Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1985, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9, 1985, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WideIy Read CLASSIfiJsD ALS ~3~cE0 TO OR SLE SAE ONN TÎn BUA T ee OTA 00L f1 n BRES.Wiky 2.Rm TRS-80 COLOUR COMPUTERS USERS Upgrade your COCO f rom 16 to 64 KbytesI Cail forappolntment 866-3958, eveninga 65 Dollars lnstalled 1 UNEMPLOYMENT HELP CEN. TRI- Nsed heip? Workesa Com- pensation, Welfars. OHIP assisfance, Unampioyrnol'In- sarancs, or crilasrferrals f0 otherageoclea, cali: 579-1821. MATURE RELIABLE lady iii do genaral hous cleaning, ex- perience over 15 ears. ovinftran- sporat ion. CalilBarbara et 725- 915.4. HORSES BOARDEO large boa atalle, Indoor arena. heafed bar, foung, daify lurnoul and ln- dilduai teed programa. 655-4689. 0SSYIS ELECTRIC home repaira, home heaffng, maintenance and fndustriel, aiarmn service 24 houra. 433-0627. CRYSTALS PALM and Card Readioga. Adlas on aif problema oif Ite, everthins aafd mIii ha kepf on comploesand total oecrecy. 435 Hloward Ave,, aide enfrance, or for appoinfrnsaf oeil 4338671. CONGRATULATIONS on pour forthcamiog marriage. Pisas vi la aur samoplea ut angravad wedding 1Invitftions et pour felaurs ln our Aise Plaza alors. DIckaan Prfnting & Office Sup- plies, 683-1968. EVENTS FOLK ART for begIoners, $40 for 10 weeka. Sfarting Jen. 15,1985. MornInga, aternoons, eveniogs. Suppiy package avalabis for 5 projeof . Ail day seminara avallable. Regiafar esriy. Open hous Jan. 4th and Sîli fram 1I f04 p.m. Cati Suzanne et 668-8272. GENERAL PUBLIC HEALTH SEMINAR *coplng wth Terminal llness" Speaker.ODr lllan lîchrIaf Medicaf Drector Pailaf 1, Cars Services, Oshawa rHURS., JAN. 17185 7-9:30 P.M. Wheelchair Accessible G.L. Roberts Collegiate, Chaleur Ave., Oshawa Admission $15 at door, 6-7 p.m. Info: 571-1565 JmNANNE'S aTarot card, crystal Balil, Palm Reading. Gives advlce on ail problemrs of life. Readlngs ln privacy. Palm Reading, $5 725-8547 r325 Simcoe St. S. COR ANALYSIS *DlscoverthecoloursE sae htcom- pliment your kin *tone &enhance yourl OnIy $30 Par Consuftation p C1 il t - -2770 1. i CONDOS FONRENT TWO BEDROOM APARTUENT fn amail Whifby Adaîf but tdfns. ceofrsiiy focaled close f0oco& local bus stops. Utilif les, hydro and parkng inuuded. Cai 668- 6372 befween 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Mondsy f0 ridey. WHITBY - Relabîs praan for 3 badroom ftomohouse, $250 mon- tliy or $60 maekiy. Ses anyf me at 943 Buma Sf. W. No. 13, STORE FOR RENT Domnoom Whitby locaion, uned as a 6eauty Shop for the lest 10 pears. Cali 668-2757 for lnoa FANTASTf C OPPORTUNITYI $50 . $100,000-00 Par pear possible. uscome aur Commiasion Mal Order Sales Agent. Na Invenfory capifal or soperleoce requirsd. Work from yoar home or office. Application and detals by mail oly. Write faday f: LB. Smithr Co.. 128 Aexandra St., Pt. Ed- ard, Onfario, N7V 1C2. 7 PETS &OFIEPAE SUPýPLIES !FRE-T ONE REEPUPY fago 0 ~ OFFICE SPACE for rent. Brock OE.FRfurPtrnor tion0 Rond and 401, $500 and up. Cati hom.a rfurter nfomat6n93-2261. r WNITBY OFFICE SPACE for ranI on protessianai fluor. Woufd be h evp sutabia for lamper, accounfaot. A O Lyour etc. Rant toctudes ail utilif l.e nd ~'F u I la nagoftable for an appropriaf e I-eart tenant. For further information Np 1 cai 68-6372 bemeen 9:30 s.m. F nd and5Sp.m. Moday f0 rtday. ESTATES, contents, antiques and aid furntura. Oel 655-3526. WANTED USED APPLIANCES lWorkng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECONDITION, Charlie is iumping for joy since lhe found sut about the service t Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Aax Plaza. FREE: Drop lto the Diokuan Prining & Otfice Suppiy store In the Aan Plaza and pick Up afre copy ofitlIri 1985 Melrlc Calen- dar, Prlnled in lau colours. Il makes la, hanidy reterence. 