FORSALE buokot seati Ford Econoll ech. Preci jcampiete Wil Mike 668-97( COLECOVISI Atari canyone ARTICLES FRSLE FOR SALE AORTICLES two beige standard EUREKA VACUUM* cleener with a <wlth bases> from a attachments, naw condit ion, Ina, aimasi new, $50 $120. Singer sewing machine, an- Ision draftlng sot, tique, n excellent condit ian, th ink pans, $40. Cali $100. New fir siab outside door,. 2 aer 6 p.m. $25. Antique end tabla, $50. Ladies winter coat, gaad con- dilan, $25. Trunk, $40. Antique ION lîke new with. iraning board, $20. Beatty gian modula, $200 or automatlo iranar, $40. 66&-2800. boat or. Aalnana uolecovusuon *cartridges, $15 and up. Cali Shswn alter 4 p.m., 728-900. *MEN'S Dynastar skis, 207 cm. with bindinga and paies, $50. Ladies ski boots, size 7, $10.1 Chlid's wood table and 2 chairs, $10. Kenmore chiid's micrawave bake aven, used once, $10. Tanks black jumbo truck, $10. Tanks 3 pos. jeep, boatf and trailer, $7. Tonka jeep buggy, $4. Fuse panai, 100 amp. wif h breaker, $35. Phane 6W6185. OU 15" RIM AND TIRE, $10. Car hater, $10. House eiectrip panai c/w 40 circuits and 200 amp. dlsannect, $95. Firaplace heat pipe insert, $10. 8 Track cassette piayer 12VI110V c/w greaf saun- ding speakers, $35. Dining raom iight fixture, $10. Cross country skis and paies for 6 fa 10 yrs.>, $18. Men's 91h Riecker buckie baots and press, $35. Cali 576- 7697 affer 5 p.m. CORNER BAR, black leatherette wif h two sheives and three bar stoais, $100. Portable pool table, $25. Sankyo Super 8 mavie camera with ight attachment, Ilk. new, $75.66M-762. BOY'S CLOTHING very good canditian. Infant ta 3 years snawsuit, $7. Four hand knitted sweaters, $2.50 each or ail for $9. Fiveiong sieeve t-shirts, $1 each. Three pents, $1.25 each. Five bianket sieepers, $2 each or ail for $9. Infant swing seat, $5. Braakiin 655-3735. STEREO cabinet modal, $175., White chest-of-drawers, $50. Framed glase mirror, $8. ANIn excellent candition. Phonoe68. 1149. DOUBLE BED, $110. Chest-af- drawers, $35. Exercise bike, $50. Small AMIFM record pisyer, 2 speakers, $30. AM/FM radia, reco rd player, 8 f rack player, but-in speakers, $80. Excellent conditian. 686-220. LADIES Muskrat and Raccoan coat, size 14. $350. Phane 666& 1387 after 6.p.m. DUNCAN PHYFE table, refinished, leaf, seats 6, $185. Maple kitchen set, 4 chairs, drap leaf table, $145. Oak dining table, leafe, 2 chairs, $85. Mapie table, $50. Antique bird's oye mapie, sideboard, refinîshed, $225. Smsli haif moon wainut table, $35. Antique set of drawers, $80. End fables, $15/pair. Twa chairs, $25pair. Dshas, $10. Tols, $10. Phone 6834638. COLECO VISION aimoat new, gamas inciuded. Dankay Kong, Donkay Kong Jr., Gorf, Space Panic, Zaxxan, Ventura, Lady Bug, Basabali, with 2 Joysticks, $250. Phone 6868-1421 dsytlme, 668-9946 eveninga. ANTIQUE Victorian chaise lounge, $750. Antique radia and Gerard phona and speaker, $150. Empire sofa, ciaw feet, $200. Pins dry sink, $85. Singer console aewing maching, $50. Single bed couch, re-uphoisfered, $250. Food dehydrator, 10 f rays, 1 Tefiaif sheat, 1 cookboak, $300. Electric loge, $25. Tali aak atoi, $40. Chesterfield and chair, $350. Two judo suifs, size 3, $20 each. One pair Edsbyns skis, 170 cm., pales and boots, sizo 81h, $45. One pair Asnes skis, 190 cm., paies and boots, size 81,1k,$85. Phione 655-4822. KITCHEN SET, white aval table, white swivei chaire with beige oseats, $200. Cambinatian swing gym set, 2 swings, swlnging bon- ch, gildes and alida, $20. Freezer, 10 cu. ft., needs campressar, $W0. Insolation, 4 botte pink fiborgases, paporback R12, 150 sq. ft., $20 per batt. Antique space heater, large heaier bolbe, caet ran with capper refiectar, rosi show piece'and if warks, $250. TV, black and white, works, $25. Cali 668-8528. FOR SALE swivei rocker, white leaiherette, excellant condition. $150 or boat affer. Phono 725. 