Whitby Free Press, 13 Feb 1985, p. 21

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I Itby's Most Wdely Read ADS STUDENT WELC NM PHONE NOW START TOMORROW We have flteen immediate job openings for studenta ln telephone sales. No experience necessary we wl train. Saiary plus commission. Office iocated ln Ajax. Hours 5 p.m. to 9 p.m. Gail Mrs.April Immediateiy et 686-3742 LOOKING FORA CAREERIN WADVERTISING? Downtowfl business requires that person who: *Possess good communication skiils; elHas ambition and self conf idence; eis eagerto learn; eîs capable of earning an above average Inbome; *And Is not af raid to work for It. If you possess these qualities drop ln and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Corne ln to our office anytime--Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. 131 Brock St. N.. Whitby. NEW WHITDY OFFICE requIres faur aggressine, oufglng s"les raprsentatîtes oner 18 wlf h own car, exparlence nef necessaly but an assa.,catI664331tr In- tervew. WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 13,1985, PAGE 21 This is 'Big Sisters' Week loeatty By CAROL RHODES A full and fun schedule hes been set for Big Sisters Week, Feb. 10Oto 16. Using the theme 'Love e Little Slster', Big Sisters NOW (Newcastle - Oshawa - unique Valentine will win e bouquet of roses for their favorite Valen- tine. Tlils contest is open to everyone and entries should be mailed or dropped off et Simcoe Hall Settlement House, the Oshawa Centre Feb. 11 to 13, the Michael Starr Building Feb. 14, the Whitby Mail, Feb. 15, and the Bowmanville Mail, Feb. 16. Also on the agenda is a poster contest and a WORD PROCESSINO Program. mlng. Lofus, dbase, If and l11tand mars, aif h certifIcaf e and lob placement, $149 and up, gaver- nmenf approved coures avalfable,, tex deductîble, 0.5.A.P. lbans. 683-2226. UNEMPLOYED? Loafrîni for a cmer change? Calf 683-2261 for MOLLY MAIO sa eXCeptîng OP- fus couneMif fg an lot> açpar- picatons for flght houeaworfcln lent if as. Whtby. CatI 86684673. DftYWALL TaperPalnfer seeke ipo*f. Aiea textumed and aspen- ded celfInge. 15 yeau experten- ce. JIm Tamffflean, 723-926. SUALL 6USNES8 OWNERS8 tired of ryîng o ta tp pour piper worl sfrlght? cet Debra et 571- CM6 wha dais boofk66plfg et masoflible rtes. Tenders are invted for Garbage Disposai for the period AprIl 1, 1985 10 March 31, 1987 Inclusive, for the Whitby Psychiatric Hospital. Coniract wIii include pick-up and suppiy of con- tainers. Closing date for quotellons wlii be 12 noon Friday, February 22nd, 1985. For further Infor- mation and quote forma please con- tact:- Whitby Psychiatric Hospital, Purchasing Department, 688-5881 ext. 422. Minsawy of GENERAL CONTRACTORS Provide Baseboard Repairsaet the Michael Starr Bulding, 33 King St. W., Oshawa, Ont. Tender No. QBEg84. 230 Sealed Tenders wil be received unlil 2:00 p.m. local ime on îWEDNESDAYFEB- RUAY 27,1985. Tender Documents may be obtained f rom the Ontario Minislry of Government Ser- vices, Orillia District Office, 24 James St. E., Box 790, Orillia, Ont. Note: For f urther In- formation regarding the tenders, please cali the Tenders 0f- f ice aI the above ad- dress, Telephone (705) 325-7403. The lowest or any Tender nol necessariiy accepled. mnsrf 0f Govennu PHOTOCOPYING High quaity pIitOCOPyinll whie you wait, W lHITBY FREEPRESS 131 Brock Street Nprth, Whîtby Thi taBlgSisersWee thouhou ths prt f Drbai Rgln. The Big Sisesognzto fNwateOllt-htYkce off the week b alg'iteSse Crstn co, fOhw rsnt e huge Ven BigDrhmRgonlCarmnGr Hrea Sisters organization does for motherless girls what Big Brothers does for fatherless 6s Free Press Staff Photo Whitby) is prepared to let everyone know how easy it is to be e speciel friend to a young girl. The organization is also inviting the public to take part in its Old Fashioned Valentines Day Contest. The creator of the most Growth figures Whitby's 1984 record growth rate shows no signs of slowing down, et least in the month of Januery. According 10 figures released lest week by Mayor Bob Attersley, the town issued $456 million worth of building lest month - up substantielly