Whitby Free Press, 17 Oct 1984, p. 16

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PAGE 16, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 17, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Corridor Capers j By MARY MCEACHERN kYCali 725-8967 wlth Items for this column C.A.R.A. The newsletter bas been dlstributed to area residents, and as promised a llst of the executive: Colin Duddrldge, president (571-1627); John Lama, first vice-president (725-828); David Bunn, second vice-president (725-1338); Dianna, Duddridge, recording secretary (571-1627); Mary McEachern, correspondence secretar (725-8967); and, Lynn Majoras, treasurer (723-1680). IWHITBYTIGERS83 I IAIN 668 RIC 668. RUNNING CLUB. BARRON 1-5591 'HARD ATTWOOLL 1-0584 1 WE b NTÇREI UMNEEDL~EONT WESTMINSTER UNITED CHURCH This Saturday, (Oct. 20) from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m., Westminster United Church will hold their annual turkey supper. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for children under 12 and pre-scboolers are free. For tickets caîl Erma Wood, or Elizabeth Hatter, Grace Brown, M. Swain, J. Witeside, Helen Joynt, R. Roness or Greta Hope. Choir Practice - There will be no practice this week (adult). Backs residents- opposition Coundeil rejeen.ts gas bar for Mann*mg. Plaza . The Corridor Area Ratepayers Association has been a chartered group for 10 years. We have been very pleased to be able to conitribute our services and financial assistance ta community members and projects in Wbitby. If you have. any questions, please contact one of the above; To become a mem- ber, contact one of the executive. Membershlp Is $2 a family for a five year perlod. CAPERS BALL The loth Annlversary Bail wiIl be held at Heyden- shore Pavillion on Saturday, Oct, 27 fromn 8:30 p.m. ta .1 a.m. There wil be a 17-piece orchestra as wel as a dise jockey. There will be a raffle on a portable electronic typewriter (courtesy Olivetti Canada Ltd.) and the draw will take place for the airpiane ride around C.N. Tower, and $100 in cash prizes., To purchase your ticket for the draw, contact any executive member. There will be, a licensed bar, lunch, snacks' and many other prizes. This is how aur funds are-raised. We need yau, our community friends to par- ticipate. Tickets are $12 a couple for non-members or $10 a couple for members. Don't delay, cal one of our executives today, and reserve your ticket. THANK YOU Harold and Jean Parsons would like ta tbank their friends who made their 4th wedding anniversary a memorable occasion. Tbanks for your gifts, cards and good wishes. A special thank you ta aur daughter Joanne and ber family and Mary Town and ber family for arranging the celebration. Jean and Harold. BAZAAR - FAIRVIEW LODGE Wednesday, Oct. 17 the residents and staff of Fairview Lodge, 632 Dundas St. W. in Whitby, will hold their annual bazaar from 2 ta 4 p.m. in the auditorium. For sale will be clothes, crafts and toys, all hand made by the residents, as well as home bakîng and white elephant table, Refresbments and sandwiches will be served in the tea room. There is no ad- mission charge, but any donations would be gratefully received. Despite the developer's last minute plea ta review the situation, Wbitby Town, Coundil bas rejected an application ta build a gas bar in the plaza being constructed at the corner of Anderson St. and Manning Rd., At its meeting last week, Peter Plastina of Landerson Investments Ltd., asked council ta send the matter back ta comrmittee 50 that he could bring in an alter- native proposal that would be more accep- table ta, area residents. When this matter was before council's ad- ministrative commit- tee, residents from the neighbouring area voiced loud objections ta it citmng a wide range of detrimental im- placations including noise and increased traffic. "'Ail I ask is that the matter -be tabled," Plastina said, "I want a chance ta, voice aur solutions ta the neigh- bourhoods' problems." However, Coun. Joe Bugelli noted that about 50 area residents ap- peared before the com- mittee. "One of the biggest objections," . he said, "4was that no reference was made ta a gas bar in the original site plan. " Bugelli said that if the gas bar bad been part of the original site plan application, they would bave voiced objections ta it then. He added the residents have no objec- tion ta the plaza itself. "Tbey just do not want it, " Bugelli added. The councillor pointed -out that the. number of gas stations in town bas decreased since 1M8. There are now, 32 stations in town as op- posed to 37 two- years ago. "It is obvious that the town cannot support this znany gas stations," Bugelli said. Plastina indicated ta, council that if no solution could be faund. then he was willing ta, withdraw the ap- plication.