PAGE 14, WEDNESDAY. FEBRUARY 13, 1985, WHITBY F REE PRESS *Corridor- Calpers By MARY MCEACHERN ~J Ca i 72"4967 with items for this coiumn NIGHT 0F CARDS Westminster U.C.W. will hold a night of cards on Monday, Feb. 18 at 8 p.m. in the church, Manning Road in Whitby. Tickets are $2 a person from mem- bers of U.C.W. or caîl 576-8218. Lunch and prizes. HEART AND STROKE MONTH The Heart and Stroke Foundation have a provin- cial fund-raising campaign annually during the month of February. The 1985 objective in Ontario is $7,000,000. This money is used for urgently needed research to fight our major health enemies - heart disease and stroke. During the month of February volunteer can- vassers wll be going door-to-door in ail towns, villages and cities in the province. Businesses, large and small, will be contacted, rural mail drops will be organized, and many special events will be held Dealer Parts & Service - Thursdays MîI 9 P.M. WH ITBY 29 Dund.s St. W. 666-3000 751 McKay Rd., Unit 8 spplcero t e ibrl Adeioive,BinstalatInls in local areas.. Follow your heart - give with your head. Give to thse research that saves more lives. GO-ALRT A letter has been received by C.A.R.A. from the Minister of the Environment regardling the proposed GO-ALRT maintenance facility. One of the conditions of the undertaking is that the proponent shahl consult with the residents regarding thse design and construction of the maintenance facility to ensure that suitable landscaping and design features are incorporated into the final design to minimize impacts on the residents. C.A.R.A. is requesting that residents in the most effected area, form a working committee within the ratepayers, to ensure that the conditions of thse ap- proval are adhered to in full. If you would be in- terested in working wth this group, please contact Bill Walsh at 579-9265 or Roberta Sziachta at 576- 8394. The association is in accord with the decision of the Minister of Environent. If the facility is not stoppable, then the only practical approach is to en- sure that the facility looks good, makes minimum noise and is safe. We need your input to accomplish this project. PAPER DRIVE Last week, I requested someone cail me regar- ding paper drives north of Hwy. 2. The response was tremendous. The 8th Whitby packs collect paper from homes north of Hwy. 2 from Thickson Rd., Rossland Rd. to the Whitby-Oshawa townline on the second Saturday of each month. Papers should be at the road no later than 8:30 a.m. on Mar. 9. Ail of Whitby scouts and cubs have paper drives on the same day. If you have been missed in your area, we are extremely sorry, but the groupa try to cover al of the areas. WHITBY ROADS It's aiways a pleasure to drive within thse Town of Whitby. It neyer ceases to amaze me, but the town's Public Works Department manages to keep our streets and highways the cleanest of ail areas of Durham Region. Congratulations. Keep up the good work. WHITBY RED CROSS ANNUAL MEETING The Whitby Red Cross will hold their annual meeting on Monday, Feb. 25 at the Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas St. E. from 8 to 10 p.m. The programn will be 'Youth'. _________ Whitby ringette resuits Thse following are the results of games played Feb. 9 and 10. In Petite action, Whitby Colour Your World bombed Oshawa Optimists 8-1 on goals by Laura Weckman (2), Erin Neilly (2), Natasha Haldane, Linda Bell, Kim Guymer and Carissa Keehn. Whitby was again vic- torlous in a game played between Whitby Iolab Tweens and the Oshawa Shoppers Drug Mart Tweens. The score was Play-off hopefuls Pat & Mario's major peewee 'A' team wili play off against Markham in a best of five series to decide the division championships. After two seasons of hard-going and few wins, this team is finally putting it together and showing what they can accomplish. Since the beginning of January, the major peewees have won il out of 15 games. Centremnan Mike Fulton has led the team with 69 goals to date, including six hat tricks. Coach Hank Kaleta says everyone is giving 100 per cent ef- Sign-up The Whitby Girls' Athletic Association will hold registration for their upcoming softball season on March 2 and 9 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Iroquois Park Arena. Girls between the ages of 7 and 20 (as of Jan. 1, 1985) are welcome to register. fort and working together as a team - an unbeatable com- bination. No matter what the upcoming play-offs bring, Pat & Mario's peewees have done a number one job this season. 17-1 for Whitby. Scoring for Whitby were: Jen- nifer Cooper (5), Lean- ne Muir (3), Michelle Reader (3), Karyn Bugelli (3), Lisa Clarke (2), and Tobi Wood. In Junior Belle action, Whitby Optimists and Ajax Dickson Printing fought to a 1-ail tie. Scoring for Whitby was Paula Barrack. The Whitby Optimists played again on Sunday, Feb. 10 against Oshawa Optimîsts, wîinning 4-3. Whitby goals were scored by: Paula Barrack (2), Susan Marshsall and Janey Calian. WHITBY IROQUOIS SOCCER CLUB Indoor Soccer Resuits Games Played Feb. 9, 1985 SQUIRT West Lynde Buarger . . .7 ShopprsDrug Mart . .2 Ryan mi ................. 5 Joshua Rico..............2 Alex Payne Clayton Law Roy's Enterprises. 8 Mark vanderlip............ 4 Richards Matthew ..... 2 Jeffrey Macean Whitby Kinsmen... 7 Bram Peters...............3 Michael Prîce..............3 Chris Price Jason Johnston ............ 2 Robert Lyonn Checkers Variety... 4 Shanghan Hollows...... 2 Derek Colosuonno Karen Bloomer ATOM Checkers Variety..4 Whitby Optimist . 3 Gregg aton .............. 2 Paul Sîcllano.............. 2 Richard Bokor............. 2 Sean Edwards George Cini's......2 Shane Bean .............. 2 Whitby Free Press -... Matthew Paynle............ 3 Mitchell Travel ... MOSQUITO Whitby Aluminum -... .2 Anca Lab..........1 Ncola Mitchell John Amoroo Chad Bevan Whitby Kinsmen. Adamn Payne............... 2 Randy Vandenburg Mike Wolff Lfe Baille PEEWEE/BANTAM Canadian Tire ....5 Midas Muffler . BrIan Watson.............. 2 Darren McGee Canadian Tire . 5 Brian Watson.............. 2 Frank Celebre............. 2 Jeff Finn JMT Sports......... 4 Helder Faria............... 2 David Wason.............. 2 Us e d C aM Darren McGee............. 5 Mlke Zosk Doug Love Whitby Lions . ...3 JlroStolar ................ 2 Jefu Reddon ATTERSLEY TIRE SERVICE PASSENGER & LIGHT TRUCKS BRAKES TUNE-UP- ÇQOLING SYSTEM Whitby 668-3356 Oshawa 571-3400 jiq Sherdan Chevrolet Oldsmoblle s pleased to announce the appointment of Michael L. Conners to the new and used car and truck sales team. Michael wlshes to Invite ail of hîs past customers and friends to vlit hlm for al their automotive needs. 1800 KINGSTON RD. 683-9333 PICKERING,