Whitby Free Press, 6 Feb 1985, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, FEI3RIARY 6, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS FOR SALE wndow gloas 3116" Temperd (iiding Windows) 3'u32ox3i16, 16 places and acreens 30'u20ax3i15, 4 piaes and ucreens, l19½"x18'*x3l16, 8 places andseons, $60 for at. Pair of mns skates. size 11, new, $15. Firesacreen, antique back, like new, 36" wide n 26 high, $25. Cati 668-0960. MENS Dynatar skis, 207 cm wth bîndîngsansd potes, $50. Ladies ski boots, sze 7, $10. Keumore chitd's mlcrowave bake onen. used once, $10. Phone 668. 6185. 300 WATT car tntegrated amp, brsnd naw, nover used, $195 (one year wan'anty). AMIFM digital dispiay cassette radio, new, $75. 300 Watt 6,x9' Poiypropyioe wth Fenro tiuld, Incradibs aound, Worth $250.sali $100, tili seased alh one yesr warrunty. Cai 668.4M3, anytime, Kyle. ARBOAtTE ROUND TABLE, 48" long, a56109 $175. Must be sen to beauppreciated. Phone 668. 3109. ANTIQUE Spool Designo3/4bed, soild hesdboard, completes ilh woodan rails, $450. Phone 666. 2243. COLECO VISION aimosi ew, gamnes lncluded. Donkey Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Gort, Space Panic, Zasuon, Ventura, Lady Bug, Basabai. wlh 2 Joysticks, $250, phone 6661421 daytime. o65.9fievanlngs. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheei wth gloa top. bareiy used, muai be seaon. $400, boastofar. 668503. GIRLS CLOTHîNO size 5 t0 ex lndIieduaily priced, adding up to $60 or ail for $5. rooklil 655 8764. SKIS, boots aud plisa, $85. Ski langth 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 i., wood, $25. Two brasa lamp, $381palr. Oaik china cabinat, $85. Five oak chairs, $15 esch. Cadar chesi, $95. CalilM68638. FOR SALE 7 i. Myera Piough with hydrauiic pump, $1.200. Phone6&3471. PAIR 0F HANOMADE Tsi Ping aras ruga lu Adam desigu, living roum 14u18, diniug room - round 95" diamaier, lu perfaci con- dition, $12.500 pair. Aiso magufcaui Victorien Armoira wilS large crowu sud original finish. $1.500. Cali avaninga hat- seenau sdg9p.m., 6661223. STEREO cabinet modal, $175. White chesi-ol-drawara, $50. Framad gloa mirror. $8. Ail lu excalent condition. Phone 686- 1149. FOR SALE Papal-Cola botte POP machine.,A-icondition, aaking $400 or hoast ofiar. Contact Mite, 579-268. FURS'. Vary lagaut Mink Jacket, naturel brosu, mini condition, 12- 14, $350. Miuk dyed Musirat Cuat. brosu, large, spaciaiiY slyed for ovarized hipsi son- derfuiiy warm, oniy $95. Young ladies bieuched Muskrat Crcoal. 12.14, $50. Young ladies Pur Juckei. back and shila, 12-14, $75. Purrimmad brown Suada cuai, fllu iangth, 1214, $45. Mens Mcragor Cucoa, ganuine Scottilsh wooi, aine 38, excelln condition, $30. Cali 668- 7404 aler 6 p.m. KITCHEN SET 58', s 36" onai lubie sith chromad steel trame and oak look iaminatad loy, lite uswansd 4 chroma chairs ailh durk browu soit uphoislory. $150. Ball antique pump orgun, Circa 1850. sxcellent condition, $750. Caiabrity eiecflc typewriter-, ex- celent condition, $150. Sars ssino machina cabinet, $25. Woodan rocking chair, $50. Phone 655-3545. NINE CARVîNG chiseis for wood, excelln condition. $75 for the st or con be soid saparats. Pipe ihreadIng kit. haavy duiy, for 1/4 to 1" pipes, $35. Wstinghouse buil-in dishwasher, wrknsaeli, $30. Calil 433-4689. FOR SALE kitchan sel, Arborils talbe wsuS sîiniasassit rams. 30" wida s 54" long, banch seul with bega