Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1985, p. 21

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WI-IITI3Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1985, PAGE 21 Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read CVASSI FIEDI ADS HANA'DTED I WiAIA NTED HOMEMAKERS IMMEDIATELY NEEDED Guaranteed hourly wages. Part-time only. Work 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. Monday ta Friday. Office help pelrequlred in aur telephone sales department. No experience necessary but shouid have good rcommand of the English language. Office sit uated n the Harwood Plaza, Aax. Cal I the manager at 6863742 0O WITH THE TRENDI We are acceptIng applications from energelic, reliabie people fer team housecieanIng, parifilme oniy, fraini ng provided. Oel Trend TIdys MaId Services e66- 35U4. UNEMPLayED? Lookîng for a career change? Caf i 6832261 for fres counselIng on lob oppor. lunfilf 10. CAREER IN TRUCING. Tran- sport Drivera needed. Now safthe time f0 frais for your Oass A licence. For Inerview or ap- plcaf ion contact Mery Orrs Transport Driver Training, Toron- fa, (41e)251-9073. MATURE sales persons wanfad, fu or parf.fIme work for gardon cenfres, muesshave pasf ex- parance In sales. Appiy ls par- son f0 Oshawa Gardon Service Lfd., Thcisos Rd. N., Brooklîn, Onf. or phone for an Inerview ef 655-3331. MATURE RELIABLE babysiffer required f0 babysif 3 fhappy children ages 7, 4 and 1, le oar home, Monday 50 Friday, Oas fransporaf ion. references required. Phon0e 6-7824. NEEDED SALES PEOPLE, In- sfailfer, fuii.fimelparf.fime. sn your ares for rapidfy growIsg builff.InInfercom, vacuum, alarm company. Celu colect) 873-1385 or 9618519. ATTENTION fsibali players. Oshawa Disirct Ladies Sofibali Leeguee equires players, plichers rgenfiy needed. Two games a week, nsoftraveling, no weekends. Oe l 7281891. CREATîVE RESUMES $1900, siedenis and enempioyed $15.00, flou fres copies, cover leifers $4.0, safiafaciion guaranfeed. 576083. Aso businssoIncor poraflons, fst, 10w cosi. MOTHERS HELPER maere and atentive person wif h severai years experience t0 care for young Infant ln our home four eveings par mons h. Rossiand and ThIcksOn Rd. ares, son. amoker. 7287744. WORD PROCESSING program- ming, Lofes, dbase, If and 111 and more, aif h cerfificats and lob placemenf, $149 and ep, gover. smasf approved courses avoulable, fax dedeclible, O.S.A.P. ioans, 883-2226. EXPERfENCED car saiespereos reqeIred for buaY Imporf deaer ship. Conact George Innes ai 668-4792. EXCELLENT EARNINGS worklng froc home. Easy aoris. Ail areas. Def alse: sfacped onvelope f0 Mayfair, 452 MG1755 Robson, Vancouver Ve0 109. DO'C students honoring the Lent season By ANNETTE DONOVAN Denis O'Connlor H.S. The liturgical season of Lent began in a doubly meaningful fashian at Denis O'Con- nor. After Ash Wed- nesday Mass on Feb. 20, 12 senior students ac- companied by Mr, Henry and Mrs. Brem- ner, travelled ta Toronto ta participate in the Pro- Life protest at the Morgentaler Clinic. Lt was a meaningful ex- perience for those who attended. A special thank you ta Mrs. Van Hezewyk for arranging the transportation. The Amnesty Inter- national Club was visible this week. A special showing of "Missing" was arranged for the lunch periads. The film recaunted the true story of a journalist who found hirnself im- prisaned in Chule. The athletic depar- tment, too, bas been quite busy. The midget bays' basketball teamn showed off their skilîs in their match against Harwood. DO'C won the match 43-24. The junior teamn was also vic- torious in their game performance in their against Courtice. The games against Dunbar- final score was 37-27. ton and Anderson. Un- In ladies' volleyball fortunately, they were action, the senior team defeated in bath games. put forth an excellent However, the team standing