Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1985, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 16, 1985, WHITJlY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIFIFD ADS- ~I~~CES 'I~ C ElWAN#TED TO AUTOMOBILES ATCE SB-JVJ NL F OR SALE FRSL UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. MATURE RELIABLE lady wlit do ESTATES. contents, antiques 1984 0MEV Pick-up, 18000 km., BARAEILS - Whtshey, $25. Rum, TRE: Naed fmap? Wortcra' Com. genarai house cleaning, ex- andatld fumiture. Cati 655-3526. ln showroom condition, mat- $30. Guarantead, wet, free AUCTION SALES pansattlon, Wefare, OHIP prtance anar 15 years, awn tran- ching cap, $700 atereo asyslem, daiivery.686-1845or888-257. F EVERY TH URSDAY N IGHT asistanca, Unempicymant n- aportation. Cuit Barbra t 725- - $9.350 f irn, Phono 7287938. VST ar ue untr 7:00 P.M . athaaganiaaaCen579-821.982euPONTIAC 5886LE smliiun- marehouse bv appoiniment. Big 955 BROCK RD. S., UNIT 5, PICKERING JOANNE'S Tarot Card, Crystal Bal, Palm Reading. Gives advlce on.alý problemts of lite. Readinga ln prlvacy. Palm Reading, $5 725-8547 325 Simcoo St. S. MORSES BOARDED lage bau salle, tndoor arana, hoaafd bare, lounga, dally tumout and ln. dividual food progrema. 855-4889. OSSYS ELECTRIC home reairs, home heating, maintenance and Industrial, alarro serice 24 Saurs. 433-0627. CRYSTALS PALM and Crd Readinga. Adca on ait probiema ai lie,, anryihIng saud wiil ba kaptI n comptté and ftal sacrecy. 435 Howard An., aide antrance, or for appointment caît 433-8071. CONGRATULATIONS on your forlhcomlng marriage. Pese iew or sampies ci ungruvad wedding Invitations ai your lelaura ln aur Aax Plaza store. Dicksan Printing & Ofilce Sup- plies, 883-198. E VENTS GENERAL PUBLIC HEALTH SEMINAR îîçoplng with Terminai Illness' Speaker Or. Olllan linfrisi MadIcai Dractor Paliaine Cara Samvias, Oshawa TrH URS., JAN. 17185 7-9:30 P. M. Wheelchalr Accessible G.L. Roberts Collegiate, Chaleur Ave., Oshawa Admission $15 at door, 6-7 p.m. Info: 571-1565 G ENERAL PUBLIC HELHSEMINAR Aduig w t eah Crfopfg wit eah Speaker~ Mr. Rober Crson Grief Counseiiarlpunarai leco Crson Fanerai Home, Broaklon Ouest: fla. Edward Schamartlor St. Paulsa United Church Baumanvilia TU -S.30J P.M.18 7-930S.JA .2 Wheelohaîr Accessible GL. Roberts Coleglate, Admission $15 at door 6-7 p.m. Inlo: 571-1565 ARTICLES AUCTIONS, FOR OSAL, REAL ESTATE A N1 WMN«AU P QUALIFIEU MUSIC iEACHERI has opaninga for the foiiawing: VJANTED piano. singing, argan, thaary. UE Piasse cati 655M92 (str?7 p.l. UE APPLIANCES EXPERIENCED SEAMSTRESS <Woting or Not) wiii s0w women's apparat or do ateratiana. Phone Jasephine WE BUv, SELL CR ANALYSIS RECONDUTION *DisCover the ColOUrSM111 arodN *pliment your skifl best teatures.WATDO OnIy $30 par Consultation 'PURCHA E Calil mURH 666-2770 IScrap Gold l fAil Karats. 10K- $3/g 14K - $4/g laver--erl* WITBY - Railubia prson for 3 bedroom iownhouse, $250 mon- hiy or $80 weakly. Se anylîme ai 943 Burns S. W. No. 13. FANTASTIC OPPORTLINITYI $50 - $100,000.00 par yaar possible. Becoma aur Commission Mal Order Salas Agent. No inveniory' capital or axpertenca requirad. Work ram your home or ofilce. Appticataonand dealls by mal oniy. Write taday t: L.B. Smith C., 128 Alexandra Si., Pi. Cd- ward, Oniarlo, N7V 1c2. WANTED dealers ta distribute a unique produot ln WhItby and ares. Par this unique business apportunliy culi Peter ai 688- 1855. e FORERRENT OFFICE SPACE for rani. Broch Roud and 401, $500 and up. Cali 883-2261. WHITOY OFFICE SPACE for rani an prafessional loor. Wouid be sutuble for lawyar, accauntant, etc. Plant Includs ail utilifies and la