8159 after 6 p.m. ONE PAIR Pianeer Peeriese Tweeters. One pair Jensen Triax 2-6x9. XR70 Sony AM/FM casset- te sterea. XM55 Sony stereo power amp. Cen be heard working, complets wif h boxes and bis, $500. Phono sitar 7 p.m., 668-2495. SAVE ON TUNE.LIPS. NCO Delco Diagnostic centre, recentiy rebut, HEI harness, addad 34 functions, wlth axtras. $1,200 ln- vested. Sali $575 or basf offer. 668-5064. FOUR WOODEN CHAIRS for sasie, need some work, $15 each. Oak tabla, $95. 8 galion crack, $40. Oeil 683-«38 affar 5 p.m. FOR SALE kitchen set, Arbarite table with stainiass steel trame, 30" wide x 54" long, bench seat wif h beige vinyl covelring, 2 chairs, aitlin excellent co'ndition, $150. Chandelier dining roam iighf fixtura, 5 ights, brasa colaured with crystai, $80. Smaii Vamaha guifar with casa, suifabie for baginnar, $45. Oeil 668&4686. EXECUTIVE 'STYLE deek, ex- cellent condition, 341x6011, eaiid birch, recentiy refiniehed, 6 drawers, $125. GM baby loveseat, 1 year aid, $30. Phoane 655-8026. UNIQUE COFFEE TABLE antique wagon wheal wth gises top, bareiy used, muet be sean. $400, basf offer. 668-5038. When the advertised item is sold, disposed of, or unavailabie for whatever reason, the item wiil be deemed to have been sold and a commission will ha charged based on THE ADVERTISED PRICE as illustrated below, regardiesa if price is st.ated with "best offer" If the item la NOT SOLD, or disposed of, the ad will ha run for 3 MONTHS and a MINIMUM CHARGE of $6.00 will apply payable in advance of publication of the first ad. Otherwise a $7.50 charge will apply if bilIed whých must ha paid upon receipt of bill. The above minimum charges wilI ha applied to the final commission due but in any case the higher amount will ha charged. Minimum charge: *6.00 pre-paid; $7.50 billed. Maximum commiiion: $100.00. Ail advertisements must ha placed on an exclusive basis with the WHITBY F'REE PRESS and run atleast one month if not sold. RATES (if article la soidl: 5% of advertised price up te, 400.00 2% of balance over *400.00 EXAMPLE: Soid Item advertlsed for $120.00. Commission due $6.00 < minimum charge la 86.00) Private advertising onlyl1 Please notify the Whitby Free Presa immediately when item is soid 50 that we may delete it from the folowing issue. AUl ada flot fitting the Emnporium guidelines will ha treated and charged per week as regular classlfied ada on a pre-paid basis such as: services, help wanted, clothing, real estate, and personai inessage type ada, or ada not quoting price or quantity. Private classifîed ada may appear in the Emporium section under appropriate headinga. ALL ADS WILL GO IN CLASSIFIED SECTrION UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED:* MAIL ADS TO0: FREE PRESS EMPORIUM P.O. Box 2w( Whitby, LIN 5SI If ln doubt caîl: 668-6111 OR DELI VER TO: 131 Brock St. N. Whitby, Ont. THE DEADLINE FOR EMPORIUM ADS IS THE FRIDAY PREVIOUS TO PUBLICATION AT NOON. ~*. ATCLSARTICLESMUIA SAEFOR SALE @ INSTRUENTS WEST BENO eiectrlc grlddle,, SKIS, boots and poies, $85. Ski FO SAELwr gafl used once, $25. Charlescrafi hair Iength 170 cm. Toboggan, 6 f t., Fie oRuSle Loeyoara, fult dryer, $10. Eiectric knlfe, $10. wood, $25. Two brass Iamps, rhyiz eo enbadopket Elaotric heated tray table, $10. $38/pair. -Oak china cabinet, $8. irhythm 950 s e eto ec andbook Two electric motors 1/t h.p., $5 Five oak chairs, $15 each. Caea r- like or new,$95-he4efec5Xma each. Phone 668-2155. chest, $95. Cati 6836638. .