over January 1984's $3.8 million. Almost haîf of tbis total was genereted by one project, the con- struction of the Man- dreil Mining Company's new research and development facility on Victoria St. E. That permit wes valued et $2 million. Residentiel develop- ment lest month wes down over lest year. Some 44 permits valued et $2.41 million were issued. in January, 1984, 29 permuts worth $3.8 million were issued. Three commercial permils velued et $154,000 were also issued by the town lest month. Oshawa, L1H 4J2, no later than Feb. B. In addition to the Valentine card contest, special events for Big Sisters Week include a day of outdoor fun et the Enniakillen Conser- vation Area on Feb. 10. Marking the week, e_ and Little Siatel's.' Big Sisters of Oshawa bas been ln existance since 1972. This past year, the organization was renamed Big Sisters of Newcastle- Oshawe-Whitby. The change was made to better reflect the area in ves. It became a part of a provinoe-wide orgenization when a provincial body was recently set up through financial assistance from the Trilliuxn Foun- dation. The basic idea behind the Blg Sisters program is to create a wermn reassuriflg relationship between a mture woman and a young girl in need. Little Sisters are girls age seven to 17 who May be experiencing dif- ficulty in somne part of their lives et homle, school or socially. Little Sisters come from various backgrounds, most often fromn single parent, mother-led famiies, although many live in families where both parents, a father or guardian are providing support. Big Sisters are women over the ege of 18 who sincerely enjoy children, and are caring understanding and ap- friendship. Further information on the Big Sister program or Big Sister Week cen be obtalned by calling Carol Rhodes et 728-7525. EDIT0RIS NOTE: Carol Rhodes la the ce- ordinator of the Big Sîsters of Newcastle- Oshawa-Whltby.. Chrlie ha decided flot te meke liii own piper from ulp but le rallier order it fren Dickson Printing & Office Supplies where the prices pen your eyes. THECORPORATIONOF THETOWNOFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, c. 337 AND IN THE MATER 0F THE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0F INTENT TO DESIGNATE TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby Intends to designate the property, Including lands and buildings, at the following municipal eddress as property of historic or architectural value or lnterest under Part IV of the Ontario Heritage Act, RS.O. 1980, c. 337. Pardon-Davidson House 207 Byron Street North Whitby, Ontario REASONS FOR DESIGNATION 0F 207 BYRON STREET NORTH Hlistoricei This house was bulît ln 1921 by Robert Pardon, a retired farmer. Il was also owned by Gordon Whit- f ield from 1929 bo 1948. Mr. Whitlield was once Whitby's postmaster as weil as president of the Whitby War Veterans' Association and the firat president of the Whitby Tennis Club. Architectural The house is an interesling example of eariy 201h Century bungalows which combines Tudor Golhic with the "Prairie Schooi' of Frank Lloyd Wright. The main intereet ln the house la ln ls re-use of building materiais from Perry's Casîle <buili ln 1857 and demoiished ln 1912) inciudlng the Ilmestone foundation, severail ooied limeslone linels and two exterior doors. Any person may, before March 8,*1985, send by regiatered mail or deliver 10 the Clèrk of the Town of Whitby notice of his or her 9blection to the proposed designation together t44th a atatement of reasons for the objection and ail relevant facts. If such notice of objection la recelied, the Council of the Corporation of the Town o~f Whtby shahl refer the matter 10 the Conservation Review Board for a hearing. DATED aI the Town of Whitby lhis 61h day of February, 1985. - Donald G. McKay Cierk The Corporation of théTown of Whitby 575 Rossland Road East Whilby, Ontario Ll N 2M8 Phone: (416) 668-5803 ANICE McMILLAN JANICE WOULD LIKE TO INVITE HER FRIENDS & CLIENTS TO VISIT M ER AT ELEGANCE MAIR DESIGN 123 ATHOL STREET FOR APPT. CALL 666-2311 '09HAII DESIGN

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