Whitby Free Press, 9 Jan 1985, p. 19

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WHITBY FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 9,1985. PAGE 19 'E.. PR... Emporium Ads will only be accepted subject to the following conditions. A'FOR SALE FOR SALE lwo beige standard buckel assis lwith basent f rom a Ford Econninea, almost new. $50 each. Prcision drating sel, complotesalte k pensa, $40. Cati Mike 6689702 aller 6 p.m. FOR SALE w indow gloa 3116" Temperd (aldîng windows) 36"x32s3116. 16 places and secrees, 30x20"x3ll6, 4 places and acreons, 19½1,ýx8'o210, 8 peces and screens, $80 for al. Pair cf mns skates, size 11, new, $15. F100 acreen, antique bleck,Ilika new, 36" aide o 20" high, $25. Cai 668-096. FOR SALE portable pool fable, $25. Sankyo Saper 8 moie camera wth ight attachment, lîke nea, $75. 1668-8762. TWO RADIAL snow tresand one radial ire ail on 13" Toyota rme, $60. Two BIAS Pty tires on GM Va Ion rima, $W. Two 3 sbeed bicycles, mens and ladies, $40 or besl oller. Cal 668-9041 aller 5 p.m. MEN'S Dynastar skis, 207 cm wilh bindlngs and poes, $50. Ladies ski bocots, size 7, $10. Keomore cIildsrncrowave bake oven, used once, $10. Phone 60. 6185. DOUBLE SEO $110. Chest-ot- drawers, $35. Exrciseabike, $50. OrnaIt AMIFM record player, 2 speakers, $30. AMIFM radio, record player, 8 reck player, bulit-in epeakers, $8. Excellant condlion. 68-220. LADIES MuekraI and Racoon Ç coat, sire 14. $35. Phone 66- 1387 aller p.r. DUNCAN. PIIYFE table, reliniahed, test, sote 8, $18. Mapie kithen am, À chaire, drop loti table, $145. Oak dining table, leste, 2 chairs, $85. Mapie table, &W. Antique brdea oye mapie, adoad relnlehed, $225. t Orait hall moon walsat table, $35 Antique sel of drese, $6. End tabe, $lSJpair. Two chairs, $251pair Mistes, $10. Toole, $10. Phonee0834638. EUREKA VACUUM& cleaner with aitachrnenta, eew condition, $120. Singer sewing machine, an~ tique, In excellent condition, $100. New tir elab ouaede door, $25. Antique end table, $5. Ladies aInter coal, good con- d1110, $25. Trunk, $40. Antique Ironing board, $20. Beatty automatix roner, $40. 6682800. FOR SALE Boys skates, sire 11, $5, sire 12, $12. sire 1, $15. Cai 668-1116. LARGE ish tank wllh stand ind ait accessorios. $75. Phono 666- 2883. PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tai ieg area rage ln Adarn design, living roorn 14018, dining room - round 95' diarneter, In perlecl con- dition. $12.500 pair. Aso mageiicant Victorian Armoire wltIl largo crowe and original finsh, $1.500. Cali eveningeSt- woon 6 and $ p.rn.. 66-1223. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheet with glass top, baroiy used, muet be s0e. $400, bent oller. 668-5038. KITCHEN SET, whie ovai fable, white swtvel chaire wilh beige ass $200. Cornbination swing gym sot,?2 swings, saInging ban- ch, gildes and sido. $20. Freezer, 10 cu.fi., neode compresseor, $50. Insulation, 4 balle pink ibergiose. peperback R12, 150 sq. fi., $20 par at. Antique space heater, large healer bulbe. cont roc wiIh copper reflecior. roui show place and Il works, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Catil68-8528. ONE PAIR Pionaar Pacries Tweeters. onea pair Jensen Triao 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AMîFM cassaI- te slorao. XM55 Sony slereo power amp. Can Sa heard workieg, complta with boxes and Sis, $500. Phone aller 7 p.r., 668-2495. FURS - Vry ateganl Mink Jachot, natural brown, minI condition, 12- 14. $350. Mink dyed Muskral Coal, brome, largo, iSPeciultP tyiod for oversized Sipsi won- dorfliy wrm, oniy $95. Young ladies bioachod Muskrat Crcoat, 12-14, $50. Young ladias Fr Jacket, Stock and white, 1214, $75. Furtrirnrnd broan Soado coal, flit englh, 12-14. $45. Mens Mcregor Carcoa, ganuina Scotish moo, sire 38, excellent condition, $30. Cali 668 7494 aller 6 p.m. COLECO VISION airnoal eew, gurnos Inciudad. Donkey Kong, Donkoy Kong Jr., Gort, Spaco Pente, Zaxoon, Vnture, Lady Bug, Basebail, wilh 2 Joysticks, $250. Phono 686-1421 daplirne, 888-0046 evoniegs. -PLEASE READ- When thec advertised iem is sotd, disposed of. or unavailable for whatever reason. the item will be deemed ta have hees sold and a commission will be chorged based on THE AIIVERTISEI) PRICE