683. S~ECE O1RAMMER tor peuple mIro hala grammnar' sa the Ideal packel referenca book for business people. $395 par copy and soaliabla t lcksoo PrintIng & otice Supplies Io the Alan Plaza. Dealersenqulriess looted 6831968. DO0IT LISTEN te soyons aise, as psy top dollar for acrap cars and trucks. 886&9712. EEBULT TRANSMISSIONS IMost Models,S$185.00I CalBob TYPEWRITER rentai, many makes and modela, by the weekend, week or mooth. Discounts analiabie. Dicksoo Prioiog & Office Supplies In the Alan Plaza. Cati s for business machina repaire 683-1968. der marranly, encellant condition, lady drivso, iuaury lterior, terso, 31,000 mites, muat sali, aakiog $7.885 csrtItisd. Also tma anow tiras, 15" Micheinos, $125. 728-4141 or86W"757. 1981 FORD ESCORT 2 door, aunrool, 76,000 km, standard, $3.950, original amner. 683-8611 or 663-5559. 1990 SPIRIT standard, 2 door, hatcllback, 35,000 original km.. as la $2,800. Plhons aller 6 p.m., 6682341. 1973 0000E DART good for par- ta, beaf aller. Phase aternouns and soanioga. 579-4599. PAINTINOS, origina l la, mater- colora, art classas and com. missions by R. Erest Jukea, Wif 10w Run Gallery, 565 King Street Easat, Oshawa, 5791101. IMMACULATE CONDITION waaher and drysr, bof h automafic, G.E. 2 spesd, 5 cycle, white, $50. Phono 663.1030, JANUARY SALE Gsf pour 1985 office supplias ai a reductIon durIog Jsouasty et ickaoo Prin. f ing & Office Suppliea. Alan Plaza. 15% off ail iiafed Items an- cepf caicuators. Lsdger shoaf a, Dean payroii books, transfer ifos, rolotea carda, lsdgsr carda, Index guidas, uniboesa. Select sd caiculafora 10% off. Dickaoo Prtotiog & office Suppliles, Alan Plaza, 6831968. Ct-tESTERFIELD suites, loveseaf a, nectionala, lsas than 'hS price. Large select ion. McKeeo Furniture, 524 Simcoe Sf. S., Oshrawa. 725-5181. $30. Guaraolssd, met, fres dsliiery. 688-1645 or 688-0257. VISfT aur ased furoifure warehouse by appololmerif. uig sasinga on deska, chairs, Miing cabinets, sIc. Oufl Dickaan Prin- f Ing & office supplias f0 arrange an appololmeof fa viam. 683- 1968. INSULATED Ice hais for sais. $250 lu $350. Phane 6838237 or 281-1925 anylima. GEOTYPE presa-an itfaring nom in stack et Dickson Prinfing & Of- fice Supplies ln the Aax Shop- ping PiaZa. Large asiacliOn Of styles and sizes. Why psy more for a smsiier sheet Of ietteriog? 683-1968. CLEARANCE SALE Dicksoo Jaouary clearance sale on usad and recoodItiooed lypemrifers la nom in proglesa. Big savIoga on office modela oofy. One oniy manual fypemritsr. A oumbsr of f BMV modsi 71 typemrIfers, cam- piseiy racondifionsd watth osa sismeof s. French keyboard, regular $595,aava $10010o clear af $495. El ecîrlo typearifera from $200, ait In gaod workiog Order. Ail sales final, no refurna, or refuoda, no frade-Ins. Dickaoo Priotios & Office Suppiesa, Alap Plaza, 683-1968. If CHECK OUR LOW EVERVDAY PRICES] ELMER'S FURNITURE U fl 253 Bloor St. E. (At Rutsant IFI REWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 VITAMINSI VITAMINSI We aras Canadien Company sailing qualiiy Canadien made Jamieson viaminset mail arder pricea. Cati Mr. AMon 7284894, 7255310 tor pour prica iaI. Moosy back guaranfes WATKINS producîs alsu avaifable. baak available ai Dtcksoo Prin- ing & Office Supplies, Alan Plaza, 683-1968. Dealer loquiries Inviled. MATTRESSES and boa spriogs ai hait prias. Mcieeo Furifure, 524 Simcoa Street Saufth, Oshawa. 725-5181. m - - -- - - - AUCTION SALE - EVERY SUNDAY 1:00 P.M. Prevlew Sunday trorm 10 &.m. Seliing every week a variety of Eatate Lots and Consignments of antiques, quality used furnIture, coilectabies, glass, china, etc., etc. No reserves. 