Whitby Free Press, 16 Jan 1985, p. 19

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Mm.. PE... Emporium Aswl only be accepted subject to the following conditions. ARTICLES FO'R SALE FOR SALE imo beige standard tinoket seala (imtil bases) from a Ford Econolîne, almoat oew, $50 escit. Preclalon drattng st, Complota mt i aitpana, $40. Cati Mîke 668-9702 ettre p.m. FOR SALE' wladow gtosa 3116" Temperd (lidlflg wIndows) 36"x32"x3l16, l6 places and acreana, 30"x20"x3l1, 4 places and screens, i9Vu"xiO"n3iiO, 8 places and scraens, $60 for ait. Pair ot menas akateasiza 11, no, $15. Fire acraso, antique black, lke na, 36" mda n 26" higit, $25. Cait 6680060. FOR SALE portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 movia camera with light attacilmant, Ilite nsa, $75. 6688762. TWO RADIAL snow tires and oae radial tire ail on 13" Toyota rima, $60.Two BIAS Ply tires on GM 'ht ton rima, $5. Tmn 3 spead bicycles, mens and ladies, $40 or hast oltar. Coul 668-0041 aller 5 p.m. mENS Dynsaar skis, 207 cm mlh bindinga and polea, $50. Ladies ski boota, sire 7 $10. Ienmora chlda micromava bake oven, usad once, $10. Phono 668 6185. DOUBLE UE, $110. Cltat'ol' dramars, $35. Exorcisa bike. $50. Soali AMIFM record ployer, 2 speakers, $30. AMIFM radio, record ployer, 8 irack ployer, but-ta speakers, $80. Ecellant condition. 088.4220. LADIES Muskres and Raccoon coo, sizo 14. $35. Phona 8668' 1387 charS p.m. DUNCAN PIIYFE tabla, reiniohod, -bat, saate 6, $18. Maplo ktchn eso, 4 chairs, drop tat table, $145. Ocak dining table, falte, 2 chairs, $85. Maplo tabla, $W. Antique brds oye maffte, sidaboard, rflinlshod, $225, Smaii hall moon wainul tabla, $35. Antique sot of dramrs, $60. End tablas, 815pair. Tmo chairs, 325pair. Dloes, $10. Tonte, $10. Phono 6831-663. FOR SALE protossional Chair bair dryar, $55. Good condition. 579- 3829 aller 4 p.m. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon miteel with glass top, barely usad, muai ba sean. $400, hast nI fer. 66e8. RTICLE1 FORSAE PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tel Ping oesaruga ta Adam dosIgn,Iliving ronm 14x10, dinting room -'round 95" dIemetar, ta perfect con- dition, $12.500 pair. Alo magnitIcant Victorien Armoire mlt largo croma and original fin, $1.500. Cali avnInga bel- meeon eand 9 p.m., 680-1223. FOR 'SALE four FR7815 Gond Yser radiai irs, $50 each or $1900 for ait tour. Alan Keomoro clothas dryer, $100 or beat oiter. Phono 6553427 alter 6:30 p.m. IITCI4EN SET, mwhite ovel table, mhitet»Ivmiachairs mth beige seste, $20. Combînetion sming gym sot, 2 swngs, slnglflg boa- ch, glides cnd alida, $20. Freezer, 10Ocu. fi., noads compressor, $50. Insulation, 4 bette plnk fIbargiasa, peperback R12, 1W0 sq. fIL, $20 par bil. Anique apaco heetar, large halor bulbe, coal fr00 mt copper rotioclor, roal shom place aid Il morks, $250. TV, black andi mhite, morks, $25. Cati16688528. SUt LTIN OVEN, $85 or bonI nI- fer. Couniar-top s100e, $85 or boni citer. Gond condition. Phono 6553772. FOR SALE Pepot-Cola botte pop machine, Ai1 condition, eoking $400 or basi ocifer. Contact Mika, 57926W. STERBO cabinet modal, $175. Whte chast-of-draers, $50. Fraed'glass mîrror, $8. Ail ln exellent conditIon. F6o0e 688- 1149. PURS.- Vry leqeni Mink Jacket, naturel broma. ilini condition, 12. 14, $350. Minit dyed Muskrai Cool, bromn. largo, iapocialî siyiod for overaized hipal mon- darfuily arm, onti $95. Young ladies bleacbed Musitrut Carcout, 12-14, $50. Young ladies For Jacket. black andd mOte, 12-14. $75. Furrimitiol bromn Sude cnt. fu lenglil, 12-14, $45. Mens Macrogor Carcoal, genuine Scottiail ool, aize 3, excellent condition, $30. Cali 668, 7404 aler 6p.m. COLECO VISION aimoal Oaa, gamea oncludeli. onkoy Kong, Donkey Kong Jr., Gor. Spuco Panic, Zexonn Ventura, Lady Bug, Baebait, muth 2 Joyalickn, $250. Pbone 666-1421 daylime, 6689546 avaninga. -PLEASE READ- When te advertised item is sood, disposed of, or unavaitabte for whatever reuson, te item wiii be deemed to have been sood and a commisaiono i be cbarged baoed on TIE AI)VERTISED PRII.E an illutrated below, regardieso if price iastated witit 'tent offer". If te item in NOT SOL!