Whitby Free Press, 27 Feb 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREL PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 27, 1985, PAGE 19 FREE PRESS Emporium Ade will only be accepted subject to the foliowing conditions. . . . . . . . ._._._._._._._._._. FOR SALE window glass 3116" Tamperd (llding windows> - 36"x32"x3l18, 16 plae and soroans, 30"n20"a3ll6, 4 pces and acreens, 19½l"x18"a3l18, 8 places and acroans, $60 for ail. Pair aI mens nkMas, sica11, 00W, $15. Fîrae creen, anique black, Ilke 00W, 36" wlde o 26" hlgh, $25. Cal 668-096. 300 WATT car lnlegraled amp, brand naw, neyer anad, $195 (ana year warrants'>. AMIFMV digital dîspias' casatte radio, naw, $75. 300 Watt 609x" Pols'propyierle wth Ferraflld, Incrdîbie aoand, worth $250, soit $100, stîli asied wth osaes'aar warrants'. Catil668-4838, nytime, Iye. ANTIQUE Spoul Dsigon V bed, sould headboard, complaewth woodan rails, $45. Phona 666- 2243. SET 0F mapla bunk beds, nawly reflnistrad, $150. Acoro lectrlc irapiaca, $40. Prolennionat haîr drs'er, $50. Sears vldeo arcade plus 1l Atari gamas, lncudlng Paumas, Tapeworm and Daten- der, $175 or benI aller. 576"592. GIRLS CLOTHINO sîze 5 to 6X. lndtoidualis' pricad. addlsg up la $60 or ail for $50. Brookito 655- 8764. SKIS, boots and polos, $85. Ski iengtll 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 fil«, wood, $25. Two ,braan lampa, $»0pair. Oak china cabinet, $85. Fiv0 Oak chairs, $15 each. Coer- chant, $95. Cati 683-883. FOR SALE 7 i. Ms'ern Piough wilh hydraultu pump, $1,200. Phono 6888-3471. WEIOI4T BENCH , Sears Free Spirit, plus weghts, $120. Colt 688-8178. FOR SALE pipe lhreading kil. haavy dots', for 1/430 1", Pipes, $35. Cati 433-4689. CAR STEREO iAMtFM case.) and 1 (pair)lx0" speakers (200 watt) car slrea IAMIFM cassette) plus a pair o 6"x4"200 watt speakers, $75. Brand 00W with osa pear guaraste. 200 watt. 7 bond aqoatizer bouster, 4 spaaker hook-op. $50. Kyte, 6684838, anytinla. FOR SALE Pepsi-Cota bottie POP machina, A-i condition, askIeg $400 or bent aller. Conact Mike, 579-2680. FURS - Vers' elagant Mnk Jacket, natural brnwn, minI condition, 12- 14, $350. Mtnk dyad Mankeal Coat, brown, large, lnpecialis' styted for onersized hipe> won- dartuits' warm, anis' $95. Young ladies bleached Muskrat Carcot, 12-14, $50. Young ladies For Jackat, back and whte, 1214, $75., Furtlmmed brown Suada coat, luit langth, 12-14, $45. Men's Macregor Carcoat, ganuina Scotlsh wool, sizo 38, eocellent condiion, $30. Cati 688- 7404 atee6 p.m. KITCHEN SET 58x38" anal tabla wlh chromad steel trama and oak look aminatad top, Ilke new and tour chrome chairs wth dark brown naît upholars', $150. Bell antiqua pamp organ. Cîrca 1850, excellant condition. $750. Catebrits' eiectrlc tspawritet, ex- cllant condition, $190. Wooden rocking chair, $50. Phase 655- 3545. FOR A COMMADOR computer with disc rine, 1 pinhali con. struction set gama tîlits', $50. Cai aller 5 p.m., 6681153 ask tor Dan. FOR SALE mlnk stote, $250. Fuit langth pata glass donc mrtor, 5 fi. o 2 fi., $30. Bath accessorias, 3 pace, white porceain and chroma, $20. ¾ Continental he, $50. Phone 666-3516 0r8809028. FOR SALE df109 room ltable and chairs. woodan top, chrome legs, exacutive sts'la chairs, cant $790. sai $225. Back and white, 12" ACIDC IV., home or cor, $85. 