negatiabia for un appropriais tenant. Par furthar Information cit 68-.372 baiwaon 9:30 .m. and 5 p.m. Monduy ta FrIduy. LOST ana cet, fiuily white, long- hirad, mle, nery long luit. missing sinca Dec. 30184. Cali Ted 855-8744. "AJAX - WMY fiENT" Buy and suce - oniy $82.900. Spotllus doîachad bungalow, modem kit. chen, two car garage, haut and power for hobbyisi. Cail Ws St 75".701, Royal LaPage Ruai Estta Services LI. * Also Plat in um IPleasoCaii ,anytimel 8606 FREE: Drop Into the Ockson Priniing & Office Suppiy store ln the Alan Plaza and pick upua free copy aif their 185 Mefrlc Cluin- dur. Prinled ln fwo colours. Il -mukas for handy rfarenca. 683- 1988. ..ORAMMER for people who hafa grammesr la the ideai pochet raierenca book for busines people. $3.95 par copy and avalabie t DIckson PrIning & Ofifce Supplies In the Aax Plaza. Dealer anqluirias inifad 883-19688 DON'T LISTEN ta anyona aise. we pay top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 6889712. TYPEWRITER ranfai, muny muhes and modela, by the weakand. week or month. Discounts aalabie. Dichao PrIniing & Office Supplies ln the Aax Plaza. Culi us for business machine repairs 683-1988. dur warranty, excellant condition, lady drinen, iuuury intariar, starea, 31.000 mles, muai sai. askIng $7,895 certifisd. Alep two a00w tiras, 15" Micheline, $125. 728.4141 or 66&6757. 1981 FORD ESCOAT 2 doar, sunroof, 7,000 km, standard, $3,950, original owner. 883-8811 or 883-5559. 1980 MONZA SPORT aconomical, V6, 4 speed, naw radiais, 10w miteage and more, $3,850.728-2896. 1978 CUTLASS S ps., p.b.. new btiery, tires and mutler, $2,750 certIi ld. Phone 88-8198 or6868- 3121. he'ARTICLES FOR SALE IMMACULATE CONDITION washar und dryar, boih aulomnatin, GO., 2 spead, 5 cycle, white, $500. Phone 683-1030. 1114EROES ai the Bible" coiouring book analiablu ai Dickson Fr10- iing & otfice Supplies, Alan Plaza, 683-1988. Daler Inquiras Invited. JANUARY SALE fiai your 1985 aiffice supplisaslu a raducilan durIng Junuury ut Dikson Prin- ting & Otficle Suppies, Aa Plaza. 15% clf aitlislad items an- cept calcululors. Ledger shets, Dean puyrcii books, transfer filas, rolotax carda, ledgar carda, Index guides, uniboues. Saiectad caiculators 10% off. Dicksan Priniing & Ofice Supplias, Aan Plaza, 883-188. saig ndeaks, chairs, fiiing cabineta, etc. Calil Dickaon Prin. ttng il Office Supplias ta arrange an appoinimant f0 viaw. 883- 1988. BABY ARTICLES for sale. Phone 68-80829. GEOTYPE pressas eterlng now n stock ai Dicksos Printlng & Of- tilcs Supplias In the Aan Shop- ping Piaza. Large sataniion ai stylas and aizas, Why puy more fore a maitar uheat ai ietaring? 683-1968. CLEARANCE SALE Ocksan January cearance sale on usad and recondiîioned typewriiers ta now ln progreas. Blg saninga on ottice modale oniy. Ona oniy - menuet typewrIter. A nomber ai IBM modal 71 typawritems, com- pietaly recondiilonnd wlh naw elements, FrancShyboard, regular $595, sanu $100 ta clear ai $495. Elactric iypawritars tram $200, ail ln good working ordar. Ail suies finl, no reurnu, or retunds. no trude-ins. Dickean Printing & office Supplias, Aja Plaza, 68831988. MATTRESSES and box springs ai hail price. McKean Purnlura, 524 Simcoe Sreet Sauth, Oshawa. 7255181. PAINTINGS, original ails, watar- colars, art classas and com- missions by R. Ernasi Jukas, Wiliow Run G3alery, 585 King Sreet East, Oshawa, 579-1101. CHESTERFIELD suites, ionasaaia, sectinnais, uesatitan 'h prica. Large slactiln. McKeen Purnitura, 524 Simoce Si. S., Oshawa. 