WHITI3Y FREE PRESS. WEDNESDAY. OCTOBER 3. 1984, PACE 1-3 drîLiunc lasln as lot. The most meticulous And, after thirty years design and the finest of building homes in features and finishes go Canada, as well as the into every home, but United States, Costain that's only a part of it. has learned that by care- When you fully monitoring have superior every phase of workmen, you construction, get superior work- potential prob- manship. That's lems are virtually why we employ eliminated which only the most enables us to experienced, dedi- deliver as much cated and exact- home as possible îng craftsmen. for the dollar. FALLINGB RO K-. SALES CENTREOPN Monday - Thursday 12:00 noon - 8:00 p.mn., Frîday 12:00 noon - 6:00 p.m., Sat., Sun. & Hols. 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Telephone 427-6676 Corne and visit us dur - ing our Grand Opening this month. See -our many different floorpians and discover why you,Whitby and CostainE were ail ma de COIJAIN for each other. S FALUNGBRODI< ROSUNDRD Cr CD, ccc DUNDAS SITE.< T.E HWY 4 z VIRIA ST MMOI>#ý48># mm%ý as Iqqualopp,