as ilstrated below, regardtess if price las ated with "besl offer" If the item is NOT 501.0. or dsposed of, the ad wll be run for 3 MONTIIS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $600 wiII upply payabfe in advance of publication of the first ad, Otherwise a $750 charge will appty if bitted wh1ch muat be paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wilI be apptled to the final commission due but in any case the higher amount will be charged. Minimum charge; $6,00 pre-paid; $750 but cd. Maximum commission: $10000. Att advertlsements must be ptoced on an exclusive asis with the WIIITIOY FREE PRESS and run atteast ose month ifsot sotd. RATES tif article ls salidt: 5% of advertlsed price ap te 9$0000 EXAMPLE: Saîd item advcrtised fer Si 2.o0. Commissian due $6,00 t(minimum charge 1e386.96W Private advrtising onlyl Please notify thc Whitby Free Press immediately when item sa sotd 50 that we may delete it from the folowing issue. Ail ada nol fittlng the Emporium guidelines will bc treatcd and charged per week as regular ctasaified ada 0n0a pre-paid hasis such as: services, help wanted, rtothing, resi estate, and personai nesuege type ada, or udas ot quating price or quantity. Private ctassified ode may appear in thc Emporium section under appropriate headings ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. MAIL ADSTO: FREE P'RESS EMPOIRIUM P.0. Bon 20f Whithy, LIN 581 If ln doubt cal, 668-6111 131 Itcock St. N. Whitby, fIel. TIIE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS TIIE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ARTICLES ,ARTICLES B YNED FOR SALE- FOR SALE SKIS, bots and polos. $85. Ski iengih 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 fi.. wood, $25. Two brens lumrps. $38piol. 0ak chinu cabinet, $85. Fiveoaok choira, $15 each. Coder- chesl, $95. Colt 683-6638. ANTIQUE Victorien chaiae loune, $750. Anique rodo and Gerord phono and speaker, $150. Empira solo, ctuw test, $200. Singer consola sawing mochine, $50. Single bed cooch, va- ophoislared. $250. Food dohydrotor, 10 roys, 1 Talion shaal. 1 cookhook, $300. Tati 00k stool, $40. Chesterfield and choir. $350. One pair dsbyns skis. 170 cm. potas and boots, sira 81/, $45. Onea pair Aseas skies, 190 cm. potes and boots, sire 8t', $85. Phono 655-4822. FOR A COMMADOR computer ih dlsc drive, 1 piebati con- stroction set gomne utilillY $50. Cati aller 5 p.m., 668-1153 ask for Don. NINE CARVINO chisots for wood, eocelent condition. $75 for the sot or can ba sold soparoto. Pipa threading kil, hoovy duty, for la4 to01" pipas, $35. Wstinghouse but-mn dishwoshar, works watt, $30. Cati1433-4689. STEREO cabinet modai, White chast-ol-drawers, Fromad glosa mirror, $8. excellent condition. Phar 1149. FOR SALE kitchen sot.J tablbt wth slalins tala 30" aide o 54" long, bar wilh belge vinyl 0000l chira. allien excellantc $150. Chandatiar dinin- ii5ht itore. 5 liohîs. cotourad with crystai, SM arnaha gltar wIth suilabie for beginneal, , 668-4686. 1,$50. $15. Bumper pads. $15. Beby IAtt le seat, $5. BaîtuS, $3. ToilaI ne 686.- traîner, $. Two foleaIfreiner rings, $2 each. Cool wiIh hood. aire 108rnonths. $10. Wtnter boots. sire 6, $4. Phono 427-7069. Arborite _______________ i trame, ch seatM SIA ring. 2 111 USCl edilion, Q INSTRUMENTS iO roorn9 -bresa FOR SALE Gibson Flipper bss O.Orait ilS 4-way tixea smlch. gond case, condition, $360 ailS case. ;45. Cat Iimitation Sivato casier, excellent condilon, $275 ailS case. Cati 723-2579 ask for Karen, FOR SALE Simpticlty washerispIn dryor. goid color, 2 yoars old, $175. Phone 655-4527. PET & 421 CAMPER pickup cap, $500 SUPPIES Phane655-4241. FOR SALE 3 pairs of ailvet diamond dos et $25 par pair. USLS/ETAS 682461. FOR SALE Wost Aricae gray parrot, $60. Phono 668-7012. 1979 250 YZ1 rocod, $80.C 668-9466. ~V~M0TIVE ~UT0M0BILES U>JREPAIRfPARTS~IRfPARTS ~F0RSA.I.E~LE 1972.1975 CUTLASS 2-door 001er FOR SALE 1976 Cornet. 2 door, door skie (moeal), wrapped ln original package lrom G.M. Slored Indoors and dry, perlect condition, $150. Phone aller 7 p.m., 6W8-2495. HEAVY TRUCK FARTS ail parts new. 1.GM cilcil for Cheo, 5000- 650 sertes with 350 or 366 cx. tn., V8 angine, GM part No. 1400 1988, $100. 