~ f o noe 5-95 FOR SALE window glass 3116" Temperd (silding windows) - 36"x32"x3/16, 16 places and acreens, 30"x20"x3il6, 4 places and acreans, 19½2x18l'x3l16, 8 places and acreens, $50 for ail. Pair of man's skates, size il, new, $15. Fire acreen, antique black, Ilke new, 36" wide x 26" high, $25. Compressor and spray gun, $40. COeil668-0960. FOR SALE Boys skales, aize 11, $5, size 12, $12. size 1, $15. Cali 668-1116. PAIR 0F HANDMADE Tai Ping area ruge In Adam design, living room 14x18, dlnlng roomn - round 9'5" diameter, in perfect con- dition, $12,500 pair. Aiso magnificant Victorien Armoire with large crawn and original finish, $1,500. COeilevanînga bof- ween 6 and 9 p.m., 666-1223. COUCH AND ARMOHAIR, beige tweed, large size, gaad quaiity, excellent condition, $200. "Strolea Wee Cars" car seat (in- fant f0 44 lb), excellent condition, Includes boit f0 affach f0 car f rame, $28. Phono 725-1095. FOR SALE girls 20"' 3 speed Universel, $35 or basf offer. Oell 666-3274 affer 8 p.m. FOR SALE mens downfieid coat, beige, wlth hood, aize 40, like new, $60. Phono 668-2335. ANTIQUE PUMP ORGAN. Vax Humana Tramoco - Paf. 1865. Cabinet, fret work and fabric, ail n goad condition, $500 or fair of- fer. 668-8618 Whitby. fric organ. Excellent condition, $300. Phone 655-4995. wouid make a great gift for thae _______________ E;~fI OuSE OLDI ent ira famiiy. $600. Cati 668-7472 ~ aiter 7p.m. SOFA beige, 7 fi. long, fine for - T AL R roc room or cottage. $100 or basf PETS &m1 offer. 655-4073 affer 5 p.m. SUPLIE3BX TRAILER FOR SALE, hoavy (B SU PLIES duty with tilt, $450. 1970 Charger FOR SALE Simpiicity FRSL ar fsle SE, $450. Cali 655-3497 affer 4 washer/spin dryar, goid color, 2 daF n OR SALE 3 5parpivr ... years aid, $175. Phono 655-4527. 668-2461. AUN"7OTVE. 5 REPAIR/~RPARTS 1973 à 1974 ASTRA: almosi new transmission, $125. Windshield, $45. Two GT aseats, $30. Gas tank, $15. Hood, $15. Hatchba ck, $40. Two seats, $15. 1974 Demon: hood, $20. Trunk iid, $15. Three 14" siuminum siots for Chev, $35 each. Two 15" aiuminum siote for truck, $50 each. Good condition. 668-405. 1973-1975 CUTLASS 2-door outer door 8kimo<meli, wrapped In original package from G.M. Stored Indoors and dry, perfect condition, $150. Phone after 7 p.m., 688-2495. HEAVY TRUCK PARTS ail part s new. 1-GM ciutch for Chev, 5000- 6500 series with 350 or 366 cu. ln., V6gengine, GM part No. 1400 1988, $100. 1-Tokheim electric submersible fuel pump, $85. 1- 16.5" brake drum <(7.5" deep), $50. 1-Delco brake master cylinder, GM part No. 5487734, $100. 4. Brake relining kils, 4" pads for 50-80 series Chev, $50 each. 4- Brake reiining kits, 3" pads'for 7000 lb GM axie, $40 each. 655. 4995. HEAVY EQUiPMENT PARTS ail Part s new. International bulldozer Parts: 1-816125C3 carrier for TD15B, 15C, 175B or 1750, $750. 1-61956301 end bit for blade for TD15B or 150, $50. 2-324739 R91 Timken bearing assembiies for biade winch, Miil fit modeis TD25B or C and TD20B or 15B, $50 each. 1-4N6981 aiternator for Caf 3208 Industriel engines, $200. 4-7440 Champion gradei biade overiay end bits, $20 each. 4. 