PAGE 8, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS w mp LETTERS TO THE EDITOR 'Doc 'says local press only opposition to council Dear Sir: About two months ago, I wrote a latter to His Worehip the Mayor Iand members of the Council of the Town of Whitby. This lettar tbougbtfully tried to ganerata public discussion on two dif- ficuit issues that would benafit the newer home owners wbo are now the majority of thecitizens. Much to my surprise, the ltter neyer made the council agenda although copies were supplied privataly to esch member of Coun- cil. What this means is that the senior decision makers decide wbat let- ters are considered council correspondance. Since no council mem- ber objected, ail council condones this procese. I expect if the ltter bad been complimantary of some action taken by council, it would bave' made the agenda. Since it raisedtwo arguments tbat council did not want raised, it did not meet their criteria. To many citizens tbis may seem unimpurtant. What may not be realized is tbat local councils do not bave op- position parties to raise controversial matters like tbe senior gover- nnients and I wouldn't recommend party poliics at the local I,~t~0tM~ITHE CORPORATION OF THE TOWN OFWH ITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATTER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Townf of Whitby Intends to designate the property, including lands and buildings, at the folowîng municipal address as property of historlo or architectural value or interest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337. Emanuel Sîeep House 801 Victoria Street East Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 601 VICTORIA STREET EAST Historical This house was bulIt c. 1870 by Emanuel Sieep. He was considered to be one of the weaithiest far- mers ln the Whitby area ln his lifetime. The Emanuel Sleep House is 'unique among designated buildings because' t le stili occupied by descendants of the original owner. ArchIt&ctural The Sleep House ls a good exemple of a fer- mhouse bulit ln the Gothic Revival Style. The projecting centre gable with lta Gothic window, the soroil sawn vergeboard and pointed dormer windows are ail features taken f rom Gothic Revival Architecture. Other Gothic Revival elements stili retained include the smail psned sash, iowered shutters and contrasting buff brick detailing. Any person may, before March 8, 1985, send by registered mal or deliver to the Clark of the Town of Whitby notice of his or her objection to the proposed designation together with a statement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant tacts. If such notice of objection ls received, the Couricil of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby shal refer the malter to the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED ai the Town of Whitby this 6ih day of February, 1985. Donald G. McKay Cierk The Corporation of the Town of Whitby 575 Rossiand Road East Whitby, Ontario LIN 2MB Phone: (416) 6685803 levai. If a councillor was often disturbing council, he would soon find that he was isolated by the rest of Council. When he wanted something in is ares, he would likely (mndit difficuit to obtain the rest of council to support him. Council, generally, bas to work as a team. Tbe only real op- position to a council is tbe local press and wben council controls wbat goes on the agenda, tbey go a long way towards controlling any op- position. If tbe input to council is favourable, the output is likewise. Local newspapers know tbat tbe news is being managed but dlaim tbat nobody else seeme to be interestecl in tbe euh- ject. Since you cannot write directly to council and be sure it will make the agenda, I bave decided to write some letters to the editor. Tbere is notbing to be gained personnaly in the procese and in fact I may lose a few friends. However, I balieve it wortb the effort to try to bring council back to a more open process. Tbis is tbe time of year wben council tries to keep tbe lid on controversial items and I will try to pry it off. Hopefully, I can generate some in- terest in the forth- coming elections eepecially for tbe more senior positions. This le flot an easy task for council is riding a creet of growth made possible by policy decisions taken several years ago. On the other band, maybe tbere is no in- terest? Yours sincerely, Forbes N. McEwen. Minister disapproves of Hum bard's letters also Dear Sir: From your "Crow's Nest" you have ex- pressad your anxiety about the TV avangeliats. We won- dered if you wera just sounding off or trying to provoke a response (rom the religious community. If your attscks bave helped readars draw a line betwaen tbose who care for tbemsalves and tbose who care for others, well and good. Too often clargy find themeelves lumped together with Elmer Gantry or even Jim .Jones ini popular thinking. Criticism of one* may cast a shadow on othars. But it la good to examine the motives for doing "the Lord's . work", educating people in bis ways and ministering to buman spiritual need. Most of us in the ministerial community in Whitby were flot at- tracted bera by salary, opportunity for power or chance of being popular. We may have been on TV, but we don't coïxie acrose as publicity seekers with a bungar for exposure and big money. People could be ex- cused for not knowiiig our names, but they should ba clear about our purpose: to serve God through serving people. And we try to do it without offence. Somfe of us co-oparata in programe that serve persons outeida our congregations. I have seen the letters to whicb you refarred. Tbey do demand money in sick and srm-twisting ways. Tbey do syphon off funds from Canadian listeners, and we are concarned to bave adequata income for our own cburch budgets. And we do *not have "Jesus ligts" and other gimmicks to send on request. To be quite frank, our greatest worry is our society, wich is in love with thingsasnd uncon- cerned about spiritual and moral roots. Tbat's the problam to watch (rom your Crow's Neat!1 Sinceraly, (Rev.) Gerald A. Hunt Pastor Whitby Baptist Churcb Article helped to recruit families Dear Sir: I would like to tbank you for printing the recent press release about our program in your newspapar, the Witby Free Press, on January9. As a non-profit organization witb very limited funds for adver- tising, we are always moat appreciative of any news coverage in your newspaper. The articles help make people aware of our ser- vices and assist us in recruiting (amulies (rom the community who are interested in becoming relief parents. Once again, thank you for your co-operation. Yours truly, Anne Busst, Service Co-ordinator. K &M Get a 110.111 CLEANERS gifi certificaie for SAMAE DAY SERVIÇE I-i4 IfIuaiis ALTERATIONSANDREPAIRS Seatood end Steak House with every $14.95 dry cleaning order. Fam,î, Whltby 6682831 Brght colours for summer? Brght collours for wlnter? CDlscoverwhat VOUR seasonal colours are. LA CONTESSA can tell you wlth a 0PERSONALIZED COLOUR CONSULTATION Our professionals can lnformn you about Hair Colours, Make-up, Swatches & Wardrobe Advlce For longer, more beautiful and natural Iooking naîls ask about PORCELAIN NAILS LA CONTESSA HAIR SALON 119 Green St., Whltby 668-9262 oBUY NEW & USED *SELL cIRENT OFFICE FURNITURE *LEASE SHELVING LOCKERS GRANT j ' U z SI0E FILES ___________ PILING CABINETS THE CORPORATION OF Ia~~1THE TOWN OFWH ITBY TOWN 0F WHITBY 1985 MUNICIPAL TAX NOTICE The flrst instalment of taxes for 1985 is due and payable February 15, 1985. If payment is flot reCel ved by tfe due date, penalty wiIl be added on the f irst day of default and the first day of eaCh calen- dar month so long as non-payment con- tinues, at the rate 0f 11/4 % per month or part thereof. Taxes may be paid at any Whitby bank without bank collection charges or at the Municipal Office, 575 Rossland Road East, Whltby, Ontario. Corinne Wendt, A.M.C.T.(A), Tax Collector, TOWN OF WHITBY.