1.Tokhlm elecîrto submeersible fual purnp, $85. 1- 16.5" brake dmm 1 7.5" deep), $50. 1-Delco brake master cylinder, GM part No. 6487734, $100. 4. Brake reiintng kits, 4" pade for 50-60 sertes 05ev, $50 each. 4. Brake raiinIng kils, 3" pads for 7000 lb GM acte. $40 each. 655- 4995. HEAVY EOUIPMENT FARTS all parts Cea. International bulldozer parts: 1.61&125C3 carrier for TD15B, 15C. 1750 or 175C, $750. 1-619563C1 end bit for biade for TD15B or 15C, $50. 2-324739 R91 Timke bearing assembiies for biade winch, wili lit modela TD25B or C and TD20B or 15B. $50 aach. 1.4N6981 alerealor for Cot 3208 Industrial anginea, $200. 4.7440 Champion grader biade ooeriay end bits, $20 each. 4. 39C60 J8VI( Norton griediex stones, 23 centra. 2.5' widlh, 13.5 diamelor. $100 oach or 4 loi $300. Phone 655-4995. 1979 AUSTIN MINI, 13,200. Aiso 1973 Lincoln MK IV. 04,200. 0016 low original miteage. drive and lookIlike new, Immacolt lnsida and out, angines aed lires ex- cellent, certifled, privais sale. Mr 011er. 666-383$. 1979 MINI AUSTIN low mitoage, good condition, $1.600 as la. Phono 668-3064 or 723-4890. 1976 CHRV$LER CORDOBA. 2 door, liy aqoipped, power steering. power brakes, air con- dItioning, 1.,500 or bas, oller. Phone 655-3176. 198 CHEVELLE MALIBOU Motorcrosa, neoer oory good condition, must 500. Cati belora 2 p.m., aaing $1,000 or besi oftor. Cati afIer86 p.m., 1649-5464. standard, needa red repair, as la- whera le. $500 or beat 011er. 888- 3123, alter 5 p.rn. 1974 0000E CHARGER 400 SE, 2 door, Interior spolese, very dependabie, neede paint, cornes with winIer lires, $1.500 or boat ofler, certifled. 668-4210. 1974 GREMLIN. Low mileage, body neede worlx, $250. 10-speed Noratar Ali, $80. Phono 668- 4425. 1974 VOLKSWAOON'Bug' te goud condition. As le, $1.000. Phono 6662114. 1974 CHEV NOVA 2 door, V6, ex. celent runnIng condition, body eocellent, standard steering and brakes, $1,000 or Sent olfer. 668- 1564. NEW IN TOWN? LET US PUT OUT THE MAT FOR YOU! ÉOME WAb4 1One ad te the Whitby Free Prose Empori. umn Section ii soit almosi enything. Cati 6686111 10 place pour ad. CONFI Don't put off advertising in the'Whitby Free Press Emporium sim- ply because you find the advertising guidelines confusing. Don't miss out on our Iow advertising rates just because you have If you: *are a private advertiser; ehave an article to seli; and, ehave a specified asking price for your article then you can advertise under the Emporium sec- tion (see guidelines above for more detaîls). Your ad will rnn each week until the article has been sold (maximum three months). A minimum charge applies to each Emporium ad; $600 if paid before the first insertion of your ad; $7.50 if you are billed after your ad has ap- peared once. If your article does NOT sell within three mon- ths, you pay only the minimum charge. It is un- fortunate that no newspaper can guarantee your article wi Il sell, but, where else could you get three months advertising for only $6,00? When your article seils, a commission is charged, based on the advertised price. Comn- mission is: 5% up to $400; 2% of the balance over $400; LESS the minimum charge described .nhAsva. 1S ED questions. Hopefully, the explanation below can cleur Up many of your questions - if not, do cail 668-6111 and we'I1 be pleased to explain the Emporium Section to you personally. 1 have read the Emporium guidelines above and wish to have the following advertisement placed under this section of mne Whitby Free IPress. idont forget to include your phone numberi Li I enclose $6,00 to cover the minimum charge. EliCharge $600o to my Visa account. El Bill me for $7.50 af ter first publication of my ad. Exp. Date Card N. Name ieame prit r4t.Post Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby LIN 5S1 Below are some examples of what you would be charged if your article sold within three months. Commissions shown include the minimum charge and are thus the TOTAL AMOUNT PAYABLE. Price I Up to $120 $ 1500 $ 2000 $43000 $ 40an Total Amount Payable $6.00 $7,50 $10.00 $15.00 $20.00 $22.00 $24.00 Il 26.00 $28.00 $30.00 $32.00 $52.00 Il 72.00 Il 92,00 $100.00 aDuve. 1 City rqmsai .ý- 1 m 2% of balance over 1400.00 u

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