>, or dioposed of, te ad will lie rua for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of 6.00 wiii apply payable in advance of publication of the firat ad. Othermise a $7.50 charge will apply if billed whých must ho pald upon receipt of bill, The above minimum chargea wiil ho opplied to te final commission due but In any cane the higiter amount milI be charged. Minimum charge: $.000pre-paid; 07.50 billed. Maximum cdihmissioti: $10000. Ail advertisements mut ho ptaced on an exclusive hais with te WIITBY FREE PRESS and rwit atleaot one montit if otsoid. RATES lit article la sotd t s% of edverttsed prtce I5 t108400.00 2% of balance anar $400.00 EXAMPLE: SoId Iem advertised for $120.00. Commission due 86.061lmisntmum charge la 86.00) Private advertising only! Piease notify te Witiby Free Press immedietety mhen item io aold ao taI me may delete tl from te foltning issue. Ail adn nol fitting te Emporium guidetinea iii be treated and charged permweek as regutar ciaasified ada 00ea pre.paid basinsorti an: services, help manl.ed. ciothitng, roui estate, and personer ,nesague typa adn, or ada 001 qooting price or qoanlity. Privoto ciassified ado may appear in te Emporium section under appropriale itendingo. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIE!> SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIE!>. MAIL ADO TO: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.0. Box 25F Whittiy. LIN 5Nt If ln doabl cati: 668-6111 131 Brock St. N. Whitby. Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. j' ~UTOMOBILES ~z>1REPAIRIPARTS~IR/PARTS ~ HEAVY TRUCIC PARTS ail parts 1974 0000E CHARGEA 400 SE, nom. 1-GM cluicil for Chen, 5000 6500 sortes t 350 or 366 cu. in., V8 angine, GM part No. 1400 1988, $100. 1.Tokheim lacîrto subimersible tuai pump, 085-i. 16.5" brako drum 7.5" deap), $50. lOoelco brake mastar cylinder, GM part No. 5467734, $100. 4 Brako relining kils, 4" pada for 50-60 sertes Chav,*$50 aach. 4- Brake relintng kits. 3" pada for 7000 lb GM enta, $40 eacll. 655- 4995. HEAVY EOUIPMENT PARTS ail parla nom. Intarnational bulldozer parts: 161&125C3 carrier for TOlSO, 15C, 1756 or 175C, $750. 1.61956301 end bit for biade for TDlSO or 15C. $50. 2-324739 ROi Timkon bearing essomblies for ,bleds incit, iii fil modela T0258 or C and TD20B or 158, $50 each. .4N6981 alernator for Cal 3208 Industriel angines, $200. 4-7440 Champion grader blade ovarlay end bila, $20 each. 4- 39060 - J8VK Norton grindino atones, 2" centra, 2.5" idth, - i ____________________ 135 diamater, $100 each or 4 for ~'%~ARTILES ~ %IARTILES L@ BÎLu,,<ErS $300 Phono 655.4995. SKIS, boots and potes, $85. Ski FOR SALE 7 fil Myers Ploogh ELECTRIC BOTTLE sierilizer,AUO BIE langt 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 I., w h hydraulic pump, $1,200. $15. Sompar pada, $15. BabDyFRSL wond, $25, Tmo brasa lampa Phone 6W-3471. seat, $5. Baihtb,$3Tua $36lpair. Oak china catiloul, $85. f______________ raîner, $8. Tan tluai traîner 1070 MINI AUSTIN towm mloago, Fiee oak chairs, $15 eacb. Caet. rings, $2 eacb. Cnet iih hood, good condition, $1,600 as la. chest, $95. Call 68368. FOR SALE kicheinet, Artiorif O aize 18 moniha, $10. Winter Poe6.04r2-80 tabla mith stainiesa stael freme, boos,slze 6,$4. Phonea427-7069. Phone_6_8-30_4_or_723-4896 30" ide n 54" long, tianch soal _____________ ANTIQUiE Vicîrian chaise itih beige vinyl covring. 2 17 FORD Econotino Van, 351 lounga, $750. Antique radio andi chairs, ait ln encllant conditiona 1T 'i7 Aj 1 automatic, 4 captaîn chairs, nom Gerord phono and speakar, $150. $150. Chendelaer dini05 ronm *LAAAU battery,. tiras and exheal.t $2.500 Empira sole. lam ftet, $200. lighl inlura, 5 19gh1, bra5sa .u INSTRUMENTS1 or boat ofer. 683-0531. Singer consola sowiitg machine. colouroli mith crystal. $80 Smeli _____________ $50. Single bad couch, re. amehea ullur ilh nase, FOR SALE Gibson Ripper basa opholatsrad, $250. Foodi sutabte for beginnar, $45. Cait mitt 4mwai 1tonsmilch, gond 1976 CHRYSLER Cordoba. 