- "We just thougbt it was a natural tbing,"1 he said, "If aur solutions are not acceptable, then fine." Reg. Coun. Tom Ed- wards noted that a few montbs ago, the caundil rejected a similar proposai for the corner of Brock St. and Man- ning Rd., not balf-a-mile from the site of this ap- plication. He noted. that this proposaI was denied on a recammendation from planning staff. STo return tbe matter ta cammittee, ,as Plastina requested, would. cause 'council ta, lase face with, area, __HIFI~ FISHIBR 0.H6HI-FI_ WAS. JUST OUR FIRST INVENTION. PC300 Studio Standard 26-ic *0_ ____ Colour TVIHigh Resolution * VCRTelevision Monitor. WAS/: . $599~ Fisher'& got state-f-the-art technoiogy *up ta 8 hours recording and pisybaclc and the convenience of remate contrai *9-day/1 oyant programmable timer with NEW LOW PRICE ail roîîed up into one In their FVH6 15 VHS everyday tunction videa cassette recarder. You can record, *Cue, Review, Stili and Pause functions piay, pause, stili frame, rawind, revIew, fast *Saft-touch contrais I forward and cue with the unIt's hand held *Soft.eject system $5 9 contrai. Plus, this affordable VCR also 0105-channel eiactronic tuner Includes a 9-day/i-avent programmable @8-function wired remote contrai timer and 105-channel elactronic tuner. eAuto rewind system * FVH72O * VCR * FULL PRICE Fîshers 26-înch TV/Monitor combines el17-button wlreiess infrared remote contrai gra ooking contamparary design and with random accesa channel eeiection for 0superb high picture resolution. It aisc o aperation oflunit 0 $ 9 9features 112 channel receiving cspabiiity 'Digital channel number display< Icudng ail VHF/UHF and 30 cable *Camb flter, picture resalution 400 fines lrom 0 FISHER VHS VIDEO CASSETTE RECORDER *105-channel cable ready tuner wlth channeis, random access wlreless remole vldeo Input * REBATE WITH WIRELESS INFRARED REMOTE 12-preset channels " contrai, Input and output jacks ta connect *3-Watt single audio amplifier with full CONTROL *9-day/i-avent programmable timer wlth a VCR, and a sterea adaptar jack. range 2.4' by &.3' speaker 0 If yau're out taoi ncrease your TV vlewlng every day function eRecelvs alal VHF/UHF channels plus 30 f26" Im-une gun black matrix picture tube, * 25cassette recarder ta, do the job. And Fisher (EP mode only) has ana that wlll give yau viewing enjoyment e8-tunctIon wreless infrared remote contrai * OUR for years ta came-the FVH 720 VCR. lus FULL PRICE REBATE * YOUR FINAL COST' FINAL COST design, 105-channal cabie ready tuner, 9-day/ s6 4 5 8functlon weless Infradr:rnate contrai.ma 1O099 Mana 5 =01 4 0 $6 7 «'95 So t's just the unit te make any audia/vIdea yseco pl sybc rio aste Must b. purchaSod by October 27, 1984, to get rebat. *Powar-drlven frant-laadlng mechanlsm wth tapa-ln Indic atar THEGREAREAT 76 Baldwin St., Hwy. 12, Brooklin 111-Fl M AS Il STOUR FIR.ç'rIiN1 I-WAJSUFISHIENRN residents, Edwards ad-. ded. "We would damage aur credibillty with these people," he said, "If we were toproceed in that manner it would be breaking faill i wth them."Y Strong opposition ta the proposai was also beard from East Ward Coun. Joe Drumm. I1, frankly, don't tbink its a place for a gas station," he said, "thae people, unquestianably, have sai4 no. I just can't see it being there." Apology The Whitby Free, Press made a typographical error inala story publisbed last week (Oct. 10) cancer- mng the openmng of the 39th season of the Whit- by. Duplicate Bridge club. In that story we.said: "In 1971, Harvey and Donalda Harvey (mem- bers since 1951) donated a trophy ta ha awarded ta the, player with the bigh average score for the season." .We shauld have said that Harvey and Donalda Winter donated the trophy. The Whitby Free Press would like ta apologise for the erro r and regrets any incan- venience caused. m If ÂJ

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