39060 - J8VK Norton grInding stones, 2" centre, 2.5" wldfh, SOLIO PINE BUFFET HUTCH, only ana month aid. Asking $700. Wlii discues price. Cali Cindy FOR SALE West African grey parrat, $600. Phone 668-7012. afttr2p.m. MOLERNALS '@FR E eO.STS 1979 250 YZ Matarcrase, neyer 42' CAMPER pick-up cap, $5W raced, $800.COeil beforo 2 p.m., Phone 655-4241.O-4. Meet the "Recycler o, Unwants"v The Emiorlum Secion of the WhIthv Fris Prossi There is no rea- son ta keep things you don't need or enjoy be- cause they're valuable. There are customers wiîîing ta pay good raoney for things you've tir- ed of. Contact the "Recycler of Unwants", the cîassified depart- ment of the Whitby Free Press. You wili be pleased with the quick resuîts. As fast as' a phone caîl, re- suîts happent 1 have read the Emporium guidelines and wish to have the following advertise- ment placed under this section of the Whitby Free Press. -(don't forget to Include your phone number> Il 1 enclose $6.00 to cover the minimum charge. 1-1 Charge $6.00 to my Visa account. U Bill me $7.50 after f irst publication of my ad. Card No. Exp. Date Name please print - f irst and ast name) Street Address City Postal Code MAIL TO: WHITBY FREE PRESS P.O. Box 206 131 Brock St. N. Whitby Li N 5S1 29FT. TRAVEIL TRAILER, eiactric brakas, saparafe badroam and ail canvaniences, $8,000 or neareat Offer. lBft. boat, 20 h.p., $800. Phono 668-2677, CONFUSED? Peasse cai us any lime If the Emporium guidalines' confuse you. We'Ilibo giad to an- awer any questions yoti hava. Phono 668-611il anytima. wýu Coli Us Now At 668-6111 Or Use This Form To Mail Tour Ad 'n. L i - J eAUTOMOBILES FOR SALE 1 1979 AUSTIN MINI, $3,200. Aiea 1973 Lincaîn MK IV, $4,200. Bath low original mileage, drive and look Ilke new, immacuiste Insida and ouf, angines and tires ex- cellent, certified, pri vate sale. Mr Offar. 666-3839. 1976 CHRYSLER CÃ"RDOBA. 2 door, fuliy oquippoed, power steering, power brakos, air con- ditionlng, $1,500 or beaf offer. Phane 655-3176. 1976 FORD TRUCK, F150 (5/8 tan> 360 cu. Inch angine, 4 sp. for- ward, 1 reverse, haavy duty tran- smissan, power steerIng, power brakas, fibreglasa cab, auxilliary gas tank factary instaiIad, naw tiras front and rear, new brakes snd'hases, tralier hitch, 50,000 original miles, excellent con- dition, $3.150. 655-8764, Braakiin. 1976 CHEVELLE MALIBOU Ciassic, 1 awner, 90,000, 350 V8, vary gaad condition, muai ses, asklng $1.000 or beat affer. Oel alttar 6p.m., 1-649-5464. FOR SALE 1976 Comet, 2 doar, standard, needa rad repair, as ls - where la, $500 or basf affer. 668- 3123, after 5 pin. 1974 DATSUN B210, 4 speed plus extra angine, transmission, $250. Phono 655-4829. 1974 DODGE CHARGER 400 SE, 2 doar, interlar spoilees, very dapandabie, needs paint, cames with winter tires, $1,500 or besi affer, certif lad. 668-4210. 1974 GREMLIN' 10w mileage, body needs work, $250. 10-speed Narstar Atala, $80. Phone 6W8- 4425. 1974 VOLKSWAGON 'Bug' In goad candition. As la, $1.000. Phone 666-2114. 1974 CNEV NOVA 2 daor, VO, ex- cellant running condition, body excellant, standard steering and brakes, $1,000 ar beot af fer'. 668- 1564. 1969 CADILLAC ELDORADO. Power steering, power brakos, cruise contrai, pawer windows and seats, tilft seering wheai, etc. Mechanlcally saund. Asking $1,500. Phane 668-2655 affar 5 p.m. 1966 FORD RANCHERO cliec- for>. Book price $4,500 ta $5,500, ln goad condition, muet sali, give away prica $2,000. Phono 668- 7546. 1962 CHEVROLET. 4 door Bel Air, running condition. requires some body work, uncert. Asking $450. Phono 668-2092. Y IEDi ELECTRIC BOTTLE sterilizer, $15. Bumper pada, $15. Baby seat, $5. Bathtub, $3. Tallai traîner, $8. Twa tolait traîner rings, $2 each. Coaf wifh haod, E- 1 In.