666-3000. FOR SALE skis, 195 cm., Look bIndings, $45 Circuler no, Btock and Dechor, $35. Phono 433-4689. ~T CKFOR SALE' PETS Il PONY Reg. 55 AraS, V Welsh, SMALL 14005E TRAILER qaaos, SUPPL IES whita~siz withgroswmue an tai, t s'aarn, ecellent jumpar, grot pans' cub prospect, neodn good home or witi hourd. AskIsg $600. Clt eeningo 6495000. When the advertised item is sotd. disposed of, or unavailabte for whatever reoson, te item witt be deemned to have been sotd and a commission wîlt be charged based on TIE ADVERTISEI) PRICE as illtstrated betow, regardiess if price sà stated with Obst ofer" Il te item is NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad wiII be rus for t MONTiIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 3.00 wili appîs' payable in advance of publication of the iret ad. Otherwine a $7.50 charge will appîs' If biiied whých must be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wiii be applied ta Ue final commission due but in any case Ue higher amouent wil be charged. Minimum charge: $6.00 pre-paid; $750 biled. Maximum commission: $100.00. AU] advertisemenla must be placeon0an exclusive hasts with tne WIIITBY FRtEE PRESS and mun atteant one montit If not soid. RATES if article le noldi: 5% of advertiseet price up ta 140000 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advectimeat tac 1120.00. Commisnu4e $8.0(minimums charge i1$.300) Private odvertising onlyl Pirate natifs' the Whithy Free Press immediately when item is sotd s0 that we may delete it ramte fotiawing issue. Ait ads not itting Une Emporium gideines witi be treated and charged per week as regular ciassified adn an a pre-paid bois such as: services, hetp wanted, ciothing, real estote, and persooaî ,nessage type ads, or adsno00 quoting price or quostits'. Privale classitied adn mas' oppear in Une Emporium section under oppropriate heudings, ALL ADS WILL GO 17N CLASSIFIED SECTION LINLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL AIS t'O: FREE PRES EMP(sIIUM P.O. Bas 2wt Whitby, LIiN &SI If in doubi cail: 668-6111 1321 Irock Si. N. Whitby, tînt. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. KIMSALL ORGAN wth onch, excellent condition, toit kes'hoard, boss pedats, outomatic chordisug and rhythms. Askisg $750. 6883203 FOR SALE Prestige ciarinel, madeain Ceachonlonakia. ex. as HOU SEHOLO sf1T IAt BB ED GOOS DNSUMENTSI Adistobie naiker with pastic castors. $22, Tan vinyt cooorad crib mottressas. $35 aach. Ose set af matching bumper pads, $10. Ait items on vers' oOod con- dton. Phone 6558026. tulent condition, oned for osis' 2 CRIB SET green and whita, ls tors, camnes with deiaoe casa, ciodes: top and Sotuen sheats, king $2M0 Cati 866-2588. pitiow, ranersihie humper pods asd comforfer iwietaphanl motif). Brand new, nevar unad. $60. Cati 'OR SAL EGihon Flipnar bss Kitm 666-3260. wilh 4.wos' lana wilch, uood condition, $360 with case. imitation Strato castor, eocellent conditoni, $275 with case. Cat 723-2579 ask for Karen. SIX CHANNEL F.A. Os'stem, basa speakers, 150 watt combo amp., accossories îsctodod, $750. 683. FOR SALE Wst Arîcanagras' parent, $600. Phono 668-7012. AIR&SI.EREAL 1968 450 HONDA 5 spood custom, non lras, opringor, lots of chromo, $600 or hast olter. 683-0531. 1983 SUZOKI GS450 Custom. Peofecl sire for ass'onO, 0000 heginnors, nîltl condition, osis' usad one s'oar tor educatios pur- posos. Mustisait, $1.200. Phone Chris et16558902 aller 6 p. LIVING ROOM PACKAGE con- sistiog of sofa, choir, rocker, par ty Ottoman icallee tablet and two end tables, excllent cosditon. 6 menns aid, $825. Phone 576- 3893. OAS STOVE 30" Hardwlck gos stana excallent condition, $275, Phona 668-2014. PAtR 0F HANDMAOE Tai Ping ates ag rug sAam design,liinng rona 14x18, dInlng room .- round 95 diameter, ln parfect con- dition, $12.500 pair. Also magnllcani Victorias Armoira wth large crown and original finsh, $1.500. Cati anenIngoSet- wenand n9 p.m.. 06661223. c.onditio,$1,000 or hast ofar. t976 Honda for parts, nearis' new molar, new tras, ibregiass tan- drs, $500. Phono 5766592. J'AUTOMDTIVEI -AUTOMDI1LESU ~REPASIR/PARTS C 'FO AL R.W.L. tiren 079018,1 0w, 4 with 1,000 mlans, $450. Four Seasn Mater Ail Seanon .W.L. tires P23517OR15 radiais wlth 2,000 milan, $400. One 00w Ediebrock SP2P aiumlnum Intake manllold with Intallation killacfonenal block 0h00, $225. One CIlan Guadealal 4 bbl caiburator, $25. Five sein faclors' silicone plug wtres for ornaitl ock Chrynler, $20 each. 0ne 00w Chrynler producîs (fais modealAMIFM MPLX slerea radin, $75. Ose Motorola AMIFM MPLX cassette in danh unit) push bttas tuning, auto reverse, univernaelfit, $150. Phase 655-32868. 