Whitby Free Press, 10 Oct 1984, p. 20

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PAGE 20, WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 10, 1984, WHITBY FREE PRESS Whltby's Most WIdeIy Read 0F -long ~3~ E~ ~ VACAOTIUTONI SARTICLES 5e ~ARTICLES VENAATONMIYRENT FO LE FOR SALE 9 FOR SALE ARCHITECTURAL DRAFTING SERVICE eEtc. eReasonable Rates Builder Inquiries Welcome 728-1'157 GUITAR LESSONS. Cl le COLOUR ANALYSIS Discover the colours & shades that com- pliment your skmn tone & enhance your best features, OnIy $30 par consuliation Cali 666-2770 THEGENERAL CONTRACTORS Specializing 'in asphait cailingi and repair, concrete repair, landscaplng, iawn mowIng, and generai ctean. upa. No job 10 srnall we do il ail. Free Estîmate. Cal 579- 4540, anytIme. ANNONEM ENTS CONGRATULATIONS on your forthcoming marriage. Pteasa view our samples of engraved wedding Invitations ai your lai- sure in our Ajax Plaza store. Dick- son Prlnting & Office SupJplies 683-19U8. FREE: Drop Into the DIckson Printing & Office Supply store ln the Ajax Plaza and pick Up a free copy of their 1984 Meiric Calen. dar. Printed In two colours. fi makes for handy referance. 683- TYPEWRITER rentai, manymakes and modela, by the weekend, week or month. Discounts avait- able. Dickson Printing & Office Supplies ln the Ajax Plaza. Cali us for business machine repaira 883-1968. PALMISTRY - card Reading -Tee Cupa. Private and party readinga. Spectal rates on groupa of five or more. Appointments only. 68- 7169. SCOTT'S HOME TREATMENT $35 par visit for 5 rooms, (dishes, int. windows and inen change Inciuded). Additional charges for iaundry, axterior windows, watts and lawns. 95 p.M. 571-3160, TAPING, drywail, framtng, plaster repaira, decorativa stucco, sprayed or suspended T-Bar celinga, rec rooma, 15 years ex- perlence. References. Caîl Leo 579-9982. FLORAL DESIGN classes star. ting October 24. For Informailon Clearwater - Three bedroom mobile homes. Heated pools, C'tennis, close ta beachea and ma t racioschsdrn hom) 63-550 OR 'RENT GIFTED EUROPEAN CARDAND PALM READER We'li ask you no questions, yet read you lîke a book. Many have sought her ad- vice-on aIl problems of lfe. One readi *ng wIII ConvinCe you of her great knowîedge. Readîngs are prîvate and confidentîal. Seven days a week. For appolntment, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. 741-6019 APARTMENTS/ EET CODSFOR RENVT __j SPECIALLY DESIGNED Summer ONE DEDROOM APARTMENT ln smai Whltby building. Adulis only. Includes fridge, siove, hydro and parking. Cable TV and laundry facililes availabte. Avalable November 1. $371 mon. thly. '668-6372 between 9:30 a.m, and 5p.m. L-OODAIMMMODDAT0N WAWATED LADY WANTS FURNISHED apar. Computer Courses for academnIcaiiy advanced In- dividuals. 683-2226. FURNACE QIL wanted, reasonable prices pald for bulk amount, tanks removed, fuel all relocated. For information cali 723-3973. WANTED' USED APPLIAN CES (Worklng or Not) WE BUY, SELL RECON DITION 131 ewod . 1978 FORD EXPLORER F150 p.b., ps., AM/FM radio, ce unit, blua with cap. Asklng $3,000 as la or beat of fer. 668-0246. 1974 GREMLIN, 6 cylindar, aulomallo, air condition, $400. Phone 668-3912. AUVOTIVE ~REPAIR/'~RPARTS ASSORTMENT 0F ENGINES guaranteed for sale, also ln- stalled Ford truck parts, tran- smission, alternator, starter and tires. Cali 576-0653. CAR REPAIRS bodywork,, lune. upa, paint job, etc. Reasonabla LJ SA LES _________ W.MOTORCYCLESI SATLJRDAY, OCTOBER 13 10 f A Whitby. Mscellaneous Items, boys toys and games. GARAGE SALE Large variety of Items. October 13, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. 908 Henry St. GARDEING AN UPLE MISTER TRIM Lawn and Garden Service. Grass cutting, pruning, fertiitzing, weed spraying, Ian. dscaptng, top dressing, fait dlean-up. Free estimates. 579.- 6671. B&L tAN DSCAPING GARDEN MAINTENANCE Rasidential, Commercial. Pruning, tree removai, sidewalka, patios, fencing, iawns seeded, sodded, fer- titized, 30 years. Durham Regian. 623-3299 SERICE - ETIO TINAL EXPERIENCED and reliabta day Ui SERIERVICES care avaliable ln my nome. Har- mony Rd. and Olive area, any age chiid waicoma. Please cali 728- 4394. 1980 CX 500 HONDA wiih op- tions, $1,500. Phone 683-1803. It was a Ion g drop but worth the effort to order C harlie's supplies from Dickson Printing & Office Supplies in the Ajax Plaza. IICLLUSTl.6318 "GRAMMAR for people Who haie grammar" ls the ideat packei raference book for business People. $3.95 per copy and aveul- able ai Dickson Priniing & Office Washer, dryer. Whitby. Navem ___________________683_1968. ber. Cali 426-5475 afler 5 p.m. M NE OUSEHOLO nure nvtd6316 < GOOSI OFFICESPACE SPLE Y FORRENTI UPLE WE'VEBEEN PROP à SI<EG REPAIRS (5 day WHITY OFIEE'VECEfoEEN tservice). Expert boat repaira - do- WHIBY FFIE SACEforran HEEN ilyOsha l fibreasssuplies on profassional f loor. Would ba ER i-osalass ibre a piex. suitebla, for îawyar, accaunltant, 7 VEARS! 