I _______________ Whitbyýs Most WideIy Read CAS SI1fI1E D 1141ADS à q3jrmms AU ON$ s J5E *~~WNE M N:T-- -- - - CHRISTMAS AUCTION A nsw concept In Christmas shopping. I SUN DAY,'NOVEM BER 25 >1:00 P.M. Prsview - Saturday, November 24 10:00 s.m. t105:00 p.m. 955 BROOK RD. S., UNIT 5 Toe. 401 or Hwy. 2 10 Brock Rd., Pickering. Go south 1 9655end watch for signa. We've made a deal with manufacturers and wholesaiers that wlili aliow us to underseil them ail. We of fer to you, the general public, a chance to buy your Christmnas shopping by auction and save 30 to 75 per cent off of the retali price youi pay ln stores. We offer brand new brand name guaran- teed toys, housewaes, giftware, small appliances, new reproductive antique style furnishlng, etc. etc. Something for everyone on your Christmas shopping list. Approximately 500 lots of merchan- dise. 1 PICKERING AUCTION SALE SERVICES 10% of ail gross sales to be donated to local charities. For more Information on these sales Cali 831-3234 TOOL AUCTION SAT., NOV. 24 6:00 P.M. At Pearce Auction Cen- tre on Shirley Rd. 4 miles souih of Port Perry. Used snowmoblles, new wheelbarrows, drill presses, grinders, saws, tool sets, Impact tools, axes, gear pullers, cuilery sets, vices, rain su its and much more. Plus used chainsaws, 81k ,h.p. washer, eleciric typewrier.., anc calculator, frelght-truck;ý power hand tools, bag cart and variey. ote "tes. No'f urniture.. PEARCE AUCTION SERVICES 985-7492 -ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE AND MORE... CORNEILS AUCTION BARN FR1., NOV. 23 6:00 P.M. Three miles east of Little Britaîn or 7 miles west of Lindsay on the 'Lin- dsaylLittie Britain Rd. The property of MRS. RUBY MILLER of Sun- derland. Birds-eye maple chest-of-drawers, an- tique dressers and mat- ching washstands, pine blanket boxes,' pine, cor- ner;r*cupoard.,,:( openings each door), f lat, two wali cupboard tops, hall tree, chest-of- drawers (mustache pulls), hand made. quiîts, crocks, goid 24'0 Westinghouse ,electric stove, jam cupboard, co- ail iamps, Royal Douiton Toby mug, f lat-top farm scales, band saw, 1977 Plymouth, - certified, ½1/ ton..truck campe ,r, quan. tity of china andiglass. DON CORNEIL AUCTIONEER LITTLE B, ITAlN 705-766-21,83 NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTH ERS IN THE MATTER 0F THE ESTATE 0F JAMES WILDE, DECEASED. Ali ldaims against the Estate of James Wilde, laie of the Town of Whit- by, ln the Regional Municipality of Durham, who died on or about the f irst day of October, 1984, must be filed with the undersigned per- sonal representative on or before January 1, 1985; thereafter the un- derslgned Mill distribute- the assets of the said estate having regard oniy t0 the cdaims ihen fi!ed. Dated ai Whitby, On- tario ihis lSth day of. November, 1984. MARY DOREEN DEEKS, Administrator by her Solîcitor David G. Goodaire 101 Brock Street South P.O. Box 123 ,Whitby, Ontario LI N 5R7 -u i~ - CLIP THIS OUT! *We are iooking for several peopie to work Ajax telephone sales office. Part-tlme homnernakers welcome. Ail candidates must1 positive attitude and be self motivated with, tremneiy high sales success rate. If you fi description we would like you to becomne p our worklng staff. For your Interview cal L Mrs. April ai 686-3052 ~ PERSONAL G-ROWTH OPPORTUNITIE DURHAM CENTRE INVITES YOU To Find Out About Becoming A VOLUNTEER Working With The Developmentally Handicappec Or On Their Behaif CHALLENGING & VARUED VOLUNTEER JOBS: -at Durham Centre -in the commun ity -as an Extend a Friend Days - Evenings - Weeken Apply Now! Calil Durham Centre for Developmentally Handicapped, Wh 668-7745, Ext. 435 between 8:30 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. TRAINING PROVIDED RkwEiI Quality food products and medications sin- ce 1889. Ointments, salves, liniment, spices, f ood flavorings, etc... We're looking for a self-starter who can work with a minimum of supervision to develop this area. Apply ln writing: W.T. Rawleigh Co. Ltd 354 Isabey St. Depi. 7564 St. Laurent'- Que. Li N 5S1 EARN EXTRA MONEY FOR XMAS selllng vacuum cleaners ln your neldhbourhood. For more i nform ation Caîl 723-3412 We need a few boys and 9- girls! Bocomne a lbarrlet*today. Loarn to bo a busIness porson wlth. rosponslblllty -"[leo earnlng money. Becomoe the outstand- lng darrIer of the month and bocomne a wlnnerl Talk to our. ClrculatIon Manager. Caîl608-6111 Totisyl WHITBY FREE PRESS I1 WHITBY'FREE PRESS, WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 21, 1984, PAGE 25' ACYI graduation report * On Oct. 20 and 21, the * Anderson Outers