Whitby Free Press, 7 Nov 1984, p. 24

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PAGE 24. WEDNSDAY, NOVEMBER 7, 1984. WHITBY FREE PRESS SEVCSPETS& SNEU @ 3~E J ~JSUPPLIES UNîTU IFOR SALE cute Apricot Toi A FUN, SIMPLE, profitablo part- GITE EUOP Poodios. One femmie, two maiges timo business of your own for i G FTE EUOPEN aPhOne68807 or »63760. $245.00. FuIl training and sup. CARD A N D PALM REA DER_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ port. For appointmnt cili Mr. We'l ask ou noquestions, vet read youi FOR SALE red fêmala ekib2w4296n.i am 6 Ilke a book. Many have sought her ad- vice on ail problems of Ilie. One readlng wIll convince O of her great knowledge. Readîngs are private and confidontial-.Seven days aweek.« cFor appolntment, 9 a.m. ta 9 p.m. 741-6019 '~MAINTENANCE-INDOOR AND OUTDOOR Painting and Decoratlng Cai 576-0507 day or night, except. tues. & Thurs. M M M M M M t .1 DURHAM DIVORCE SERVICE I I $195. plus court costs.I il 723-1616I I 3rd Vear of ServiceI HOUSECLEANING SERVICES Residentlal-Commercial We of fer a professl9nal service at reasonable rates. Cali Crystal Cîsan Caretaking at 723-3536 for a Fre Estimais. (24 hour service) ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING SERVICE oAdditions *Renovations *Permlts @Etc. oReasonabîe Rates Buider lnqulies Welcome _______ 728.1 157 COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment -your skif tone & enhance your best features.j Only $30 per consultation Cal 66-770 LEAVE YOIJR LEUES 10 usi We do yard cioaning, tree pruning and maintenance for reasanable rates. Caii 725-8732. Il THE GENERAL CONTRACTORS Speciaiizing ln 'asphait ceiiing and repair, concrete repair, iandscaping, iawn mowing, and generai dlean- upa. No job to mrait we do il ail. Free Estimate. Caiu 579. 4540, anytime. MATURE RELIABLE LADY wiii do generai houa. work, experience over 15 yeara, owni transpor- talion. Coul Barbara et 725-9154. LIVE-IN HOUSEICEEPER. Ex- perienced. Love chiidren. 428- 0877. Dachshund pupples. Phonoe668. TRARILERS FOOSA.EALE 381 HOUSE TRAILER an scenic, lakosido lot fuiiy furn. with 4 po. bath, fridgo, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunku, 10x24' dock and gardon shed. Locmtod on Scugog Island. Aaking $0,500. M042. Cmi RMS4MG WUECTO _ ~ANG1NEMNS~CEENS WANTED antqusoid furnlîure.M LE SNOWIFLAKES Water Calours by Maureen Remington, November 101h ta 24th (Inclusive) You are cordialiy lnvted ta the rocoption on Sturday 101h Novomber, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m. In th. Auditorium at Whitby Public Library, 405 Dundas Street Weut, Whitby. Music wili be by Joy end Fred Brooks. Opening haurs: Monday 10 Friday 9:30 a.m. ta 9 p.m., Saturday 9 a.m. ta 5 p.m., ciosed Sundays. 'CFON GRATULATIONS on your forthcoming mnarriage. Piesse' view aur semples of engraved wedding Invitations at your tel- sure In aur Ajax Plaza store. Dlck- son PrInting & Office Supplies SERVICES LOVING MOTHER wiii babysit ln My homne near Dublin and Lupin Streets ln Whitby. Any age. Please Cali 668.3726,anytime. RELIABLE day care availabie In my Ajax homo. I arn a registered nurso with 2 children, full or part- tUme. Caii 427-7933. BRAND NEW customn buiid Nur- sory Day Care Centre ln new Westney Heights subdivision Ajax. Oponing Monday. Navem- ber 12, 1984. Limitod amount of spaces ieft In preachool and lad- dier sections, ail staff, fuiiy E.C.E. qualified, no non-quaiifiod staff, experienced chef to Cook meais, chiid teacher ratio tod- diers 1 ln 5, preschoolers 1 In 8. Smaiier groupe, botter iearning and understanding for your chlIid. For more Information piease Cai Carol, Mon. to Fni. daya, 668-9455 or Pamela eveninga and weeken- ds 576-4019.1 CCONDOS OR RNT SELF.CONTAINED thrée room ED C sOAL partment, downtawn Whitby, c 1. $375 par month, utitities In- 'I SER V~ICE ~E iuded, references required. 666. .FREE: Drop mbt the Dickson 9 3121 afler 4:30 p.m. Printing & Office Suppiy store ln "GRAMMAR for peopi'e who hale ______________ the Ajax Plaza and pick up a frea' grammer' la the ideai pocket copy of thoir 1984 Mtric Calon- reference bock for business ______________ dar. Printed In two colours . il peopie. $3.95 per copy and availi. R om s I makos for handy reforence. 683-9 able et Oickson Printing & Office ) OO m«If 198 Suppiles ln the Ajax Plaza. Dealer ll enquiries invited 683-1968. TYPEWRITER rentai, manymokos and models, by the weekend,. week or month. ,Discount& avail- abue. Dickson PrInling &,Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repgIrs 683-1968. SATIJRDAY, NOVEMBER 10. 10 a.m. 10 4 p.m. One round kitchen table with 2 chairs, Mates bed, air-conditionor, skates, baby Items and ciothes and othor hausehold Items. 