Whitby Free Press, 30 Jan 1985, p. 15

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WIIIT1)Y FREE PRESS, WEDNESI)AY. JANUAIZY 30. 1985. IPAGE 15 FOR SALE two bega standard PAIR 0F HANOMADE Tai Plng bucket seats (wlh basas) ram a area ruga In Adam design, living Ford Ecanoline, almost new, $50 rooxm 14x18, dining room - round each. Prcsios draftlng set, 95" diameter, In pari act con- complets wif h lnk pans, $40. Cati dtion, $12500 pair. Aso Mike 688-902 aler 6p.m. magnificant Victorian Armoira wth large crown and original FOR SALE window gloa 3116" finlah. $1,500. Cali evenlngs bel- Temperd (llding windows)- ween 6 and 9p.m., 66&.1223. 36"x32'e3i16, 16 places and _____________ acreens, 30'o20'e3116, 4 places and acreens, 19½l"x18'x3l16, 8 STEREO cabinet modal, $175. peces and creens, $60 for ai. White ehest-of.drawers, .$60. Pair af mens skates, sire il, ramed glasmIrror, $8. Al n new, $15. Pre acreen, antique excellent condition. Phone 686- btack, Ilke new, 38" wide v 26' 1149. high, $25. Caii668-0960. TWO RADIAL snow tires and ana radiai tira ail on 13" Toyota rima, $6. Two BIAS Ply ires on GM ½ý tan rîms, $50. Two 3 speod bicycles, mens and ladies, $40 or beat ffor. Oel 6689041 aller 5 p.m. MENS Dynsiar skis, 207 cm wth bindlngs and polos, $5. Ladies ski boots, sire 7, $10. Kenmore chlld's mcmowaoe bxke aven, usad once, $10. Phono 668- 6185. LADIES Mskrat and Raccoon coat, siza 14. $35. Phone 668- 1387 aterO6 p.m. ANTIQUE Spooi Design ;4 bed, sottd heedboad, complote wilh woaden rails, $450. Phono 666- 2243. COLECO VISION atmast new, gamnea Inctxded. Donkey Kang, Donkey Kang Jr., Gorf, Space Pantc, Zaxxoan, Ventura, Lady Bug, Basebeit, wth 2 Joysticks, $250. Phone 66-1421 deylimo, 668-9946evanivg. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE anique wagon wheet wth glosv top, berety xsed, muet ho sean. $400, beat aller. 668-5038. GIRLS CLOTHING sire 5 ta 6X. Individuaaiy piced. adding up ta $60 or ail for $50. Brookil 655. 8784. SKIS, boots and potes, $65. Ski iangth 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 fi., wood, $25. Two brasn temps, $38pair. Oak china cabinet, $65. Fine oak chairs. $15 each. Coder. chant, $95. Clt 683-6638. FOR SALE Pepsi-Coaxbottes pop machine, A-i condition, avklng $400 or basf ler. Contact Mike, 579-2660. FURS - Vry legast MInk Jacke, naturel brown, minI condition, 12- 14, 350. Mink dyod Mukrat Coa, brown, large, speciaity styled for ovemtlzod hipsl won- derluliy warm, anly $95. Yung ladies bleached Muskrat Carcoat, 12-14, $50. Yung ladies Pur Jacket, black and white, 1214. $75. PurtrImmed brown Suede coat, fuît length, 12-14, $45. Mens Macregor Carcoat. genuine ScottIsh woot, vize 38, excellent condition, $30. Cati 668- 7404 aller 6 p.m. KITCIIEN SET 58" o 36' aval ltaewlh chromed steel trame and aak look lamInted top, like new and 4 chrome chairs with dent brown sott phoisiery, $100. Ball antique pump argen, CIrce 1850, excellant condiin, $750. Cetebrily leciric typewritar. ex- cellent condition, $150. Sears vewing machine cabinet, $25. Woodan rockIng chair, $50. Phono 655-35.45. NINE CARVINO chisois for wood, excellent condition, $75 for the set or cen be sotd seperate. Pipe threading kit, heany duty, for 1/4 ta 1" pîpex, $35. Westinghouse bull-in dixhwsher, works weli, $30. Cxii 4334689. FOR SALE ktchon val. Arborite table with stainiens steel trame, 30' wide o 54" long. bench seat with beige vinyt covering, 2 chairs, xitlinecllent condition. $150. Chandelier dlnlng room ight ixiare, 5 ightv, tras coloured wiih crystal, $80. Smal amaha guitar with cave, vutable for begînner, $45. Cati 668-4686 Wtsen the advertord Itemtasvotd, disposed of, or unavaitabte for wbatever reavon, tse item witl be deemed ta bave been sotd und a commission wil be charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE av ittutrated below, regvrdlesv if price laated with «'best offer". If the item la NOT SOLI), or diapoved of, the ad wili be rua for 3 MONTHS yod a MINIMUM CHARGE of 9600 witt appty payable in advavce of pubication of the firsi ad. Otherwive a $7.50 charge wjtt apply if bitted wh(ch tmast be paid upon receipt of bill. The abave minimum chargea will be appied ta the finat commission due but in eny cave tht, higher amaunt wîil be charged, Minimum charge: $6.00 pre.paid; 7.50 bitted. Maximum commission: $100.00. Ail advertivements must be ptaced on an exclusive banjo with tee WIITBY FREE PRESS and runaetteast ove montb if flot otd. RATES tif article la soldi: 5% of advertiscd price up to 8400.00 2% of balance over $400.00 EXAMPLE: Sold Item advertlsed for 9120.00. Commission due 18.00 t(minimum charge Is $6.00)t Private adnertivivg ontyl PMesse notify the Whitby Free Press immediatety when item is sxtd va ilsat we may detete if from tee folawing issue. Ait adis fot fitting the Emporium guidetinev wil be treated and charged per week as regular ctassified ads an a pre-paid hais such an: services, hetp wanled. ctthixg, real ette, anid personai ,nesxage type adis, or ais flot quoting price or quantity. Private ctassified ads muy appear in tee Emporixm sectio under appropriate heudiogs. ALL ADS WILI. GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE 5PECIFIED. MAIL ADS TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM F..Bonx20F Whtty. L.IN 551 lfOin deaht cai: 668-6111 OR OELIlVER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whithy. Ont. TH EDIEFOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE- IFRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. FOR SALE 7 fi. Myrs Piough ELECTRIC BOTTLE nI erilizer, with hydraxic Iumts, $1200. FOR SALE 3 pars oI ilver $15. Bumper padte, $15. Baby Phone 668-3471. diamond clavas a $25 per vair. seaai $5. aihh. 3$3.Tolait ANTIQUE Victorien chaîne lounge, $750. Antique radio and Gerard phonoeand speaker, $150. Empire sole, claw fot, $200. Singer console sewing machine, $50. Single had coxch, e- xphalsfared, $250. Food dehydrator, 10 treys, 1 Talion shoot, 1 cookbook, $300. Tait oak sf001, $40. Chesterfield and chair, $350. One pair Edsbynn skis, 170 cm. potes and boots, size 86h, $45. One pair Anes skies, 190 cm. ples and boots. sire 81h, $85. Phono 655-4822. FOR A COMMADOR computor with isc drive. 1 plnbxli con- struction set xame utiity, $00. Cuti allvr 5 p.m.,668-1153 xsk tnt Dan. 42" CAMPER pick-up cap, $500. Phono 655-4241. FOR SALE West Arican grey parrol. $60. Phono 668-7012. friner, $6. Two tolait traîner rInge, $2 each. Goal wiih hood, sîzo 18 months, $10. Wtnter boots, size 6, $4. Phase 427-7069. CN~OTIVE ~UT0MOBILES U~REFAIR/PARIS~IR/PARTS FOR SALE 1974 810 OATSUN Wagon. automatic, rebalît matar, 10,000 miles, $500 or bevt aller. 655- 3729 aller 7 p.m. HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ait parts new. 1-GM clitch far 011ev, 5000- 6500serte% wth 350 or 366 cx. n., Vit engins, GM part Noa. 1400 1988, $100. 1.Tokheim eleclrIc submersIble fuel pump, $65. 1- 16.5' brake dram (7.6" deep). $50. 1-Delco brake master cytinder, GM part No. 5467734, $100. 4- Brake reining kits, 4' pads for 5060 vertes Chen, 550 each. 4. Brake rellnlng kits, 3' padn for 7000 lb GM axie, $40 each. 655- 4995. FOR SALE tour FR78115 Gaod Year radial tires, $50 each ar $150 for ai tour. Phone 655-3427 alter :30 p.m. HEAVY EQUIPMENT PARTS ai parts new. International bulldozer parts: 1-61&125C3 carrier for TOîSO, 15C. 175B or 1750, $750. 1-619563C1 end bit for biade for T015B or 15C, $50. 2324739 R91 Timken bearing assemblies for blade winch, wili fil modela TD25B or C and TD20B or 158, $00 each. 1-4N6981 allernator for Cet 3208 Industriel engines, $200. 