1974 610 DATSUN Wagon, aulomailc, rebult motor, 10,000 miles. $500 or hast aller. 655- 3729 aller 7 p.m. H-EAVY TRUCK PARTS al pars new. 1-GM ciutch for Chev, 5000- 6500 nerlas wlth 350 or 366 Cu. n., V8 aengine, GM part No. 140 1968, $100. 1-Tokhalm electric submersible fuei pump. $85. 1- 16.5 braka drum (7.5 deep). $50. 1-Delco brake master cylioder. GM part No. 5467734, $100. 4- Braka raining kils, 411 pado for 50-60 norias Chon, $50 each. 4- Brake reining kits, 3" pads for 7000 lb GM aia, $40 each. 655- Year radial tiras. $50 each Or $190 for ait tour. Phone 655-3427 aller 6:30 p.m. HEAVY EGUtPMENT PARTS ait parts naw. International bultdozer parts: 1-616&125C3 carriar for T0150, 15C, 175B or 1750, $750. 1-619563CI end bit for biada for TD15B or 15C, $90. 2-324739 Rg1 Tienken baarlng ussembiies for Stade winch, wiit lit modats TD25B or C and TD20B or 158, $50 each. 1-4N6981 alarnator for Cal 3208 Industriel angines, $200. 4.7440 Champion gradar Stade ananas' end bits, $20 aach. 4. 39C0 - J8'OK Norton grindino stones, 2' castra, 2.5" wtdth, 13.5" diamotor, $100 each or 4 for $300. Phono 655-4995. 1Ose ad ln the Whllhs' FreePanss Empori- um Secios will sa t aimant ons'thInsu Coil 668-6111 ta place s'ourad. good coniAUTN, $1600a n. Phone 668-3064 or 723-4890. 1977 FORD Econoline Van, 351 automnatto, 4 captais chirs, naw boliers', tires and exhaunl, $2,500 or benî aller. 683-0531. FOR SALE 1976 Comat, 2 door, standard, needo rad repaie, as la - where s3, S500 or bonI otter. 668- 3123, aller 5 p.m. 1976 RASSIT 2 dnor, standard, $900 or bonI aller. 655-3729 alter 7 p.m. 1974 CHEV NOVA 2 door, 6 cyt., eocellent runolng condinion, body' excellent, standard steering and braken, $700 or besl oller. 668-1564. NEW IN TOWIN? LET us PUT DUT THE MAT FOR YOUI Phone 668-8943 CON FL Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our low advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; ahave an article to seil; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three montbs) - A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $600 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad bas ap- peared once. If your article does NOT seli within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seil, but, where else could you get three months advertising for only $6,00? When your article selis, a commission is charged, based on the advertised prce. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described ISED questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines abov.e and wish to have the ' following advertisement placed under this section of tne Whitby Free IPress. I dont forget ta include yotar phase numnberi D [lCharge $6.00 ta my Visa account. ElIBill me for $7,50 after first publication of my ad. dard NaEp.D. Name tpîcaae prit Addresa dRy .tàI code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS' P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St.* N Wbitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you wnuld be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Advertised Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 500 $ 600 $ 700 $800 $ 900 $1,000 $2,000 $3,000 $4,000 $5,000 and up ARTICLES ARTICLES FOR SALE FOR SALE Payable $7.50 $10.00 315.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 $ 26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 872.00 $92.00 $100.00 za aDove. City PMIAI 2% of balance over $400.00 FO 1 E

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