person living a normal life upon earth to have the assurance that if he died unexpectedly he would go immediately to heaven? Must there not always be a littie bit of un- certainty and doubt about it? Many people seem to feel it is presuniptuous to say that one knows for sure he is heaven bound. They have no such peace and assurance themselves and so conclude that no one else can have it either! However, when one cornes to the Scriptures he finds no such uncertainty. The writers of the Bible were absolutely sure of their future. With a unity of thought and purpose, the New Testament writers state: YOU CAN KNOW! The fact of the matter is that John, for example, wrote one of his Epistles to prove this point! In I John 5:13 we read, "These tbings have I written un- to you that believe in the name of the Son of God that ye may know that ye have eternal life... To John there was nothing strange in a person saying, "I know that 1 arn bound for heaven, because I have eternal life tbrougb faith in Jesus Christ." He wrote is Epistle, my friend, that you migbt have this type of assurance. It is evident, then, that instead of being a mark of scholarship to be unsure about your eternal salvation, it is a mark of ignorance of Biblical teacbing. Furtber, instead of being a mark of bumility to be uncertain about whether or not you would go immediately to heaven at death in the face of Biblical truth, it is a mark of disbelief in God! For this reason you must decide whether to spend your future in: BELIEF OR UNBELIEF Try coming to the Bible with an open mind for a moment. Think for yourself and ask "What is Goci saying to me in this Scripture? " John 3:16 - "For God sa loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believetb in him should not perisb, but have everlasting life." John 3:36a - "He that believeth on the Son hath everlasting life. " John 5:24 - "Verily, verily, 1 say unto you, He that heareth my word, and believeth on him that sent me, hath everlasting life, and shall not come into condemnation; but it passed from death unto life. " John 10:27-28 - "My sbeep hear my voice, and 1 know tbem, and they follow me: And I give unto tbem eternal life; and they shahl neyer perish, neither shaîl any man pluck them out of my hand. " You will notice that these are ail from one Gospel (I have kept witbin the context of one Book), they al speak concerning eternal or everlasting life, and everyone of them states that eternal life is received now! SThe question is, "Do you, or do you not believe Jesus Christ? la He or is He not trustworthy? Did He or did He not tell us lies wben Me uttered these wor- The Bible says - "If we receive the wtness of men, the wtness of God is greater: for tis la the witness of God which be bath testified of bis Son. Me tbat believeth on the Son of God hath the witness in himself: he that believeth not God bath made him a liar; because he believeth not the record that God gave of his Son. And this is the record, that God bath given to us eternal life, and this life is in bis Son." (I John 5:9-11). Do you prefer to believe that God is a liar, than tbat you can know here and now that you are eter- nally saved? Think carefully, for God's honour is at stake in your answer. Read the Bible passage again, carefully and prayerfully, before your answer. Then give your answer ta God as ta whetber you believe Him or not! HAVING OR NOT HAVING! The Bible hinges the wbole matter of eternal life upon one single item. Not upon your church, nor your life, nor your family, nor your penence, nor your religious fervaur, nor your good deeds. Get it clearly in mmnd, your assurance of eternal life is based upon none of these things!1 AIR TOOLS REPAIRED LARGE SELECTION, AUTOMOTIVE & WOODWORKING TOOLS, DRILL PRESS & MACHINERY OSHAWA TOOL BOX UNIT 19-133 TAUNTON RD. W. at SUMMERVILLE, OSHAWA 723-8171 numumm" WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, MARCH 6,1985, PAGE 9 Look at 1 John 5:12 and see what the difference is. l'He that bath the Son bath life; and he that hath not the Son of God bath not life." If you have the Son of FURNITURE STRIPPING God living in your heart, your life, your soul, you now - at this moment - have life, eternal lifel1If you Refinishiiig & Custom do not have Him, you do not have eternal lUfe. U h ltr Now the big question is, "Does Jesus Christ live in U hltr you? Have you turned from yaur sin, confessecl your ANTIQUES BO UGHT &SOLD sins to God personally, and received the Lord Jesus1 into your life? Have you? And bas that made a dif- Open 7 Days a WN eek ference in your 11e, so that your greatest joy is now to live for Hlm?" If this is so, the Bible says that you now bave eter-N e nal life, and, should you die, now you would simply di nir e' continue to live in the presence of God forever. untr "These things have I written unta you - that ye may believe on the name of the Son of God" (I John 41e Dundas St. E. Whitby On668-5481 5:13). Why don't you? L Get 10% off aur regular-lîne muttilers Uet Iv"/o ott un ypair OrsnO'."-.-..--- Z for domestic and foreign cors. To fram arcapIete range for cars light qualîty mufflers that meet or exceed tucks and vasSokspcfa y M original equipment specifications. designed ta meet your driving needs. SPEED Y MLIFFL FR5 & SIIOCKS ARE GUARANTEED FOR AS LONG AS YOU OWN TUE VEHICLI 1 Present this coupon and save! 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