2 dehydrator, 10 fraya, i Tlion 6684686. condition, $360 iih cana. door, tuliy equipped, pomer shoot, 1 cookbook, $300. Tit Oak Imitation Strato casIer. eocellent siaaring, powar brakes, air con- alool. $40. Chesterfield and chair, coîdilon, $275 mit case. Oeil ditioning, $950 or boat ollar. $350. One pair Edabyna skis, 170 7232579 ak for Karen. Phone 655-3176. cm, oes and boots, size 8½V______________ $45. Ove pair Asies skies, 190 U.Â.E SPLE rm nnlas and.-. bot. si n..81/2 SIX CHANNEL F.A. Systam, base 1076 CHEVELLE MALIBOU $65. Phone 6554822. FOR A COMMADOR computer mit disc drive, i pinhali con- struction set garumo liiiy. $50 Oeil allerS5 p.m.. 668-1153 'sai for Dan. NINE CARVINO chiseto tir aood." eocellent condition, $75 for the set or ca e hoanld separale. Pipe threading kit, heavy duty, lot 14 t0 t" pipes, $35. Westinghouse bul-m idiailmasher. aneka meil, $30. Clt 433-4689. FOR SALE 3 pairs nfI aimer diamonli dovos aI $25 par pair. 68-2461. eccosoories includad, $750. 683- 0531. FOR SALE West Arican graiMOOCYE parent, $600. Phone6W8-7012. A SIIýTLI 1979 250 YZ Molorceos nove reced,$800 CalhaInoe 2 pm. ~ILER]666-946& .... e.u. UreUnA oRsp-A 42"1 CAMPER pckup cap. $500. Phone 655-4241. custom, new tiras, apringer. loto oI chrome, $600 or hast oiter. 683-0531. very gond condition, muaI ses, nsking $1.000 nr tient niar. Oel aller 6 p.m., 1.6495464. FOR SALE 1976 00maI, 2 door, standard, needo rad repair, as sa mitere s5, $500 or bonI oiter. 668- 3123. allerS5 p.m. 1074 GREMLIN. 10w miteage, body naïede mnrk, $250. l-speali Norstar Ala, $60. Phono 660. 4425. 2 door, intarior spotiasa, vary dopandablo, nooda peint, comas mth inIer ties, $1,500 or boast offer, cartltiad. 668.4210. 1974 VOLKSWAOON 'Bug' la gond conditlon. As le, $1.000. Phono 666-2114. 1074 CHEV NOVA 2 door, VO, an- collant runnIng condlilion, body excellent, standard stoorlas aid braes, $1,000 or hast otter. 666- 1564. CON FU Don't put off advertlsing in the Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: @are a private advertiser; *have an article to oeil; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more details).- Your ad will run each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge apples to each Emporium ad; $600 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad bas ap- peared once. If your article does NOT oeil within three mon-' ts, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article will sell, but, where else could you get three months advertising for only $600? When your article selîs, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Comn- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described above. 1IS E D? questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can clear up many of your questions - if not, do eall 668-6111 and we'I be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. I have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the afollowing advertisement placed under this section of me Whitby Free IPress. idont forget 10 incinde your phono numnberi [3 enclose $6,00 to cover the minimum charge. [i Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. Li]Bill me for $750 af ter f irst publication of my ad. C&H N.EpDt Name Ipeseprlnt) Address postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE.1 Advertlsed Price Up to $120 $ 150 $ 200 $ 300 $ 400 $ 5w $ 600 $ 700 $ 800 $ 900 $I.,00 $2.000 $3 000 $4,000 Sr,o and up Payable $ 6.00 Il 7.50 $10.00 $15.00 820.00 $22.00 $24.00 $26.00 828.00 830.00 $32.00 $52.00 Il 72.00 $ 92.00 $100.00 Sj- City 1 - - 1 l A \< ýl

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