WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 23, 1985, PAGE 15 Co nmïtteetuarns down grant for Salvation Army Whitby Town Coun- cil's operations commit- tee las turned down a grant request froin the Salvation Armny despite one councillor's attempt to persuade them otherwise. Reg. Coun. Tom Ed- wards suggested to the committee Monday night that a grant of $500 be given to the Salvation Army to aid in Oie various social programns undertaken by the Salvation Army. Edwards said that the church gives a great deal of aid to under- privileged familles throughout Whitby, especially over the Christmas holiday period. However, donations to the Salvation Army were lower this year than previous years, primarily because of the attention to the famine plagued areas of eastern Africa. "We ahl know the job that they do," Edwards said adding, *"1 recoin- The gift of life Jacqueline Dube was one of 312 local residents who turned out to "Give the gift of 11e" at the blood donor clinic held last week by the Whitby branch of the Canadian Red Cross Society. Seen here with Dube is Red Cross volunteer Brenda Johinson. Several tmes each year, the local branch holds clinics toraise blood for hospitals throughout this part of Ontario. Free Press Staff Photo cnnon 1 SUPPLIER .1 SALES REP 1 CAL DELIVERl WHEN VGU WANT î,iio»TATMOS WIIEN yoU NEtS TNEYM/PROMPT ATTNTION " LETIERHEAO e SNAP SETS 0 INVENTORY CARiS * CIIEOUS " ENVELIIPES 0 CoNytNUGUS FORmS 0 SI4ING TAGS 0 PIlICE LISTS " BUSINESS FORMS 0 BUSINESS FORMS 0 LABELS 0 BRIOCHURES " INVOICES 0 ANNOUNCEMENTS 0 NEWSLETTERS 0 RAISES PRINTING " CATALOGUES 0 TICKETS 0 NCR FORMS 0 INSTANT PRINTING " CALENDARS 0 BINOURS 0*rr.RAT> IPADS 9 GOLO STAMPING *BOOIIBINDING a COLOR WORK O CI1EATIVE DESIGN 0 P1IOGRAPI4Y A COMPLEUE PINTINO SERVICE FOR THE PURCHASING AGENT Wl OUYER FAST EFFICIENT SERVICE s PICK-UP & OELIVERY - COPY DESIGN & PREPARATION mend that we don't turn them away because of a poicy.", The councîllor was refering to counil's policy not to give grants to organizations that are not currently getting aid froin Oie local treasury or are members of the United Way. However, other mem- bers of the committee wouldn't go along with Edwards' proposal. "I have a tremendous amount of respect for Oie Salvation Army," remarked Coun. Joe Drumm, "But we worked hard on our budget and I just can't support for that reason ... very reluctan- tly, I might add. " Mayor Bob Attersley said that he always gives to the Salvation Army when they corne to caîl at his home and that if the committee wanted to give> thein a Note: grant, ho was prepared to donate his share of Oie $500 out of his salary as mayor. "I'm prepared to give my share of Oie $500 out of my pay as mayor," he said adding Oiat lie too, doesn't want to give grants that are not already provided for in the town's 1985 budget. Coun. Joe Bugelli, chairman of Oie operations committee, also opposed Edwards' motion noting that "4council has re- affirmed its position on grants." He noted that the Salvation Amy is a member of the United Way and does receive money from them. Bugelli noted that if Oie town gave to the Salvation Amy thon it would have to consider giving to the St. Vincent de Sales Socioty and the social service arm of the Anglican Church as well. He also said he didn't want to chose who gets grants and who doesn't. "It 19 flot our perview to be- the moral con- scious of the taxpayer," he said. However, Edwards' countered these arguements saying that many of the services provided by the army would have to be provided by the tax- *EIigibiIity *'Residence ilomir a . ium, lu, all n fl ww Cu.u.lJ... MIkorn la U 1 For the best in electric heating for your home cali WHITBY HYDRO 128 BROOK STREET SOUTH WHITBY 668-5878 payer If they didn't exist. "If the Salvation Ar- my doesn't pick up these burdens, then Ohe fax- payer will have to pick il UP."y He. also said thaL without public support, these valuable services could disapper. 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