4.7440 Champion grader badte overixy end bits, $20 each. 4- 39C60 - J8VK Norton grInding slanes, 2" centre, 2.5 wldth, 11.5"dameter, $100 each or 4 for $300. Phono 655-4995. MOTRYCLESAUOOIE £ÇlL ALES/RENTALS A SAOBLES OUIINSTRU'MENTSI 1979 250 YZ Motorcross, nover raced, $800 Cai befare 2 p.m. 1979 MINI AUSTIN towmlmieage, KIMBALL ORGAN wth bench, excellant condition, fli koyboard, bes pedaîx. aufomafic chording and rhythmn. Aning $750. 668-3203. 1968 450 HONDA 5 xpeed custom, 00W tires, opringer, loIn aI chromfe, $600 or best ofler. 683-0531. FOR SALE Gibson Ripper tas with d-way tose swfch, goodLE' condition, $300 wlf h case. LT mitaItion Streto casIer. eocellent SEE YOU condiion, $275 with case. CatiDO 7232579 ask for Kaen. OIJDOORS! SIX CHANNEL P.A. System, hase speakers, 150 watt combo amp. accennoriox incixded, $750. 683- 0531,PR7CPaTOI Phono 668-3064 or 723-4800. 1977 FORD Econotino Van. 351 autnmatic, 4 ceptain chairs, nom bettary, tires and oxhaunt, $2.500 or bext ollor. 6830531. 1977 DATSUN B210 hatch. stan. dard. Micholins, nom brakes, exhaxot. head gaskt, usesnvo nil, 40 miles per gallon, needs body work. $700 or best aller. 6553720 3ftr 7.mý 1976 CHRYSIER Cordaba. 2 door, fuiiy oquipped, paor steering. power brakos, air con- ditioning. $050 or boni citer. Phono 6553176, FOR SALE 1976 Camai, 2 doar, standard, needs ced repair, as la - were se, $500 ar boat alfer. 668& 3123, alter 5p.m. 1976 RASSIT 2 door, standard, $900 ar boat citer. 6553729 aller 7 p.m. 1976 CHEVELLE MALISOU Classix, 1 owner, 90,000, 350 V8, very good condition, muetiosea, askIng $1.000 or beat oller. CatI alter 6 p.m., 1-649-5464. 1974 DOOQE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 doar, Interiar spallesa, vety dependabla, noeds pint, comas wlth winler tires, $1,500 or best olfer, certllied. 668.4210. 1974 VOLKSWAOON 'Bug' In good condition. As se, $1,000. Phono 666-2114. 1974 CHEV NOVA 2 doar, V6, os- cllent running condition, body excellant, standard steoring and brakos, $1,000 or boastaller.68- 1564. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! A Phone 668-8943 CON FUSED?7 Don't put off advertlsing in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertlsing guldelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: 'are a private advertiser; 'have an article to seli; and, 'bave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guldelines above for more details). Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold <maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $600 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $750 if you are billed after your ad has ap- peared once. If your article does NOT selI within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will seli, but, where else could you get tbree months advertising for only $600? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Com- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'II be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. [~Lve read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of mne Whitby Free IPress. _______________________________(dont forget to isslude yaw' phone numberi CI1I enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. []LCharge $600 to my Visa account. [3 Bill me for $7.50 alter first publication of my ad. MAIL TO: Card No. Exp. Date Na me Iplesse prlnt) Address City Postal Cade WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 I Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Prîce Up to $120 $ $500 $ 2M $ 3000 $ 4000 I $1,000Mdi Total Amount Payable $7.50 1 0.00 $15.00 320.00 $22.00 Il 24.00 $26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 $72.00 $92.00 $100.00 Emporium Ads wi11 only be accepted subjeot to the following conditions. 1 M e VZ%2Éký, ;.,4z

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