.L n Lj 1-4 a M ,L'r1 i A r1AJJ.A o. 1 fO9, rJju. Whitby Arts kicks off campaign fornew members Beginning this Sunday to introduce new Week" by Mayor Bob "Surroundings Two of activities from per person anytime and Henry Sts. It is0 (Sept. 30), the Whitby residents of the town to Attersley and will be as Points of Vîew" on Oct. children's and adults' during the montb of Oc- from 12 noon to 5 j Arts will be conducting the- programs and ser- ' the base of a mass cam- 5 at 8:3o0p.m art classes to special tober. Family member- Tuesdays to Frich a membership drive in vices offered by the paign in the community In addition to its social events. ships wii bring up to from 6 to 9 f an effort to increase the local arts group. which will culminate regular program 0of As an added bonus to five free passes. Tuesdays to Thursd vlsibiity of the Whitby Next week bas been with the opening 0f the exhibits, the gallery anyone purchasing a Passes and Whitby and from 2 to 5 1 Arts Station Gallery and declared "Wbitby Arts gallery's October show also offers a wide range membership during the. Arts memberships are Saturdays and Sundf .... drive, any new or available from the For more inforna Irenewed member wWizll e~lrv. uhieh k 1nenpd É%011 t.ii 4l, p n Ch1-amber of Commerce president Don Frise officially kicked-off the membership drive of the Whitby Arts Station Gallery by buying the first 1985 membership. Frise (centre) is seen here bebind the model of the gallery at Cullen Gardens- and Miniature Village receivlng his membership card from Adele Stephens, the public relations manager of the Taunton Rd., tourigt attraction (lef t), while Jan Bishop (right), chairman of the gallery's membership committee takes bis money. Ail memberships purchased next week wiil entitle the new local arts supporter to a free pass to visit Cuilen Gardens which can be used throughout the month of October. Free Press Staff Photo Council gives band money to buy uniform shoulder'flashes open P.m. lys; Iays lays. ation 668- be given a free pass to Cullen Gardens and Miniature Village with the Wbitby Arts mem-, bership card. This pass will be valid for one visit ]Bridge The following are. the results of last week's play at the Whitby Duplicate Bridge Club as reported by Mrs. Jim Wharrie. North and South: Bert VanNoord and Henk Hellendoorn, 57; Mr. and Mrs. Lee Evans, 531/; Mr. and Mrs. Jim Wharrie, 50/; and, Mr. and Mrs. George Magvas, 48. East and West: Margaret Wilson and June Davidson, 50/ Mrs. George Steffler and Mrs. Douglas Maundreil, 48h; Mr. and Mr*s. HarveyWin- ter, 46%; and, Clara Cooper and Betty Evans, 39. at the corner of Victoria caii me g anery -u 4185. DR. DANIEL 13OLSHIN DENTAL SURGEON s pleased to announce the opening of his offilce for the practice of GENERAL DENTISTRY at 858 BROCK ST. N., WHITBY 668-3884 An apparent about face on the -part of some memnbers of council bas resulted in an additional grant being given to the Whitby Brass Band. At its meeting Mon- day night, Whitby Town Council voted to give the brass band balf of the $378.78 needed to pur- chase new shoulder flashes for their unifor- ms. This grant will be in addition to the $10,000 grant they received earlier this year. (The band receives $10,000 every year from council to help meet is operating expenses.) The move was an about face from previous stands, taken most notably by Mayor Bob Attersley and Coun. Ross Batten. While Batten said that he is- still opposed to giving grants, the band's shoulder flashes will depict the marigold - Whitby's official flower. And because the band travels botb' nationally and inter- nationally, the grant wiil give the town another promotional tool. "We've been giving away marigold (stickers) like they were going out of style," he said, "It would be foolisb to deny this request. We are trying to promote Witby as the marigold capital 0f the world. " Attersley echoed these sentiments saying that things like these flashes are the "best publicity" available for the town. However, these remarks did not prevent Coun. Marcel Brunelle from taking both Batten and Attersley to task for their apparent about faces. "I was astonished that you made the motion (in committee) granting, funds to the Whitby Brass Band for the new badges," Brunelle told Attersley noting that three months ago the mayor had taken him to task for wanting to give a grant to a community organization. Coun. Joe. Drumm wantèd to give the band ail 0f the money needed for the flashes. He called bis collegues "a bunch of scrooges?" Reg. Coun. Tom Ed- wards said that the grant was "good money well spent." He couldn't, resist tweaking Attersley either. "This discussion bas caused more verbal squirming than I've seen in a long time," Edwards remarked., OSHAWA AJAX SCARBORO= 14 l4Simcoe St. S. 1313 Harwood N. 553 Markhm Rd. - (Just S. of John SI.) Jus! N. of Hwy. 401) (Jus! S. af Lawrence) S 579-1655 686-0719 431-4458 TH ALL APE EN R __ OPEN THU-RSDAY & FRIDAY NIGHTS UNTIL NINE - E~~~~i IIIIIIIIIII11 li11 il ii IIIiiii I1 l iiiiiiiJIImIi1R111111 MOIYMI ""Spdcizin o l éai e Ieeag For Purticulor People" 66'6*21 44 WMTBYFRREPRFSq-WFnNIF.qnÀY ýÇIPPI'FMRVU')4 109,4 PAr-tzi .ib.3