9551Brock Rd. S., Unit 5, Plckerlng Take 401 or Hwy. 2 to Brock Rd. follow south to 955. Watch for slgns.-Terms cash or cheque wlth I.D. For more Information or to conslgn to one of our upcoming sales cal 831-3234 PICKERING SALES & SERVICES AT.,J ALE1 6:00 .. 1 At 0 Perc Acio Cn tean ShirleyRd Cmies- sreohi PrtleyR. lth 30x60of'ortdek, . 3asher, cok-sove, Grmapoe and etr part hnandceptad pscna cestered, e cream chais, ered cestrfeldcharoset, old trad, croeseand d rsers, dedilerd 28 rclars,9W bldfes, 2cicrsaw ndbas,d dhises arpets,lrg plahscbagpsandamge more.bas n mc moeARC A ToPERCES .985-7492 RELIABLE BABYSITTER raquIred on my home, Wsd. fa Fr., 8 s.m. f0 5 p.m., Garden and Bradley aras, non-amoker. refrences requirad. 6669759 attsre6p.m. WORD PROCESSING Program- ming, Lotua, dbse, If and f1t and mors, witth cerfItcafs and lob placement. $149 and up, gaver- oment appravad coursea avalishie, tan deductf bis, O.S.A.P. loses, 6n32226. PART-TIME STUDENT wanled, weskend and aller schoof, muat be able f0 do heavy wark ln a bakery. Phons 666-1177 ailler 2 p.m. daiiy. UNEMPLOYED? Looking for a cameer ahange? 051f 683-2261 for f re couoselliog on lob oppor- f f isa. MOLLY MAI D la eacsptIog ap- plications for f gUI housework ln Whitby. Cati 669673. r DRIVER WANTED For telephone sales office ln Aax fo do very llght delivery work in the Scarborough ares. Must have own vehicie. Monday f0 Friday. Hours 12:30 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. For your immediate interview cal LOOKING FOR EXTRA MONEY? plus bonuses. Part-time'only. We of fer the oppor- tunity of working with us throughout the year. 80 calîl today and start tommorrow at 686-3250 ~yLOOKING FOR A CAREER IN W ADVERTISING? Downtown business requires that perso nw ho: ' * Possess good communication skills; e Has ambition and self confidence; els eager to Iearn; ais capable of earning an above average Income; *And ls not af raid to work for it. If you possess these qualities drop in and see us. Experience not necessary. Start immediately. Come in to our office anytîme Monday through Friday, 9 a.m. to 5p.m. 131 Brock St. N., Whitby. ks~a v v~m~ s~kkw4Vi-. 4-k\5j~i~4Lki9~tk~u4 Ir~ta44\O.4~t a 440.444 4< .a*f '7-',.' w.?,..;.- ~#z~ i~- ATTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS Please check your advertisement for errors on the first Ad to your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your every endeavour to forward replies to box numbers, day of publication. The Whitby Free Press will not be Visa card ready when calling. however, we accept no liability regarding loss or damage liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographice ITS ETS-$0 o h is 0 od;1<ec alleged to arise through failure or delay in forwarding beeerrors ini publication beyond the cost of the space occupied adIRTion DATH 70 o h i 0 word;1tec such replies. We will not be responsible for box number by the error up to a maximum cost of the first insertion, diina od replies not called for within 30 days. rlThe Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $800 for the f ir- rejeet ail advertisements. Ada must appear in the paper s 0wrs 2 ahadtoa od DEADLINES: Monday noon prior t publication 10 insert ne dy bforethe ca be haned r caceled.or cancel Classified Ada. Friday noon prior to publication one day be1e byca echne o 1eld AUCTION SALES -37 t per Une. (No word ada allowed.) 10 insert or cancel Emporium Ada. CLASSIFIED RATES: $350 for 20 words; 11< each ad- BO NU ES:oxnmesaeviabetand-AL diinalwr fpepidSoSa hre orCasfe ditional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make 668-6111

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