victory against but they have renewed St. Peter's High School, their expectations and Peterborough. hope ta be successful in The junior girls' the remainiflg volleyball team was scheduled games. Henry gives to the Heart Fund Antonia Guidatti (left), president of the Girls' Athletic Association of Henry Street High Schaol is seen here presenting a cheque for $300 ta Trudi Ruest (centre) of the Whitby branch of the Ontario Heart and Stroke Foundation. Loaking on (right) is G.A.A. vice.president Camille Nelson. The G.A.A. raised the money be canvassing every student and faculty member at the school during the month af February. The money was danated in memnory af Bruce Melanson, a Henry Street student who died of heart disease earlier this year. Melanson was also a member of the Oshawa Generals junior 'A' hockey team. FreePress Staff Photo ACVI concert raised $350 for Ethiopia Recently, at Ander- son, the "Battle of the Bands" winners, "Maelstrom", perfor- med a benefit concert for the students to help raise funds for the Ethiapian famine crisis. Although the audience was made up solely by Andersonians $800 was raised for this cause. Sceme $450 of that went toward equipment ren- tais. The remaining $350 was added ta money fram the schoal funds and a drive has now been started ta collect as much money for the relief fund as passible ta send ta Ethiopia. The Maelstrom con- cert was recorded by Roger's Cable TV and "New Music" inter- band. This will be televised later this mon- th on channel 57, so look out for it! Meanwhile, a small group of students spent four days in St. Donat, Quebec for the "Inter- face" experience. This program was highly successful because it provided the students take part in ski lessons, a mini-carnival, and nightly entertainment ail in a French-speaking environment. Also in- cluded in this package was introduction ta, the local histary and geargraphy, and basic orienteeriilg. After skiing down the moun- tain ail day, the students could spend their free timne skating, tobagganiflg or just mingling wîth students from other schools. Al in ail, the Interface program was an ex- perience no student could forget. Reporters: Teresa Cormack, Debble Gray and Grahafli Mac- Donald. LOOKING FOR A ADVERTISING? Downtowfl business requires that persan who: *Possess gaod communication SIS; *Has ambition and self confidence; esseager to learn; els capable of earning an above average income; *And is not afraid to work for it. If you possess these quailties drap in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start lmmediately. Corne in ta aur office anytime Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. ARE YOU OPEN FOR BUSINESS? THE CLASSIFIEDS ASSl9E ARE! *. The classifîed pages __ ~) are for everyofle whether you are selliifg or buyiflg PLACE VOUR AD TODAY! WHITBY FREE PRESS 668-6111 PHOTOCOPYING HIgh quality ptiotocopyirgh whiie you wait, WHITBY FREE PRESS 131 Brock Street North, WhIlby J Here are last week's nunor hockey resuits peewee no. 2 team beat and Mark Wisdom. I on goals by Les Sinden Nordiques fought ta a 2- The followîng are the resuits of lasL week's play by teams of the Brooklin-Whitby Minor Hockey Association. In representative team action: The Broaklin-Whitby Novice Select team beat the Pickering 8's 5-1 on goals by Brad Lee, Jamie Pawluk (3) and Brian Scott. They also defeeted the Scarbarough Cougars 5- 4 on goals by Andre Marais (2), Jeff Mon- taigue (2) and Derel Young. The minor Bantam Select team bas a busy week, playing a total of five games. They star- ted off the week downing Thornhill 5-3 on goals by Shawn Beatty, Mike Thom, Brian Duff, Bryce Cooper and Rab Dawson. They then went an ta defeat Ajax 7-2 on goals by Duff (3), Beatty (2), Jay Lee and Peter Defina. However, they hst ta Cedar Hill 5-3. Scoring for Whitby