WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1985, PAGE 7 Norman awaits love 's conquests in the backyard By MARC VINCENT Free Press Staff "Round and Round the Garden", culminates the Norman Conquest trilogy, and it is by far the best. Playing at the Marigold Dinner Theatre, The Norman Conquests is a British sex farce designed to stimulate and titilate the audience in a funny but unusual fashion. Ail three piays take place in the same house and ail at the samne time, each pay in a separate part of the bouse. Norman is an assistant librarian, with a wild imagination and unbridled enthusiasm that when directed toward opposite mcm- bers of the sex gets bim in a little hot water. For' those wbo bave seen the other two parts of tbe trilogy "Round and Round the Garden" is the best. Perbapa its higber acbievement is the resut of piecing the final parts of tbe puzzle togetber. It puts tbe lit- tde things that were con- fusing in tbe other piays in context. The open air of tbe garden also allows Norman, played by Desmond Ellis, to stret- barmonizes with the rest of tbe cast and tbe scenario. Tom (Michael Dyson) is bis usual subtie and Miarlous self, enter- taining the audience with naive and innocent blunders. Complimenting the play is the excellent set design and ighting by ch. In the other two plays inside the house Norman's performance is a bit overpoweriflg, OUR- lR A.TJ N A Y- however in the garden P the strong performance1 1 THE CORPORATION 0FI THETOWN OFWHITBY IN THE MATTER 0F THE ONTARIO HERITAGE ACT, R.S.O. 1980, CHAPTER 337 AND IN THE MATTER OFTHE LANDS AND PREMISES AT THE FOLLOWING MUNICIPAL ADDRESS IN THE PROVINCE 0F ONTARIO NOTICE 0 F PASSING 0F BY-LAW TAKE NOTICE that the Councl of the Corporation of the Town of Whitby has passed Byaw No. 1783-84 to designate the following property as beîng of architecturai andior historical value ofl n- terest under Part IV of The Ontario Heritage Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 337: AndersonFlinlt House 1508 Rossland Road East Whitby, Ontario REASONS FO0R DESIGNATION 0f i SS OLAN~D ROAD EAST HisteViCui This farm bouse was bulit by William Anderson in 1834 on land owned by the University of Toronto. William Fint bought the house In 1855. Anderson Street In Whitby was named afler William Ander- son. ArchitecturâtI Trie bouse was designed in the Neo ClassicaiRegeflcy style and ls noteworthy for the faci that 3 ides are of rubbiestone construction whIle the front tacade is made of brick. It is the oldest masonry bouse, and one of the oidest structures of any kinid, stili standing in the Town. DATED at the Town ot WhItbv this 31sf day of December, 1984. Donald L M~cKay Town Clc, . The Cori -ation of the Town of Whitby Whitby, (,tario Li N 2M8 House of Brougham e Kautman EVERY ITEM REDUCED IN DUR STORES. Drop In and Save today at... PIONEER INTERIORS Making the legacy of our past part of your future, UHITB 23 KM NORTH OF 401,WHITBY 1 668-4231 Mon.-Wed. 106 iM~ae vi I Thus.F 1.109 sat. 10530 Dave Wailet, which is surreal and very imaginative. Tickets are availabie for ail three plays which continue until March 31/85. Prices for the show and dinner range from $21.95 on week nigbts to $2495 on weekend evenings. K.:ý- m