inyl covring, 2 chairs, ail lu eucellntcondition, $150. Chandelier dining room ight iltur, 5S lihis, brasa cuiourad alSh crystul, $80. SmsII yamaha gutar wilh casa, aliabie for baglnar, $45. Cali 6684686. When theaudvertised item s sotd, disposed sf, or unavaitabte for whtever reason, thieItem sutl be deemed to have been sntd and a commissioun sut ha charged bused un TUE ADVERTISF.D PRICE as ittustruted etow, regurdiesif price is slsted wittt hbest offer". If the item is NOT SOLD, or disposed uf, te ad sut ha t-us for 3 MONTiIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE uf 66.00 siti appîy payable iu advauce ut publication ut the fitst ad. Othersise s $750 charge sut sappiy if biited whých must ha pid upon receipt uf blt. The above minimum charges witt ha appiied to the final commission due but in any case the higiter amount wilt ha charged. Minimum charge: $6.010 pre-puid; $7.50 iiied. Maximum cumnitusion: $100.00. Att sdvertiaemeuts must ha pluced on au exclusive hais with te WHITBY FREE PRESS anud n atiesat use mouth if not sotd. RATES (1f article lasa0d): 5% ef sdsrrtised ptire sp lu140.00 2% of balance over 840.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item sdvertiaad for 1120.00. Commission due $6.00 (minimum charge s $8.00) Pt-mate udvrtising unly1 l Peasse otify taeWhitby Free Pt-eau immediataiy shen Item la autd su that se may daieta il from te fllowing Issue. Al adasut fittiug the Emporium guidelises siti ha treated sud charged pet- seea s reguar clasified adsounsa pre-puid basis auch as: services, help wantad. clotiug. test estate, snd parsonsi nessage typa ads, or ada nul quoting price ut- quautity. Private clussified ado muy appeat- in tae Empor-ium section under apprupriate headings. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION IJNLESS OTHERWtSE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE PRES.S EMPORIUM P.O. Boa 250 Whithy. LINS: 13 if la doubt cati: 668-6111 131 BrockSt. N. >Wiitby. Ont, THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ANTIQUE Victorian chaise oungu. $750. Antique radio sud Gerard phone and speaker, $150. Empire sols, cdus test, $200. Singer console sesino machins, $50, Single bed couch. ro- upkoislerad. $250. Food dehydrator. 10rBys, 1 Tallion aheet, t cookbook. $300. Tail oak slosi. $40. Cheserfield snd chair. $350. Oua pair Edsbyns skis. 170 cm, plas and boots. size 8/, $45. Oua pair Anses skies. 190 cm, poies aud boots, aiZe 81/, $65. Phone 655-4822. FOR A COMMADOR computer ailS disc drive, 1 plubuli con- struction set gume uiliiy. $50. Cuall ferS5 p.m., 6681153 ask lot- Dan. CAR STEREO iAMIFM casn.i sud t (pair) 6"x9" speakers (200 watt) car stereo iAMIFM cassette) plus a pair of 6"ud4" 200 watt speakers, $75. Brand uew with ose yusr gurantes. 200 sait, 7 baud equalizer boosiet, 4 speaker hook-up. $50. Kyie. 6684838, anyime. CONFUSED? Fiasse caii us any lime If the Emporiumn guidlines confuse you. We'ii ha giad t0 an- awer sny questions youi have. Phone 666-6111 unytime. ~7EE~ ~~SIJPPI.IE.S~PLIES ELECTRîC BOTTLE sierilizer, FOR SALE 3 Pairs ol aiiver diamond doves at $25 Par Pair. 668-2481. FOR SALE Wesl Af ricun gray parrol, $600. Phone 668&7012. QOINTRUENTS KIMBALL ORGAN wilh bench, excallent condition, fllu keyboard, basa padais, auiomatid chording sud rhythms. Asking $750. 