629 Byron St. S. ROOMS FOR RENT downtown WhIlby, large yard, $50 a week. 666-3121 afler 4:30 p.m. WHITOY OFFICE SPACE for rent on professionai floor. Wouid be suitabie for tawyer, accountant, atc. Rent Includes ail ulilios andl la negotiabie for an appropriale tenant. For furher Information oei 8-6372 between 9:30 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday to Frlday. chinad gluas.Phonoec85&3526. WE PAY CASH for fumnIture and antiques. SpeclallzIng ln com. Piste household contonts. Cmii 831-3234 or 831-3235. WANTED AUSED APPLIANCES <Wrking or Not) WE BUY, SELL IRjDITION B&L LANDSCAPING GARDEN MAINTENANCE Residontiai, Commercli. Pruning, tree removai, sidewalks, patios, fencing, iawns seeded, sodded, fer- tilized, 30 years. Durham Region. 623-3299 PALLOCK ORCHARDS G ROWERS WH ITBY Featuring apples, pears, cider, Honey potatoes etc. Everyday low prices. Flrst' entrance forth of Rossland on Hwy. 12 'east side. Open DaIly. PROP A SKEG REPAIRS (5 day service). Expert boat repairea- do. It-yourseif -fibregiaso supplies.- Oshawa Glss Fibre - Rmyplex. 341 Durham St., 579-1433. ~~PAfln CAR REPAIRS bodywork, tunie. ups, paint job, etc. Remaonmbie rates. 688-7820 anytime. DONTr LISTEN to anyone eise, we psy top dollar for scrap cars and trucks. 868.712. W FORAI.SALE JEEP AMC 6 cylinder, rebulit, nover used, $150. Phono 668& 0657. 1978 CORDOBA goad condition, ioaded, as se, boat offor. Phone aller 6:30 p.m. or woekends 6U8 9175. 1973 DODGE VAN needa somne work, good drive-lino, boat offer. 668-9164. 1973 PONTIAC maroon, good motar and tires, $50. Phone 668- 3501. ~.~.,.ARARTICLE FOR SALEFOR SALE FOR SALE 24 usod woodon trusses. Uesed 2x4s rmndom longiha. 668O.890 VISIT our used furniture wmro- 4touse by appointment. Big; sivings on deoko, chairs, fililngi cabinets, etc. Cmii Dickson Print-: lng & Office Supplies to arrange- an appaîniment ta view. 683- 1968. 'bNESTENFIELD suites, love-f seuts, soctionais, issu than W p rice. Large selection. McKe.n. " umiture. 524 SIMOas St. 8., Oshawa. 725-5181. FOR SALE et ai drums, anars, bas, tenor, zîmmor and ride symbol, top hottand stool, sticks and brushes. 666.3M8. RNIWffRE MRPPN Reflnishing f& CUstorn Upholstei'y ANTIQUES -80UGHT & SOLD Open 7 Daysa Week 41e Dundos St. E. Whltby OnLî68m41 CHgc-Kôü'R O RSAL RES OnALL chstefeA dsbdoNHAstsolo L2 nig ios ad ichn uieOedLt.. J 1 WE STRFWI- N~FlI ~FMIMT MATTRESSES and box apri ngs at haif prico. McKeen Furniture, 524 fiimcoe Street South, OshaWa. 725-5181. UEOTYPE press-on iettering now n stock et Dickson PnInting & 0f- f ice Supplies In the Ajax Shop- ping Plaza. Large soiection of styles and sizes. Why psy mors for a smaiier sheet of iettoning? 683-1968. BARRELS - Whiakey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranteed, wet, f ree deiivery. 686-1645 or 686-0257, "HEROIES of the Bible" cotourlng book availabieetaIDtckson Print- ing & Office Suppiy, Ajax Plaza, 883-1968. Dae qile n vited. eseinurei- 1It was a lng drop but w orth thq effort to order Charie's supplies from Oickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. CA S [A-. 6316 Become a barrier today. Lomrn 10 be a business person wlth. responsibility -iwhle aerning money. Become the outstand- lng darrier of the month and"' become a winneri Taik 10 our Circulation Manager, Cail 668-6111 Todmyl WHITBY <FREE PRESS ARTICLES FOR SALE, AUCTIONS, REAL ESTATE, AND MORE... AI Please check your advertisement for e.-rors on trie f irsi day of publication. The Whitby Free Press wiii not be iiable for failure to publish an ad,or for typographic errors in PLi Ca- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the enî r up to a maximum cost of the f irsi insertion. The Whitby rree Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- mrents. Ads must appear 1i'n the paper one day before they canbe changed or canceiied. CLASSFiEDRATES: $3.50 for 20 words; 110 each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Ciassified Ad to ýTTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTISERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card readly when caiiing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the first 100 words; 121p each additlonai word. IN MEMORîAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the f irst 50 words; 1121ceach additionai word. AUCTION SALES - 34s per lne. (No word ads aiiowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are availabie at an additionau charge of $200. The Whitby Free Press wili make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, lîowever, w. ac. cept no iiability regarding ioss or damage alieged to arise through fallure or deiay ln forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie 'for box number replies not called for within 30 days. DEADLINES: Monday noon prior to publication to Insert or cancel Classlfled Ads. Friday noon prior to publication to insert or canCel Emporium Ads. CALL 668-6111 i i ATCLES.] GARAG ~FOR RENT YSASAES AD: WORK WONDERS wAITAO CALL 08MI11 wwmmmý à

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