Club *went camping for a * weekend at Squirrel Creek Conservation area in Peterborough. Twenty-seven students rnand five teachers took the opportunity to "'rough it"t for a weekend. At camp the - j students enjoyed Icooking and planning In our their own menus and onl!y, (maybe not so en- have a joyable) cleaning Up., an ex- One. activity that al t this participated in was a art ofi survivai game which i was played on Saturday - I afternoon. The camp was designed to give studen- ts a chance to take charge of everything and develop a sense of independence within -themselves. S! The senior art studen- tofAnderson aiso had a chance to embark on a field trip recently, though one of a slightly different nature. The students this year at- tended a tour of the Art Gallery of Ontario. In- cluded in the tour was a slide presentation which was followed by an in- formative discussion. Two areas covered this year were the Henry. Moore sculptures and Canadian Impressionist ds Art. Both exhibits the proved to be interesting and gave the art studen- itby ts a better understan- ding of what art reaily LET-S BECOME A PROFESSIONAL colour and, cosmetlo consultant. Earn whlle you learn. Complote training provldod. Start today, Beautlfufly "You". Dianno 888- 1464. WORD PROCESSINO Spoclal $185. Wlth certificats and lob placement. Longer -courses avallablo. 6832226. PART.TIME EXPERIENCED waltressoslwalters. .Explorer Restau riian d Tavern'. caîà l,688- 0316. HAIR STYLIST WANTED for new hlghly exclusive hair salon oponlng soon ln Whltby area. Phono 728-9811,* ask for Manager. TOWING TRUC.K Operators. Full-tîmo and part-tlme work avallablo. Exporloncod preferrod. Must lîve In Whltby. Inqulro 10 688-884, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. St.Joh n Ambulanct ,,,ý.The need nree chaniges, OUF DOORS PrTIIC(IU, represents. Famùies, friends and teachers gathered at ACVI in the gymnasiumn on Oct. 26 to take part in the Anderson- G radua tion ceremony for the grade 12l's and 13's. The evening was memorable and en- joyable for ail as iaughter and tears were shed when the vaiedic- torian, John Krasney, reminisced over his years at Anderson. «Af- ter, ail the formai ceremonies, and after ail the awards were presented, the grads fflled out of the gym and a semi-reception was held in the front foyer. Acquaintances were renewed and everybody had a wonderful time. Reporter.s: Linda John- ston and Sarltha Krlshnaswami. Editor: Grahm MacDonald. Cardinal- blesses DO'C open*ng By SUSAN MICHIELI Denis O'Connor H.S. Career Day was the highlight of this week's activities. Many people of different occupations came to enlighten us on the rewards and, sometimes, the pitfalls of the working world. Doctors, nurses, jour- nalists, and architeets were represented aiong with many other infor- mative speakers. Many thanks to ail those who' gave their time and a special thank you to the guidance department for organizing the day. Congratulations to Paul' Fera who was chosen to participate in the Whitby Rotary Youth Exchange next year. Paul will hopefully travel to France or West Ger- many in August, 1985. Qo)od uiucePaul ..t'Sa. fantastice xpeêrience. The future grade 12 and 13 -graduates were kept busy getting their picturés taken in "cap' and gown" this weelk. This is indeed a sign that the end of high sehool days is drawing near.> November 23 is the date for our second schooi dance. Don't forget to sign your guest in at the secretary's of- fice. Remember aiso to wear running shoes. to preserve the new gym floor. Parent-teacher inter- views wére held last Wednesday and Thur- sday. It was a busy couple of evenings to say the least. Sunday, Nov. 18 was the officiai opening of our new schooi and the solemnn biessing by His' Eminence Cardinal Carter. It was à very beautiful ceremony and we hope that ail who at- tended had an enjoyable time. ~..Wntçr .sfast,,ap- proaching soit is, time to dig out, boots, coats and mitts. With winter cornes Christmas with only 25 more schooi days before the holiday!1 Dick son award winneris Congratulations are extended to (l to r) Christine Dickson and* Peter McCormick seen here receiving cheques from comptroller Dave Bulmer. This is the second time Dickson has won a cash award for her construc- tive thinking in expediting work at the local Dickson Printing & Office Suppiy firm. CUSTOM " BUSINESS FORMS " LEGAL CERTIFICATES " WEDDING INVITATIONS " NCR FORMS " CARDS a FOLDERS PI 4IN * LETTERHEADS & ENVELOPES OFIES * CATALOGUES Tel.68---11M 68 19S ge THE WAY <YOtJ WANT IT! 1 Sick Room Lo)an Service NOTES l' mi a 1