668-3203. FOR SALE Gibsun Ripper bas wiih 4-wuy toue ssItch. good condition, $360 silS case. Imitation Strato casier, excellent condilon, $275 with casa. Caii 723-2579 ask for Karen. SIX CHANNEL P.A. Syslam, base speakers, 150 sait combo amp, accassories Inciuded, $750. 883- 0531. $15. Bumpar pada, $15. Baby sa. ut. $5.Bsihu, $1. Toai Iria, $. BTwotoilai3.traîner frins, $8a.Toatll wrinerod ines,162monhaC010.Winterod boots, siza 6, $4. Phone 427-7069. VINYL ME$HED pisYPen, $35. Adjustubia suiker silt Pastic casiers, $22. Two vinyl covered crib maîtresses, $35 each. Oua sel of mstching bumpor pads, $10. Ail items iu very good con- dition. Phone 655-8026. CRIB SET, green and white, lu- dadaes: iop sud botion sheets, piiiow, ruvetaibie bumper pads aud comlorler isioiaphant motif). Brand oew, neyer used, $75. Cali Kim, 6663260 1979 250 YZ Motorcross, never racad. $80)0. Cail belore 2 p.m., 668-9466. 1968 450 HONDA 5 spead custom, oas tires, sprIngar, lois of chrome, $600 or hast aller. 683-0531. ~~~M0TIVE ~7OMOBILES ~!>IREPAIR/PARIS~IR/PARTS FOR SALE 1974 810 DATSUN Wagon, 1976 RABSiT 2 door, siaudard, automatic. rebut molur, 10,000 milan, $500 or basf ollsr. 655- 3729 sitar 7 p.m. HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ail Paria ras. 1-GM clutch for Chav, 5000- M500series, sith 350 or 366 Cu. l., V8 andine, GM part No. 1400 1888, $100. 1.Tokhailt eiectric submersible tuaI pump, $85. '1' 16.5" braite drum 1(7.5" deep), $50. 1-Delco braka maa'lar cyindar, GM part No. 5467734. $100. 4- Bruka reliniug kits, 4" pada for 50-60 suries Chas, $50 euch. 4- Braka raliiing kits, 3' padte for 7000 lb GM sole, $40 each. 655- 4995. FOR SALE four FR71015 Good Yser radial tires. $50 aach or $190 for ait four. Phone 655-3427 ater 6:30 p.m. HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS ail parts uew. intarnational bulldozer paria: 1-61&125C3 carrier for 70158. 15C, 175B or 175C, $750. 1.619563C1 end bit for blude for TD15S or 15C, $50. 2-324739 R91 Tiakan bearing essemblias tor biada winch, wsut fit modae T025B or C sud TD20B or 155, $50 each. 1-4N6981 ltarnator for Cul 3208 Industill ngines, $200. 4-7440 Champion grader biade onsrlay end bits. $20 aach. 4- 39C60 - J8VI< Norton grindins alunas, 2" centra, 2.5" sidili, 13.5" dismalar, $100 euch or 4 for $300. Phona 055-4995. 1979 MiNi AUSTIN low mleaga, goud condition. $1.600 as na. Phone 6683064 or 723-4896. 1977 FORD Econolîna Van. 351 uutomuatlc. 4 cuplain chirs, nas haiiery, tires sud eshaust, $2.500 or hast aller. 883-0531. 1976 CHRYSLER Cordoba. 2 dour, fuiiy squipped, power staarlng, power brakas, air con- diioning, $950 or beat otier. Phone 655-3176. FOR SALE 1976 Comat. 2 door, stundurd, needsada repuir. as la - wirsre la, $500 or hast oltar. 668- 3123. aller 5 p.m. $900 rasBt2 ot r 5537sitaar 7 p.m. 1975 CHEVELLE IIALIBOU Ciaaaic, 1 owuar, 90,000, 350 V8, vary good condition, muai ses, ssking $1.000 or hast olfer. Cait aller 6 p.m., 1-649-5464. 1974 CIIEV NOVA 2 door, VO, ex-- celeut runnlng condiion, body excelent, standard staering sud brakes, $1.000 Or hast oller. 68 1564. eTTRAILERS 42"1 CAMPER pick-up csp, $50. Phone 655-4241. IOua ad lu tha Whitby Pree Press Empori- um Section wlll sali almoat snyihlug. Cai 668-6111 lu place your 54. NEW IN TOWN? -LET US PUT OUi THE MAT Phone 6688943 CONFU Don't put off advertising in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. 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