341 Durham St. 579-1433. etc. Rantiincludes ail utilitias and sa negotiabla for an apprapriale WHERE tenant. For furthar Information HAVE YOU BEEN? _____________ Cal 68372bewee 9:0 aT RAL ER S ct66632btn90and 5 p.m. Monday ta Friday. Sohid Pine & Oak ' FOR SA I E] HELP FIGNT KIDNEY DISEASEn 36' HOUSE TRAILER an scenic lakasida lot fully furn. with 4 Pc. bath, fridga, stove, etc. Master bedroom and 2 bunks, 10x24' dack and gardon shed. Lacated on Scugog Iland. Asking $6.500. Ciii l655-4069. FIREWOOD FOR SALE ALL SEASON HARDWOOD 576-8340 or 723-2021 MOVING SALE: One year old 13 GEOTYPE press-on ietiering now place solid rock maple dlnlng In stock at Dickson Prlntlng & 0f- room suite, table extends to 86". fice Supplies ln the Ajax Shop. Apartment sîze piano. Rock plng Plaza. Large selectlon of' maple double bed and dresser styles and sizes. Why pay more with box sprlng and mattrese. 5 for a smiller sheet of leiterlng? place solld wood twln bedroomn 683196". suite. 4 year old Kenmore whitea washer and dryer. Avacoda f rldge CHESTERFIELD suites, love-,, and stove. Gos 880wlth all ac- seats, sectlonais, leas than 1 k cessories. Plus many prîce. Large selection. McKeen miacellaneous household Items FumnIture. 524 Slmcoe St. S., and plants. Everything ln new Oshawa. 725-5181. condition. Telephone 683-8261. _____________ 1981 PIANO $850 or besi offer. VITAMINS VITAMINS Phone 438«899, days or 831. Mail Order Pricea by, phone. 2644, evenings. Cali 728-4694, 725-5310. Write, cali or vieil showroom, 250 Stevenson Rd. S., «HEROES af the Bible" colourlng Oshawa for .iamîason book available at Dickson Print- products. and prîce liai. Ing & Office Supply, Ajax Plaza, Money Back Guarantea. 683-1968. Dealer Inqulits in- WATKINS producis aiso vited. /availabla. b5 0 EVRPCTR ESRE AFAE WE STREC HNEEDLEPOIHNT- 8 2 F O T R 6 8 4 2 CH7ECK OUR LOW EVERYDAY PRICES diraing rooms. nmi kitchen suites, beds. etc. nELMER'S FURNITURE 253 Bloor St. E. (At Ritson) Oshawa FURNITURE STIPPING Refinishing & Custom Upholstery ANTIQUES BOUGHT&SOLD Open 7 Days a Week êrnitur/ 41,3 Dundas St. E. Whitby Ont.1668-5481 DARRELS.- Whlskey, $25. Rum, $30. Guaranîeed, wet, free ë ~ , ~ q a l deiivery. 686-1645 or 686-0257. ~ ~ "'a MATTRESSES and box springs et' hait price. McKeen FurnIlure, 524 Simcae Street South, Oshawa. 725-5181. VISIT aur used furnilure ware- house by appoinimeni. Big savings on desks, chairs, filiing cabinets, etc. Cati Dicksôn Print. lng & Office Supplies la arrange an eppainiment ta view.- 683- 1968. A Please bheck your advertisernent for e;rors on the first aay of publication. The Whitby Free Press wili not be liable for failure to publish an ad, or for typographi"c errors in publica- tion beyond the cost of the space occupied by the error up to a maximum cost of the f irst insertion. The Whitby Free Press reserves the right to classify or reject ail advertise- mne nts. Ads must appear in the naper one day before they can be changed or cancelled. CLASSIFIED, RATES: $3.50 for 20 words; l; each addition- ai word if pre-paid. You may charge your Classified Ad to TTENTION DISPLAY & CLASSIFIED ADVERTUSERS your Chargex or Visa account. Please have your Visa card ready when caiiing. BIRTHS, DEATHS - $7.00 for the f irsi 100 words; 12c each additionai word. IN MEMORIAMS, CARDS 0F THANKS - $8.00 for the first 50 words; 12o each additional word. AUCTION SALES - 341t per line. (No word ads allowed.) BOX NUMBERS: Box numbers are available at an additional charge of $2.00. The Whitby Free Press will make every en- deavour to forward replies to box numbers, however, we ac- cept no liability regarding loss or damrage alleged to arise through failure oi deîay in forwarding such replies. We will not be responsibie for box number replies not cailed for within 30 days. DEADLIN ES: Monday noon pri or to pubiiéation to insert or cancel Cîassified Ads. Friday noon prior to'publication to insert or cancel Emporium Ads CALL 668-6111 f.$ ., 4 FARM LAND FOR RENT 19.8 hectares 49.0 acres) of agricuitural land, situated in the Town of whrtby'and located on the forth side of Victoria Road directly west of Jet- ferey Street. Applications wiIl be accepted ln Toronto until 3:00 p.m., Friday, October 26,1984. For applications and f urther information cali Martha McBurnie, Tel. 416) 965-2040. 1.0. 139 File No.: M740-2 SMnsry 0f Government Serices Ontario t, 1 'l ýt , > 1't., .,.ý

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