725-5181. On nemi- chesterfields. bedroom sets, coloniul dlining rmm., midkîtchen suites, beds. etc.5 ELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St, E. (tiRitsoni Oshawa 2I-43------- FI REWOOD FOR SALE AIL SEASON 1-ARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 Charlie has decided not ta make his own paper f rom pulp bat ta rather order it tram Dickson Printing & Office Supplies where the prices apen your ayez.-i CA U ODA 8316 CORNEILS AUCTION BARN SEASONS OPENING SALE FRI., JAN. 25 6:00 P.M. Wa are acCepting al types of consignments for this sale and future sales. For Information regarding Estate sales at residenlce, farm sales, or business closures, or pick-up for barn sales, contact - DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER R.R.1 LITLE BRITAIN 705-786-2183 Si. John M4sutanco hu Non loachkig arndlarving ln Canada sinc 188. Ycumte iried ta bea apar f aI hoir real hundrad yaars. Gaq trm a acal. Leamn 50w la holp St John Ambuilance . ife em « dxedu LPHOTOCOPYING High qualiy photocopylrq whlle you walt. WHITBY FREE PRESS 131i Brock Street North, Whtby Items to be sold: antiques, general household contents, jewellery - modern and antique. Good dlean sales. Absolutely no reserves or bld-ns. JOHN ANNISAUCTIONEER 831-3234 FRI., JAN. 18 6:30 P.M. Brooklln Communlty Centre, Cassais Rd. E., Hwy. 7 and 12. lncluded ln titis sale we have a two plece pine cupboard, selection of washstands and blanket boxes, two place Carved sideboard, mahogany piano bencit, piano stool, wlng chair, set of six pressback chairs, country rocker, Windsor highChair, selection of chair sels, tables and' parlour tables, pine bed, and ln Oak a sideboard, china cabinet, washstand, bookcase, buffet and kîtchen sideboard, plus a spinning wheel, wicker cardage, oil lamps, but- ter bowl and presses, rocking horse, ginger- bread dlock, dolcradie, selection of crocks and lugs, dasit churn, Indian baskets, selection of decoys and carvings, oid milltary guns, gramaphone, three plece commode set, selection of glass and china, bride's basket, crystalý, pieces etc. Partial listing onty. Terms cash, Visa or approved choeque. Prevlew 4:30 p.m. EARL MACKINNON AUCTIONEER 655-3526 SELLING? BUYING? STARTING VOUR OWN BUSINESS? The classif ied pages gives you ail this and more. Saving and making money is what were al abouti1 WHITBY FR EEPRESS 668-6111 ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on te first Ad to your Chargax or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wilI not be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damîage bable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographic B IRTHS, DEATHS - $700 for the first 100 words; 12t each alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding errinpublication beyond the cost of the space occup3id such replies. Wewill flot be responsible for box number err wor diina od by the error up (o a maximum cost of the first insertion, replies not called for within 30 days. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for te fir- reject ail advertisementa. Ada must appear in the paper st 50 words; 12t each additional word. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to insert 2ne day before they can be changed or cancelled. or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication L 1 1A U C TIO N SA L E S -37 t per line. (N o w ord ada allow ed. ) to in sert or cancel E m porium A da. 0pSSfuf RTS:$.5 or2 wra;1< aM d BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an ad- CALL ditional word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified ditional charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111 ^19.1 trocn "Ilote TcArijl:n

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