WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 23. 1985, PAGE 9 Board rules on new policy.... There'll be no booze or gambling sehool Queen's Park The Durham Board of Education has finally put the issue of alcohol and games of chance in scliools t10 rest- hopefuily. The ongoing debate was buried- when the board rescinded a motion that alcohol and games of chance. be available in schools suli- ject to provincial and mnunicipal regulations. The board now retur- ns to the status quo of no alcoliol. and games of chance in schools. The motion to rescind was introduced by Whitby Trustee Ian Brown who dlaims thatý the problemn has been* plagueing the board and the motion to rescind should end the problem once and for ail. Twice the board lias asked staff 10 prepare a list of regulations and policy for the com- munlty use o! schools and twice the motion has been defeated. The reason for the lack of cohesion on the policy is the moral spec- ts that feel cannot be overlooked. Students cannot ha expected tobe aware of the dangers of alcohol when it is available in their schools. Other trustees(eel it is hypocritical that lot- teries ha conducted at schools and doubt there wii ha drunks won- dering the halls of the schools. (PC -Durham West) Minister of Government Services Ontario Fair solution needed for IRV taxes A number of Durham West constituents have recently expressed concerna about proposed municipal taxes or fees on recreational trailers. I appreciate these viewpoints and assure you that the government of Ontario is responsive to the opinions of ail taxpayers. Let me flrst state that there is no legislation on the matter of municipal trailer taxation currently before the Legisiature. The underlying problems and potential solutions are presently - being discussed with the parties and groups concerned. These discussions are being conducted in an im- partial fashion. Let's first examine the background to this issue. A large number of municipal councils, individually and collectively through their municipal association, have written to Claude Bennett, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, over the past few years, urging him to take some action on their behaif 50 that trailer owners occupying sites on a long term basis in recreational campgrounds would contribute their fair share towards municipal revenue. As those involved in the issue recognize the con- tribution being made by the trailer industry and LightOAI~'Ath, Reg. $1995-95 (nght tands O.ncIuded) $995 Wentworth$997 Suite Only $38 trl/month Dresser, Mrrar. Ht Chest, one nght stand Included Report from Futura 1fÀ l ot icue soft-sded wued$39 995 Monaco Only S815.63/month Bed "U Chairman learns CPR Durham Regional Chairman Gary Herrema (riglit) was just one of several local politicians and personalities who turned out last Saturday bo receive cardiopulmonary resuscitation (C.P.R.) training at the Whitby Durham Regional Police Force station. Seen liere helping Herrema learn the lifesaving technique is C.P.R. in- structor Heather Metcalf, who is also president of the Durliam Save-a- Heart, the organizer of the event. February is traditionaily Heart ontli throughout Durhiam Region. Free Press Staff Photo Choose your waterbed from IIMM the wide selection of styles i.i available, then complement it with a matching suite -- SALE Riiera PRICED NOW! Bed - Ask about * our budget plan NO DOWN PAYMENT REQUIRED.UP TO 36 MONTHLY PAY MENTS (O.A.C.) = Z~.r [WITH 16 LOCATIONS THROUGHOUT ONTARIO TO SERVE YOU WHITBY PICKERING 1540 Dundas St. E. 955 Brock Road (NW corner Dundas & Thickson) (Brock at Bayly) (416)579-4300 ,(416)831-4111 (Mon.-Fri. 10-9, Sat. 10-6) (Mon .-Wed. 9-6, Tflurs. & Fr1. 9-8, Sat. 9-5) ISELLEVILLt PETERBOROUGH KINGSTON 305 Norh Front St. (In North Front Conter) 871 Webber (at Lansdowne) 337 Bath Rd. (corner of Bath & Potsmouth) (813>9694&024 (T0U)742-38U (013) 5443102 (Mon.-Wed. & Set. 106. Thora. & Fri. 10-9) (Mon..Tues. & Set. 10-8, Wed.-Fri. 10-9) (Mon..Fri. 10-9, Set. 94) already being pald for property taxes and business taxes 10 the municipalities by the owners of the campgrounds must also be considered. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing wil be reviewing the whole situation and will be dealing wlth the groups involved ln an attempt to reach a satisfactory solution. To claçify this issue, 1 think it bears repeating that the Ontario government does not collect any revenue from property taxes. Rallier, ail property tax revenue is paid to the municipality in which the trailer park or campground is located. These funds are in turn allocated towards the provision of a number of services, many of which the residents of the campgrounds receive benefit. The Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Houslng works with municipal councils to ensure that the property tax. system in Ontario is fair and equitable. 1, personaily, do not think it unfair that trailers that park for a season, or ln many cases for the whole year, pay their fair share towards the operation of the municipality. What is the difference between these long terni situations and cottages? Bolli derive benefits and services (rom the municipality. Should they not both pay,. at least to some relative degree? This issue is stil under discussion but, as in ail issues, your goverrnment will weigh ail the input and try to come up witha (air and equtable solution. JANUARY SALE 10OTO,20% OFF Open 7 Days a Week MF ri t ur e' 413 Dundee St. E. Whltby Ofit.,668-5481 &OfieSppi- 1