were Defina, Jay Moore and Kevin Washer. Whitby bounced back ta defeat the Agincourt Lions 2-1. Scoring were Cooper and Beatty. They ended the week as hey started it win- ning, this ime 5-3 over Bowmnanville. Scoring were Brad Moore (2), Defina, Jay Moore and Beatty. The County Bowl the L.N.H.L. Bruina 6-1 ending a long losing streak. Scoring for Whitby were Brad Thompson, Jerrett Steven, Jamie Brousseau and Troy McFee (3). The Pat and Mario's major peewee team beat Markham 1-0 in play-off action last week. Graysan Hifford scored the winning, and only goal. The Eastway Plymouth Chrysler peewee beat Ajax 1-0 on a goal by Rab Martin. However, they lost ta the East Enders 5-4. Whitby goals in that game by Greg Fawcett, Matt Shearer, Derik Ellis and Rab Martin. The Checkers Variety minor atoms earned a 1- aIl tie with Pickering. Getting the Whtby marker was Brett Rayne. They went on ta beat Ajax 5-3 an goals by Mark Babony (2), Paul Moore, Jamie Pragson and Rayne. They also beat Markham 2-1 on the scaring efforts of Scott MacaonnelI and Kilye Moulton. The major Atam Selects have naw played 15 games without a loss, the only team in their league with an un- defeated record. Last week, they tied with Cobaurg 3-ahl. Scoring were Jeremy Laprairifv, Jeff Thorne They then went on ta down Uxbridge 8-3 on goals by Wayne Steven- son (2), Steve Malanka (2), Laprairie, Wisdom, Mike Croucher and Rab Publow. The Kristina Lees atamn no. 2 team losL bath of their playoff games last week - first ta Markham 6-1 and then ta Pickering 4-1. Whitby goals by Jordi Jahnston and Marlon Sourded respectively. The Algomna Orchards major atomas doubled Ajax 6-3 on goals by David Copeland, Peter Allison, Mike Galebraith, Mike Brîllinger (21 and Kelly Vipond. The novice Hideaway. squad did not have the best of weeks. They started off earning a 2- aIl tie with Pickering. Scoring were Tim Chai and Wayne Primeau. They then lost ta Wheatfield 4-3. Scoring for Whitby were Primeau (2) and Chai. They also bast ta the Regals 4-3. Scoring were Chai, Primeau and Paul Dillon. However, they came up big against Mississauga winning 8-0 on goals by Primeau (3), Dillon (2), Chai and Paul Brooks (21. In house league ac- tion: JUVENILLE Gus Brown Motors downed Pizza Delight 5- (2),)Dave Sachka, Ben Pellenburg, and Keith Ladouceur. Respanding for Pizza Delight was Glen Butler. Whitby Dominion Hardware handily defeated Scott's Chicken Villa 6-2 on goals by Ian Parsons, Chris Williams (3), Rick Martin and Mike Holter. Answering were Gord Muschett and Dave Donaldson. SQUIRT The Olers and the ahl ie. Scoring for the Qilers were Damon Kazlovskis and Jamie Boyd. Responding were Corey Woodward and Brent Fulcher. The Canadians downed the Black Hawks 2-0 on goals by Kraig Maich and MatL Beaton. Ryan Brimm earned the shut-aut. The Whalers downed the Flyers 4-1 on goals by Gina King, Craig Lanneger (2) and Tyler Derks. The sole answer came from Brian Smith, Hiockey champs Firefighters are the new champions of the Southern Ontario Firefighters Hockey League. They recently wan the Annual Invitation Firefighters' Hockey Tournament that saw teamns from throughout Ontaria, Quehec and New York State comn- pete. Whitby F.F. Bah Mowat received the most valuable player award. This is the second year running that the local team has won this Lurnament. On their way ta the titie they defeated Sar- nia 7-4; Cote. St. Luc, Quebec 7-3; last ta Sud- bury 5-2; downied New faced Sudbury in the finals handily wnning 7- 2. Mens' f astball sign-up The Whîtby Legionaires Fastball team (IntermediateA') are loaking for players for the 1985 season. Indoor workouts will begin March 3. Anyone interested in trying out is asked ta caîl Larry Batherson at 668-8783 (eveninga) or Gary Stewart at 668- 3096.

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